Awakened By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 1)

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Awakened By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 1) Page 20

by Vella Day

  “I’m good.” Kaleena stripped in record time. “Race you to the water.”

  There was something about Finn that made her want to challenge him.

  He took off and dove into the pool of water, looking like a professional diver. She jumped in. Strong hands grabbed her waist and dragged her to the surface.

  “I love you, Kaleena Sinclair.”

  Her heart soared at hearing the words. “I love you more.”

  He moved closer. “Is that how we’ll always be? One wonderful challenge after another?”

  She couldn’t quite tell whether that bothered him or not. “Only if you’re okay with it.”

  He tapped her nose. “It’s one of the many things I adore about you. You’re fearless, kind, passionate, and sexy as hell.”

  “How about showing me then?”

  Finn glanced over to the waterfall. “You’re on.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Finn still couldn’t believe how his life had turned around in such a short period of time. Not only did he have a kick ass woman that he loved, he could now fly.

  Because Finn swam in high school, he had no problem beating her to the falls. A quick duck and he was on the other side with the cave wall to his back. He hopped up onto a ledge that was maybe four feet deep and ten feet long. The water level only came partway up the front of the ledge so where he sat was dry. Kaleena surfaced two seconds later, coming up directly between his legs. She smiled.

  “This is better than anything I could dream up.”

  “Now when we dream-walk, we can come back here together.” Finn bent over and kissed Kaleena so passionately he almost toppled off the ledge. Their tongues entwined as if they were each trying to draw in as much solace and love as possible from their mate. They’d experienced something amazing in shifting into each other’s animals, and now they could revel in the comfort of each other’s arms.

  As they pulled apart, Kaleena panted. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. Holding onto the spot right above his ass, her mouth landed directly in front of his cock.

  Cocooned in their own world, Finn wanted to forget about Prince Rathan and make sweet love to his mate. He didn’t know whether it was his wolf clawing for release or his dragon, but if he didn’t have Kaleena soon, no telling what his body might do.

  Finn watched as she ran her tongue from the base of his cock to the tip and around the crown.

  “It’s no wonder I’m so desperate to have you when you do that,” he said, looking down at her as she continued to lave his dick in a show of love. Finn knew why; Kaleena Sinclair was his mate and the woman he loved.

  She tilted her head. “It’s because I’m sexy, precocious, tempting, smart, and talented.”

  Then Kaleena showed just how talented she was when she engulfed his cock into her hot mouth. When the tip hit the back of her throat, she swallowed.

  He gripped his hands on either side of her head and groaned. “That description nails it, baby.”

  Needing to taste her, Finn grabbed Kaleena under her arms and lifted her up next to him. He slid off the ledge into the water and then spread her legs wide. After easing open her folds, he leaned close and inhaled. Between the fresh aroma of the river and her unique womanly scent, Finn’s body went crazy. His animals seemed to be arguing with each other, trying to decide whether to shift into a wolf or a dragon. Dear god, help me!

  Hoping to calm his libido, Finn swiped his tongue across her slit and drank in her essence. Too bad that only made it worse. When Kaleena wiggled, he was hard pressed not to take her right away, but he wanted to bring her some relief first.

  He cupped her ass and squeezed her muscled rear before delving his tongue into her welcoming pussy. She moaned and tightened her hold on his hair. Believing she was close to a climax, he released one cheek and delved two fingers into her.

  “Oh, Finn.” Kaleena arched her back, and then placed her feet on his shoulders as she called out his name over and over again.

  As her body finally sagged from her climax, Finn hopped back up onto the ledge. He maneuvered Kaleena to her hands and knees and then moved behind her. Placing a palm lightly on her back, she rested on her elbows, leaving her luscious ass high in the air. Oh, sweet hell. He begged his animals to slow down.

  Finn reached underneath and cupped her breasts, rubbing and tweaking her hard nipples, but their wet slickness incited a fever inside of him. His cock hardened painfully in desperate need of release.

  Kaleena reached between her legs to give his dick a tug, and her strong grasp nearly made him come.

  “I need you, Kaleena. Now.”

  If he could feel the need rolling off of her, surely she could sense he was close to exploding too. She mercifully let go, allowing him to place his hard shaft against her greedy opening.

  Before he could ease into her, Kaleena drove her hips back, burying him right to the hilt, setting off a series of explosions that rippled up his spine. It was almost as if he were flying once more. Finn rolled her nipples between his fingers, and then lowered his hand to between her legs to press on her clit to give her the needed pressure.

  “More,” she panted.

  “More what?” he telepathed.

  “More of everything. I need you to consume me.”

  He was happy to oblige. Finn leaned over and nibbled on her neck as he plowed into her over and over again. The triple pleasure nearly undid him, but he wanted this experience to last—wanted to satisfy Kaleena and wanted to give her everything she needed and desired.

  She lifted her head and twisted it to the side to give him better access to her neck. Finn ran his tongue right below her chin, but as much as he wanted to sink his sharpened teeth into her, he needed the pleasure to last. His blue aura grew, and when his gaze moved over to his arms, some of the scales pulsed a dark maroon through his skin, implying he was close to exploding.

  Kaleena dropped her head down and pumped her hips back again to meet each of his thrusts. Her body not only glowed with her inner pink scales, but she too shot off a ton of blue sparks. Now that they’d mated, making love gave their magic so much power it sparked off an intense light show.

  No longer able to contain himself, he moved his hands to her waist and sunk his teeth into her neck. When her pussy gripped his cock, he could feel each ripple and pulse run up and down his shaft. She screamed out his name just as Finn shot his hot cum deep into her, wanting to brand her for life. If he thought flying was a high, nothing compared to this experience.

  Their breaths came out rapid and Kaleena’s back heaved. After wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his head against her back, he finally regained enough energy to lick the slight puncture wound. “I never want to leave here.”

  Excitement and pure pleasure poured off her. Eventually, her body sagged, and he had to hold her so she didn’t go face first onto the ledge. Finn then gently rolled her onto her back to let her catch her breath.

  After he jumped into the clear turquoise water below, Kaleena finally sat up. He reached up and lifted her down into the water, holding her against his body.

  Kaleena wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, Finn McKinnon, with my whole heart.”

  “I love you more.”

  She laughed. Life with Kaleena was going to be fun and always exciting. “As much as I would like to stay here for a few more hours, we should head back. I don’t imagine this lull will last for much longer, and I want both of us to be ready,” she said.

  He kissed her. “Spoilsport.”

  They leisurely swam side by side until they reached the shore. Once they emerged from the water, they ran around to dry off and then dressed.

  “Do you want to walk out,” she asked, “or be in your wolf form?”

  Since he could spend more time with her walking, he decided on the slower method of travel. “How about staying in our two-legged form?”


  Since the path was fairly wide, they walked hand
in hand. Once they arrived at the clearing, Kaleena checked out the area before emerging.

  “It’s clear,” she said. “Race you back to the castle?”

  “Don’t you ever just enjoy the day and go slow?”

  “I’m a full speed ahead girl, unless I’m sucking on your cock and trying to tease you.”

  “What have you done about Kaleena, your escapee? It’s been a week since her escape.” Rathan’s father asked as he leaned back in his chair and puffed on a cigar behind his desk. The wrinkles on his forehead were more pronounced than usual, implying his calm delivery was covering his anger.

  The smoke nearly choked him, but Rathan wouldn’t give his dad the satisfaction of waving away the white puffs. “I have scouts searching for her,” Rathan said, making his voice strong and bold to show he wouldn’t be cowed by the man—or rather this demon turned dragon.

  His father shook his head. “That’s not good enough. The rumors are growing. The press is saying we are responsible for taking white lighters and turning them to the dark side.”

  While it was true, they didn’t need their image tarnished. “Are you saying you think my dear cousin is responsible for the rumors?”

  “It’s possible, but you know as well as I that you are guilty of this crime.”

  These repeated accusations were driving Rathan crazy. His father was the one who demanded more dark magic. Where did he think all of it would come from, if not from turning these white lighters? It wasn’t as if they were willing to donate their magic to the Royals voluntarily, and the dark lighters weren’t as abundant as they used to be. Rathan had no choice but to force white lighters into the dark ways.

  Inhaling to keep from defending himself, he nodded.

  The king pointed his cigar at Rathan. “Now find your sneaky cousin and make sure she doesn’t talk ever again.” He shook his head. “To think I contemplated naming you as my successor.”

  Rathan nearly dropped to his knees. He was third in line to be king. “I thought you wanted Omar,” he blurted. Tarik, while a damn fine strategist, was better suited training the guards than running the province.

  “Omar only thinks about money and milking the people dry. While I appreciate his talent for now, he lacks leadership qualities. I don’t think he’s ready to be king.” His father stubbed out the cigar. “I want you to personally see to it that Kaleena is neutralized. The last buffoon you sent never returned. Take care of it yourself.”

  Rathan stood up taller. “I won’t let you down.”

  “See that you don’t. Now go and find her.”

  As Rathan made his way back to his office, his mind raced. Getting his hands dirty was always his last option, but he’d make an exception this time. Killing his cheeky cousin would bring him great delight.

  By the time he’d entered his area of the castle, he’d come up with a plan. Thorn, one of the palace guards approached, and Rathan stopped him. “Find Christian Milan for me and bring him to my office.”

  “Yes, sir. I recently saw him with Prince Omar.”

  “Well, get on with it then,” Rathan bellowed.

  Once seated at his desk, Rathan leaned back in his chair, pleased that he had one more chance to earn his father’s praise. Never would he have thought that someday he might be king, and the idea thrilled him to no end.

  Fifteen minutes after the summons, a knock sounded on his large double door. Rathan smoothed back his thick hair and straightened his tie. “Come in.”

  The door opened, and Christian was shown in. “You needed my services, sir?”

  From the way he was avoiding eye contact, he would be easy to manipulate. Rathan pointed to a chair facing his desk. “Have a seat.” He glanced up at the guard. “That will be all.” The door closed. “Did you do as I asked?”

  “Yes, sir. I found Kaleena and told her I was the one who drugged her.”

  “Good. And how did she take the news?”

  “As you would expect. She was angry until I told her that you’d threatened to kill my sister if I hadn’t obeyed. It’s why they didn’t incarcerate me.”

  “Excellent.” Rathan hadn’t expected this young lawyer to have such success. He had a promising future. “I’d like you to find out where she is now. If you do, I’ll call off my guard dogs, and your sister won’t be bothered again.”

  Christian let out a huge sigh. “Thank you, sir. Tory, Kaleena’s twin, seems to be taken with me. I’ll find her and see what I can learn.”

  “I’ll give you two days. Don’t disappoint me. Not only is your job on the line, so is your sister’s life.”

  “I understand.”

  “You’re dismissed.”

  Rathan was excited. If he timed things right, he might be able to steal Kaleena’s powers right before he killed her. Of course, he’d tell her he’d let her live if she sent her magic to him. If her life was on the line, she just might agree. He chuckled. That would give him all the power he needed.

  It was time to find Tarik. It would do him some good to get in a few sparring rounds before he solidified his next-in-line role as the future king.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  For the past two days, Kaleena and Finn had explored Grindale province as regular sightseers, sticking to the main towns to avoid being attacked. While dragons were always flying overhead, they rarely had room to land on the busy city streets.

  She and Finn were at a café enjoying the sights and sounds of Veridon, the largest city in Grindale, when a familiar feeling swept over her a second before a feminine voice entered her head. Kaleena immediately clasped the dragon scale necklace her sister had given her, even though she didn’t need it in this realm.

  “Kaleena?” It was Tory.

  Finn set down his drink, reached out, and touched her hand. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “It’s my sister,” she whispered.

  “What’s wrong?” Her twin would never contact her unless it was important.

  “I just spoke with Christian,” Tory telepathed. “He passed on the information to Rathan about your location. He swears he said nothing about Finn. If Rathan is to be believed, he will personally be coming after you. Soon.”

  Her heart beat hard. She might die from this encounter with the mighty warrior, or Finn could become a casualty, but she had to fight him. “Did he say when the attack would occur?”

  “Christian didn’t know, but from the way Rathan became animated at the news, he suspects it will be soon.”

  “Thanks for letting me know. We’ll be ready for him.”

  “Love you, sis.”

  “Love you back. We’ll be home soon.”

  “Take care,” Tory telepathed.

  Kaleena lowered her hand from her neck and then relayed what her twin had told her.

  “Do you believe Christian?” he asked.

  She didn’t want to be gullible, but somehow she did. “Yes. The whole thing could be a set up, but according to Tory, Christian acted sincere in wanting to help. In all honesty, it doesn’t matter. Even if Christian betrayed us, he did what we wanted, which was to tell Rathan where we are. We’re ready. Remember, we want Rathan to come after me. He’ll think it’s a slam dunk because we are isolated.”

  Finn leaned forward. “Why do you think it’s better to fight him here instead of back in Edendale? Your family could be there to protect you.”

  “I know, but if I’m surrounded by family, Rathan would never show up himself, and I need him dead. The only way to accomplish that is for me to fight him here. If I fail to take him down, you can finish him off.”

  “I know that’s what you’ve said, but I wish you’d let us both take him.”

  “That might be more effective, but I need to do this for closure.”

  Finn scanned the customers seated around them, clearly needing a moment to think. He returned his gaze back to her. “My family has had targets on their heads at various times, so I know how you feel. I’ve wanted many of them dead too.” He reached out and c
lasped her hand again. “I know that until this is resolved, you won’t really be free, so I’ll do as you ask.”

  She squeezed his hand and grinned. “Did I tell you that I love you?”

  He released his grip and winked at her. “Not in the last hour.”

  Kaleena leaned over and kissed him lightly. “I’ll try to remember to tell you more often.” She picked up her purse. “We should return and tell Gregor that the time is drawing near.”

  The next day turned out to be a bust. Finn hadn’t minded wandering around the woods while Kaleena soared into the air searching for Rathan, but Finn’s frustration level had definitely mounted. Even though Kaleena had a plan, he wasn’t totally comfortable with it. He was supposed to stay hidden in the forest in his wolf form and let Kaleena have first dibs at her evil cousin. She claimed that if Rathan spotted Finn, he’d probably lie in wait until she was alone.

  If Christian’s intel could be believed, Rathan would be there soon. But when? She saw no reason for him not to act right away.

  Kaleena had instructed Gregor’s men to stand down too, so their usual grid search had been canceled. While the field and woods were close to the castle, all evidence of anyone living there had been hidden. Not that the building looked abandoned, but it didn’t appear as if anyone had resided there for quite some time.

  “I’m sensing something,” Kaleena suddenly telepathed as she soared above the field. A hint of fear was blended with excitement.

  “Do you see him?”

  “No. Rathan would cloak himself, but my magic allows me to sense his vibrations. He can’t truly hide from me. He’s coming.”

  “Does he know you can tell he’s close?”

  “I don’t think so.” She sounded unsure.

  Because Finn had inherited all of Kaleena’s magic during their mating, he debated ignoring her request to let her take on Rathan first. If her cousin spotted Finn’s dragon though, he might turn tail and return to Edendale until he could get Kaleena alone. Finn wanted this threat to end here and now for her.


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