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Mason Page 23

by Lisa Helen Gray

  Not wanting to give up I try again and again. I try until my face is dripping with sweat, mixed in with tears and until all my strength is gone. Once all my energy is spent, I fall to my knees on the mattress facing the wall, shame and failure consuming me. I place a soothing hand on my stomach, silently telling my baby girl how much she means to me already and how much I love her father. He’s the one person apart from her that I’ve ever truly loved, and I never got to say those words to him. I never got to tell him how much he means to me and that the only reason he hurt me the way he did was because I always felt like it was me pursuing him, and not the other way around. Just for once I wanted him to come on to me. Now I’ll never get the chance. And if I did, I wouldn’t care who started what or who chased who, just as long as I got to have him and my baby girl in my arms.

  I sob against the wall, creepy crawlies be damned. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and someone, most likely Carl, is squeezing the life out of it. I don’t want to die. I want to see my daughter grow up. I want to see her be born safely, and healthy, but it seems like it’s not going to happen given the shitty circumstances.

  I cry until my voice is hoarse and my sobs turn strangled, my chest heaving. Then car tires crunch from outside and I begin to panic. The only plan I have is to hurt him enough that I knock him unconscious and get his keys.

  My main priority is to get the me and the baby safe, away from him and away from this building and the rancid smell of Hannah’s body.

  In a robotic daze I grab the metal pole and drag it in front of me, gripping it in one hand so tightly my knuckles turn white. With my other hand I lean it against the dirty wall to steady myself for when I need to strike.

  Blood rushes to my ears along with panic, not able to hear anything past the buzzing. Footsteps sound above, more shouting. He’s brought people with him. Will they help me? Will they help him? My mind is in overdrive and my panic turns into more sobs, tears clouding my vision. I can hear a voice shout my name from close behind, sounding frantic and panicked, or maybe I’m imagining these things and it’s really just in anger.

  All I know is that when I hear them moving closer, I find the strength to grab the pole tighter, and stand up, swinging wildly in front of me. If I’m going to die anyway, I’m not going to do it sitting down.

  “Denny…Denny!’’ A voice roars sounding broken and strangled, and I have to blink back the tears pooling my eyes.

  I gasp loudly, a loud sob roaring from my throat and I would have followed the metal pole falling to the floor had it not been for Mason catching me in his arms.

  “Am I dreaming? Are you really here?’’ I ask, my heart praying like hell this is real.

  “I’m here Angel, this is real and we’re going to get you out of here,’’ he says softly, tears falling from his own eyes. He tries to hide them, wiping them off with the back of his hands, but it’s too late, I’ve seen them.

  “We?’’ I ask in a small voice, desperate for a drink to soothe my sore throat.

  “Yeah, we, darling,’’ another voice says and I look up to find Maverick and…”Evan, what are you doing here?’’ I cry.

  “Long story, sis, first, let’s get you out of these chains, yeah?’’

  I nod my head, my arms flying around Mason’s neck, my tears not drying for anyone. “You came for me. I didn’t think you’d find me. I’m so sorry for walking out on you,’’ I sob.

  “Angel, please don’t cry. I’ll always find you. I’m never letting you go. Ever! Where you go, I go.’’

  “Okay,’’ I smile then watch as my brother rushes back down the stairs with bolt cutters.

  “What the fuck is that smell?’’ Maverick grunts unhappily.

  “Mason. You need to call the police.’’

  “Why? What’s wrong? We know who had you and we’ve got it covered, babe.’’

  “No. The smell, it’s…it’s Hannah,’’ I cry, sadly.

  “Hannah?’’ Maverick asks confused, looking around the room.

  “She’s under there,’’ I whisper. “He showed her to me,’’ I tell them, never wanting to see that again. “Please don’t uncover her. I can’t take it.’’

  The chain falls to the floor with a loud clang, and I feel the pressure lessening when my wrists are released. As soon as I’m free I lift my hand up to my chest, rubbing my wrist from where the chain cut into me.

  “The police and ambulance are on their way,’’ my brother tells us and I look at him confused.

  “Why did mom want me dead, but not you?’’ I ask, and then feel bad about asking. “Shit! Not that I’d rather you be here, or for me to be here for that matter, but why just me?’’

  “I don’t know sis,’’ he sighs. “All I know is dad has some explaining to do when it comes to that woman.’’

  I take in his hard face when he says woman, and I know I’m missing something important. I ignore it and finally move my legs, nearly falling from the weakness in them.

  “Whoa, whoa, hold up there. Let’s get you out of here. Here, let me help,’’ Mason rushes out. He places my arm over his shoulder for me to lean my weight on him, and then continues to place his other arm around my waist to support me further. He slowly helps me over to the stairs and a feeling of relief and security monopolizes me.

  “I’m so tired,’’ I yawn as we hit the morning air outside.

  “Are you hurt?’’ he asks moving to stand in front of me. He takes in my face and I know now that we’re in the daylight he will see the bruises that are on my cheeks and face. Not only has Carl backhanded me, he’s grabbed me, shoved me and even had a kick at my legs. I don’t even want to go there and tell him I had to pee in front of him. The fact I managed to cover myself up doesn’t seem important, it’s the fact that he was still there, staring at me like I was on display.

  “I’m fine.’’

  “What about the baby? Is she okay?’’

  “I’d know if something was wrong, right? I mean, I haven’t felt her move since earlier, but I haven’t bled or had any pains,’’ I tell him truthfully, but I’d still rather be checked over. Better to be safe than sorry.

  The ambulance sirens echo across the field and I’ve never been so glad to be another step farther away from this place. When Mr. Gunner finds out about this I’m unsure what he’ll do next. When Harlow got attacked by Davis he burnt the place to smithereens, but now that I’ve been attacked and kidnapped at the same place, along with a murder and rape, I’m unsure what he could possibly do next. I suppose only time will tell.

  “She’s my girlfriend; she was taken and has been down there with a dead body. She needs to see someone,’’ he says to the paramedic. I’d been so focused on the burnt down building that I didn’t even hear the ambulance come to a stop.

  Just then Maverick rushes out of the building in time to throw up in the long, overgrown weeds.

  “Shit!’’ I hear Mason whisper and when I turn to look up at him, he looks down at me with concerned eyes. I know immediately what he’s thinking. If Maverick threw up over what he saw down in that basement, then what was it like for me? I wish I could reassure him that I’m fine, but I don’t think I’ll be fine again. Not really. My mind will always remember and imagine her lifeless, bloody body. Nothing will ever be able to wipe that image from my mind. Hopefully in time I will learn to cope, but I’ve not thought that far ahead.

  I sway a little, Mason holding on to me tighter as Evan walks out of the building barking orders into his phone.

  “Is he a police officer?’’ I ask Mason on a tired whisper, feeling my eyes droop.

  “An undercover cop, babe.’’

  The paramedic walks over to us, guiding Mason on where to take me. Once I’m lying down on the soft cot bed, I close my eyes feeling safe, ignoring the hushed whispers of Mason and Maverick before finally feeling the rumbles of the ambulance starting up.

  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

  When I wake up the smell of disinfectan
t hits my nose, the smell strong and I know I’m at the hospital. My body aches and I long to turn on my side, but then remember my bump sometimes prevents me from doing that. At home I’ve got a pillow that Mason bought me that tucks under my bump. He got it from Mother Care. I’m actually wishing he had brought it with him.

  Opening my eyes, the first person I see is Mason. He’s sitting next to the bed, his eyes still black from the dark circles surrounding them, and I know it’s from lack of sleep.

  “Hey,’’ I croak, my throat still screaming out for water.

  “Angel,’’ he breathes and I notice his shoulders relax. “Are you okay?’’

  I nod my head. “Can I have some water? Is the baby okay? Did they get Carl?’’ I shiver, firing off loads of questions.

  “Here you go,’’ he says, bringing a cup of water with a straw up to my lips. I greedily drink it, but when Mason warns me to slow down, that I don’t want to be sick, I reluctantly remove my lips from the straw. “The baby is fine. They don’t need to do a scan, they checked for a heartbeat and it’s strong and steady. And yes, I just got a call from Malik, they got him. They should be here any second,’’ he tells me and that’s when the door to my room flies open and everyone rushes in surrounding the bed.

  “Oh my God Harlow, what happened to your face?’’ I ask, struggling to sit up. Mason notices and puffs the pillows up behind my back so that I’m sitting up. I’m still a little tired, I must not have slept long enough for my tired body to be satisfied.

  “Carl,’’ Malik growls, his face hard as he takes in the big, angry, purple, and red bruise swelling on Harlow’s left cheek. Her face is all puffed out and my eyes start to water feeling guilty. She got hurt saving my ass. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.

  “I’m so sorry,’’ I whisper, feeling the first of many tears fall from my eyes.

  “Hey, it’s not your fault. He took me by surprise, but they got him. He’s not going to be bothering us for a very long time,’’ she tells me softly.

  “What happened?’’ I ask, needing to know.

  Harlow looks to Mason and gives him a look and when I look to Mason to see his expression he gives her a nod.


  “Your brother split us up into two groups. He, Mason and Maverick went for you, and Malik and I went to meet Carl.’’

  “On your own, are you mad?’’ I shout, wincing when my throat protests.

  “Calm down babe,’’ Mason soothes, sitting next to me on the edge of the bed.

  I nod my head then look over to Harlow, nodding my head for her to continue. “We met him at the fishing pond, the one on Green Day. I wrote a fake statement to keep up appearances, but someone moved in the bush nearby and set off alarm bells. We had both turned our heads in that direction so when I was turning my head back to see if he had caught the movement, a fist connected to my face. He ran off away from where the noise had come from, but he didn’t get far before one of the other officers pinned him down on the ground. Everything is going to be fine. The hearing for Davis is in a few days, and according to the officer earlier, his sentencing will be a well-deserved one.’’

  “That’s great news,’’ I tell her, happy that she’s finally getting the justice she deserves, plus for Kayla too. Harlow wasn’t the only person Davis hurt; only he hurt Kayla a lot more.

  “Did the doctors say when you can come home?’’ she asks and I turn my head to Mason who shakes his head.

  The door to my room opens again and my Nan, dad and brother walk in.

  “Hi,’’ I say, feeling more tears falling from my eyes again. Damn waterworks.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,’’ my Nan tells me crying, pushing through everyone to come up to my side, opposite Mason. I smile softly, and then give her a tight hug when she leans down.

  “I didn’t think I’d see any of you again,’’ I tell her and the rest of the room when I pull away.

  “It’s over now; don’t think like that,’’ Mason growls and I look at him in concern. He’s obviously not left my side, or even left to get himself a drink or even fall asleep. I’ve never seen him this worked up before.

  “I know, but down in that basement, I honestly didn’t think I would make it. I wished for so much when I was down there, and…’’

  “It’s okay, shush,’’ Mason whispers, putting his arm around my neck and rubbing circles on my shoulder blade as a few more silent tears fall down my cheeks.

  “The police need your statement, sis. First, Dad, Nan and I would like to talk to you alone for five minutes. There is something you need to know,’’ he tells me, and then looks over to Mason. “The doctor said she can go once she’s ready. The nurse will be around shortly to take her drip out, and bring the discharge papers.’’


  Everyone clears the room after giving me a huge hug, a pat on the leg before leaving, telling me they’re going home to get some sleep. Mason refuses to leave the room, but looking at my brother he doesn’t seem that surprised by it. I know whatever they are going to tell me is going to be bad, so I grab Mason’s hand in a tight grip, needing some of his strength.

  “I don’t know if I should be the one to tell you,’’ Evan says and my dad nods his head at him before looking down at the floor. “When I turned eighteen I looked into mom, Vivian. I knew the way she treated us wasn’t right. She was always shoving me in your face, making you feel worthless, and I hated it. I also hated the way she would look at me and shit like that. I found out that she isn’t my mother; she wasn’t even my adopted mother. She was only my mother through marriage.’’

  “Dad?’’ I speak after a few minutes of trying to absorb the information. When I look at him in the eyes they are filled with shame, and although words are unspoken, I know what Evan has just said is the truth. “How? Why? I don’t understand,’’ then a thought occurs to me. “You never mentioned Evan when we spoke in the cafe. I didn’t even think anything of it. Why? What is happening?’’

  “Katie, the woman I loved, the woman your mom took away from me had a secret. When we first met at school we were sixteen, both in love, with our whole lives ahead of us. She went away for a year to an overseas school in France. It was a lie though. I didn’t know that she was actually pregnant and her parents had her keep it quiet, that if I was told they would move her away from me. When she returned she acted different, I could feel it. I just presumed it was because she was missing her friends in France. I never questioned it. Years later your mother set her sights on me. She blackmailed Katie about the baby, and Katie being scared didn’t want to ruin what we had. She thought I’d hate her, like your mother drummed into her. But I wouldn’t have, I don’t hate her. She left and I thought it was at first, but it seems your mother is more deviant than we gave her credit for.’’

  “I don’t understand,’’ I whisper, running my hand over my stomach. “Why was she nice to him? How did he come to live with us? I’m so confused.’’

  “Evan was six when his grandparent’s died. He was still so young, but when he came to live with us I didn’t even know who he was. I think she had it planned all along. I always wondered how she managed to get it processed so quickly, but I never questioned it. Once I got better after the accident and got to know the kid more, I loved him. He had something inside him that was impossible not to love.

  “I think that was another cruel, twisted plot with your mother. She constantly favoured him and I always wondered why. Not that I thought more of you than him, I just presumed a mother would have more in common with her little girl.

  “It wasn’t until Evan had turned fifteen that I started to become more and more sure that he was mine somehow. I don’t know if it was wishful thinking on my part or what, I just knew that something about him reminded me of Katie and myself. He went to school one day and I used his toothbrush to get a D.N.A. test done. When it came back and confirmed my suspicions, I treaded carefully with Vivian. She was so vindictive. She manipulated all of us, she used
us against one another and I’m so sorry I never told you guys, but to me, nothing had changed. I am, and will always be your dad. Nothing Vivian could do could ever change that for me.’’

  We’re all quiet, our heads bowed, the only noise in the room is from one of the machines next to me, beeping.

  “Why bully me though? Why? I don’t understand?’’ I whisper, kind of jealous Evan doesn’t have to share blood with the witch.

  “Honestly? I don’t know. I believe she thought I’d never find out about Evan or who he was. She used you as a pawn in her game. Never, and I mean never doubt that I had always planned to leave her once you were of age.’’

  I nod my head not knowing what to say and exhaustion hits me once again.

  “I think that’s enough for one day,’’ Mason tells them, looking at me with concern. My eyes close to prove a point. I need time to process everything they’ve just told me. I just didn’t expect for exhaustion to overcome my body.

  I wake up some time later, the sky outside darkening and a hot body sitting next to me. Opening my eyes, I find Mason sleeping next to me. He’s in an awkward position when I look up at him, his head at a weird angle against the bed guard. His body is leaning against one of the five cushions on my bed and his one arm is wrapped around the back while the other is hanging loosely on my chest.

  This is the first time I’ve seen him sleeping, one where I get a real good look at him without feeling embarrassed or caught staring. His full bow lips are puckered, hanging open a breath. His facial features are soft, relaxed and the hard edge that he usually carries is long gone. His eyes scrunch up in his sleep making me smile.

  The door opening startles me and I’m glad to find it’s only a nurse. My startled movements end up waking Mason up and the nurse looks at us apologetically.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve come to remove your drip. When I came by earlier I found you both asleep,’’ the middle aged nurse tells us with a smile. “You both looked so adorable and I was finishing my morning shift when you arrived and you were both so tired.’’


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