Dragon Whelps: Earth Dragons Series: Book 3

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Dragon Whelps: Earth Dragons Series: Book 3 Page 16

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “So, let’s not think about all that. We don’t have to just yet. I hope I’ve made myself useful.”

  “Yes,” she nodded, “I’m not sure what I would do if you weren’t here.”

  “Good, so let’s forget about separate apartments…at least for now.” There was nowhere else he wanted to be.

  She nodded. “Okay, that sounds like a plan.”

  The baby started fussing again. Georgia sighed. “Maybe he’s still hungry.” She opened up her top and put him back on her breast. The little one sucked like a mad thing.

  “Do you want something to drink?”

  There was a knock on the door. Shale frowned. “I’ll go and see who that is. Might be one of my brothers, or one of their mates coming to check on us. They will be wanting to meet the boys. Shall I send them away? They’ve called quite a few times, and I keep putting them off.”

  She looked worried for a second or two and then shook her head. “It’s fine. It would be nice to meet your family. At least I’m showered. Who knows when that will be the case again?” She laughed.

  “Okay, then.” Shale went to the door as whoever it was knocked again.

  Great! He let everyone in. “This is my oldest brother, Granite, and his mate, Louise.”

  “Hi.” Louise waved. “It’s so lovely to finally meet you.”

  “Louise is also a human,” Shale added.

  “You already know my brother, Sand.”

  “Hi,” Georgia said, looking a little shell-shocked.

  “Where are my nephews?” Shale asked Louise.

  “We thought we’d leave them at home. We’re here for a very quick visit. We wanted to meet you guys. We didn’t want to bombard you.” She giggled.

  When Shale glanced Sand’s way, he noticed his brother’s eyes were practically glued to Georgia’s chest. Fucker! “You do realize your shirt is wet, Georgia,” Sand piped up, a grin about a mile wide on his asshole of a face. He was totally ogling Georgia’s tits. What the fuck was wrong with the male?

  Shale growled, clenching his fists. He wanted to punch the little shit in the jaw.

  “Chill!” Sand held up both hands. “I was just letting Georgia know.” He shrugged like it was no big deal, looking back down at her chest.

  Georgia made a little squeaking noise and reached for the towel. “I had forgotten about that.”

  “Let me help you.” Shale picked it up before she could reach it. He opened the towel, using it to cover Georgia. He even pulled it a little over her breast and the feeding baby. “Can I get you one of those woolen blankets?” he asked, raising his brows.

  “This is fine.” Georgia nodded. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” His smile quickly turned into a scowl as his gaze lifted to Sand. Shale stared daggers at his brother. The male ignored him flat.

  “Have you guys decided on names yet?” Granite asked.

  Georgia shook her head. “No, not yet. It’s tough trying to choose.”

  “For now, it’s Twin-1 and Twin-2, I’m assuming.” Louise smiled broadly.

  “Something like that.” Shale had to smile back, even though he was still feeling pissy with his brother. “It’s that or the older baby or younger baby. Neither works very well.”

  “I can imagine,” Granite chuckled. “Do you want some help? What about Chalk, or Slate?”

  “Chalk?” Georgia looked horrified. “Slate’s okay.”

  “Then there’s Basalt or…”

  “As Earth dragons, we like to name our offspring after rock or land features like Mountain or Rock or…” Granite went on.

  “I had noticed, but Chalk?” Georgia smiled. She had a great smile. Her eyes brightened.

  “Where is Baby-2?” Louise asked.

  “You mean Baby-1? Since this is Baby-2, if we’re going to get technical,” Georgia said, still smiling. She patted the little one’s back. The towel had come down some, exposing the top part of her amazing-as-fuck breast.

  Sand was practically drooling. He bit back a snarl. The male had absolutely no shame.

  “He’s sleeping,” Georgia said.

  “Here.” Shale pulled the towel up a little, smiling at Georgia, hoping to god she couldn’t see how tense he was.


  “Sleeping?” Louise looked puzzled. “Why would he be sleeping?” she asked. “You do know that you need to get these two onto the same routine, don’t you?”

  “I’ve been reading the books and they suggest that we feed on demand, which seems right. If a baby is hungry, feed it and change it and burp it and change it again, if need be, before putting the little one down.” Georgia pushed out a breath. “I must say, it is tough. No sooner is one baby down than the other is awake.”

  Louise laughed. “Oh, honey,” she shook her head, “that might work with a singleton. It will never work with twins. You need a routine. You need to get them on the same routine. It needs to happen now. Wake the other one up. Go fetch him, Shale.”

  “It seems wrong!” Georgia looked worried. “We only got him down not so long ago.”

  “I know what I’m talking about. Either you’re waking them, or they’ll be waking you. Excuse me saying this, but you both already look shattered. Give it another few days and you’ll be…” She laughed. “I don’t want to even think about how exhausted you’ll be.”

  “Louise has experience,” Shale said. “She’s had two sets of twins.”

  “Two?” Georgia’s eyes nearly popped out of her skull.

  Shale chuckled. Fuck, but she was adorable. She looked his way. “You’d better go wake up One.”

  “I’ll put Two down.” Shale reached down and took the baby from her.

  “You’d better give Two to me.” Louise held her arms out. “I’m going to wake him up and tickle him and kiss him. I’m ultimately going to try to keep him awake until you’re done with his brother. If you guys are strict about it, you’ll have something of a life back in a day or two, once they’re in a routine.”

  “Okay. You’ll have to give me more tips please.”

  Louise blew raspberries on the baby’s tummy. “Don’t get any ideas, sweetheart, please.” Granite scowled heavily as he watched his mate with the baby.

  Louise laughed.

  His family visited for about an hour. He was glad to see how well Georgia and Louise got along. Louise would be a big help to Georgia. It looked like the two of them could be friends even.

  Shale saw them to the door. Granite put a hand on his arm. “You have a beautiful family.”

  Shale wanted to tell Granite that they weren’t technically a family, but he held it back. He hoped it would be the case soon, despite how Georgia pushed him away. “Any news on that thing we discussed?”

  Granite frowned. “Blaze isn’t happy about it. We’re still in discussion about the ins and outs of the whole thing.”

  “It’s not an outright ‘no’ though?” Shale held his breath.

  “No, but it could take some time before things are resolved.”

  “We don’t have much time.”

  Granite pushed out a breath. “It’s the best I can do right now. I’m working on it, I swear. Please sit tight for now.”

  “For now,” Shale said, knowing that he couldn’t keep Georgia from her mother for much longer. It wasn’t safe out there. By now, word would have gotten out about the miracle twins with the strange chest markings.

  Granite squeezed his arm, looking at him with concern. His brother nodded once.

  Shale heard laughter behind him. He turned back, watching as Sand hugged his female. She nodded at something he had said and was smiling…broadly. “Thank you! You have no idea what a compliment like that means to me right now. I feel like a milk machine.”

  “Well, you look like a sex goddess,” Sand went on.

  Shale growled, his chest vibrated. In fact, it felt like the floor vibrated a little.

  “Calm yourself down, brother,” Sand snorted.

  He noticed that both the babi
es had been left on the sofa. Cushions had been placed around them. “I’m worried about the babies,” he outright lied. “They shouldn’t be left alone like that.”

  “They’re safe,” Georgia stammered. “Babies don’t have the physical strength to roll at this stage.”

  “They’re not regular babies.” He had a hard edge to his voice. Quite frankly he was smarting at how Sand was shamelessly flirting with Georgia, and how she was just lapping it up. Especially right after she had just pretty much told him she wanted to move out and date other people. His brother, though? Fucking hell! This was a mess.

  “Still,” Georgia walked back to the sofa, sitting on the edge, “I really don’t think they…” Then she pushed out a breath. “You’re right,” she nodded, “I should never have left them like that.” Her eyes welled a little, but she blinked twice and seemed to recover. “I’ll be more careful. I would hate for something to happen…” Her eyes were wide and trained on the babies.

  Shale felt like an asshole. Who was he kidding? He was one. Fuck! This sucked. “No, you’re right too. I think I overreacted.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.”

  “No,” she shook her head some more, “you’re right!”

  Her admission made him feel even worse. “I’ll see you out.” He clenched his jaw as his eyes landed on Sand. Little shit! He needed to grow the fuck up.

  Sand grinned. “Bye, Georgia. For the record, I think you’re doing an amazing job as a mom.” He winked at her and Shale had the urge to tear the male’s eye right out.

  Shale gestured for the hallway. Once they reached the door, he followed Sand out. “You need to stay away from Georgia.”

  “Jealous much?” Sand smirked.

  “No, this has nothing to do with jealousy. I know your type.”

  “My type?” Sand laughed.

  “Yes, asshole.” Shale fought at keeping his voice down. “Your type. All you want is a good time, and Georgia is not that kind of female.”

  “If you say so, bro.” Sand chuckled.

  “She’s fucking not! I don’t want to see you pulling moves on her. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal.” Sand held up his hands. “We’re friends and I happen to like her a lot.”

  “You don’t even know her, so you can stop with the bull already.” He knew what Sand’s idea of friendship was.

  “You guys aren’t dating or anything, right? I mean, that is what you said?”

  “We’re not together but I will be looking out for her.” Shale narrowed his eyes on Sand.

  “Not because you want her for yourself and you’re jealous?” He raised his brows.

  “No! I’m looking out for the mother of my children. Is that so difficult for you to understand?”

  “Not at all.” Sand looked like he was privy to some huge insider joke, which only incensed Shale more. “Um…you haven’t forgotten about Breeze’s birthday celebration tomorrow night, have you?”

  Crap! He made a face. “I completely forgot about it, with everything going on.”

  “Breeze mentioned that she’s excited to meet Georgia, but I’m sure she would understand if you can’t make it though.”

  “Yeah, Breeze said the same to me when I saw her yesterday. I’m just so out of it I forgot completely.” He raked a hand through his hair.

  They said their goodbyes and Sand left. Georgia had just put the babies down for a nap when he returned. “I’m going to lie down for a while. Catch up on my reading.” She held up one of the baby books. “I wish they had a book on raising dragons. It would help enormously.”

  Shale felt like a dick all over again. He squeezed the back of his neck. “You’re doing a great job.” It sounded hollow after what had happened.

  She widened her eyes for a moment. “I’m trying. I really am.”

  He reached forward and took her hand. “You’re doing a great job. I mean it.”

  She nodded once, holding up the book. “I really need to get some shut-eye. I hope this whole routine, ‘wake the babies up’ thing works.” She yawned.

  “One last thing.” He sucked in a breath. “It’s Breeze’s birthday tomorrow. She’s having a celebration. A cocktail party or something. I completely forgot about it, even though Breeze reminded me yesterday. She really wants us to go. We can bring the boys. Having said that, she’ll completely understand if we can’t make it.”

  “You told me about them. That would be Granite’s twin, Volcano, and his mate Breeze?”

  “Yes.” Shale nodded his head. “They have twin girls.”

  “I doubt we could go for long but I’m sure we could at least pop our heads in and wish her a happy birthday. Of course, you could stay longer if you wanted.” She got a panicked look. “We don’t have a gift!”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it.”

  “You take care of everything.” She gave him a smile. “Makes me feel bad sometimes.

  “Don’t! That’s what I’m here for.” He wished he was there for more, but he would take what he could get.

  “You’re sweet. Okay then, that sounds good.” She nodded.

  “It’s a date then.” He smiled at her.

  Georgia laughed. “But not a date date.” A statement. Not a question. In fact, by the way she laughed, she thought he was nuts for even suggesting it.

  “Of course not!” he laughed back, feeling like shit.

  Chapter 20

  The next evening…

  Georgia twisted her arm so that she could see the time on her watch. She was still in her robe. She’d managed to tame her hair and to apply most of her makeup. All she needed to do now was apply lipstick and slip on her dress. A long, black number Shale had conjured up out of nowhere. It had a zip up the front and the cut flattered her curves. There was also a velvet box on the table next to where the heels were. A simple pair of earrings, he’d said. Something to wear with the dress, he’d added. She wasn’t sure what to make of it. Nothing! She finally decided. Absolutely nothing. The heels were low and black with silver details. They matched the dress beautifully.

  Georgia was feeding the boys. Both of them at once. It was still a bit awkward, but she was getting the hang of it. The key was to use pillows. Propping the boys up ‘just so’. Once she was done, she was going to throw on her dress and they’d head to the party, which had already started. In fact, at this rate, by the time they got there, it would be an hour into the celebrations.

  “Don’t look so worried,” Shale said, looking amazing. He wore a pair of black cotton pants and nothing else. His skin was bronzed and he had this five o’clock shadow on his jaw. How was it that when women didn’t shave, they looked scruffy and unkempt, yet on a man, it was rugged and sexy? It wasn’t fair. She’d barely managed to shave her legs and then only from below her knees down. There had been no time for more. She’d even nicked the side of her leg because she’d been in such a rush.

  Yet, there he was looking rugged and seriously handsome. She suspected he’d look good in anything. Half-dressed, though… Georgia had to tear her eyes off his six-pack. “I’m not worried. I just don’t like being late,” she finally said, when she realized he was waiting for a reply. She was also worried about going to the party. About being there with Shale. They weren’t together and it was awkward. People said things. They assumed things. It was all awkward, especially when she did have feelings for Shale. She did want this evening to be a date date. She’d said it the day before in the hopes he would agree, but nope. So, it would be stilted and uncomfortable. She’d end up having to correct people. Even worse, Shale would do it.

  We’re not together.

  It’s not like that.

  We’re not on a date date.

  We’re parents to these boys and that’s it! Final!

  It hurt.

  “It can’t be helped if we’re a bit late,” Shale said, taking her out of her thoughts. “Breeze doesn’t mind. It’s a casual evening,” he added. “It’s not like it’s a sit-down dinner pa
rty or anything. Don’t worry about it.” He shrugged.

  Casual. Right. Not hardly. That dress probably cost more than she made in a year. Georgia was nervous. She was too tired to pretend otherwise. Too damned tired, period.

  “I packed a diaper bag.” He held it up.

  “Great.” She smiled. She’d lucked out with Shale. Maybe a little too much, hence not being able to get him…or fantasies of them, out of her mind.

  “The stroller is all set as well.” He wheeled it closer to the sofa.

  “These two are pretty much done drinking.” She looked down at the boys who were sleeping on her breasts. Not great, according to the book she was reading. Babies should learn to self-soothe. They shouldn’t be allowed to fall asleep drinking. It would apparently become a habit. Someone should have told the boys that. It was almost impossible to feed the twins without them falling asleep at the breast.

  “They’re so gorgeous,” Shale’s voice was husky. He reached down and picked up Two, putting him over his shoulder. He began patting his back softly. She did the same with One.

  “Any ideas as to names yet?” she asked, grimacing. Soon, One and Two were going to stick. That could not be allowed to happen.

  He sighed. “None.” Shale wiped a hand over his jaw, the stubble catching. “We’ll figure it out. I quite like the ring of One and Two.” He grinned.

  She laughed. “Don’t be silly. We need to find names soon, because nicknames can stick.”

  “You’re right about that, Texas.” He winked at her.

  Shale didn’t joke about the name thing very often. Calling her by the different states made her think of their night together. She wondered if it made him think of their night too. It also made her want sex again. With Shale. It didn’t matter how tired she was. How leaky her breasts were. None of that mattered. She needed to stop this line of thinking, since it wasn’t going to happen. “At least if you get puked on you can just wipe it off.” She tried at a silly joke, hoping he hadn’t noticed how uncomfortable he had made her feel just by calling her Texas.

  Shale barely cracked a smile. “I think he’s fast asleep.” He glanced at the baby in his arms.


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