Tangled Up Hearts

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Tangled Up Hearts Page 25

by Hughes, Deborah

  Unlike the silent, uncomfortable ride they'd endured to the church, a peaceful silence settled between them this time around. Although Alyssa was grateful for it, she was also curious as to what Cole was thinking about. Certainly not what was going through her own head. No. As for herself, she was affirming her need to do nothing to jog Cole's memory about what had gone on between them at his place. In his bed. It was obvious he couldn't remember and she wanted to keep it that way.

  The fact that he attracted her was not so bad really. He was a very handsome, sexy man. Any red-blooded woman would be crazy not to appreciate that. Physical attraction could be handled easily enough. Just so long as her feelings didn’t get involved she'd be fine. Surely there was no chance of her falling in love with him.

  Shock went through her for bringing that word into play and she immediately had a firm talk with herself. Why in the world would you think something like that, Alyssa? Of course you don't love him. Why would you even bring it up? Was she getting delusional? Surely she wasn’t going to let a brief moment of mad passion cloud her thinking? No. Of course not. Just the same, it would probably be best to steer clear of Cole during the rest of the evening. Her thinking processes went slightly awry when he was around. Love indeed.

  Wondering what Alyssa was thinking about, Cole gave her covert glances but could glean nothing from her changing expressions. She seemed to be disturbed about something but not, he didn't think, with him. At least not at the moment. He was still reeling with questions on that look she gave him on the church steps. It had seared right through him. He’d had a crazy urge in that moment to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless.

  Figuring it best to think of something else, his mind wandered to the ceremony. Though he tried to keep his focus on the married couple, anything but her, he couldn't keep the image of Alyssa walking down the aisle from invading his thoughts. She was looking incredibly beautiful today. But then there probably wasn't an instance when she didn't look great. He'd been terrified his body was going to embarrass him right there in front of everyone. It had taken every ounce of control to keep his hormones under control. And when their gazes locked while Trisha and Jack kissed, he'd wanted to step forward and do the same to her.

  Sweat broke out on his brow and Cole glanced to ensure Alyssa wasn't looking before wiping it away. He was going to have to cool it. If he didn’t exercise more control, he might have to drop an ice cube down his pants and hope that would put a chill on his desire.

  What he had to keep in mind was Paul. Regardless of that look she’d given him on the church steps, Alyssa was with him. His jaw tightened painfully and it was all he could do not to grind his teeth. Nice as he seemed to be, he was all wrong for her. She needed someone who could match her passion and he just didn’t seem the sort to keep someone like her satisfied. She had too much spunk, determination and charisma. She’d run him around in circles. No, she needed someone with a personality as strong as hers. Someone who could hold up to her temperament, curb her impulsiveness and match her spirit. She’d be a handful for sure. Cole could vouch for that. How many times over the years did he have to step in and rescue her from potentially disastrous relationships? That last guy he thought she was about to hook up with was a perfect example. What was she doing with Jerry anyway when she had Paul? That confused him quite a bit. Although she was definitely better off with him out of the picture, he didn’t like her being with Paul either. It didn't please him at all that he was going to be at the reception with her. The best thing for him to do was stay as far away from the two of them as possible. There would be other single women present. Surely he could find one to amuse himself with for the evening. Someone incredible enough to keep his mind occupied. Somehow he doubted it.


  The parking lot was full when they arrived and Cole was glad to see there were reserved spots for the wedding party and the immediate family. Once they were parked, he chanced a glance at Alyssa and was surprised to see her looking calmly out the window. At least she wasn't in a hurry to get the hell away from his company like she'd been at the church. In fact, she seemed quite serene. Was she thinking about Paul? The thought made his heart plunge, then pound with a beat that was almost painful. Holy hell but he was confused.

  Alyssa turned to offer him a small smile. "So let's do this."

  Well how about that, they were on speaking terms too. Cole stepped out of the truck and went around to her side and opened the door, giving her a hand down and maintaining his hold.

  Alyssa was surprised that he held onto her hand but then she saw the photographer was waiting to snap their picture and realized he was doing it for his benefit. Even so, she was glad the tension between them had relaxed enough that it wasn't an ordeal to suffer through. They even managed to pose for a couple shots with genuine smiles.

  When they entered the lobby it was to find it crowded with people, most of whom were surrounding Trisha and Jack, making it nearly impossible to get to them.

  Cole's grip tightened on Alyssa’s hand as he led her through the milling crowd. They made slow progress because several people stopped them for quick chats. Alyssa smiled and nodded and gave appropriate responses, at least she hoped she did. All she could focus on was Cole’s hand and how good it felt holding hers. Two weeks ago she would never have believed this small act was even possible. Her fingers tightened ever so slightly in response to the pleasurable tingles running up her arm. A quick glance at Cole and she was sure he was completely unaffected by this small yet monumental thing. It probably wasn’t even registering that he was holding his enemy’s hand. After all, his brain was functioning just fine. He smiled and talked all along their path towards the newlyweds and once they reached Trisha, he dropped Alyssa’s hand and wrapped an arm around his sister’s shoulders.

  “Hey you two.” Trisha smiled at them, looking from one to the other with a pleased expression on her face. No doubt she'd noticed the hand-holding even if he hadn't paid any attention to it. “Are you hungry? I believe dinner is ready.”

  “I’m starved. I could probably eat a horse at this moment,” Cole told her.

  “Good thing, I think that’s what’s on the menu,” Jack told him cheerfully.

  Cole’s face twisted in disgust. “Good God!”

  Trisha laughed at his expression. “He’s teasing, Cole.” She patted his arm. "In future, be careful what you wish for!"

  They made their way to the head table and took their seats. Alyssa sat beside Trisha, Cole on the other side of Jack. It kept him out of her line of sight and for that Alyssa was extremely grateful.

  Though the meal looked delicious, lemon chicken and some sort of pasta dish, Alyssa picked at her food without enthusiasm. The champagne which was flowing freely was much more appealing. It went a long way towards calming her nerves. Her mood lightening up, she picked up a fork and started clinking her glass. “Kiss, we want a kiss.”

  Jack was more than happy to oblige the request and once it got started, it didn’t stop.

  Finally Cole interrupted all the kissing by standing up to begin his toast.

  “Trisha, you aren’t just my sister, but my friend. For twenty-three years I have had the pleasure of you in my life and I am quite thankful for every moment of it. You have a pure heart and an endless supply of love and I am so proud to be your brother. It is my deepest wish, and most heartfelt prayer, that you and Jack live together in complete happiness and that you get back tenfold all that you so freely give.” His voice choked for a moment then when he continued, his voice was gravelly with emotion. “I love you, sis. Be happy.”

  Trisha’s eyes brimmed bright with tears and after taking a few seconds to collect herself, she managed to mouth back her response. “I love you too”.

  Cole gave her a wink then turned to look at Jack. “I never thought a man would come along good enough for my sister. Then she brought you home and I knew I was going to be replaced as number one in her heart.” He winked at his parents. “N
o offense Mom, Dad, but you are in a different category. You two are irreplaceable.” He turned back to Jack. “Anyway, as I was saying, you are now the center of her world. But you know, I’m okay with that because I can’t think of a better replacement.” Cole lifted his glass high. “To Jack and Trisha Williams, may they live long and be prosperous.”

  Everyone laughed and raised their glass in salute.

  Alyssa took a sip of her champagne and made sure she kept her eyes on anyone but Cole. She was feeling particularly vulnerable and knew her admiration for him would probably shine through. One thing she couldn't risk was him noticing. The only person who needed to know that she found him pretty incredible on occasion was her own self. He might be a major thorn in her side but that didn't change the fact that he was an amazing brother to her friend.

  Trisha's laughter drew Alyssa's attention and when she turned to look, it was to see that she and Jack were going in for yet another kiss. That's when it donned on her that this is how it was going to be from now on. Trisha and Jack. Not Trisha and Alyssa. This marriage and pending birth changed everything. No longer would her friend have much time to spend with her. And the less she saw of Trisha, the less she'd see of Cole.

  A sense of loss swept over her, squeezing her heart, her emotions dropping into a pit of self-pity. It took her by surprise feeling that way. Surely she wasn't upset about not seeing Cole? Things might be changing between them but that didn't mean she was actually starting to enjoy being around him. No.

  Needing the comfort of a friend, Alyssa scanned the crowd for Paul and saw that he was sitting with Trisha’s grandmother. They were in deep conversation, about which she was mildly curious, and so, for the moment anyway, even he was inaccessible.

  Luckily she was soon distracted by Trisha's and Jack's first dance as man and wife. Despite her low mood, she couldn't help but smile in appreciation for the love they shared. How lucky they were.

  “Alyssa? We probably should dance as well. I believe it is custom.” Cole held out his hand to her, an uncertain smile on his face, as if he was expecting a refusal but hoping for the opposite.

  Startled that he managed to approach her without her inner radar picking up on it, Alyssa took his hand and stood up. He squeezed her fingers gently and walked with her to the dance floor.

  With her heart pounding and her skin prickling with excitement, she went into Cole's arms. Despite her worry as to how she was going to feel being this close to him again, she was glad when he pulled her lightly against him. Closing her eyes in pure enjoyment, his scent enveloping her, she drew in deep, quiet breaths. There was just no way she could deny that she loved his warmth. His energy. It just felt so right.

  They moved together in perfect unison and knowing she could get lost in the feelings assaulting her senses, Alyssa dropped her head back and looked up at him, thinking it was best to start talking. Otherwise, the sensual spell would become too much for her to resist and where would that leave her when the dance was over? “That was a beautiful toast you made, Cole.”

  “I meant every word of it.” His eyes met hers, his hand tightening on hers while the arm encircling her waist pulled her closer, molding her body to his. “You look beautiful, Alyssa.”

  Her heart skipped a beat or two then settled into a rapid pounding. He’d told her that last night as well. She couldn’t remember many situations when Cole gave her a compliment. Other than the few he passed out many, many years ago that is. “Thank you.” Even more surprising, he was using her full name and that affected her more than the compliment.

  Unable to meet his intense gaze, she lowered her head and drew in the scent of his cologne. God, he smelled good. Not only that but he felt good too and she relaxed against him, her body and mind totally focused on the connection forging hard and fast between them. When Cole bent his head until his cheek rested next to her temple, a thrilling tremor ran through her and her arms slid up his shoulders until they were wrapped intimately around his neck. She itched to touch his hair and gave into the urge, loving the feel of its softness as she sifted it through her fingers. They could have been the only two people in the room for all the notice she gave to the others dancing around them. With her eyes closed, she drifted into a dreamy haze.

  Memories of the passion they shared the night before filled her thoughts. As she remembered the feel of his hands on her body, his mouth driving her wild with passion, she almost groaned out loud. Desire was once again piercing into her soul.

  From a short distance away, Trisha took note of the way her friend and brother were dancing. “Jack, look.” She motioned toward them with a slight nod of her head. “What do you make of that?”

  Jack maneuvered Trish around so he could see what she was talking about. “Well, well. They look a mite cozy wouldn’t you say?”

  “They look made for each other.” She maneuvered them about so she could see them once again, a triumphant smile twitching at her mouth.

  “Now, Trisha, don’t go getting your hopes up too much. I would hate to see you disappointed.” Jack put a finger under her chin and directed her gaze back to his. "Five minutes from now they could be tearing at each other like two ornery alley cats."

  “I’m not going to be disappointed, Jack. You just wait and see.” Before he could make any further replies, she pulled his head down for a nice, long kiss.

  Surprised by the fact that Alyssa was cozying up to him, it was all Cole could do to keep a tight rein on his libido. She felt so good in his arms, her body fitting his perfectly and God but he loved her scent. It assailed his senses, evoking forbidden thoughts. Indecent ones. That all too familiar ache of need began to unfurl in his loins and that’s when he knew he needed to end this dance and quick. If he didn't, he was going to make a spectacle of himself. Though it pained him to do so, he pulled away enough to make her raise her head and look at him, loosening the hold she had around his neck. “I should go ask Mom to dance now.” Although his voice was clipped, it was only because he was trying hard to speak normal. He didn't feel normal. Not at all. In fact, he was trying so hard to maintain control of his body's response to her that he felt like a tightly wound spring. God but he could use a drink. Not that it would help. Certainly it hadn't done him any good the day before. All that managed to accomplish was an indulgence in passionate fantasies.

  Confused by his sudden withdrawal, Alyssa compressed her lips. He was a fickle man. That was his damn problem. His running hot and cold on her was not acceptable and she wasn’t going to take it anymore. “Fine, Cole, you do that.” With a dismissive toss of her head, she walked off the dance floor and headed straight for his father Thomas. It was time to dance with the bride’s father and to hell with Cole Delaney.

  Thomas was standing with Jack's father and when he saw her coming, he set his drink on a nearby table and held his hand out to her. “Allie, my dear, I was hoping you'd pull yourself away from that fool son of mine and give me a go around on the dance floor." With much flourish, he took her hand and swung her around into his arms. The music changed to a waltz, no doubt the doings of a smart disc jockey who kept an eye on who was now entering the dance floor.

  Glad for the distraction of Thomas's lighthearted behavior, Alyssa laughed. "You had to know I was going to be searching you out."

  Smiling in response, Thomas held her away so he could give her a quick admiring glance. "Have I told you how lovely you look, my dear?” Then not waiting for her reply, they launched into a series of sweeping swirls.

  Slightly breathless by his exuberance, Alyssa threw back her head and laughed. “You need to teach your son how to relax and have a good time.”

  Thomas glanced over at his wife and son now dancing sedately together and smiled. “He certainly looked comfortable enough with you a moment ago.” He cast her a speculative glance, his eye brows wriggling in teasing suggestion.

  Alyssa groaned inwardly. The last thing she wanted was for the Delaneys to start getting ideas about she and Cole. They may have found a mom
ent on the dance floor but that didn't make them compatible. Sexually they’d be fantastic though. Her cheeks reddened. Now where did that thought come from? She shouldn't be thinking along those lines while dancing with Cole's father for goodness sakes. You’re losing it, Alyssa. Get a damn grip. Distressed with her line of thinking, she gave Thomas an apologetic smile. “I’m rather tired, Thomas. Do you mind if I sit the rest of this song out?”

  “Not at all, my dear. It’s time I claim my wife from our son anyway.” He let her go and stepped back with a slight bow.

  Alyssa curtsied back then went in search of Paul. She found him still engaged in conversation with Trisha’s grandmother, a dear old lady and a very devout Christian.

  “Paul, Gramma Lynn, mind if I join you?”

  Paul quickly rose to his feet and held a chair out for her. Alyssa sank gratefully into it.

  “You look lovely, dear.” Gramma Lynn reached over and patted her arm. “Everyone looks so nice this evening don’t you think?”

  “Yes I do think and that includes yourself, Gramma Lynn.”

  “You are being too kind to this old body.” Gramma Lynn’s pale blue eyes twinkled with mirth. “You and Cole looked very nice together while you were out there dancing.”

  Good Lord, not her too. All they did was dance for goodness sake. What was this sudden interest everyone had to pair them off? Deciding it best to not respond to Gramma Lynn's remark, Alyssa turned to Paul and touched his arm. “I do hope you are going to have at least one dance with me, Paul.”

  “Certainly, Alyssa.” A playful smile teased his lips as he looked at Gramma Lynn and winked. “Gramma Lynn and I have been enjoying a conversation about the importance of religion in a family.”

  “Where there is God there is love and where there is love there is a strong family,” Gramma Lynn stated firmly. “These days there is too much drugs, alcohol, and money tearing apart the family unit. There's just not enough focus being placed on spiritual importance anymore.”


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