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Blood Thief Box Set (Alpha Billionaire Vampire Romance)

Page 8

by Flynn, Mac

  "Simon!" I screamed.

  The bullet tore through Simon's cloak that lay over his heart and lodged itself somewhere inside his body. He glanced down at the hole in his attire as though it was an annoying bee sting and frowned.

  Simon's eyes flickered to the fat man. "This is a rather expensive cloak."

  The fat man's eyes widened and he stumbled back so he stood flush with my chair. He whipped his head to his men and jabbed a finger at Simon. "S-shoot him, you idiots!"

  The men fired off shot after shot. The bullets hit him in the chest, legs and arms, but Simon merely set both hands on his cane and leaned on the stick. The cartridges ran empty after two dozen rounds, but their target still stood after that barrage. Only his hole-filled clothes showed the extent of their effort.

  Simon glanced from one gunman's face to the other. "Are you quite finished?"

  They both took a step back. One of them glanced at the fat man. "B-boss?"

  The fat man shook his head and his mouth bobbed up and down. He managed to swallow some fear and get out a few words from his fat lips. "W-what the fuck are you?"

  Simon chuckled. "I'm undead, but you won't have the pleasure of such an existence."

  Simon's hat flew off as he swept towards the pair of gunmen and grabbed one by the side of his throat. He buried his face into the man's neck and I had a clear view of the sharp fangs entering the flesh. The gunman's eyes widened and he opened his mouth in a soundless scream. It didn't take long fro his body to grow limp. His weapon fell from his limp hand and clattered to the concrete ground. His head lolled back and his empty eyes stared at nothing.

  Simon pulled his face away and opened his hand. The man dropped lifeless to the ground.

  The other gunman stumbled back until his right shoulder hit the stack of crates. He pulled out another cartridge from his pocket and jammed it into the weapon just as Simon turned to him. "S-stay the fuck away from-" Simon didn't let him finish his last sentence.

  The vampire was on him in a flash and the man became victim number two for the evening. The fat man slid behind me and wrapped his arm around my neck. I stiffened when he pressed the cold barrel of his gun against my temple.

  His fat, sweaty body pressed against the back of mine and jammed my hands against the seat. "S-stay back or she gets it!"

  Simon dropped the dead gunman and turned to us. His smile slipped off his face and his narrowed eyes glowed a bright red. He nearly crushed the gold top of his cane in his tight grasp. "Release her," he growled.

  The fat man scoffed. "Like hell I am. She's coming with me." He fumbled with the ropes that bound my wrists. They wouldn't budge. "Fuck. . ." he muttered under his breath.

  The man glanced down at my wrists. Big mistake, and his last. Simon did his disappearing act and reappeared beside the man. He wrenched the gun from the fat man's hand and threw it across the room. It slammed into a crate and disappeared inside the broken wood.

  The fat man screamed and stumbled away behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that he clutched his wrist against his chest. The angle of his hand was wrong.

  Simon stalked up to the fat man and grabbed the front of his sweat-covered suit. The vampire lifted his heavy girth two feet off the ground. The blubbering blog pawed at Simon's hand. "P-please let me go! Please! I-I won't tell nobody about you! I swear it!"

  Simon's lips curled back in a sneer. His fangs peeked over his upper lip. "Pathetic."

  I cringed and turned my face away. The fat man gave one final, long wail before it was cut short. I shut my eyes, but I couldn't block out the stifled gurgling as Simon drained him. The time felt like an eternity, but was only a few moments. The fat man's heavy body thumped onto the ground.

  I was saved, but at a terrible price.


  Simon moved over and I felt my hands freed from their bindings. He slipped around and stooped in front of me, and my ankles were released. His work done, Simon stepped back and turned to snatch his hat from the ground.

  I stood and rubbed my wrists. The skin was sore, but not broken. I swept my eyes over the bodies and shuddered. I didn't dare look behind me knowing the fat man lay there.

  My voice was low and trembled. "Did you have to kill them?"

  Simon placed his top hat on his head and glanced down at the gunman. His lips curled back in a sneer. "I gave them more mercy than they planned for you."

  "But killing them?" I persisted.

  Simon turned to me and his face softened. He shook his head. "There was no other way, particularly after you yelled my name. They knew too much."

  I started back. "You. . .you killed them because I used your name?"

  He gave a nod. "Yes."

  I marched up to him and slapped him on the face. His head whipped to one side, but his expression didn't change. I stood straight and glared at him. "Why the hell didn't you pull your mesmerizing trick and make them forget?"

  He closed his eyes and sighed. "Because the abilities of the vampire are limited in scope." He turned his head to face me. "In this instance, mesmerizing them would not have worked. The memory-the emotion of your scream-would have been too powerful to purge from their minds. Also, too much time had elapsed from your yell and the death of the large man."

  I leaned back and blinked at him. "Too much time?"

  He nodded. "Yes. A vampire can only force a human to forget a fleeting memory, a quick, forgettable instance of a familiar face or place."

  I hung my head and ran a hand through my hair. "This. . .this is unbelievably stupid."

  "Vampires are immortal-with caveats-but we are not omnipotent," Simon told me.

  My eyes swept over the floor and fell on the camera dropped by one of the goons. I strode over and picked up the device. It was still on so I flipped through the latest album. My eyes widened and I glanced up at Simon.

  I held out the camera towards him. "What the hell is this?"

  He took the camera and swept his eyes over the image. It was the chair in which I sat a few moments ago, but I was nowhere to be seen.

  "It is your vampire body protecting itself," he explained as he held out the camera to me. "An evolutionary step, if you will. Your image will not be seen in electronic devices until you have become a full vampire."

  I took the camera and raised an eyebrow. "So no cameras or videos or anything?"

  He smiled and shook his head. "Nothing."

  I tossed the camera onto the ground. "Finally some good news. Now could we get out of here?"

  He stepped aside and swept his hand towards the rear of the building. "This way."

  Simon led me through the maze of crates and out through the rusted rear door. I blinked against the harsh light and Simon ducked his head so his hat hid his face in shadow. The limo still waited for us, though across the street, and as we approached Certus stepped out and opened the door.

  "To Ardolf's, if you would," Simon instructed him as he ducked into the car.

  Certus bowed his head. I followed Simon, but paused in the doorway when a noise behind me caught my attention. Certus looked in the direction of the warehouses, and I followed his gaze. The men on the docks were thrown into a panic. The armed guards surrounded the perimeter and I saw many of them run towards the warehouse we just vacated.

  "It seems our adventure has been discovered," Simon mused.

  I pursed my lips, but slipped inside and took my usual seat. The door was shut, and we drove off. The car bumped along the rough roads and kept close to the river. Simon and I swayed side-to-side with the car. I averted my eyes from his face, but he stared directly at me.

  "You're angry with me," he commented.

  I crossed my arms and scowled at the door. "No shit," I retorted.

  "I had to show you the extent of the rot within the circle you joined last night," he insisted.

  I whipped my head to him. "If you knew they were so dangerous than why'd you make me join that bullshit party? Why'd you even offer to take me, anyway? Were you always
planning on making me into another chew toy like you did those guys back there?"

  Simon closed his eyes and shook his head. "You were never a toy. A diversion, perhaps, but never a toy. Now you're something more."

  My eyes narrowed. "Yeah, now I'm the play toy."

  He leaned back and studied me. "No. Now you're mine, and I keep care of what's mine."

  I grasped either side of the seat and leaned towards him. "Let's get this straight. I'm not yours, I'll never be yours, and-" I froze and the words died in my throat. I couldn't get my lips to move. My body wouldn't obey my commands.

  In the blink of an eye Simon switched from his seat to the cushion beside me. He leaned down and his whispering voice tickled my ear. "I only appear human to humor you in your transition, my love, but know that even I have a limit to my patience, and it is a great mistake to anger an aged immortal."

  My eyes filled with tears created by fear and frustration. A single drop slid down my cheek and Simon brushed his finger against the stray tear. He cupped my wet cheek in one hand and looked softly into my eyes. The familiar hot desire filled my body and warmed me to my soul. My heart beat quickened and my flesh beneath his hand grew red-hot.

  His quiet voice softened some of my mental tension. "I only warn you to teach you, not to frighten you, my love," he whispered. His burning eyes scorched me with their lust as I gasped for breath. He leaned closer to me and melted my fear away with his words. "I tell you this not for you to fear me, but because I love you."

  He drew off his hat and leaned down to capture my lips in a passionate kiss. My body was freed and I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around his neck. A groan escaped my lips and I leaned further into our kiss.

  His warm, muscular body vanished, and with it went my counterweight. I fell forward, but caught myself before I slammed face-first into the floor. I straightened and looked up. Simon once more sat opposite me with his legs crossed and his hands folded into his lap. His eyes were the familiar red hue and he looked at me with a teasing expression.

  "I'm glad to see you forgive me," he commented.

  I slid back against my seat and caught my breath. The heat faded from my body as I studied the vampire who sat opposite me. "There's one thing I want to know."

  He raised an eyebrow and a sly, crooked smile slid onto his lips. "Just one?"

  I nodded. "Yeah, just one. Why me? Why'd you go and pick me to be your-" There was a glint of warning in his eyes. I took a deep breath and calmed my frayed nerves. "Why do I get to be yours?"

  He leaned back and tilted his head to one side to study me. "Because you have a certain quality I like, and one that's suitable in an immortal?"

  My eyes narrowed. "And that's what?"

  "You're decisive," he told me. "You are aware of your desires and react quickly to your decisions. That is what made you decide to join me for the party last night, and what made you return to me this morning."

  I pursed my lips and turned my face away from him. "Lucky me. . ." A headache struck me and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

  "A headache?" he asked me.

  I dropped my hand and shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. Probably all this sunlight to creepy darkness and back again. Makes my eyes tired."

  "Perhaps," he agreed.

  I glanced out the window and watched the shadows speed by. My eyes flickered to Simon. "So where are we going now? The city morgue?"

  He shook his head. "No. Now that you're aware of our enemies, we shall see what allies we can dig up."

  I felt my heart drop into my stomach and the color drain from my face. "We're not really digging anyone up, are we?"

  Simon chuckled. "Perhaps."


  The car ride took us along the bumpiest streets in the city to the western outskirts of suburbia. Certus parked the car and opened the door so I had my first good view of the neighborhood. The houses were site-built structures from the eighties with two floors where the bottom one was partially sunk into the ground. Some had below-ground garages, and others were split level. The house we were parked in front of was all of the above with a neat green lawn and a large willow tree out front.

  Simon stepped out and turned to offer his hand to me.

  "I'd rather stay here," I told him.

  He caught my eyes with his gaze and his voice was tense. "And I would rather you come with me."

  The meaning was clear. I ignored his hand and exited the limo. He dropped his hand and walked up the concrete front walk that led up to the stoop. I followed while Certus remained at the car. We reached the door and Simon raised his hand to press the doorbell.

  The door flew open and revealed a blond pony-tailed man of six feet with a wide smile and brown eyes. He wore a long white t-shirt and khaki shorts that showed off his white socks. His toes wiggled at us through the holes.

  He leaned against the doorway and folded his arms across his chest. "Well well, if it isn't Count Dracula himself come out of his coffin for the day. I thought I could smell trouble coming."

  Simon smiled and bowed his head. "Good morning, Ardolf."

  The man's smile slipped off his lips and he frowned. "It's Dolf, and you know it." His eyes fell on me. He glanced back at Simon and jerked his head towards me. "A groupie of yours?"

  Simon stepped aside and gestured to me. "Miss Faith Luvena, this is Ardolf-"

  "Dolf," Dolf corrected him.

  "Dolf Fortis, an old friend of mine," Simon finished.

  Dolf snorted. "Right, great friends. And that's why you stole that necklace out from under me two months ago, huh?"

  Simon reached into his cloak and pulled out the necklace he'd given me. "No, but it is why I intend to give you the very same necklace."

  Dolf's eyes flickered between the stunning jewelry and Simon's face. He stood at attention and raised an eyebrow. "What's the catch?"

  "I have a proposition for you, but not one that should be made outdoors," Simon told him.

  Dolf pursed his lips, but stepped aside and held the door. Simon strode into the house and I followed. The space was simple, but clean, with carpeted flooring and fire-house red walls. A simple couch and chair surrounded a coffee table and were turned towards a large TV. Bright, airy windows looked out on a green backyard. To our left was the kitchen and dining room, and to our right was a hall to the bedroom and bath. A staircase to our immediate right and against the front wall led downstairs.

  Dolf closed the door and turned to us. He flashed me a smile and jerked his head towards Simon. "So how'd you fall in with a guy like this?"

  "Bad luck," I quipped.

  He laughed and turned to Simon who stood close to the hall entrance. "I like her."

  "The windows, if you would," Simon requested.

  Dolf rolled his eyes. "This would be easier if you just called," he commented as he strolled over to the windows and dropped some thick bamboo shades. The room was enveloped in shadows with a smidgen of light from either side of the blinds.

  "This interview is too important to discuss over the phone," Simon argued.

  Dolf plopped himself into the chair and swung a leg over one of the arms. "So what's so important that the undead lord himself wants to see me in person?"

  Simon stepped closer to the center of the room and smiled. "I wish to form a partnership with you."

  Dolf frowned and raised an eyebrow. "If it's to open a blood bank count me out."

  Simon closed his eyes and shook his head. "Nothing of that sort, I assure you. I wish to create a group of expert jewel thieves to steal from the wealthy villains of the city."

  Dolf sat up and narrowed his eyes. "What do you need my help for? You can just slip into a house and wave your hand, and the jewels practically fall into your pockets."

  Simon's eyes flickered to me. "I was given a lesson in the limitations of my abilities, and my increasing carelessness in using them."

  "So you want to use mine, is that it?" Dolf guessed.

  "Your scouting abilities are second-to-n
one," Simon pointed out.

  Dolf leaned back in his chair. "So what's in it for me?"

  Simon strolled across the back of the couch. "A steady salary, or a cut of the profits from the sale of what we steal."

  Dolf turned up his nose. "Keep the salary. I want the cut."

  Simon stopped at the edge of the couch and turned so he faced both Dolf and me. "Very well. Does that mean you agree to our partnership?"

  Dolf stood and shrugged. "It means I'll play along for the first heist and see where we go from there."

  Simon bowed his head. "Agreed."

  Dolf folded his arms across his chest and leaned to one side. "So what's the job, anyway?"

  A mischievous smile slipped onto Simon's lips. "We will steal the Comstock bracelet from Miss Eileen Eres."

  Dolf's face drooped and he rolled his eyes. "Very funny. I already know you stole that."

  The vampire chuckled. "What isn't known is that the bracelet will be returned some time today."

  Dolf blinked at him. "So what you're telling me is that you stole the bracelet just so you could what? Steal it again?"

  "That wasn't my initial intention, but that's true now," Simon affirmed.

  Dolf threw up his hands. "Great. So you want to go after something you already stole that's going to have a ton of security around it?"

  Simon nodded. "Precisely."

  Dolf frowned. "That's a lot of risk for me. That percentage better be fifty."

  Simon shook his head. "I can't guarantee any more than thirty, providing the others join us."

  Dolf straightened and raised an eyebrow. "Others? What others?"

  Simon clasped his cane in both hands and smiled. "Merely others with similar talents to your own."

  Dolf beckoned to him. "'Fess up, who is it?"

  "Maeve and Specter."

  Dolf dropped his arms to his side and scowled. "I'm out. There's no way I'm working with those two."

  Simon tipped his hat and half-turned towards the door. "Then we wish you a good day.

  Dolf stretched out his hand. "Wait! Wait a sec!" Simon paused and turned back to him. Dolf looked Simon in the eyes. "I'll work with them, but only this once."


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