Tangled Up Hearts

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Tangled Up Hearts Page 6

by Hughes, Deborah

  The problem here was that darned truce. It left her feeling defenseless and after that passionate interlude in her attic she needed a defense now more than ever. Their hatred of each other had gone on so long that she wasn’t really sure how to act around him now that she couldn’t let those feelings show. The best way to handle being in his company was to have someone she could put her focus on and use as a buffer between them.

  So who in the hell was she going to bring with her to that party? Thanks to Cole's meddling, Jerry was out of the question and that caused her resentment to rise in swift, sharp annoyance. Although she believed those feelings were justified, she'd promised Trisha there would be no more fighting and so she forced herself to let it go. She might be comfortable with those feelings for Cole but she was no longer going to indulge in them. A promise was a promise.

  And there was the problem. Since they couldn’t fight, they were now kissing. And they couldn’t kiss because, well, because one does not kiss someone who is consistently annoying. Being a great kisser did not make him any less so and besides, she still didn’t like him. And since she had to maintain the peace between them, she would just have to remind herself that she didn’t like him and that he annoyed her. But then those moments in the attic flashed in her mind and a flush of heat washed over her. Alyssa forcibly pushed the memory away by replacing it with images of a few nights before when she was ready to murder him. She was not going to allow herself to think about the attic and what happened there. Such thoughts were to be forever banished from her memory. Yeah, and pigs could fricken fly.

  Heaving an annoyed sigh, she stood and paced the room. After several restless moments she sank down onto the bed and sprawled across the mattress. The situation was such that if she didn't come up with someone then she wasn't going. That's all there was to it. If the kisses had been bad, even mediocre, she would have been able to handle that. She could have amused herself at the party thinking his poor busty girlfriend had to deal with them on her own. But no, it wasn't like that at all because his kisses were amazing and she was jealous that they were going to be wasted on someone who probably didn't deserve them.

  Groaning loudly, Alyssa scolded herself for thinking that way but try as she might, she couldn't let her resentment go. It just wasn't fair that the blond bimbo had a right to his kisses and she did not. Rubbing a hand across her face, Alyssa forced herself to get back to the task at hand. A date. She needed a date.

  The name came in a flash of surprise, making her sit up in delighted triumph. Paul! He would be perfect. She looked around for her cell phone and after a frantic search, located it in the kitchen on the counter. But before she let the call go through, she changed her mind and began another frantic search for her car keys. This was just too important, she needed to ask him in person.

  * * *

  Alyssa walked through the door of St. Mary’s rectory where Paul was staying and paused for a moment to enjoy the sensation of her anxiety melting away. A sense of peace filtered through her, the agitation of the past few days no longer an issue as she waited in the entry hall.

  It didn't take long before Father Morgan appeared to greet her. “Alyssa, my dear. It is good to see you again.”

  Alyssa gave him a hug. “Hello, Father Morgan. I came to see Paul if he’s here.”

  “Yes, I believe he is in his room. Did he not know you were coming to see him?”

  “I called his cell but it went straight to voicemail.”

  “As you know, he’s here to help me out and I believe he’s preparing a sermon for Saturday’s service.”

  Father Morgan was in remission for non-Hodgkins lymphoma and since Paul was his nephew, he agreed to stay with him through the summer break from his seminary classes in Boston to help him with church services and activities. It was a lucky break for Alyssa for it brought him here to her hometown. “I’m glad he was able to come. It’s nice to have him close enough to visit. I hope you are doing well?”

  Father Morgan smiled and rubbed his head, making her notice his short, dark hair. “I’m doing so well my gray hair is gone and coming back in nice and dark.” He folded his hands as if in prayer. “I give thanks for the reprieve.” Giving her a wink, he turned away. “Have a seat and I’ll go fetch him.”

  Alyssa made herself comfortable on one of several settees and refused to accept the possibility of Paul not being available for Friday's engagement party. Father Morgan mentioned him conducting services for Saturday so hopefully that meant he would be free on Friday. Although Paul was quite sociable and no doubt had invitations for every night of the week, she knew he liked to keep his options open to the last second. He said making commitments too far in advance didn't leave room for opportunity. She couldn’t help but smile at that and muttered under her breath. "Well, Paul, opportunity is now knocking!" He had expressed an interest in meeting her friends and family and now, finally, she was happy to oblige.

  “Alyssa! It’s good to see you again.” Paul rushed into the room not five minutes later and drew her up for a hug.

  “Hello, Paul. It’s always good to see you too.”

  “So what brings you here?” He sat on the settee and pulled her down beside him.

  “I came to ask you a favor.” Alyssa gave a rueful smile. “You aren’t going to believe it.”

  Intrigued, Paul's brown eyes sparked with interest. “Try me.”

  “Well, Trisha and Jack have decided to get married.” She paused for a moment wondering how he’d take her next bit of news. “Trisha is pregnant.”

  Paul nodded slowly. “I see. That is wonderful that she and Jack are getting married, but I hope it’s not just because of the pregnancy.”

  Alyssa shook her head. “No, they love each other very much. I think the pregnancy brought on a wedding sooner than they otherwise would have done but I have no doubt they would have married eventually anyway.”

  “So then, what can I do? I’m not ordained yet, Alyssa, so if you want me to perform the ceremony, I’m afraid that is not possible.”

  “No, no, that’s not it.” She met his eyes and when he saw the solemn intensity within her gaze, his blond brows rose in silent question. "I came to ask you on a date of sorts.”

  Paul’s brows arched even higher. “A date of sorts? I think I need more clarification.”

  Alyssa’s hands twisted nervously in her lap. “Trisha has forced Cole and me into a truce.”

  “Bravo,” Paul cut in gently. “Good for her. This relationship you have with Cole is not healthy for either of you.”

  Alyssa sighed. “I know that, Paul, but it’s complicated. Anyway, this Friday Trisha’s parents are having an engagement party for them and I need a date.” She grasped hold of his hands and squeezed them. “I’ve been wanting to introduce you to my family and friends and you've been wanting to meet them too. This would be a perfect opportunity to do just that.”

  Paul’s expression turned thoughtful. “Yes, I have been looking forward to meeting all these people you have talked with me about over the past two years, but what is it you are not telling me?”

  Alyssa gave him a fond smile. “You are too astute, Paul. I think you have chosen the perfect profession.”

  Paul returned her smile. “It’s not a profession, it’s a calling.”

  Alyssa laughed at the correction. “Ah yes, I forgot.” She went silent for a moment and Paul gave her time to collect her thoughts. Finally she huffed out a sigh and admitted one of her major concerns. "I don’t know how to be nice to Cole. I am determined to hold to my end of the bargain but … well … I think I could do better if you were with me on Friday.”

  “Of course I would love to go with you, Alyssa. Now, what is it you aren’t telling me?”

  Alyssa stood and restlessly paced the room. Paul did nothing to prompt her answer and finally she decided to be honest with him and tell him what she hadn't intended to share. “Trisha made us kiss each other to seal the truce.” She couldn’t bring herself to tell him about the seco
nd kiss.

  Paul nodded slowly. “I see.”

  Alyssa shook her head. “No, I don’t think you do. I … we … well …” She trailed off hopelessly, unwilling to admit what she didn't want to acknowledge.

  “You enjoyed it?” Paul helped.

  Alyssa blushed. “Well, he knows what he’s doing. I am sure,” she added dryly, “that he has had lots of practice.”

  “Tell me something, have you ever told any of them about me?”

  Alyssa's blush deepened for she wasn't sure he'd understand her answer. Paul was her secret friend. Her confidant. Given Cole's propensity to ruin her relationships, she had kept this one secret. She didn't want their nasty little war getting in the way of her friendship with Paul. She treasured it too much. “No.”

  “May I ask why?”

  Alyssa sank back down beside him and took his hands in hers. She hoped the earnestness she felt was conveyed in her expression for she did not want him to feel slighted in any way. “I adore you, Paul. I respect you and I want you to respect me. I guess I've been afraid that Cole would change all that.”

  Paul gave her hands a reassuring squeeze. “I don’t pass judgments on people, Alyssa, based on other people's opinions. Cole holds no special powers of persuasion over me. That isn't so much the case with you, is it?”

  Although she wanted to protest the statement, she knew better than to get into an argument with him. He always won and she didn't want him to win this one.

  As if he understood her silence, Paul gave her hand another gentle squeeze. “You let everything he says to you go to heart and anything that affects the heart, affects your life." He leaned a little closer to lend weight to the assurance he sought to give her. "I will not allow him, or anyone else for that matter, to sully our relationship in any way.”

  Alyssa gave him an apologetic smile. “I think I realize that now.” She gave his hands a little shake as anticipation for Friday now replaced all anxiety concerning it. “Everyone is going to love you as I do.”

  Paul smiled in response and glanced at his watch. Giving her an apologetic sigh, he rose with obvious regret and pulled her up along with him. “I have a bible class to teach in half an hour, Alyssa. I’m afraid I’m going to have to go. What time should I pick you up?”

  Alyssa gave him a quick hug. “Paul, you are the greatest. We need to be at Trisha’s parents’ by five.” She glanced at his clerical collar and then up at his eyes. “Could you come without the collar on? I just want us to be able to relax and have fun and people get so uptight and self-conscious when they see a collar.”

  Although he nodded that he understood, he also frowned in puzzlement. “I can’t figure why. We are normal people after all.”

  Alyssa waved a hand to minimize the possible reasons for such behavior. “It’s like when a cop is following behind your car, although you are obeying the laws and have no reason to be pulled over, you still are paranoid about what you are doing.”

  “Well, I only wear it when I’m involved with church activities so I wouldn’t have it on anyway.” They walked arm in arm to the front door then Paul leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I’ll see you on Friday then, angel.” He saw her to her car then gave a brief wave before hurrying back inside.

  Alyssa drove away from the rectory feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. With Paul at her side, Friday was going to be a breeze.


  The gentle rapping on her door, which no longer sported a working doorbell, told Alyssa that Paul had arrived and she placed a hand on her fluttering stomach as she tried once again to will the nerves away. The evening ahead was going to be something of a challenge, a test to her emotional control, and she hoped she could keep a cool head through it all.

  Paul’s arrival marked the beginning of the evening and her time for facing Cole again was near at hand. It was an unsettling thought and she hoped Paul would be able to calm her rioting emotions. He was always so level-headed and calm about things. That calming energy usually had a remarkable effect on her and she needed it tonight more than ever.

  When she opened the door, Paul’s eyes widened and he took a step back to admire her properly. “Wow, you look beautiful.” He indicated with his finger that he wanted her to twirl around and she dutifully did so.

  His reaction boosted her confidence and she laughed when she faced him again, dropping him a curtsey in thanks for his appreciation. Feeling very fortunate to have his friendship, she gave him a quick hug and kissed his cheek. "Thanks, Paul, for being my friend.”

  Paul smiled and gave her shoulder a friendly pat. “Same back at you. So, are you ready?”

  Thanks to his reassuring presence, her anxiety eased up and she drew in a deep relieved breath. She was going to have fun tonight. With Paul at her side, she was going to show Cole Delaney that those moments in the attic were meaningless. A thoughtless, impulsive, stupid mistake. And he could just eat his heart out at what he was missing out on when he looked at her.

  She’d spent hours getting ready and she knew she looked good. It gave her an added boost of confidence knowing that she looked her absolute best. After several changes of clothes, she had finally settled on a simple black dress that fit snugly around her small waist and flared provocatively over slender hips. Dark stockings covered long, shapely legs and her black high heels gave her five foot seven inch frame another couple of inches. The front of her dress was designed in a crisscross halter top fashion which emphasized the rounded fullness of her breasts, showing just a moderate amount of cleavage, and leaving her slim shoulders bare. She had piled her long black hair into a loose knot on the top of her head, allowing the shorter wispy locks to curl about her oval face and the slender column of her neck. Though she had applied make-up sparingly, it was enough to create a tasteful dramatic flair. Her high cheekbones and honey smooth complexion gave her features a look of classical beauty and her royal blue eyes contrasted sharply with her coal black hair and tanned complexion. Her mother claimed their family bloodline included a member of the Cherokee Indian tribe. It was a fascinating story of forbidden love and one of her favorite family legends.

  Although she felt somewhat self-conscious about her bared back, she knew the sexy display would grate on Cole's nerves. He always got annoyed when she showed what he thought was too much skin. He told her he didn't like girls who dressed like "floozies". Whatever. Just so long as it annoyed him, that's all that mattered.

  She was a little concerned that Paul might be uncomfortable with her blatant efforts to look sexy and beautiful but he was steadfast in his calling and had assured her once that although he was a normal man, he was too focused on his calling to give much notice to temptations of the flesh. Personally, Alyssa didn’t know how he did it, taking on a life that did not allow for romantic relationships. But then, as he told her, she was not “called” so of course she wouldn’t understand.

  As Alyssa turned to get her purse and shawl, Paul was given another view of her back and he said with a humorous lilt to his voice, “Are you trying to raise temperatures at this party, Alyssa?”

  She grinned at him over her shoulder. “Women always feel more confident to handle things when they look dressed-to-kill.”

  Paul nodded with understanding. “I see. Do you feel in the need of a confidence booster then?” He lifted his arms to indicate himself. “I thought that was my job?”

  Alyssa slipped her black shawl around her shoulders. “How can the evening go wrong when I feel good about myself and have the best date a girl could possibly ask for?” In saying that, she gave Paul an appreciative once-over. He was looking very dapper in a gray pin-striped suite and she gave him a nod of approval. His coloring, the blond hair and light brown eyes, contrasted very well against her dark hair and blue eyes. His height was perfect for her too. Standing about three inches taller, they were a great match and she couldn't help but wonder what Cole was going to think about it. Then with a stern mental shake, she cancelled the though
t. She didn’t give a fig what Cole thought. “Are you ready?”

  Paul offered his arm and patted her hand when she took it. “Let’s do it then.”

  Smiling, her nerves calm and collected, Alyssa gave him a wide smile. “We are going to have a wonderful evening, Paul. I can’t wait for everyone to meet you.”

  Despite her confidence, however, Alyssa’s stomach began to twist into knots as they walked up to the front door of the Delaney home. There were only two other cars in the driveway, Cole’s and Jack’s. Her hand tightened on Paul’s arm and he gave it a reassuring pat just as Trisha’s mom answered the door.

  “Al, my dear, you look lovely.” She gave Alyssa a warm hug taking care not to mess up her hair. “I love that hairdo and that dress is going to cause a stir for sure.” She turned to Paul and smiled. “Good evening.”

  “Jenna, this is Paul Jordan, a very dear friend. And Paul, this is Jenna Delaney, Trisha’s mother."

  “A pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” Paul shook her hand, bowing slightly as he did so and handed her a bouquet of spring flowers. "For you, as a token of my thanks for allowing me to join in your celebration."

  Jenna gave him a warm smile as she took the flowers. “Why thank you so much." She shook his hand then drew him into the house. "It’s always nice to meet Alyssa’s friends. She is very much like family to us, you know.”

  Once they were all standing in the entryway, she motioned for them to go on into the living room. “Everyone is scattered about at the moment but I'll send Trisha and Jack a text to let them know you are here." She took a few steps back and waved an apologetic hand. "I still have some things to do in the kitchen but I will join you shortly. Al, you know where to find everything. Help yourself to a drink. The bar is fully stocked.”

  Although Jenna was already scurrying away, Alyssa took a hasty step toward her. “Can I help you with anything, Jenna?”

  “No, no. You go enjoy yourself. I’m fine.” Then she disappeared into the kitchen, the door swinging closed behind her.


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