Dragon Whelps: Earth Dragons Series: Book 3

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Dragon Whelps: Earth Dragons Series: Book 3 Page 9

by Hartnady, Charlene

  Shale went on his haunches in front of Georgia. He didn’t have a clue of what to do. How did he prove to her that he wasn’t off his rocker? He didn’t want to freak her out by making his eyes slitted, or by making scales appear on his skin. Also, everyone in the place had their eyes on them. Someone might see. Chances were good that would happen. He couldn’t take such a big risk. If only she’d agreed to meet back at her place. He could have partially shifted or something. Now the babies were coming, and she wanted nothing to do with him. Even worse, she believed he was crazy. He watched as she worked her way through the birth pain. Georgia finally slumped back in the chair.

  “Can I get you a water?”

  She shook her head. “I’m okay.” She pointed to the floor. “You can hand me my purse.”

  He did as she asked. Georgia rummaged through her purse, pulling out her phone. She pushed a few buttons and put the phone to her ear. “Macy…I’m so glad you picked up.” She spoke rapid-fire, her voice shrill. “I’m in labor.”

  Shale didn’t mean to listen in, but he couldn’t help it. “Riiiight! Tell me another one.” Her friend giggled.

  His gut twisted when he saw tears gathering in her eyes. “I mean it,” Georgia sniffed. “I wouldn’t joke about something like this. I’m waiting for the ambulance. My water broke.” she sniffed again. “I’m so scared,” she whispered.

  “What? Oh, my god! Oh, no! Where are you? Are you at home? Shall I come over? What do you need me to do? I’ve suddenly gone completely blank.”

  “I’m not at home,” Georgia answered.

  Shale could hear sirens in the distance. They were drawing steadily closer.

  “Where are you? Oh shit, are you alone? With your mom? Do you need me to come over right away?”

  “There’s an ambulance on its way and…I’m…” She frowned, looking at Shale. “I-I’m not alone.” She sounded hesitant. Like being with him was worse than being all alone.

  Macy pushed out a heavy sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness. Who’s with you?”

  “Shale.” Georgia smiled at him too brightly.

  “Well, that’s good, since he’s the father.”

  “Is it?” Georgia spoke as if she was exceedingly happy. She had no idea he was listening in.

  “Well, isn’t it?” Shale could hear the question in her voice. “He should be there. Is everything okay? I mean, besides the obvious.”

  “Um…could be better. Please meet us at the hospital. I need you.”

  “Of course,” Macy answered without hesitation. Shale liked the female. “I need five minutes to get dressed, and then I’m on my way.”

  “It’s after lunchtime on a Sunday, you laz—” Georgia clutched her belly. She groaned. “It’s another contraction. There’re coming quite quickly.” She groaned some more. “They’re quite strong as well.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you at Dalton Springs Hospital.”

  Georgia said a groaned yes and handed the phone to Shale. He pushed the end button and put the phone in her purse. By now the sirens were blaring. He figured the ambulance was on their street. She continued to breathe through her pains. “Can I rub your back?”

  Georgia shook her head, groaning.

  “You’re doing a really great job.” He rubbed the side of her arm, trying to be encouraging when all he felt was useless.

  The door to the coffee shop burst open and two uniformed individuals appeared. They carried a stretcher. And one of them carried an oversized bag.

  The server rushed in behind them, pointing at Georgia. “Make way for the paramedics!” she shouted. That’s her…over there!” She yelled unnecessarily, since the paramedics were already making their way over to them.

  “Oh, thank god,” Georgia half-yelled. Her cheeks were flushed. Her brow was sweaty. Her jeans were soaked through. “This feels like it’s happening quickly. It shouldn’t be happening this quickly.”

  “First-time mom?” the female paramedic asked.

  Georgia nodded.

  “First-time labor is rarely all that quick, but we won’t waste any time getting you to the hospital just to be sure.” The male winked at Georgia and Shale felt his hackles rise which was stupid given the situation. He knew that his instincts were kicking in. He was about to become a father. It was normal for a shifter to become possessive.

  “Rick over here has delivered several babies in his career.” The female gestured to her colleague.

  “All true.” Rick nodded.

  “We’re going to ask you to lie down on the stretcher,” the female said.

  Georgia nodded. She got up off the chair with Shale’s help. The male, Rick, tried to move in. Shale growled low. A deep rumble. It just happened. He couldn’t help it.

  “Shale. Stop that!” Georgia said.

  The paramedic took a step back. “Um…ah…who’s the Pitbull?” he asked, eyes on Shale.

  He wanted to growl again. Shale wanted to snarl at the male in warning but managed to hold it back. Georgia would really think he was crazy if he did that.

  “Her boyfriend.” Shale narrowed his eyes, helping Georgia onto the stretcher.

  “No, he’s not,” Georgia snapped.

  “I’m the father,” Shale tried again.

  Georgia didn’t say anything.

  “Would you mind taking a step back, please, so that I can do my job?” the male asked.

  Shale clenched his jaw for a moment or two before doing as the paramedic asked. Rick was a healer after all. He seemed to know what he was doing. Shale didn’t have to like it though. “Be careful with her,” he grumbled.

  They lifted Georgia and headed out. Shale followed closely behind them. Georgia moaned and clutched at her belly.

  “Breathe, honey,” the female paramedic urged.

  They had her loaded in the back of the parked ambulance within a minute. Shale tried to get inside.

  “I’m sorry, sir.” The female shook her head. “No one may ride in the emergency vehicle but the patient. It’s company policy.” She gave him a small smile. “I promise this baby isn’t coming for at least a couple of hours yet. You can follow us in your own car.” She winked at him.

  He was used to human females being nice to him. This female was no exception. “Fine,” he said. It wasn’t like he had much choice.

  “We will take good care of your…of the mother of your child.”

  He nodded once in thanks.

  “Hang in there.” He spoke up so that Georgia would hear him. The male paramedic was putting an oxygen mask on her face. He was familiar with some of the human medical equipment after undergoing the allergy immunotherapy for his silver affliction.

  He headed for the SUV at a run, careful not to go too fast and giving himself away. Only when his vehicle was behind the ambulance, did he calm by a hair.

  Shale followed behind them, the sirens blared and flashed. The trip lasted all of a couple of minutes.

  He parked in the first open bay he spotted and got out. Shale needed to be there when they took her out of the ambulance.

  “Sorry, sir. Sorry…excuse me,” a male in uniform approached, “you can’t park here. It’s one of the doctor’s parking spots.”

  “It’s an emergency,” he growled, jogging to where they were taking Georgia from the ambulance.

  “It always is,” the male muttered to himself. “Your vehicle will be impounded!” he shouted after Shale who kept jogging.

  Shale didn’t give a shit. He really didn’t. He could buy a half a dozen more of the same. He needed to be there for Georgia, even if she didn’t want him. The shit was going to hit the fan at some point, and he had to be there to deal with the fallout. His whelps were coming. He was going to be a father. A lump formed in his throat.

  “How are you doing?” he asked as he arrived at Georgia’s side, they had just taken the stretcher out of the ambulance and were wheeling her to a large emergency entrance. He wanted to take her hand, but he didn’t.

  She was at the end of what looked
like a particularly bad contraction. At least he could remember some of the stuff he Googled the night before. Her breathing was slowing though. Her brow was covered in a light sheen of sweat.

  To hell with it!

  Shale gripped her tiny hand in his, giving it a squeeze.

  “This baby is coming,” she spoke into the mask, misting it up. “My contractions are hectic.” She looked fearful.

  “They are quite close together,” the female paramedic said; she had a tight smile on her face. “Your contractions are about three minutes apart.”

  Despite consulting Google, both last night and this morning, Shale wasn’t sure what that meant. He had some idea of what they were talking about, but he couldn’t remember exact details. Only that the birthing pains got stronger and more frequent as the time for pushing drew closer. Was three minutes too quick? “This is supposed to take eleven to sixteen hours on average.” He felt panic well. He’d hoped to be able to give Georgia a sign. Show her somehow that he wasn’t a mental case. He needed to get her out of there and back to the lair where it was safe.

  The paramedic smiled at him. “It’s not an exact science. Also, premature births tend to go quicker. Let’s get you settled in a bed. The nurses will take you to your ward and then your doctor will be right in.”

  Georgia nodded, she pulled her mask off. “I need to get hold of the Joyces. You took my purse.”

  “No, you don’t.” He had her purse clasped in one hand.

  They moved her onto a bed, counting down from three. “I do, Shale. They’re—”

  “No,” he swallowed thickly, “these babies are ours. We’ll raise them, we’ll—”

  “No!” she yelled. “Please. You need help. Call someone. A friend. One of your brothers.”

  “I don’t need help. I’m here. I’m not going away. I won’t let you give our children away. I meant everything I said. I’m not…I’m not crazy.” Softer this time.

  “Goodbye.” The male paramedic waved. “All of the best.”

  “Good luck,” the female said. “Take care.” She winked at Shale.

  “Thank you,” Georgia said, before turning her eyes to him. “The Joyces are good people. They’ve agreed to cover my medical expenses. They’ll give him or her a good life. I’ve told you all this already.” She begged him with her eyes. “I want nothing more than to raise this child…” Her eyes welled with tears all over again and this time they spilled over. “The baby is going to need medical help and that costs money. Money I don’t have right now.” She grit her teeth as more tears fell. “It’s far too early.” She shook her head, wiping her eyes.

  “I’ll cover your medical expenses.” He pulled out his wallet, taking out his credit card.

  “That’s sweet but…come on, Shale! You don’t have any money and even if you did, I’m not taking it.”

  “Why not?” He kept walking next to the bed. They turned into a room.

  “To the labor ward,” one of the nurses announced. “Sir,” she addressed him, “I’m going to need you to fill out some forms. We’ll need patient information and your information as well, if you’re going to cover the expenses. I overheard.”

  “He’s not,” Georgia said.

  “I am,” Shale said at the same time.

  “Don’t do this…” she began but another birthing pain was taking hold. Georgia began panting.

  “I’ll have the forms brought up to you,” the female stated.

  “Thank you,” Shale said, jogging to catch up with Georgia, who was being wheeled to an elevator. He put a hand out and stopped it just before the doors closed.

  The nursing staff were asking Georgia questions. What had happened? How long she had been in labor. Then her birthing pains started up again.

  One of the females turned to him. “You’re the husband, then?” she asked, smiling.

  “Boyfriend. The baby is mine,” he stated.

  The elevator dinged to announce that they’d reached the right floor and Georgia was wheeled out. She clutched her stomach, panting her way through the pain.

  Shale heard the footfalls of someone running and looked in that direction. It was Macy. She looked panicked. “Oh, my god!” she yelled. “Are you okay? Of course you’re not okay. Oh, hun…” She took Georgia’s hand.

  “You need to stay.” Georgia sounded panicky. She glanced Shale’s way. Great, she was still scared shitless of him.

  “I told you I would be there for you and here I am.” Macy looked at him. “I’m glad you’re here too.” The female had no idea.

  There were various kinds of equipment. Georgia was moved onto one of the beds, just as another pain kicked in.

  “Give your wife this to wear.” The healer handed him a green gown. “We’ll be back in five minutes. Doctor should be here by then as well.”

  He nodded once. Macy was whispering words of encouragement to Georgia.

  It didn’t take long for the pain to subside. Georgia slumped back against the bed. He handed Macy the gown, since he had the distinct impression Georgia wouldn’t want help from him. “Would you mind helping her put this on?”

  He felt useless all over again. He pointed at the door with a bathroom sign on it. “I can leave as well, if you would prefer.”

  “No,” Georgia shook her head. “It would be more private in there.”

  “Let me help you,” he began.

  Just then a female with a clipboard knocked once and walked in. The door to the ward was open. “Good afternoon. I’m Jessica, I have your paperwork here, sir.” She handed the board to Shale, who took it. There was a pen attached. “I’d like to ask that you come through to reception on the ground floor once the paperwork has been completed. You will need to make a down payment.”

  “Wait! What?” Georgia asked, brows raised.

  “A down payment is standard for patients covering their own medical expenses.”

  “What kind of a down payment are we talking about?” Georgia asked.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Shale said.

  Unfortunately, the female carried on. “It’s ten thousand dollars for a standard vaginal birth. More, if complications are found.”

  Georgia clutched at her belly, her face turning redder as the pain took hold. “That’s ridiculous. You can’t possibly pay that, Shale. Let’s call—”

  “I can!” He nodded at the female who had brought the forms. “I’ll be down shortly.” He tapped the board. “After filling these out.”

  The female gave them a tight smile and left.

  “You can’t…” Georgia was panting and trying to talk.

  “Of course he can,” Macy cut in. “Shale is the father of this baby. Let him make the down payment already.”

  “I need to call the Joyces,” Georgia insisted, between pants.

  “No!” Shale yelled. There was no way he was allowing that couple to adopt his whelps.

  “Let’s all calm down,” Macy interjected. “Let Shale cover the costs for now. Don’t stress over that. We can always call the Joyces once we’ve seen the doctor.”

  “They wanted to be there for the birth,” Georgia pushed out. “This baby is coming…it’s coming,” she repeated, her face crumpled in pain. Not just the physical kind.

  “The Joyces will live.” Shale managed to keep his voice even this time. “We’re not giving our child away. It’s not happening. Macy is right, we can talk about it.” Once the babies came, she would know he wasn’t full of shit.

  Georgia groaned, she still held her belly. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Within ten seconds, the pains were easing. “I need to change.” She got off the bed and Macy helped her from the room.

  Shale began filling out the forms. He used a fake ID. He had no idea about most of the questions about Georgia. He knew next to nothing about the soon-to-be mother of his whelps. It was a daunting thought.

  Chapter 13

  “What are you doing?” Macy asked as soon as they were in the bathroom. “Why can’t you accept money from the father of
this baby? It’s not a bad thing. It’s not a handout. He’s the father, for heaven’s sake.”

  Her back was killing her. “He’s not what you think.” She pushed the heel of her hand to the base of her spine.

  “Shale is here. As in, he’s present and he’s supportive. I think it’s great that he wants to cover the costs. It seems like he’s against this adoption.” Macy looked her in the eyes. “I know you don’t want to give this baby away.” Her voice took on a tender edge. “You’ve tried to hide it, but I know. I can see it. I’m your best friend, remember?”

  “I don’t want to give this baby up, Macy,” Georgia said as she pulled off her sweater, “of course I don’t want to, but what choice do I have? None! I have my mom to think of. I have this baby to think of too. I can’t do what I want. I have to do the best thing for everyone involved.”

  “Everyone but you, and that’s not right. It seems to me that things have changed. You might have plenty of choices now that Shale’s here.”

  “That’s just it.” She undid her bra. “I don’t.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.” Macy handed her the gown and she pulled it over her head. “You need to give him a chance.”

  “He told me he’s a shifter.”

  Macy’s eyes widened. “No shit! He’s a shifter?” She sounded flabbergasted and a tad excited.

  “Keep your voice down,” Georgia said. “I don’t want them to admit him…just yet. I think he’s harmless and so—”

  “Admit him? What are you talking about?” She took on a puzzled look. “Oh! You don’t believe him. Shifters exist, Georgia. He might be telling the truth. He could be one. You realize that, don’t you? Shifters exist, and come to think of it, he is huge. His eyes are also…different. Those guys he was with were big too. Rock’s eyes were a freaky ice-blue.” Her friend’s voice was animated. She spoke quickly, looking excited. “It could be true, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “There’s more. He says he’s a dragon shifter. A prince. He lives in a…” What was the word he had used? “A lair.” Shit! She could feel the muscles in her belly start to tighten. Georgia pulled down the toilet seat. It landed with a bang. Then she sat down, breathing as her stomach pulled tighter and tighter still. Like a vice around her middle. Like a terrible cramp. The ones that had a person holding back a scream and praying for a reprieve. She’d had a couple of them in her calf muscle before. Like that, only much worse, since it involved her entire mid-section.


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