Tangled Up Hearts

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Tangled Up Hearts Page 21

by Hughes, Deborah

  Emotion flared momentarily in his eyes, one Alyssa couldn't name, but then his lips firmed as if a sudden unpleasant thought had just occurred to him and he shook his head. “Thank you but no. I have a date.”

  Alyssa expelled her pent-up breath and schooled her features so as not to show the disappointment she was feeling. “Well, you all have a great evening then.” Waving a hand in farewell to Father Bowden, she turned and hurried down the aisle to where Paul stood waiting.

  “Is everything all right, Alyssa?” Paul held her jacket out and helped her slip it on.

  She turned around to face him, her hands busy with the buttons, her head bent in feigned concentration to the small task. “Yes of course. Why?”

  “You seem disturbed about something.”

  Cole had a date? With Serena? Shaking unwanted images away, she smiled brightly and patted his cheek. “Nothing is bothering me. Are you ready for some coffee?”

  Paul placed a hand at her back as they headed for the door. “Quite. And if there’s anything you want to talk about, I’m ready for that too.”

  Whatever would she do without her dear friend? She stopped to look at him, a serious look in her troubled blue eyes. “Do you know how much I love you, Paul?”

  “About as much as I love you I imagine.” He smiled gently and bent to kiss her forehead. “Come on, let’s go find a cozy restaurant that serves hot apple pie. I’ve been suffering a pang for it lately.”

  Cole watched from the doorway, unnoticed, but then they were too wrapped up in each other to see him. His hands curled into fists as he fought to control the turbulent emotions raging through him. He'd decided to accept her offer to join them for coffee but then he heard their declaration of love and went still as death. For a moment he couldn’t even breathe. His chest felt tight and he put a hand there, pressing against the pressure. Was it true? Could they be in love already? Their obvious affection for each other sounded quite genuine. His mind reeled in an emotional tailspin. Why he was so disturbed, he didn’t know. He just knew he didn’t like it. Not one single bit. Not only that but a feeling close to pain tugged at his heart as he watched them leave. Part of him wanted to rush after them, hone in on their evening and separate them, but another part of him said it would be a fool's errand. He passed a tired hand across his eyes. Why did he tell Alyssa he had a date? He told his parents he might stop by later. That hardly constituted a date. Running a hand through his hair, he closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. Hell, but he could use a drink. A nice stiff one. Perhaps that’s just what he’d do.

  “Cole? Are you okay?” Trisha’s concerned voice interrupted his thoughts and he opened his eyes to give her a lopsided grin.

  “I’m just as fine as I can possibly be. See you kids later.” He wasted no time in escaping out the door and away from his sister’s perceptive eyes.

  Trisha watched her brother leave the church with a small smile playing about her lips.

  Jack’s eyes narrowed in question. “What’s going on in that scheming little head of yours, sweetheart?”

  “Jack, Paul is studying to be a priest.” She delivered the words softly, a preoccupied look in her eyes.

  “A priest!” Jack started to laugh. “Does Cole know?”

  “No. And I’m not going to tell him just yet.” She turned to Jack and placed a hand on his arm. “Cole is jealous of Paul. I know he is. Let him stew with those feelings for a while.” She stared at the door her very disturbed brother had just barely managed to close without a solid slam. “Cole and Alyssa like each other more than either of them want to admit. It is time they both come to realize it.”

  “Just what are you hoping, Trisha?”

  She shook her head, pulling herself from the possibilities swirling within it, and smiled at him with feigned innocence. “I’m just thinking that I want them to be the way it was. In the beginning, before they began to fight.”

  Jack’s eyes searched Trisha’s. “You aren’t hoping those two hook up are you?” He gave a small wince of imagined pain. “It would be a stormy relationship. I’m not sure we could weather through it.”

  Trisha laughed with amusement. “You didn’t see them seven years ago. Alyssa adored my brother and he thought the world of her.”

  “That was seven years ago, sweetheart, a lot has happened since then,” Jack cautioned.

  “Don’t look so worried, Jack. Trust me, I know both of them very well. Better than they know themselves or each other.” She laced her small hand through his. “Come on, let’s go see your parents.”

  As for Alyssa and Cole, well she'd just let that situation stew for a while.


  Alyssa’s father picked her up early the following morning and they drove to Manchester to shop for a new car. After going to dealership after dealership and looking at car after car, she finally settled on a metallic blue Sonic. It had a built-in navigational system and was equipped with On-Star, both features a must-have, especially after the rabbit incident. Her father wouldn't have allowed for anything less anyway. Safety first, he insisted. Besides, a quick internet search told her that it was a top performer in crash tests and that was important too.

  After filling out the necessary paperwork, she drove her new car off the lot and couldn't keep the grin off her face as she did so. It really was a smooth ride. And she felt safe. If, God forbid, she had an accident with this car while driving in the middle of nowhere, she wouldn't be without the means to get help. Never again.

  She followed her father home and had dinner with her parents then afterwards she headed for Trisha’s place to show off her new wheels.

  It was while they were looking her car over that Alyssa picked up on a vibe that Trisha was worried about something. So while Jack was looking under the hood and poking around the engine, she turned and gave her friend an "out with it" expression. "What's wrong?"

  “You know me so well." Giving a small grimace, Trisha shrugged her shoulders in a defensive gesture. "You are going to think I'm being stupid but I don't care. I haven’t heard from Cole today and I'm worried about him.”

  Laughing softly, hoping to ease some of her worry, Alyssa gave her a hug. “Is he supposed to check in with you or something?”

  “He was supposed to come by this morning and pick up the plans we have for adding the baby's room to Jack's house. He's going to look it over and put it into a professional design for the carpenters to use."

  “Well, did you call his place?”

  “Yes. All I got was the answering machine and his cell phone goes straight to voicemail. I figured he was just running late but here it is six in the evening and I still haven't heard from him.”

  Jack closed the hood and wiped his hands on his jeans. “Damn fine auto you got here, Al.” He sauntered over to Trisha and draped a casual arm across her shoulders. “Wouldn’t mind having something like that myself.”

  “Fine, Jack, you trade in the Audi and get one.” Trisha linked a hand through his and squeezed it lovingly. “Whatever makes you happy.”

  “You make me happy, sweetheart.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head then pulled away to look in her eyes. “You still worried about Cole?”

  “It’s not like him to say he’ll stop by and then not do it.” She turned to Alyssa, her expression becoming urgent. “Jack and I are having dinner tonight with our parents.” She grasped hold of Alyssa's hands and gave them a squeeze, her eyes taking on a pleading look. “Would you mind too terribly stopping by Cole’s place? You can take the plans over to him and see if he's okay.”

  Although her insides cringed at the idea of seeing Cole without the benefit of other people around, Alyssa knew she couldn’t refuse her friend’s request. “Sure, Trish. If it will make you feel better.”

  Trisha sighed gratefully. “Thanks, Al. It means a lot.” She headed for her house. “I’ll just go get the plans.”

  A short while later Alyssa pulled into the driveway of Cole’s home, a beautiful rambling log cabin h
e designed himself. Nestled among the trees, it blended well with the surroundings and Alyssa loved it. She stepped from the car and looked about her with trepidation and anticipation warring for supremacy within her. The lights were out but his truck was in the driveway. He couldn’t possibly be in bed already ... unless perhaps he wasn’t feeling well?

  Cole’s dog Zeus, a huge friendly Rottweiler, suddenly came bounding around from the back of the house barking excitedly. Zeus loved people. Sometimes a little too much. Laughing, Alyssa tried to push the huge monster down and make her way to the door. If Cole didn't hear her pull into the drive, he dang sure should know she was there now. Zeus was making enough noise to wake the dead.

  “Okay you big lug, calm down.” She patted his monstrous head affectionately and knocked on the door. When she got no answer, she rang the doorbell and peered through the window. Where on earth could he be? The interior was too dark to see anything. She tried knocking again, this time more loudly.

  “Damn it, stop pounding on the door.” Cole's shout was rough and filled with more than his usual amount of annoyance, at least where she was concerned.

  Did he know it was her at the door then? When several seconds passed and he still didn't put in an appearance, she raised her hand to knock again when the crash of something falling to the floor and a muffled curse made her pause. What on earth was he doing in there? The silence that followed made her knock again. Harder this time as urgency surged to rising concern.

  A few seconds later, the door was wrenched open. “What?” Leaning heavily against the doorframe, Cole squinted down at her. “Al? What are you doing here?”

  Shocked by his appearance, she could only stare, her mouth dropping open as her mind scrambled for something to say. She got nothing. The only thing she could do was let her gaze travel over him, taking in his dishevelment with a surge of attraction she was trying hard to fight.

  He wore a rumpled blue flannel shirt which hung open in a suck-in-your-breath display of masculine beauty. She hadn't seen him without a shirt in years and now it was easy to see he'd been working out. His broad chest, lightly peppered with dark hair that narrowed to a near thin line and disappeared beneath his gray sweat pants, was tantalizing to say the least. Her fingers itched to follow that hairline. She'd known, of course, that he was physically fit, but he kept all that sexy masculinity covered in clothes. No doubt he was pretty magnificent naked. He had the kind of body that made women go hot from the inside out and Alyssa was no less immune.

  Aware her mouth still hung open, Alyssa snapped it shut and forced her eyes to travel back up to his face. He hadn’t shaved and the day's growth of beard made him look reckless, while his hair, which was sticking up in all directions, made him appear vulnerable. He looked … well … he looked adorable. And not in the best of moods. “Cole, are you okay?”

  He passed a hand over his eyes and then up into his hair, ruffling it even more. “What are you doing here?” He spoke with a lazy slur and though he tried to appear like it wasn't a problem, he appeared to be having trouble focusing as well. With lowered eyelids, he leaned close and drew in a deep breath. “Jesus, is that you who smells so good?”

  Alyssa could not ask the same in return. He reeked of alcohol. Realization dawned. “You’re drunk.”

  Cole winced and drew back, shaking his head as if her voice hurt his ears. “Christ, do you have to shout?” Pushing himself from the door frame, he turned and walked unsteadily away from her.

  Alyssa stood where she was and debated on what to do. Should she enter his house when he was inebriated? Not that she feared him or anything but once he was sober again he might resent her intrusion. But then again, Trisha would be upset if she learned she'd just turned and left him alone when he was in this state. Clearly he was in need of some help.

  The last thought settled it for her. Besides, Cole left the door open. He didn't shut it in her face so surely that was invitation enough. She entered the house, motioning for Zeus to follow her.

  After shutting the door quietly and drawing in a calming breath, she turned around and scanned the room. The cabin's main floor was open and spacious and it didn’t take long to find him sprawled in an easy chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him. When she realized he was holding a hand to his mouth and taking deep breaths through his nose, she hurried across the room toward him. “Cole, are you okay?”

  Zeus padded over to her and plopped down in an adoring heap at her feet. Alyssa knelt to pet his head and used the move as a chance to get a better look at Cole.

  He must have sensed her perusal for he opened his eyes a crack and peered back at her through long dark lashes. Since the lighting and his condition were not all that great, Alyssa was pretty sure he couldn't see the concern in her eyes and she started to reach out and touch his arm when he dropped his head back against the chair.

  “Damn fool lamp. Never did like the thing anyway.”

  The lamp in question lay in pieces on the floor next to his chair. No doubt it was the source of the crash she'd heard. Thinking it best that she clean up the mess, she stood and took but one step when she saw Cole lift his hand to his mouth again. Wondering why he was doing that, she watched as he pulled it away and held it up for inspection. That's when she noticed the blood.

  “What did you do?” Alyssa took his hand and drew in a breath when she saw the gash alongside his thumb.

  Cole tried to yank his hand out of her grasp though it was a weak, half-hearted effort. “Nothing serious.”

  Alyssa let him go and headed for the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.”

  She found some ointment and a bandage in his medicine cabinet. After grabbing a clean washcloth and wetting it with warm water, she headed back to the living room where Cole sat staring morosely into space, his arm hanging over the arm of the chair while blood dripped onto the floor. Alyssa turned on the overhead light, then walked over to him and knelt next to his chair.

  Cole covered his eyes with his good hand. “Damn it, Alyssa, shut that light off.”

  “Not until I take care of that cut.” She spoke in as firm a voice as she could muster, hoping he got the message that it would be useless to argue.

  After a moment's hesitation, he heaved a tired sigh and closed his eyes. "Fine. Do whatever the hell you want. You will anyway."

  Gently she lifted his hand and washed away the blood, a task that became more disconcerting when Cole opened his eyes and watched her. Figuring it was best that she pretend ignorance of his regard, Alyssa took her time. Once she was satisfied that the cut was clean, she applied some pressure to it and waited for the bleeding to stop.

  Cole pushed himself up a bit straighter then leaned forward, bending his head close to hers. “Just a scratch,” he muttered, his voice hoarse and gravelly.

  Very aware of him and wishing he didn't look so darned desirable, even in his inebriated, disheveled state, Alyssa kept her head down and concentrated on her task. It was an odd situation to be in with him. She’d never seen Cole drunk. As far as she knew, he rarely touched alcohol.

  After applying the bandage, she set his hand carefully in his lap then looked up, feeling slightly startled at how intensely he was looking at her. “What’s wrong, Cole? Why are you drinking?”

  He lifted his good hand and cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking her temple ever so gently. Alyssa's breath snagged in her throat and she froze like a frightened deer as she stared at him with wide doe eyes. His fingers slid up into her hair and sifted through it. “You have the softest skin. And your hair … I just want to lose myself in it.” He leaned closer and buried his nose into the crook of her neck, taking a deep breath before speaking softly into her ear. “Jesus. You smell good enough to eat.”

  Alyssa squeezed her eyes shut and willed her body to move. He was drunk. Nothing he said meant anything. Her heart pounding furiously, she gently pushed him away from her.

  As if his strength had suddenly dissipated, Cole slumped into the cushions of his chair and
let his head fall back. His eyes drifted shut and after a moment a long sigh emerged from his parted lips.

  Wondering if he'd passed out, Alyssa leaned down and touched his shoulder, jumping back with surprise when he waved her off.

  “Will you stop staring at me?” He opened a baleful eye to glare at her before closing it again.

  Alyssa straightened up. “You need some coffee and something to eat.” Glad to have something to do and to get away from him for a while, she headed for his kitchen. It was her favorite part of the house. Although she hadn't spent a lot of time at his place, she had come a few times with Trisha and during family get-togethers so she was somewhat familiar with where things were.

  After making a thorough check of his refrigerator and cupboards, she decided a western omelet wouldn’t upset his stomach too awfully much. Determined to concentrate on her task and not think about Cole sprawled a short distance away looking far too tempting for her eager eyes, she prepared a pot of coffee and set about making him something to eat.

  She couldn't help but give a soft laugh as she chopped vegetables for the omelet. Who would have thought just a mere week ago that she'd be in his kitchen preparing him a meal? It really was a shocking change of events. Not in a million years would she have ever believed she'd one day end up in Cole’s house tending to him like a wife.

  The telephone rang loudly into the silence and since Alyssa was pretty sure it was Trisha, she snatched up the receiver, wanting to stop its noisy ring from disturbing Cole's slumber. She wasn't ready for him to be awake yet. “Hello?”

  “Al? Oh good, you’re there. Is Cole okay? Why are you answering his phone?”

  Alyssa wondered what Trisha would say if she told her the truth, that her brother was drunk and she was in the kitchen cooking him something to eat. “He’s fine. He just got caught up in a ... a project of some sort and forgot he was supposed to come over."

  "Well, he's certainly done that before. So why are you answering his phone?"

  Her mind scrambled for an answer for although she hated lying, there was no way she was going to tell her the truth. "He just stepped into the … um … he's in the bathroom, that's why I answered the phone.”


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