by Freddy Silva
The Net of the World, portrayed by the Followers of Horus at Edfu.
As much as the idea vexes western thinkers, such examples are not just hinting at an experience far and beyond a spiritual or shamanic journey, they are indicating a physical link between the terrestrial world and Orion, with the belt stars serving as a kind of portal into the domain of gods; and the candidate, having gained access to their knowledge, returns with raised intellectual capacity that places the individual on par with the gods themselves. The association between the two is said to have fostered the advent of gods on Earth that led to the development of human culture. In the Building Texts it is described how, on occasion, the gods would even allow a human to visit their remote abode, from which the lucky individual returned enlightened, with a greater understanding of the world.
Are we mature enough to accept such a leap in understanding? Perhaps. Recently NASA announced the existence of magnetic tubes that open every eight minutes linking the Earth to the Sun, the space agency even using the word 'portals' in the press release. By all accounts the antediluvian gods possessed an intimate knowledge of the mechanics of nature as well a thorough understanding of the stars. Certainly they were master navigators, but what if their expertise in navigation extended beyond the ocean? It might be the realm of science fiction, and yet for all their efforts NASA has merely rediscovered what sages in the Indian subcontinent already knew about planetary and solar mechanics. As far back as 8000 BC these portals were described in the Yayurveda as “serpents which move along the ground and are mirrored in the sky, which are the arrows of sorcerers.” If it took modern humans 10,000 years to discover a mechanism by which the Earth is tethered to the Sun, what else might still be discovered in this decade, that these portals also connect the Earth to other stars?
For the final piece of evidence on this matter we turn once more to the words of the Waitaha, whose ancestors were the Starwalkers, long distance voyagers who settled on Easter Island and intermarried after the flood consumed their earthly domain. Turning to the oral traditions of the Elder Grandmothers, we gain a new perspective on the relationship between the antediluvian Urukehu, Orion, and the inhabitants of Earth. In their own words: “Kurawaka [school of the canoe] is the name given by our ancient ancestors to the great snare constellation Te Kupenga o Te Au [The Net of the World, Orion]… The name is also given to our Kurawaka ancestors who travelled on the great tides of the ocean… They are the tuakana [elder brother, sister] of the nation of Waitaha. Many of our whanau [families] and hapu [family groups] descend from these original elder voyaging ancestors… Rakaiwaka is the name given to the hapu and whanau named after the central star in the Belt of Orion [star Alnilam]. Utilizing these identifiers, Pakau waka is included as the third star.
“These three founding groups are the ancient people of Waitaha. It is these families who gave the sacred social pattern to join and become as one nation that would live happily in peace and plenty in the lands and outer islands of Waitangi ki Raro [Easter Island].”15
Notice how the grandmothers make a point of describing Easter Island not as a single island but as it once was, a group of lands.
The three Waitaha family groups each took on the name of a star in the belt of Orion: Kurawaka (star Mintaka) was composed of elder whanau, the leaders, thinkers, planners; Rakaiwaka (star Alnilam) were investigators, researchers, contractors; Pukauwaka (star Alnitak) were the knowledge keepers and dreamers of the nation.16 Orion itself was referred to as The Sacred Fish Trap of Outer Space (Punga Tapu o Te Atea) and Net of the World, a name that conjures an image from the Building Texts at Edfu in which the Followers of Horus set off on a raft across the ocean, using a net for a sail. And yet it was also the title given to the female flood hero of the Waitaha, Hotu Matu’a, at a stroke linking the Urukehu with the Aku Shemsu Hor.
The Waitaha grandmothers add that contact with these ancestors took the form of regular visitations which considerably extended the knowledge base of the tribe concerning the mechanics of nature and the universe, not to mention social and moral codes and other valuable information for the establishment of a healthy coexistence between people and planet. These were physical interactions rather than shamanic communications.17
That was many thousands of years ago. Something occurred whereby the Urukehu stopped coming in physical form, but frustratingly there is no explanation as to why. From this point, the elder Waitaha seers remained in contact with the Urukehu within the spirit houses of the stars of Orion’s Belt, which they considered to be both doorways to the spirit world and access points to the Waitaha’s extended family. The communication continues today. Still, the Elder Grandmothers remain unequivocal about the physical contact between the Waitaha and people from Orion, as the following quote illustrates: “In all the ancient teachings, they speak of our teachers and healers as having direct communication with our ancient learned ancestors who came to us in our old world villages and helped in the development of our cultural and traditional knowledge base. We understand that the teachings of the very highest orders were for those trusted souls who have the ability to overcome ego and use the knowledge for the greater good of the people.”18
I believe this clarifies the conundrum of whether the ultimate missing land of the antediluvian gods was figurative, symbolic or physical. It’s all of the above. Ancient cultures had no issue with overlapping physical reality, metaphor and symbolism, their worldview was holistic, the Universe an interconnected web of energy. A temple was a mirror of the sky, a plant was a physicalization of consciousness, and so forth. To them, the physical is nothing more than the non-physical reduced in frequency, much like science now understands that accelerating audible sound frequency forty octaves above human hearing produces sonoluminescence, the transmutation of sound into visible light. Conversely, looking at the head of a needle under the microscope reveals this simple solid object to be nothing more than a geometric aggregate of atoms, electrons and molecules vibrating at exceptional speed, yet all such phenomena only became accepted when the discovery of the electron microscope finally made the unseen visible to the eye.
In the same manner, ancient sources unanimously claim there once existed a time when two races co-existed on Earth. After the evaporation of the last world by a flood, groups of Seven Sages led by an eighth volunteered to remain behind to sow the seeds of rejuvenation before they too returned to their boats and flying shields and vanished across the seas. Up until now it’s been a mystery as to where they went, but the accounts all point to a non-terrestrial source. As strange as it may seem to modern ears, Orion may well be the ultimate missing land.
Ancient cultures do not seem to mourn the gods’ lack of physical presence because they understand there is little difference between physical and non-physical states, it’s all a matter of shifting one’s perspective and adapting accordingly, thus they are comfortable in maintaining the umbilical cord of communication through shamanic means. The Waitaha call it Mind Journeying: “The ancient ones sent their minds and spirits soaring inside envelopes of thought, and the sounds contained in the words had carefully been selected for just such a mind journey. Te Rere Wairua [the flight of the spirit] enabled them to communicate their requests to the ancient elders. The elders utilized a form of fasting in their preparation, and during this time the remainder of the process was locked very carefully inside the inner teachings of the Waitaha Wananga [university of learning], under the strictest control of the teachers and healers.”19
The point is reiterated by the Hopi and Zuni, who do not blink when describing a time in the remote past when contact with the katsinam Watchers was physical, and how nowadays the interaction is subtle, even though, on occasion, physical contact still takes place. This implies the Lords of Anu really did possess control of the laws of nature to the point where they were able to morph their physical state. As Enoch the scribe himself remarked, "the Watchers could take on human form when they wanted to,
”20 just as the Mahabharata and Puranas of India make the same comment about the Naga and how they could assume human form when a situation demanded it — such as a global cataclysm.
"The name of this Fourth World is Tuwaqachi, World Complete. You will find out why. It is not all beautiful and easy like the previous ones. It has height and depth, heat and cold, beauty and barrenness; it has everything for you to choose from. What you choose will determine if this time you can carry out the plan of Creation on it or whether it must in time be destroyed too... You will have help from the proper deities, from your good spirits. Just keep your own doors open." —Sótuknang, Hopi katcina1
Failing to grasp the understanding of their predecessors, the Aztec adopted a belief that the only way to stop the inevitable destruction of the world — for they learned it had occurred four times before — was to systematically sacrifice 100,000 people a year, ripping out the victims’ beating hearts to appease the god of creation Tonatiuh into postponing the end of the current Fifth Sun.2 Unlike the Aztecs we have a chance to learn from the antediluvian gods and their emissaries.
Faced with certain annihilation 11,000 years ago, groups of sages gathered their accumulated knowledge and carved it onto the faces of pyramids, buried it in sacred places, or hard-wired it into the very fabric of monuments built with stone of cumbersome size. We can deduce two things from this behavior: one, they wished future generations to know there once existed an advanced civilization who reached its apogee in astronomy, mathematics, telluric sciences and spirituality to create a golden age across a swathe of the Earth; and two, they wished to remind us, lest we forgot, that the near-destruction of the Earth is cyclical, its recurrence is part and parcel of life on this planet, it is an accepted line item on the contract of incarnation. Obliteration occurred before, it will again, and life resumes. Why else build megalithic structures that defy cataclysms and common sense unless they are meant to serve as building blocks for the survivors? Why else did these enlightened people work with complex calendrical systems marking vast tracks of time when simple agricultural calendars would have sufficed?
Western religion treats humans as sinners the moment their umbilical cord is severed and labels every natural catastrophe a sure sign of divine retribution. Any belief system founded on such fearmongering serves no one except those who created it in the first place. As religious books go, the Qur’an may not be perfect either, but at least it makes an important distinction between the warning of a grievous day and a grievous punishment, and the applied Arabic term means a day that would be remembered for generations to come as a future warning.3 My direct experience of ancient temples coupled with the words of the ancestors tells me that all we have read up to this point in this adventure is preparation for a major overhaul.
With rare exceptions, as a society we stopped building sacred sites after 200 BC — at least according to their original recipe and purpose. No longer are temples built over the intersecting paths of the Earth’s telluric currents,4 nor are their proportions designed to influence the human biological field, nor do they stimulate its consciousness.5 In their stead we have erected facsimiles promoting ideologies that do next to nothing to advance the spiritual development of the human race. By its very nature the word religio means ‘reconnect with the source’, and yet religion is often designed to achieve the very opposite. The consequences have proved disastrous, because one of the purposes of the original megalithic sites was to create environments where the perceived distance between the individual and subtler levels of existence is reduced. We have lost contact with the land, the sky, ourselves and, ultimately, with the gods who assisted us on this present experience.
As I illustrated earlier, it is believed by indigenous people the world over that contact with the Watchers and other sages by-and-large stopped taking place on a physical level some time ago, resuming instead through subtler means. But just because one no longer possesses a physical body doesn’t mean one can’t be useful. As the Watcher Sótuknang once reminded the Hopi, “you will have help from the proper deities... Just keep your own doors open."6 So it is reassuring to know that the Watchers are very much involved at this present time.
Since the late 1970s indigenous wisdom keepers have assisted researchers such as myself come to grips with perhaps the most wondrous, most artistic form of communication taking place on this planet right now. The subject of crop circles raises excitement and ire in equal proportions when broached. My first book Secrets In The Fields painstakingly lays out the evidence that crop circles were created by an intelligent consciousness, and the unusual anomalies upon which the designs are made are incapable of being reproduced by people: cellular changes in plants, their bending without damage, the superheating of liquid in a fraction of a second, alteration of the local electro-magnetic and geomagnetic field, and manipulation of soil chemistry are just a few. To save repeating myself I will merely direct you to the evidence presented in the book, if only at least to dispel the false impression that the phenomenon is perpetuated by people. Such an idea was borne from the careful crafting by elements within the British Secret Service to debunk the subject just as it was gaining worldwide traction, even among the quality press. The idea of a fraud was proved to be a fraud in itself, misdirection with the intent of manipulating the public’s perception.7
The central thesis focuses on the creators of the mysterious symbols, who identified themselves to indigenous wisdom keepers and others who ‘keep their doors open’. To quote one of the many communications: “You ask the meaning of your circles in the fields. You have been made aware of the presence of the Watchers. Watchers is a name of a collective intelligence which guides you mortal humans. It is an intelligence from outside the planet… We have been coming for years and years in physical form, and this has happened many times… We have communicated before many times, usually through thought processes, but now it needs to be seen.”8
And the signs certainly caught the world’s attention, especially when the majority of the original crop glyphs began clustering around a conical man-made hill in southern Britain named Silbury, literally Hill of the Shining One.9 The association couldn’t be more obvious. Early glyphs resemble petroglyphs found in Native American territories, which themselves reference the Lookers, or Watchers. One extraordinary crop glyph near Alton Barnes in 1990 — an event made famous when it depleted most car batteries in that hamlet — resembles a petroglyph carved near First Mesa in Arizona depicting the flying shields of the katcinam. With its circles and connecting avenues, the glyph indicates communication between the upper and lower worlds, using symbolic language known to indigenous peoples.
Alton Barnes crop glyph. Note similarities to the flying shield petroglyph and its adjacent panel.
I am condensing a very complex subject into manageable paragraphs because never in my wildest moments did it cross my mind to add crop circles to a project concerned with the nature of antediluvian gods and their domains. However, while writing this closing chapter it dawned on me that I’ve been sitting on a vital piece of information for over twenty years whose enormity only now becomes apparent. And it makes for sober reading.
Five years after the Alton Barnes glyph, a rural field named Longwood Warren, near the English town of Winchester, hosted an exceptional 240-foot diameter crop glyph, a replica of the inner solar system right down to the planetary orbit ratios around the Sun, each indicated by a majestic sweep of thin, barely eight-inches wide rings made of standing plants; a necklace of sixty-seven grapeshot circles plus three outlying circles represent the asteroid belt, that thick ring of debris orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. The information is 99 percent accurate, so whoever was behind this artwork is proficient in astronomy — not to mention geometry, mathematics and sound because Euclidean theorems and diatonic ratios are concealed in its design matrix.10
Longwood Warren crop glyph depicts the inner solar system with a
missing Earth.
The overlay shows its well-calculated Euclidean geometry. The area between the asteroids and inner perimeter is defined by a square, whose mathematical ratio generates the musical note D (second octave).
The author was bent on communicating an important piece of information because all the planets are accounted for except the Earth, which is missing. The puzzle nagged scientists and researchers alike for months. Then, an astronomer versed in Euclidean mathematics and a passion for Stonehenge examined the glyph. The late Gerald Hawkins, Astronomer General of Boston University, took the exact alignment of planets indicated by the glyph and calculated the two occasions during the twentieth century when their positions appeared as such in the solar system. The first, November 6, 1903, is remembered as the day the Wright brothers proved at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, that, given wings, man could fly. The second, July 11, 1971, marked another milestone in flight: Mariner 9, the first spacecraft ever to orbit Mars, was making its way to our red neighbor.