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Dragon Whelps: Earth Dragons Series: Book 3

Page 4

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “I won’t stalk you or anything. I promise.” This was a woman after his own heart. It didn’t matter that he didn’t know her name. Not even a little bit, and yet, he wanted to know. He could see she wasn’t going to budge. “It’s a state. I remember that much. Fuck if I can remember which one.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You can call me whatever you want.”

  “I wouldn’t mind knowing your name, though. Just your name.” Damn, but he was starting to sound like a pussy. “No need for a surname. No need for any other information swapping.”

  She just stared up at him with those gorgeous green eyes.

  “Is it Carolina…Caroline! It’s Caroline,” he blurted.

  She laughed and shook her head.

  “Texas…your name is Texas, isn’t it? Odd name but…we’ll go with it.”

  She laughed even harder and he found himself loving it. It seemed he could help her unwind using more than just his dick. Made him feel…good.

  “Montana…no…no…Dakota? It’s Dakota, right?”

  She shook her head, still laughing her ass off. “I’m not telling you either way.”

  “How about Alabama?”

  She smiled, biting down on her lip.

  “If you don’t tell me, I’m calling you by every state there is. That way I will have covered them all by the end of the night and will have called you by your name at least once.”

  Her smile widened and something flared in her eyes. “You know every state by heart?”

  “I do…at least, I’m pretty sure I do.”

  “Okay, then.”

  “Okay, Alabama…let’s go.” He squeezed her hand.

  Chapter 6

  Shale was just as she remembered him, tall, dark and absurdly gorgeous. The last only incensed her more. Bastard! His eyes widened as they landed on her belly. She could see his mind work.

  Yes asshole, this is exactly the way it looks!

  She almost felt like laughing while she watched him shit his pants. Not literally of course, but it wasn’t far off. She made her way over, hating how he just got better looking the closer she drew to him. His casual button-down shirt fit him just so. His jeans as well. Shale was tall and built and a complete jerk.

  She wasn’t just thinking that because a blonde had just stopped in front of him. The woman said something to Shale, who ignored her flat. His eyes stayed glued to Georgia’s.

  Well, unlucky for him…it looked like she was just about to rain on his parade. The blonde said something else. Probably trying to buy Shale a drink. Trying to pick him up, more like. If she waited five minutes for Georgia to say what she needed to say, the blonde could have him.

  The guy standing next to Shale spoke to the blonde. “I’m Stone,” he said, smiling. “It’s…to meet you. Can…get…drink?” she managed to hear him say.

  She closed the last remaining space, all the emotion and all of the fear from the last few months welling up inside her. “You asshole!” Georgia yelled.

  She ignored the blonde who was now looking at her. Everyone in the vicinity was looking at her like she’d lost her mind. The blonde said something she couldn’t make out.

  Shale’s friend chuckled. “I hope this isn’t what I think it is.”

  It most certainly damn well was!

  Shale didn’t say anything. He looked pale. His eyes went from her belly to her face and back again. His jaw was tight. Shale’s friend and the blonde walked away.

  “You said I couldn’t get pregnant,” she blurted, her eyes narrowing on him. May as well get it out in the open. “You said it wouldn’t happen. You said you were clean and that you were sterile.” She waved an accusing finger. “Does this look like sterile to you?” She pointed at her distended belly. “I’m such an idiot,” she muttered, more to herself. The condom had broken. Go freaking figure. No sex for almost two years and the condom broke with Pinocchio over here. Just her luck!

  “No.” He shook his head. “It can’t be.” He shook it harder, looking completely confused and bewildered. Georgia wasn’t really sure what there was to be bewildered about. Sex sometimes led to pregnancy. It was how it worked. Then again, she had been shocked too when she had finally plucked up the courage to do a test. Shale had been really believable when he’d told her not to worry about becoming pregnant. Maybe he really thought he couldn’t have kids. She’d been such an idiot.

  Shale scratched his chin, still looking like he couldn’t fathom how this was happening. Unless he really had thought he was sterile, in which case, he was about to accuse her of lying. She needed to get this over with and to get out of this bar.

  “This is the part where you deny being the father.” Typical! Why did she feel so darned disappointed? “Well listen up, bucko, you are the only guy I’ve had sex with in a very long time. You and only you.” She jabbed a finger into his chest. His very chiseled chest. The fact that she even thought that last thought made her angry as all hell. “I left with you that night because I knew you wouldn’t be interested in a relationship. You can relax, I’m not here to try to trap you or anything. I still don’t want a relationship.” She remembered how her last one had ended. Nope, no relationship for her for a good long while, maybe ever. No thanks. Georgia felt her eyes well with tears. She blamed it firmly on the hormones, quickly blinking them away. “I’m not ready to be a mother…I’m not…” It didn’t matter what she wanted. It just wasn’t possible. “I can’t raise…can’t possibly...I just can’t do this!” She handed him her telephone number on a piece of paper. “Here.”

  Shale was still frowning, he took it and read it.

  “My number,” she said, unnecessarily. “I’m due in three months. You have that long to decide if you want to raise this child.” She touched her belly. Maybe he wouldn’t turn out to be a colossal jerk. Maybe— No! Better not to think along those lines. Chances were good that the Joyces would get this baby as planned. “Otherwise, it looks like I might have a great family lined up to adopt this baby. I can’t keep it.” She sniffed, trying hard not to cry. “I wish things were different but I…um…I just can’t.” She sniffed again. Damn, she needed to get out of there before she blubbered like an idiot.

  Georgia turned and walked towards the door. She didn’t look back. It seemed to take an age to negotiate her way through all the people. She pushed the door open, hearing it shut behind her. Georgia leaned against the wall, gulping in air.

  “And?” Macy asked. “How did he take it?”

  She tried to smile. “He was shocked. Didn’t say much of anything. Then again, I didn’t give him too much of a chance.”

  “And now?” Macy raised her brows.

  Georgia snorted. “Now I head home.”

  “Just like that?”

  She nodded. “Yep, just like that. He has my number. If he calls, I’ll be surprised. He’s such a player. There is no way he’s cut out to be a father. I’d be so shocked if he called, I’d probably drop my phone. Heck,” she smiled, feeling some of the tension drain, “I’d eat my hat…the—” Georgia noticed that Macy was looking at something behind her. Something over Georgia’s shoulder. She felt her back prickle. Her friend was staring at the entrance to the bar. The one Georgia had just left. The one through which noise was blaring. Like the door was ajar. Oh god! She squeezed her eyes shut for a second. “He’s behind me, isn’t he?”

  Macy cringed and nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

  “It’s a pity you’re not wearing a hat,” his deep smoky voice sounded behind her, “or I’d make you eat it.”

  “This is my cue to leave.” Macy smiled. “I think the two of you have a lot to talk about. You call me if you need me.”

  “I will.” Georgia watched as Macy walked away. Then she slowly turned, facing Shale. He no longer looked gobsmacked. His stance was relaxed at first glance, but upon looking closer, his shoulders were tight. His golden eyes seemed to look right through her. No, not through her, into her, like he was trying to find answers without using words.
r />   His nostrils flared once and then a second time. “Can we go somewhere to talk?” he finally asked.

  “Why?” She didn’t want to be funny, or unkind, or come across as cold, but she had limited time. She should have already been in bed. Also, this seemed a waste of time. “We both know you’re not father material. I told you about this as a courtesy. It was the right thing to do. It’s my problem though. I’ll handle it. This child will have a good life.” She put her hand on her belly. “I can’t raise him or her, but I will make sure this baby will want for nothing. I can promise you that. So, you can turn around and walk back in there. I’m sure you had a whole lot of fun planned for this evening. Just be a little more careful this time. You definitely have swimmers.”

  * * *

  “For the record, I never told you I was sterile.” Shale still couldn’t believe this was happening. He took a step towards her, inhaling her scent again. Not that he had to. Now that they were outside, he could pick up on how it had changed. It was subtle but there.

  She was indeed pregnant by a shifter. His whelps. His heart raced all over again. His palms felt instantly clammy.

  She narrowed her eyes. Not buying a word of it. “You said I couldn’t get pregnant. You convinced me of it. I’m such an idiot,” she muttered the last, to herself. Her eyes were even bigger than he remembered.

  “I’m sorry.” He shook his head, wiped a hand across his forehead. “I can’t believe this is happening. I shouldn’t have said that. I was sure though.” The female hadn’t been in heat. He had been able to scent that.

  “How the hell could you have been so sure? You just said you aren’t sterile, so that doesn’t make sense.” She put her hands on her hips. “Look,” she shook her head, “it doesn’t matter anymore. I did become pregnant. I should have known better. I’m pissed at you, but I’m ultimately really angry with myself.”

  Shale liked her. There it was. This female. Mother of his whelps… His heart sped right up. He liked her even if he still couldn’t remember her name…not her real name. It had been fun calling her by every state in the book that night. He had a feeling it wouldn’t go over so well right then. “Just go, okay? I give you permission to leave right now and to never turn back.” She waved a hand. “To go on with your life. I will make sure this baby is well taken care of.”

  “You just said you weren’t…keeping the baby.” Babies. Shit! She had no clue she was pregnant with twins.

  She shook her head. “I’ve found a great couple. I requested visitation. I’ve insisted that regular scheduled visits be included in the adoption contract. I won’t just abandon him or her.” He watched how she caressed her belly. He doubted that she even knew she was doing it. The female sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. He registered sadness in her eyes.

  “If you turn around and walk away now, I’ll pretend I never saw you. In so doing you can deny paternity. That will be that, free and clear.”

  Shale pulled in a deep breath. “I don’t want to be free and clear.”

  Her jaw dropped open. This was the last thing she expected to hear. Why was that so hard to fathom?

  “Okay, that’s fine but if you want to be a father to this child…if…” She stopped talking, her eyes flicking to the side and back. She had never even thought of the possibility this would happen. It hadn’t crossed her mind. She looked like a duck out of water. “Do you actually want to raise this child? Is that what you are saying?” She sounded completely shocked at the prospect.

  “No.” He shook his head.

  Her shoulders actually relaxed. “That’s what I thought. So, you’re walking away, then?” She nodded, like she was resigning herself to the fact. Like it made more sense that way.

  “No, I’m not walking away.” He shook his head, keeping his eyes on her. “That’s just it. I’m not going to raise this child, we’re going to raise the baby. We.” He could tell that she loved this baby…babies. Shit! He needed to sit down with her and to have a long conversation.

  “That’s sweet.”

  “I mean it.”

  She choked out a laugh. “I work two jobs, Shale. I have responsibilities. I won’t be any kind of a mother to this baby. I can barely feed myself. I have a plan, okay?”

  “Plans change. I’m here now…I’m…” He looked around them. “You’re not alone in this. Not anymore.”

  She scrutinized him. “Just like that?” She clicked her fingers.

  “Yes, just like that. Why is that so hard to believe?”

  “You’re a player. You like to have one-night stands. You were just in there on the prowl. You like partying and…you don’t want to be tied down. I can tell.”

  “Actually, I don’t sleep with loads of women. I told you that the first time we met.” All true. On occasion with the unmated dragon females but, otherwise, only on Stag Runs which happened every six months ‒ if they were lucky. “You don’t know me either, so it isn’t fair to judge me.”

  “I know your type, Shale, and only too well. You couldn’t even remember my name that night.”

  “That’s not fair!” He ran a hand through his hair. “You only told us that once, when you were introducing yourself to Rock”

  “If you had been as interested as you said you were, you would have remembered.”

  “I was interested! Surely you knew that. I had hoped I’d made that part clear.” Just like the kiss, the rutting had been off the damned charts.

  Her pupils dilated. Was she also thinking back on that night? “Still,” she shrugged, “I didn’t care much at the time that you couldn’t remember but...”

  “I know it’s the name of a state. I don’t know which one.” He sounded exasperated because he was. “I wish you would have told me.” He meant it too. He’d thought about this female a good number of times after that night. More than he normally thought back on females. He had often found himself wondering what her name was.

  She rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t looking for anything other than a good time with you. That much was mutual. This,” she pointed at her belly, “wasn’t supposed to happen.”

  “It has, though.”

  “I know that!” Her voice was animated. “Of course, I realize that! I’ve done nothing but think about it for months. I just can’t wrap my head around you wanting to raise this child…with me. I’m a complete stranger.”

  “We’ll get to know each other.”

  “I can’t stop working. Didn’t you hear that part?”

  “I told you that you’re not alone anymore. I’ll help out. I’m not a deadbeat. I might be a lot of things but I’m not that. I can tell you care about this baby. Our baby.” His throat clogged as he said it. Shale took a second to compose himself. “That you would like nothing better than to be a mother to this child.” He looked down at her well-rounded belly. His whelps. He still couldn’t believe it. Shale wasn’t sure whether he wanted to put his to ear to her stomach or to run away. He took a small step closer.

  “Of course, I care.” Her voice was raised, and determination shone in her eyes. “I care very much. If things were different…I…” She wiped a hand over her face, looking tired. “I’m glad you want to be a father to this baby. I’m happy you want us to raise him or her but it’s not going to be possible.” She shook her head. “Unless you make decent money as…I don’t have a clue what you do. I don’t know anything about you.” She looked at her watch. “It’s late. I have work in the morning. We can talk again in a couple of days.”

  Then she was turning to leave. Shale was losing her and quite possibly his whelps as well. It looked like she had made her mind up about where this was going. This, despite what she had said earlier.

  “I have money,” he blurted. Okay, he hadn’t meant to say that.

  Shale expected her to perk up. To smile. To hug him. Maybe he’d expected her to relax at the prospect.

  She barely turned back and even took another step away from him. “Okay,” she nodded. “As I said, we
’ll discuss it.”

  “You won’t have to work. I’ll cover—”

  “Hold up.” She put her hand up. “This is happening too quickly.” She shook her head. “I’m not just giving up my work. I told you I have responsibilities. Big ones. I don’t know you at all. Forgive me but,” she winced, “I don’t trust you, Shale. We can talk about it. Maybe we can work something out. Right now—”

  “Let’s go for coffee? One quick cup. There are a couple of things I need to tell you. It’s important.”

  She smiled. It lasted all of a second. “I don’t drink coffee at the moment. Caffeine isn’t good for the baby.”

  Something in his chest clenched. She was already such a good mother. Fuck if that didn’t make him feel something. Exactly what that something was, he couldn’t say. “Um…okay…tea then…herbal?”

  “I need to get home. I’m cold and tired and…a little overwhelmed. You have my number.” She looked down at the paper still clenched in his hand.

  “Tomorrow then?” he asked, sounding desperate. He didn’t give a shit. “Can we meet and talk? Surely you need to take a break at some point?”

  She nodded once. “Call me. I’ll make time. We can talk about it.”


  She gave him the ghost of a smile and nodded once before turning and leaving.

  Chapter 7

  The next day…

  Georgia struggled to concentrate on the screen for even a second longer. She rubbed her eyes, trying to dispel some of the heaviness. No luck! It didn’t help that she’d been up for what felt like half the night, the night before. She couldn’t fall asleep. It didn’t matter how tired she was. She was just too wired. Georgia couldn’t get the events from the previous evening out of her mind. She finally managed to pass out in the early hours of the morning. The droning sound of the alarm had hurt when it went off. Not being able to have any coffee had hurt even more.

  Shale had contacted her at eight that morning. Georgia wasn’t sure what to make of the whole thing. He seemed eager. There was part of her that had woken up excited. There was a part of her that had woken up with hope. It scared her. She didn’t want to feel excited or hopeful. It was dangerous to allow those emotions to creep in, but what if…what if he was serious about them raising the baby? Not as a couple but as a father and mother who both cared and who both contributed. Would it work? Could it? Dare she even think along those lines.


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