Redemption Duet (Aces High MC - Cedar Falls Book 0)

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Redemption Duet (Aces High MC - Cedar Falls Book 0) Page 26

by Christine Michelle

  The thing that intrigued me was that Snake, the man doing the ratting in this case, was willing to go against someone who Chief claimed was the man’s best friend, Poppy’s husband, in order to let the brother know she needed someone to be on her side. I wasn’t certain what type of woman could garner that much loyalty from a man over his brother, and ever since then, I’d paid more attention to the stories filtering in about what was going down in the Sierra High Clubhouse. I wanted to know everything. Now, I had the opportunity to see for myself what all the fuss was about, and stupidly, I was parking my bike in her driveway, about to find out. Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance, and I knew I was pushing my luck since a storm was supposed to be rolling through in just a bit. That didn’t matter. I felt compelled to be here, as strange as it sounded to admit that to myself.

  I stepped up on the little front stoop and banged on the door just as a gust of wind tossed up a bit of dirt and debris from the yard. There wasn’t a peephole for her to be able to see, and the window was so far over, it would no doubt leave a blind spot. That concerned me, because it was something Chief should have seen to before she moved in. I had a sister too, and I’ll be damned if I’d leave her having to answer a door blind. It hadn’t occurred to me what the setup was like when I was here helping to fix the place up before.

  I knocked once more, thinking that whoever was in there hadn’t heard me the first time, and that’s when the door flew open and there stood the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. She looked almost nothing like her brother, who apparently had gotten all the Native American genes in the family while his sister looked straight off the boat from Ireland. Her auburn hair was a flaming mass on her head thanks to the streetlight’s odd colored glow. Her eyes pierced mine momentarily as she tried gulping in air, but that didn’t seem to be going well for her.

  “You okay, honey?” I asked, taking in her heaving chest and the wild-eyed look she was throwing my way. At first, I thought she was startled by the sight of me. I wasn’t exactly unintimidating to look at, especially if you were a single woman and I just randomly showed up on your doorstep.

  “Um,” she managed to get past her rapid breathing.

  “I came by to see if Chief was still around,” I quickly spilled out, trying to help ease her mind with the knowledge that I was friend, not foe.

  “He, um,” she started to say, words halted by her inability to catch her breath as she put a hand to her chest in a move that made it appear she was trying to hold herself together. I watched her a moment before sliding my phone out of my pocket, ready to call Chief and ream his ass for leaving his sister alone on her first night in a new house, new town, and new life. Surely, he knew better. From what I’d been hearing second-hand, the woman had been through enough already. The last thing she needed was to deal with this level of a freak out. Her other hand – the one not clutching her chest – shot out and waved at me though. I stopped with my phone held out in front of me, poised to text as she spoke again. “Sorry, you caught me at the start of an anxiety attack, I think.”

  “This happen often?” I asked while keeping a wary eye on her. Granted, I was a fireman in my day job, but I also had to know the basics of first aid and CPR. I was ready to deal with her if she went down, and if she didn’t get her shit under control that might be happening sooner rather than later.

  She shook her head at me instead of fainting though. “Nope, just when I move from the only home I’ve ever known to a new town, to look for a new job, while I’m in the middle of divorcing my cheating husband.” Each of her words stabbed out into the air with painful accusation. I felt them soul deep and had to fight to keep the murderous look off of my face. I wasn’t sure how Snake managed to maintain a friendship with the man who clearly destroyed this woman. I could suddenly understand why he stepped over the bounds of brotherhood where his friend was concerned in order to make sure Chief was there for his sister.

  “Mind if I come in, check to make sure all is well while I’m here?” I asked her as she eyed my kutte suspiciously again. “Name’s Smoke. I’m a good friend of your brother’s, and he’s told me a bit about your situation already, but if you need to share more with someone who isn’t family, I’m all ears. Even if you don’t, might help to have someone around for a bit while you adjust. Not sure what Chief was thinking leaving you alone in a strange place your first night here.”

  “I’m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking. He was tired; so, don’t hold his poor manners against him. It’s been a long couple of days.”

  “I can imagine,” I tipped my chin toward the house again, wondering if she was going to turn me away or allow me inside. I couldn’t in good conscience walk away and leave her like this though. It was obvious she was having a tough time adjusting. “You gonna let me in, or I gotta call your tired brother and get his ass back over here? Whatever makes you the most comfortable, honey.”

  She slowly slid out of the way while checking me out as she moved. I returned the favor, taking in her clothes. She obviously chose them for comfort since she and Chief had traveled all the way up from northern Georgia today and then unloaded a truck full of shit on top of that once they got here. Still, she managed to look damn good in the everyday comfort wear while tired and mid-panic attack. It made me wonder just how much more of a knockout she would be if I had run into her fully decked out somewhere. Suddenly, I wanted to keep her hidden away here where none of my other brothers would ever see her because she was too tantalizing as is.

  We spent the next couple hours getting to know one another, talking about hockey of all things. I never thought it possible to meet a beautiful southern belle who knew her shit about hockey, knew who my brother was, and still only had eyes for me. Gorgeous green eyes that shined like precious gems and drew me in closer to her. The Captain Morgan Black Label I’d had a prospect deliver was nearly gone between the two of us, and it served its purpose. All the anxiety she had earlier when I arrived was gone, and in its place was just her laughter and the glorious sight of her getting passionate about the unnecessary penalties some of my brother’s teammates had taken recently.

  “Oh Jeezzzzus, I’m a meth,” Poppy tried to say as we ended our latest discussion on my asshole father leaving us. She had just realized she’d been speaking with a bit of lisp for a while now. Instead, she started laughing at herself.

  “She develops a speech impediment when she’s drinking heavy,” I spoke out loud, finding the situation funnier than I probably should. “Good to know,” I told her as I watched those eyes of hers work to hypnotize and pull me in once more. Poppy spoke, almost as if reading my mind.

  “Mesmerizing,” she murmured, but I had to admit that I was too tuned into the puffy, rosy lips of hers to care about words anymore. I pulled her body into my mine as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and cupped the back of Poppy’s neck. I continued to pull her hips closer until she was damn near on my lap. Our lips touched, setting off an inferno everywhere they touched. It only took a brief touch before she was parting her lips for me and letting me in. I didn’t hesitate. I dove right in and started to claim the woman who had me held in thrall all night. Hell, that was a lie. She had me in thrall long before I met in person. Every story I heard about her, despite her recent shitty circumstances, was one that painted a picture of the woman I’d been dreaming of calling my own all my life. Her silky tongue met and tangled with my own, and her sweet, beautiful moan had my hard as fuck cock twitching in my pants and begging for release. I knew in that moment I would do whatever it took to make her mine.

  Our mouths were still locked in a heated kiss as I took the liberty of learning her body, the feel of her curves, and the smoothness of her skin. I ran my fingertips up and down her ribs, moving closer and closer to her breasts that were overflowing the bra she had on. It was one that was made for comfort, cotton instead of satin or lace like most women wore to impress. That wasn’t Poppy though. Not that my arrival hadn’t been a complete surprise for her anyway,
but I had a feeling she was the type of woman who wore comfortable well, and made it seem hotter than any expensive lingerie could possibly look. The bra was unclasped, and I was dragging it down her arms before I could even put anymore thought into how sexy she might look in it. The garment no sooner hit the floor than her hands were on me, tugging at my shirt to get it off me and join her clothing that already littered the floor of the living room.

  “Please, tell me you have a bed set up?” I questioned as each word caused my lips to graze gently back over her own. She pointed and I took off to the little hallway that housed three doors. The one in the center was the bathroom which left two choices.

  “Left or right, babe?”

  “Left,” she hissed as I lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around my waist allowing me to carry her into the bedroom. Thank fuck, there was a bed. Not that the lack of one would have stopped me, but it would make what we were about to do a whole lot more comfortable.

  I managed to put her down gently onto the bed while I tugged my jeans down and used my feet to pull the denim material free from my legs. I left them puddled there on the floor as she took in the view of my body standing over her. I kneeled on the edge of the bed and leaned in placing a quick kiss on her thigh, nipping gently with teeth as I moved further up. My hands were sliding slowly along her outer thighs until I managed to get her to spread her legs wider to accommodate my body between them. Once she was relaxed and open, I moved my hands in place on either side of her hips and slid the last bit of clothing keeping her from view. The white cotton panties she’d had on slid down her legs and I tugged to remove them from her feet before tossing them aside and quickly moving back into a position where I could take all of her in before I dove in with my shoulders sliding between her thighs, and breathed warm air all over her slickened flesh. Then I flattened my tongue and took a delicious swipe of her most intimate part before I made it up to the little bundle of nerves at the top that was begging to be sucked on. That was exactly what I did. I sucked it into my mouth and nipped gently with teeth causing her to whimper.

  “Shit!” She managed to articulate before throwing her head back as her eyes fell closed and she dragged her fingers through my hair. She was holding me to her, and I didn’t mind one bit, because I’d just figured out what heaven tasted like. It was Poppy’s sweet musk with a hint of salt, and those sweet as fuck whimpering noises that kept making my cock stand further at attention. I wanted to make this damn good for her, because I had a feeling it was the first time she’d been able to let go and just feel in a long time. The truth of the matter was, I didn’t know how long I could hold out so I trailed my hands up her sides until I had her tits cupped firmly in my grasp as I went to town fucking and sucking her pussy with my tongue. I rasped my bearded face across her sensitive clit every time I dipped down to pump my tongue inside of her and scoop out all of her juices. As she grew closer to her own climax, she also became rougher with her demands, tugging and pulling at my hair to make sure I focused my attention exactly where she needed me.

  Seconds that felt like hours ticked by as I refused to let up until I felt her thighs begin to shake at my shoulders and then I sucked deeply on her clit as I pinched down hard on both of her nipples sending her tumbling over into a climax I could feel shake her to her core.

  “Shit, holy…” She huffed out. “Jesus, God.” I snickered against her as she had her religious experience and finally eased up on the hold she had on my hair. I wouldn’t have been surprised to find that she took a few strands away with her. Just as she release me I heard my name roll off of her tongue like a prayer. “Ungh, Smoke!”

  “Honey,” I called out in response as I worked my way back up her body, planting open-mouthed kisses as I went. Easing inside of her was something else. She was so hot, slick, and fucking tighter than I’d felt a woman in a long as fuck time. It had to be everything in combination, because this was something new for me. “Never before,” I managed to tell her before I increased the tempo of my thrusts, trying to feel every part of her that I could. Hell, I was trying to get as deep into her as was humanly possible, because this connection I was feeling was something else. At the risk of sounding like a bitch – it was fucking magical.

  “Smoke, I’m…”

  “I know, honey. Feel it. Let go, because it’s not going to be the last one tonight. Not done with you yet.” I meant every word as I felt her do exactly as I commanded. I pounded into her as her pussy contracted around me and then when she thought she was done; I flipped her ass over and took her from behind as she purred for me on all fours. I pounded into her roughly, taking what I wanted. As I hunched over her back and held her tightly around her waist, I pulled on one of her nipples and then reached down and began paying attention to her clit as well while I hammered into her relentlessly. Finally, I managed to send her over the edge once more before I finally found my own release.

  “Honey,” I whispered into Poppy’s ear as I collapsed against her backside riding that last bit of momentum to the end. “Let go, sweetheart. Can’t. Hold. Onnnn,” I growled to her as I felt her clamp down around my cock just before I let loose and found my own release deep inside of her.

  “Fuck, honey, never in my life…” I tried to say before I realized that I was probably squishing her the way I was draped all over her back as we came crashing down to the bed. “Sorry,” I laughed.

  “Not a damn thing to be sorry for. I’m amazed you held it together as long as you did.”

  “Shh,” I hummed in her ear as I pulled her close and covered our rapidly cooling with her blanket. Her hair was sweat-slicked across her face and I gently brushed it away, exposing her beautifully flushed face to me. “Get some sleep, honey,” I demanded in the softest of tones while trying to lure her into a restful sleep. Judging from everything I knew about her situation and the panic attack I’d walked in on her having at the start of our night, I’d say she desperately needed it.

  “Mmm,” was her only response before I felt her body go slack in my arms. There was one thing I knew for sure, and that was that Poppy was made for me. There was no chance in hell I’d be letting her get away. I didn’t care if everyone in our lives thought it was too soon. Hell, I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge the small part of myself who thought I was crazy thinking this shit, but I couldn’t help it. Every minute I’d spent in her presence had been perfect so far.

  Chapter 4

  Babysitting duty was going to kill my spirit today. I loved my nephew more than the world, but I’d forgotten I was supposed to sit with him while his parents went and had some alone time without him. I had no clue that I was going to not only meet Poppy last night, but that she would end up being the whole fucking package. She was exquisite in every way, from her gorgeous, yet unassuming appearance to her intelligence and creativity. Then there was the fact that she could talk hockey with me and get truly excited about the player’s stats and not just their height, weight, and sexy scruff factor as Poppy put it when she was joking about the only way she had been able to get girls in her past to discuss the sport with her.

  I glanced back one more time as I hopped in Bender’s Ford Expedition and when I turned back, it was to see the bastard brother-in-law of mine grinning his head off.

  “Finally met Chief’s sister, did ya?”

  “You could say that,” I managed to get out without giving anything away.

  “She’s a looker. Chief’s going to have his hands full trying to keep the men off of her.”

  “The fuck he is!” I yelled at him.

  The bastard chuckled. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. She already has you under her spell, brother.”

  “Whatever,” I grumbled.

  The smile was swept away to be replaced with concern. “Just be careful. Her split has been ugly, but it’s still new and I’m pretty sure they’ve clocked the better part of a decade together.”

  “I am aware of all those things.”

  “I just don’t want to see you g
et hurt if he comes around begging for her back and she goes. You know how it can be with the women who have been around the club a while. They think they’re mad about the cheating, but then they decide they can get over it, because they’ll miss the life too much. Or the man.”

  “Trust me when I say I don’t think she would be one of those. If it turns out that way, you can say you warned me when I’m crying in my cornflakes and can’t get out of bed, okay?” Sure, it was sarcasm, but honestly, if all of my days with Poppy ended up even a fraction of how well our night had turned out, that didn’t seem a far-fetched result if she decided to hightail it back to Sierra High, Georgia.

  Before long, I found myself confiding in Bender about my night with Poppy. He pulled into a convenience store parking lot and pulled into a back into a parking space before putting the Expedition in park and turning to me. “So, what exactly did you say to her about why you were leaving again? You said you promised Soph you’d watch the kid?” His questions bothered me for some reason that I couldn’t put my finger on.

  “That’s what I fuckin’ said,” I told him, feeling my temper rise a bit.

  He laughed. “Shit, you’re gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do, my brother.”

  “What? Why?”

  “She probably had all kinds of ideas about who that kid was to you and who Soph was,” Bender told me and suddenly it hit me. The panic set in and I was about to get him to turn around so I could rectify that situation, but then I remembered Chief was there too.

  “Her brother will set her straight,” I informed him.

  “You sure about that? If I were Chief and I walked in on the two of you all post-coital this morning, I would probably fuck with you hardcore through her.”


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