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. Mueller, Max, ed., The Sacred Books of the East, XXXVIII, Clarendon Press, London, 1892, p.33
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Freddy Silva is a best-selling author, and one of the world’s leading researchers of ancient civilizations and systems of knowledge, and the interaction between temples and consciousness.
His published works include The Divine Blueprint; The Lost Art of Resurrection; First Templar Nation; Secrets in the Fields; and Chartres Cathedral: the Missing or Heretic Guide.
He has produced a plethora of documentaries, and is also a fine art photographer (see
Described as “perhaps the best metaphysical speaker,” he has lectured worldwide for nearly two decades, with notable keynote presentations at the International Science and Consciousness Conference, and the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, in addition to numerous appearances on GAIA TV and radio shows.
He leads sell-out tours to sacred sites in England, Scotland, France, Portugal, Malta, Yucatan, Guatemala, Peru and Egypt.
When not living inside an airplane, he is in England, New Zealand or America.