Destiny of Three

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Destiny of Three Page 6

by Bryce Evans

  “Maybe he just wants to live a normal life. He’s lived a long time, and maybe that’s the reason he hasn’t come forward. I don’t know, but I found…” Sullivan leaned in closer to him. “I found his journal, too.” Sky’s eyes widened. He was a history buff, too, and would love to read it.

  “You didn’t try to sell it?” Sky whispered.

  “No, that was something personal of his, and if I ever get the chance to meet him, I’ll give it back to him,” Sullivan confessed.

  “That’s nice of you.” Sky said softly.

  Sullivan chuckled. “You seem surprised?”

  “What are you two over here talking about?” River said as she pulled a chair over and sat down beside her brother.

  “River, this is Su…”

  “Sullivan Grayson. Yes, I know who you are, Mr. Grayson. My mate is a big fan of yours,” River said.

  “I guess it could be worse; he could dislike me. I’d like to meet him. I think Mary said he was the Prime in this area?” Sullivan inquired.

  “Yes, his name is Reece Ramsey, and my other mate is Jonas Glenn. He runs the Unit that the Alpha’s Council formed.” River announced, and like magic, they both appeared behind her.

  “This is where you ran off too.” Reece leaned over and kissed his mate on top of her head.

  “Mr. Grayson, I want you to meet my mates, Reece and Jonas,” River introduced them. Both men walked around her and shook Sullivan’s hand. Not once did they take their eyes off him. He couldn’t blame them since their mate was sitting directly across from him. Plus, he was a predator and an Alpha male.

  “Please, call me Sullivan. It’s nice to meet you both.”

  “Reece, it was Sullivan who found the Book of Primal Elders. He’s a tomb raider.” Sky couldn’t stop his smile as he told his family about Sullivan. He had to be the most interesting person he’d ever met.

  “When Larsen told me your name, I immediately knew who you were. I would love to sit and talk about your job. Sky makes me tell him everything about our history. In fact, we were just talking about that book the other day. He loves history. I think you two would have a lot in common.” Reece winked at Sky.

  Now what, they were all calling him out? Sky stood up quickly. “Excuse me.”

  “Where are you going?” River asked, concerned.

  “I think I’ll go outside and call Star to check on her.” Sky pulled out his phone and walked toward the door. He needed to get away for a few minutes. Sullivan was getting to him. He could smell his scent, and he shouldn’t be able to do that. What the hell was going on with him?

  He’d been attracted to men in the past, but nothing like this. He put his coat on and walked outside. He tried calling Star but her voicemail picked up. Just as well, he thought. She’d apologize and start crying, and right now, he didn’t need her to feel guiltier than she already did.

  Both of his sisters felt guilty about what happened to him, and it wasn’t their fault. They’d been in the same boat as he was, stuck in an orphanage until they could leave. River had it rough when she was on the run from the vampire, and Star had a terrible time at the orphanage she was in.

  Life hadn’t been easy for any of them, but they had each other now and he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Something felt wrong to him, though, and had for a couple of months. He sensed that something was coming for him, and knew it had something to do with the vampire in his dream.


  “Mr. Grayson, I hope you won’t take what I’m going to say the wrong way, but I love my brother. Well, he means the world to me and my family, and I don’t want to see him get hurt anymore.” River’s voice cracked as she spoke of her brother.

  “River, let me stop you there. I can see how much he means to you, and it seems everyone here likes him. I don’t intend to hurt your brother. Yes, I’m attracted to him, but he’s very jumpy and unsure of who he is. Maybe I can help him with that, but I won’t start anything I can’t finish. I don’t think he’s ready to get involved, but if he wants to hang out while I’m in town then I hope we can become friends.” Sullivan tried to assure River and her mates he wasn’t interested in Sky except as a friend. He even sounded like a liar to himself.

  He didn’t have time for a boyfriend. He had a job to do, and Regis Yulson wasn’t anyone he wanted to bring to this place. He already liked everyone he’d met so far, and Sky was here, too. Staying wasn’t even an option right now. He needed to find the Powerful Three, then get his money and get back to Freedom, Colorado and put down some roots.

  He could see himself settling down here. He loved the area, and the scenery wasn’t too bad, either.

  “I hope you’re right, Mr. Grayson, because my brother has been through enough. I would hunt down anyone who tried to hurt him.” Sullivan watched as River got up, smiled, and walked away. She was tough and he liked that about her. Her mates stood watching her, then both turned back around and faced him.

  “Look guys, I meant what I said to your mate. I like Sky, but I don’t want a relationship with him. I’m only here for a few days to rest, then I’m off again on my job,” Sullivan tried to reassure her mates. They looked like they’d rip his head off if he didn’t hold up his side of the bargain.

  “I hope you’re right, Sullivan because you won’t be here long if you’re lying. Sky is our brother, and we take family very serious. Enjoy your time here.” Jonas and Reece got up and followed their mate.

  “You seem to make friends everywhere you go.” Mary sat down beside Sullivan.

  “Well, Mary, you may be my only friend,” Sullivan admitted, smiling up at her.

  “They’ll come around, dear. These are good people; the best I’ve ever known. They protect each other, and that’s how it should be. I have a feeling about you, Sullivan Grayson, and I think you’re here for a reason.” Mary’s voice was filled with love as she spoke to him just like his grandmother did. “Now why don’t you go outside and get yourself some fresh air while I help them clean up.”

  Sullivan got up and helped Mary to her feet then kissed her on the cheek and did as she said and headed outside.

  Chapter 8

  Sullivan put his coat on and walked outside. He could get used to living here. He loved the snow, and he bet his wolf would love to jump and play in it too. He opened the door, and a cool breeze hit him in the face as he walked onto the front porch.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply when Sky’s scent hit him hard. He searched out in the snow then turned to his left, where he found big beautiful blue eyes watching him. He couldn’t look away even if he wanted to. Those eyes held such pain in them, something he’d seen many times when he came across wolves abused by their Alpha’s hands.

  He walked over and sat down beside him. Sky looked away and stared out into the snow. “Are you okay?” Sullivan asked, giving him a quick glance.

  “Of course. Why do you ask?”

  Sullivan shrugged. He rocked in his chair as Sky looked down, then back over at him. “You looked like you were a million miles away, thinking about a time you would like to forget.”

  “You saw all that in one look?” Sky sputtered.

  “I’m very perceptive.” Sullivan smiled.

  Sky snorted, then shook his head in disbelief. “You ask a lot of questions,” Sky said as his frown deepened.

  “Well, in my profession that’s the only way you can find out the answers you need. When you go into the places I go, you need to find out as much as you can about the prize you want — that way you don’t run into danger. Or, in many cases, you can go around it,” Sullivan explained.

  “Do you consider me the prize you’re looking for?” Sky turned his face and stared out toward the mountains. He didn’t know what possessed him to ask that question. Now what? He was practically coming on to the man. He was scared to look at him as he waited for him to answer.

  “You,” Sky felt Sullivan’s fingers on his face, turning his head to look at him, “are most definitely a prize, but I
won’t be here for long. Only a couple of days, then I have a job to get back to. I plan on coming back after I complete it.”

  Sky stared into his eyes. The light from the candles captured the blond highlights in his dark brown hair, his strong jaw, and the most beautiful blue eyes he’d ever seen.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Sky muttered before he could stop himself.

  Lust flashed in Sullivan’s eyes before he reached over and kissed him. Sky felt his body shudder when their lips touched. He’d never been kissed by a man before, but he couldn’t pull away. Sullivan’s lips were soft and they sparked every nerve in his body.

  Sullivan’s tongue teased his as the other man pulled him closer. Sky pulled away and gasped for air. Nobody had ever made him feel like this. His eyes glowed as they stared at each other. Wow, where were these emotions coming from? Was this just lust he was feeling, or something more?

  The door to the lodge opened and a sleigh pulled up at the same time, giving Sky an opportunity to leave before he made a terrible mistake. He didn’t know how he felt about Sullivan Grayson, but he started to get up before he made a fool out of himself.

  “I’ve got to go.” Sky turned around and started to walk off.

  “Sky!” Sullivan’s voice was raised just enough to be heard over the people talking. He stopped and turned around. “It’s just a kiss. Don’t over-emphasize a kiss. I like you and want to get to know you.”

  Sky nodded and went back into the lodge. He felt stupid now. It was only a kiss. He said not make more out of this than it is. See, even he said it to you, so there wasn’t any mistake. Don’t make more out of this than there is, he kept repeating to himself.

  “Hey you. Where did you go?” River asked her brother.

  “Outside for some fresh air.” Sky smiled back at his sister as he watched a concerned look come over her face. “I don’t think I told you before, but thank you for the party. The box and the tools were the best gift I’ve ever had in my life.”

  “Good. I was worried that you might not want them or that you’d already purchased them,” River responded.

  “I love them.” Sky kissed the top of River’s head as he hugged her.

  “We have cake! I know how you love chocolate, and I ordered it from Cupcakes; I know how you love their cakes. Come on and cut it before Jonas sticks his finger in it too much. To be honest, I think he already has.” River giggled as she told him about Jonas sticking his fingers in his cake then trying to cover it up.

  “We can’t have that. Let’s go, because I want some of that cake for sure.” Sky put his arm around his sister and led her back to the banquet room.


  Star backed up as the man came toward her. He was bigger than any vampire she’d ever seen. All he wanted was for River to tell him what his guard was thinking.

  “I can’t do that,” River shouted at the vampire. To make her do it he motioned to the guards that held Sky down, and told them to cut on his face a little more.

  The guards held Sky down and one took his knife out and started cutting down his face. Sky yelled, “No, River. Don’t do it.”

  “I’ll try. I’ll try,” River screamed, out then dropped to her knees as the guard continued cutting.

  “Stop,” the vampire commanded. “I thought you would see it my way.” He chuckled as he stalked toward River.

  Star jerked awake, sobbing. “No, no.” Her heart was beating so fast she thought she was going to have a heart attack, and she was sobbing so hard she couldn’t breathe.

  “Calm down, baby,” Jansen said, rubbing her arm up and down.

  She hadn’t even known he was in bed with her. “How…did….” Star gasped for air. She was so upset she still couldn’t catch her breath.

  “We were with you all night,” Banks told her. “Take a deep breath. Good girl; now take another.” He started rubbing circles on her back as Jansen went into the bathroom to get a cold washrag and lightly rubbed the tears off her face. Her body was hot and sweaty, and Banks blew on her back as he softly rubbed the tension away. She was still so tired that she lay back down beside Banks.

  “Tell me what you saw. I know it’s bad, and it’s about your brother and sister; and before you go off, I’m only trying to help so we can prepare for what might be coming. I feel it, Star. We can help, and we’ll protect you.” Jansen’s voice was strong, but she could hear the concern in it. He continued to lightly caress her skin as she calmed down. She didn’t have any clothes on, but at the moment she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was make it go away. Jansen was right. Something was coming, and she didn’t know how to tell them.

  “Vampire. Big one, and he wants River to read his guard’s mind. He thinks she can read minds. He says we all have our own separate powers, and together we can do something unbelievable. He hurt Sky. She had to do it so he would stop, but they kept cutting into Sky’s face. I could feel his pain.” Star broke down as she described the event.

  Her sobs broke Jansen’s heart. He could feel her pain as her body shook from the nightmare. Banks pulled her onto his chest and rubbed her back as Jansen started humming a song his Ne-ma had sung to him many nights.

  After a while, Star calmed down and fell back asleep. Jansen got up quietly and put on his clothes. He nodded to Banks, who was watching him, then left the room in search of Reece and Jonas.

  He walked down the hall and listened to see if he could hear anyone; when he didn’t he went downstairs, where Sky, River, Reece, and Jonas were all eating chocolate cake. When he first arrived here, he had no clue if he would like this place, but it grows on you. Now he couldn’t go back home. This was his home and Star was his heart. These colorful people were crazy, funny, loving, and most of all they cherished family. That was something he had been searching for.

  “Hey, did you save me some?” Jansen asked as they all turned around with chocolate on their fingers and lips. He laughed out loud at their startled looks.

  “You all look guilty of something. I take it that you ate all the cake?” Jansen smiled and sat down at the table. River cut him a piece and pushed it toward him.

  “Thank you River,” Jansen muttered.

  “Well, I’ve had enough for one night. I’m going to take a shower, then head off to bed.” Star kissed her mates and then went over and hugged Sky. As she passed Jansen, she reached down and kissed him on the cheek. Her two mates growled as she giggled and went upstairs.

  Sky picked up his plate, washed it, and put it in the dishwasher. “Thank you for tonight. It was the best birthday I’ve ever had.”

  Jansen noticed that Sky’s voice was strong as he spoke. He realized that he’d grown up during the months he’d known him; he was taller, and bulkier, too. They’d been working with him on self-defense and magic. He was a fast learner and always seemed grateful for everything they taught him. Jansen liked that about him.

  “Goodnight,” Sky said, and walked out of the kitchen.

  “Is Star okay?” Jonas asked.

  “Well, that depends,” Jansen answered.

  “What does that mean?” Reece and Jonas both stood up with a hard look in their eyes.

  “She’s been having nightmares for the last two months. Tonight we stayed in her room, and she had a bad one.” Reece narrowed his eyes at him. “Nothing happened, but she woke up crying and she described what she’d seen. She said that the man who was after her was a vampire who had captured all three of them.” Jonas and Reece both started growling at the thought of a vampire having captured their mate.

  “Has River been having any nightmares?” Jansen asked. He already knew the answer, by the way Reece and Jonas looked at each other.

  “Yes, but she won’t tell us what they’re about. She just says it’s about the incident with Paddock,” Jonas explained.

  “Something tells me that Sky is having them too, but he holds all his pain in, so nobody would hear him if he cried out,” Jansen said. “I’ve always been able to tell when something bad was going to happen,
and I feel like something is coming for all three of them and we need to be prepared. I don’t know what it is, but it’s coming soon,” he continued. Dread came over the table as they thought about what it could be. Almost nothing was known about the Powerful Three and it scared the hell out of them not knowing how to handle that.

  “We need to have a meeting with the Unit and all parties involved. We’re going to need some help, but we have to be careful about who we bring into it. If it gets out that the Powerful Three are alive and here, we’ll have a bigger problem on our hands. This stays between us right now. Tomorrow we need to go to the lodge and tell Larken and Larsen, then form a game plan,” Jansen suggested.

  Jansen left after they’d decided to meet at the lodge in a few hours. He went upstairs and got back in bed with Star and Banks. She was still in the same place, sprawled out over Banks, who looked pretty happy about it. Jansen exchanged a knowing look with Banks, who was awake and clearly waiting for some answers.

  He whispered, trying not to wake Star up as he informed Banks of what they had planned for tomorrow. He couldn’t stop staring at his mate as she snuggled onto Banks.

  “You’ve had your turn, now let me feel her body against mine so I can get some sleep,” he said, lying on his back as Banks got up with Star in his arms and maneuvered her until she lay down on top of Jansen. Her body was warm as he pulled her hair away from her face, then wrapped his arms around her. He could smell her breath as it blew against his chest. He inhaled deeply, committing the moment to memory.

  He closed his eyes, knowing that when he opened them again she’d be raging mad. He couldn’t blame her, since they were taking advantage of the situation to be near her. Never in his life had he feel this way about a woman, and he would always do whatever it took to be near her and protect her.

  Chapter 9


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