Sasha's Story: How to Find a Mate the Hard Way (Alien Erotica)

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Sasha's Story: How to Find a Mate the Hard Way (Alien Erotica) Page 3

by Bliss, Andromeda

  For some reason, that made her blush. Or maybe it was the look in his eyes. Or the distracting, tantalizing flicker of his tongue.

  The food arrived pronto, just as she’d bellowed, which made her feel a bit smug. They ate and chatted companionably about their lives prior to their capture. Afterwards, though, she had to relieve herself and was wondering how to politely tell him to go away. He seemed to understand without her having to say a word, slipping back into his cell and taking care of his own business while she did hers. She also took a few minutes’ private time in the sanitizing tube, making sure her clothes were cleansed along with her body.

  Belly full, bladder empty, body clean, Sasha felt almost like a new woman. She settled on her bed with a sigh and stared up at the ceiling thoughtfully. Now, an escape plan. She mused on this puzzle for a short time. While she was wondering if she could use the moment when someone entered the cell to squeeze past them and bolt, she felt Ocen’s gaze on her and looked over.

  He was leaning against the wall where the barrier used to divide their rooms, arms folded across his chest, watching her with a faintly amused expression. Your mind never stops. His chest rose on a deep breath, tongue sliding out in a slow-motion flick. And you smell delicious. If I had not just eaten, I might consider nibbling on you.

  And just like that, she went from logical thought to mindless lust, an image popping into her mind of his ridged, scaled head between her quivering thighs, that black tongue slipping through her glistening lips.

  Yesss, just like that, he crooned, voice rough-edged with longing.

  Sasha slapped a hand over her eyes and groaned. “Please stop reading every stupid thought that runs through my head. It’s embarrassing.”

  That was not stupid. It was devastating.

  She felt the bed dip and dropped her hand with a little yip of surprise to see him sitting right next to her. A strangely compelling musk reached her nose and she realized it was his scent, alien and attractive. His tongue flicked out at her, a breath away from her skin, and she gasped.

  Please, sayshin, if I cannot have you at least let me taste.

  “You…” she breathed, trying to remember the power of speech. His nearness was driving her mad. “You said you wouldn’t touch.”

  Without your consent, which I await with breathless anticipation. In the meantime, I give you full consent to touch anything you like.

  There was that amusement again, easing her alarm, building her trust. “Hm, touch,” she said thoughtfully, looking from those hypnotic eyes to the ridges on his skull then over the patterns on his skin. Her fingertips tingled with the urge to trace every one. “You have scales. Are you cold-blooded?”

  No, though my core runs cooler than yours. He held out his hand to her in silent invitation to find out for herself.

  Sasha knew it was a mistake but she pretended not to hear that small warning voice in the back of her mind, the last remaining bit of logic in a seething sea of swelling lust. It was just his hand—what harm could there be in satisfying her curiosity?

  She touched her fingertips to his. Cool, smooth, utterly fascinating. The scales gave his skin a firmer texture than her own, but with a silky resilience that captivated her. She wound her fingers with his, enjoying the sliding sensation, before drawing her hand away and letting his black claws trace over her palm. She shivered at the almost-pain, the stinging tickle proof of how sharp those claws truly were. Yet he stayed passive in her grasp, allowing her to explore.

  She turned his hand over, tracing the lighter pattern on his palm with a fingertip before working her way up his wrist. Her fingers stilled, feeling his pulse throb in a rhythm almost as fast as her own. She bit her lip and resisted the urge to meet his gaze, wrapping her fingers around his forearm to feel the heavy strength in his muscles and bones, a seductive contrast to the silky resilience of his skin. Sliding her hand higher, she traced the cut of his muscles, watching those scales yield to her fingers with deep fascination. They gleamed under the lights, subtle flares in the blue colors and gray and black patterns.

  She had to lean in to reach his shoulder, far enough that she could feel his rapid breath on her cheekbone. His musk had deepened, his scent so dizzying and mouth-watering she had to swallow hard to prevent drool. She watched her fingers glide over the angle of his hard shoulder to the bunching muscles of his chest, flexing to test his intriguingly cool flesh.

  Then she looked up into his eyes. Heavy-lidded and flaring with hot color, his gaze held her suspended in heat, her body throbbing in time to the heart she could feel under her hand. His forked tongue broke the spell, flicking out to kiss her bottom lip with the barest teasing brush and sending a shiver down her entire body. Her gaze focused on that disappearing tongue and she leaned closer. “I want that,” she whispered hoarsely before her mouth came in contact with his.

  His mouth was firmer, harder than a human’s with hardly any fleshy lips, but as soon as she tasted him she forgot all about the strangeness of his kiss. His flavor bloomed on her tongue like a siren song, hot spice with a hint of smooth sweetness. Ambrosia. Then his tongue twinned with hers, slick and agile with just a hint of rasp that drove her absolutely wild, setting off an inferno deep within her.

  Sasha, sayshin…oh, you are sweeter than honey. I want to do this until I die of it.

  The words brought her back to herself a little and she realized she was devouring him, arms locked around his neck and breasts pressed hard to his chest. His hands spanned her ribs, steadying her gently. She squirmed a little, whimpering at the friction on her erect nipples. “Ocen…” she moaned, barely able to think past the waves of hot lust rolling through her body.

  Yes, my sweet one, whatever you need, anything, everything…

  His eyes seemed to be sucking her soul out of her body. She pressed closer, licking the seam of his mouth with a visceral pleasure at his taste. Then she jerked back, suddenly unable to stand the barrier of her clothes. With rough and shaking hands, she stripped everything off.

  Ah, so beautiful, soft and fragile— He reached for her but she batted his hands away, pressing on his chest until he lay back with a sibilant laugh. Take what you need, sayshin. I am yours.

  She slid onto him with a long, low moan of pleasure. Cool and silky, his scaled skin felt unbearably good against her burning flesh, soothing and tantalizing at the same time. The slick friction teased her nipples, driving hard shafts of pleasure and need straight to her pussy. She was so wet she felt juice trickle over her lips and down between their bodies. Thick meat bumped against her thighs and she sat up suddenly, remembering with a surge of molten lust his two cocks squeezed in his hard fist, liquid pearling on the double heads.

  Stars, I could cum to just those visions in your mind, sweet Sasha, my sayshin…

  His purring voice was like a caress, driving her mad from the inside out. With an incoherent growl, she twisted around then went still, staring in amazement at his genitals. Not two but three, the third half the size of the other two and nestled atop them like the point of a fleshy triangle. All three gleamed with fine scales, swirls of blue and gray coiling up the shafts to smooth, swollen heads dripping with pre-cum. All hairless and sleek and so delicious-looking she had to suck back a flood of saliva.

  “Ohhh,” was all she could say, reaching out with trembling fingers to stroke feather-light down those marbled shafts. They twitched and jerked under her touch and Ocen’s mental voice was a wordless rough sound of pleasure. But at the base she discovered no sacks and touched the smooth crease curiously.

  They are inside, he answered her unspoken question, his voice thick and gravelly.

  She circled her fingers around the base of one cock, looking between all three admiringly. Her small hand could only grasp one at a time. “How…?” She gestured at the three cocks, something she’d never even heard of in a species.

  Natural evolution and careful genetic manipulation, he answered with a faint thread of amusement. Our females are infamously difficult to

  Tightening her grip, she dragged her hand upward, watching with avid hunger as it seemed to swell and weep for her. Hell, more than enough to please her, she thought. His body tensed and shifted under her, his breath hissing out. Grasping the other large cock, she stroked it to its head and pressed both together before leaning over and laving her tongue in a swirling stroke over both smooth heads. She moaned loudly at the taste, a heady mixture of his musky flavor and surprising sweetness, very different from what she was used to and instantly addictive. Without hesitation she popped one head in her mouth and sucked hard, looking for more of that delicious liquid.

  He bucked under her with a rasping groan, whispering yes, please, yes…

  For a few moments she licked and sucked, going from one to the other, enjoying his taste, the silky sensation of his fine-scaled skin, and his increasingly urgent twitches under her. But she felt achingly empty, burning hot and swollen, her juices trickling down the insides of her thighs.

  When she could wait no longer, she straddled him with her back to him, still gripping both large cocks in her tight fists. Unwilling to relinquish her prizes, she shimmied her hips until she felt his smaller phallus slide along her slit. She shuddered, keening low under her breath at the sweet torment. She felt his hand brush her ass as he reached under, steadying his member for her use. She rotated her hips slowly, panting hard as that cool, smooth head slipped through her lips and teased her opening.

  Then she closed her eyes and sank down, moaning at the bliss of his cock stretching her, filling her, soothing the ache in her flesh while driving that burning need even higher. When seated flush against him, she paused, quaking. She could hear him murmuring in her mind, endearments, praise, demands, but she was past understanding the words. With a little sob, she rocked forward and slid a hand down one of the other cocks to press its base toward her.

  When the base parted her lips and touched her clit, she let out a strangled cry and froze, back bowed and every muscle clenched at the edge of a shattering orgasm. Blind eyes wide and staring, she teetered on the edge of a vast seething ocean of pleasure, unable to move, unable to breathe.

  Then she felt his claws touch her back, scraping down her skin in a sensation that rode the line between pleasure and pain. As her shivering body tried to absorb the new stimulus, he jerked his hips up into her, one cock spearing her pussy while the other rubbed hard and demanding against her clit.

  She shrieked and came, convulsing against him, each movement increasing the friction on her sensitive tissues and driving her even higher. While she writhed and squealed, he fucked her with short grinding thrusts, sending her over the edge again in a white-hot explosion.

  When she could see and hear once more, she discovered her belly was slick with clear liquid and the two penises she still clenched in her fists had softened. Her body felt even softer, melting her down into him and the bed. She let herself slump to the side, groaning through her harsh pants at the feel of his cock slipping out of her still spasming hole. “Ocen…”

  I am here, sayshin, he rasped in her mind with an edge of humor. Though I thought for a moment you would kill me. Such passion, such sweetness…I have felt your pleasure more sharply than any other.

  She managed to flop onto her back, turning her head to meet his hypnotic gaze. “Are you serious? So you don’t just talk in my mind and see my thoughts, you—”

  Experience. His tongue flicked out, slowly tasting the air between them. Your need for me was electrifying. Your pleasure in my body and yours intoxicated me. I am fairly sure your release stopped my heart for a moment or two.

  She let out a weak laugh of amazement. “Wow,” she mumbled, staring at him wide-eyed. No friggin’ wonder he didn’t fight the program, if he could feel his partner’s pleasure right along with his own.

  He smiled, reaching a hand toward her and lightly resting the tip of one claw on her bottom lip. You touched me. Now I wish to touch you. Do you consent?

  Sasha had no words, her body flooding with a suddenly renewed, shockingly strong heat. She could only nod, feeling that claw tug a little at the tender skin of her lip and quivering at the sensation. He leaned over her, his mouth brushing hers, tongue slipping out to slide between her lips in a teasing flick. Her taste buds remembered their newest addiction and she slipped a hand behind his neck with a needy hum, pulling him closer. He sealed his mouth to hers and gave her what she wanted, kissing her deeply and wrapping his agile tongue around hers.

  Long before she was ready for it to end, he pulled back, mouth moving down to her throat as his hands slid up her arms. So soft, like flower petals. When she tried to reach for him, he pressed on her shoulders with a hissing laugh, claw tips grazing her skin. My turn, sayshin. Lie still.

  She subsided with a disgruntled sound. It turned into a sigh and a shiver as his long tongue slithered over the sensitive skin of her throat and the hollow beneath. His hands stroked from her shoulders down her sides and back up over her ribcage, making a frame under her breasts. She shifted a little with a whimper, wishing his hands were on her breasts, easing the ache in her tight nipples.

  He moved down, mouth brushing cool silk before his tongue flicked out, teasing her skin with that slight rasping sensation. She writhed a little more, arching her torso in a silent plea. He heeded her request, hands sliding up to cup her breasts, lifting them to his mouth. His tongue lashed out, sliding over one nipple and then the other with fast, merciless strokes.

  She grabbed his arms with a choked cry, hips spasming at the sharp pleasure knifing from her nipples to the pool of heat deep inside her. His tongue swirled and tugged with amazing dexterity and she cried out again, bucking against him. Her clit and channel clenched, feeling as burningly empty and needy as if she hadn’t been fucked in a year, as if she hadn’t just ridden him to a double orgasm.

  He sucked lazily on each nipple in turn, ignoring her desperate whimpers and flexing fingers. Then he released her breasts and slid lower, hands and mouth gliding over her quivering abdomen. He slid off the bed, cupping his hands under her ass cheeks and tugging her to the edge.

  Panting, Sasha struggled up onto her elbows, not wanting to miss what she knew was coming. Sliding his hands out from under her, he settled his palms on her inner thighs and pressed her legs wide before leaning forward and inhaling deeply. Stars, you are so wet and wild, so ready for me, sweet Sasha… His tongue appeared, slipping between her glistening lips exactly as she’d pictured. He lifted his gaze and winked at her, making her want to laugh for half a second before the sensation of his incredible tongue overwhelmed her.

  She bucked, sound and breath caught in her throat as his tongue slithered over her clit slow and then flicked fast and hard, that slick rasp driving her right to the edge of climax. She shuddered, quivering and gasping out wordless pleas, when he pulled back. His tongue returned to lick around her opening before diving inside, thrusting and swirling relentlessly in her channel in a rhythm that had her rocking helplessly against him, crying out in between harsh pulls of air.

  Then he rested a hand on her pelvic bone, slipping a thick thumb into her slit to find the hard knot of her clit. He pressed and rocked, and she came with a hoarse shout, jerking and bucking uncontrollably, pleasure rolling over her in consuming waves.

  She was still shaking when he rose over her, leaning on both hands to kiss her deeply. She tasted herself and groaned, locking her hands behind his neck.

  You are amazing, my beautiful sayshin, so hot I will be ash before we are through.

  Then he lifted her, flipping her over onto her stomach as if she weighed nothing. She gave a little yip of surprise but her mind and limbs weren’t working, unable to protest or resist. He lifted her hips, presenting her just as she’d imagined. She moaned breathlessly, feeling her body tighten with helpless longing yet again.

  She felt something cool and smooth press against her opening and quivered, knotting the bedding in her fists. She wanted that hard snap of his hips she’d seen
with the golden female, wanted him to fill her to the brim and beyond right now, but instead he nudged slowly at her entrance, that cool head teasing her clenched tissues with the promise of sweet sensation. She whimpered, beyond words but needing so desperately for him to understand.

  Great Stars, you are so tight, sweet Sasha, so small. I feel what you want but…

  He made a rough sound, claws pricking the skin of her hips as he pushed slowly into her. She nearly wept with relief and pleasure as he tunneled deep, thick cock filling her, stretching her so deliriously she was on the brink of another orgasm by the time he reached her womb. Then he went still and she thought she might scream with disappointment and frustration.

  “K-killing m-me…” she stuttered, shifting in an attempt to get him to move.

  Be still, he growled in her mind. I am too close.

  To her immense relief, he began to pull out but then paused again. She sobbed, rotating her hips in an agony of lust, but when he caressed a hand over the globe of her ass and slipped a knuckle down her crack to her puckered asshole, she shivered and went still, eyes popping open. She’d never allowed anyone to mess with that entrance before but she was too far gone to stop him.

  His thick cock pulled out with a suddenness that made her squeal before another slightly smaller appendage drove in. She let her breath out in a pleased sigh. Rotating cocks would make her very happy. But then that member slide out of her also and she growled her frustration. His hands ran over the mounds of her ass in a soothing caress before lifting from her altogether. She had a second to wonder where he’d gone before she felt a thick cock press back into her with a purposeful, mind-blowing thrust.

  He paused halfway in and she felt something cool and firm touch her puckered back hole. His smaller cock head swirled over that pucker, lubricating her with her own juices before he eased forward. She tensed, the sensation edging toward pain.

  Be easy. Relax. His voice was reassuring, soothing, with a rough edge of desire. I will give you only pleasure. Here, this will help.


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