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Blood Thief Box Set (Alpha Billionaire Vampire Romance)

Page 22

by Flynn, Mac

  One of the werewolves dashed towards me and scooped me into its furry arms. I swung a hard punch that connected with the side of its face. It yelped and dropped me rear-first onto the ground. I climbed to my feet only to be picked up by another werewolf and slung over their shoulder. The position gave me a great view of the fighting.

  Simon was held down to the ground by a pack of six while Certus and Dolf had their hands full with the other half dozen. Simon's eyes fell on me and I saw them blaze with a strong red light.

  "Faith!" he screamed.

  I stretched out my arm to him as the werewolf ran away with me. "Simon!"

  My werewolf captor rounded the corner and ran to the curb where a long gray limo awaited us. The rear passenger door opened, and I was unceremoniously tossed inside. I tumbled to the other door and slammed my head on the handle. The door slammed shut behind me and the car sped forward.

  I righted myself and rubbed my head. "God damn werewolves. . ."

  "But they are so very reliable."

  I sat up and whipped my head around. My eyes fell on a shadow seated opposite me. I felt my heart skip a beat when I recognized the hideous hat atop their head.

  Georgina switched on the overhead light and leaned forward. A sly smile covered her lips as she studied me. "Good evening, Miss Luvena. I hope your journey through the sewers was not as unpleasant as its smell on you." I lung for the door on my left. Locked. I froze as Georgina chuckled behind me. "You can try the other one, as well, but you'll meet with the same results."

  Thoughts flew through my mind as I tried to recall high school history and what Simon had told me about gorgons. A light bulb clicked on. I slammed my eyes shut and turned to face her. "W-what do you want with me?"

  She sighed. "I'm hurt. You trust me so little."

  I frowned. "That doesn't answer my question."

  I stiffened when I felt her move from her seat to the one on my right. She set her hand on my arm and leaned close to my ear. Her hot, whispered breath brushed against my skin and sent shivers through me. "What I want is for you to open your eyes and see the world as it truly is."

  I snorted. "What you want is for me to turn into a statue."

  Her hand stroked my left cheek. I jerked away from her touch. "What I want is for you to understand that I only wish to help you navigate this strange world Simon has thrown you into. He is your enemy, not I."

  I rolled my eyes behind my eyelids. "What a bunch of bullshit."

  She chuckled and pulled away from me. "Is it? Am I the one who's watching you die and doing nothing to stop it?"

  I frowned and turned my face to her. "What the hell does that mean?"

  "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all," she replied as she removed herself back to her seat. I cracked open one eye. "I was just trying to tell you there was another way out." Her eyes studied me. "Another way to free you from this so-called 'inevitable death.'"

  I narrowed my eyes. "How?"

  She leaned back in her seat and shrugged. "It's really quite easy. I don't know why Simon didn't tell you before." She paused. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. Her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh my. I think-" Her face took on a sly look as she turned back to me. "I think it's because you have to destroy him."

  I started back. "Wait. Killing him will free me?"

  She laughed and shook her head. "No. Vampires can't be killed. They can only be destroyed." She leaned towards me and set one elbow on her crossed legs. Her whispered voice floated towards me. Its tone was tense, excited. "You see, the secret is a human bitten by a vampire must destroy their creator to free them from the curse of the undead. That is the only way to save your soul from undeath."

  I leaned back and frowned. "Why are you telling me this?"

  She straightened and shrugged. "I thought I was doing you a favor, but it appears you still don't trust me."

  "You tried to kill me with your Phantoms," I reminded her.

  She laughed and waved her hand at me. "They weren't trying to kill you, Miss Luvena. I summoned them to destroy Simon. You were merely present during the attack." The car slowed to a stop. Georgina glanced out the window. Her eyes lit up. "Ah! We're here. It seems our conversation has made the time fly by. Now the fun truly begins."


  The door to my right opened and Georgina stepped out. I leaned forward and caught a glimpse of a large, bank-like building situated twenty feet from the curb. The glass front on the ground level revealed a large, lit lobby.

  Georgina leaned in and smiled at me. "Coming? Or do you wish to wait for your kind master in the car?"

  I pursed my lips, but stepped out. Two other short black sedans were pulled up to the curb in front and in back of the limo. They were like clown cars as men-in-black stepped out and inspected the area. I didn't have to guess what kind of paranormal troopers they were.

  Georgina set her hand on my back and guided me to the sliding glass doors. The entourage followed us. We stepped inside and I saw there was a long line of teller booths at the back of the lobby. A teller stood behind the single open window.

  He smiled at us and bowed his head. "Good evening. How can I be of service?"

  Georgina led me over to the window. She drew a card from her pocket and slid it over the counter to the man. "I wish to have this box brought to me."

  He read the card and pursed his lips. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but this box can only be opened without the manager present, and he's not here at the moment."

  Georgina frowned. "When is he expected to return?"

  "I'm not sure. He was called away quite suddenly."

  "But I want my box now," she persisted.

  He shook his head and slid her card back to her. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but because the box you chose is the most secure type we offer I must wait for the manager. Only he has the keys."

  Georgina leaned one elbow on the counter and smiled sweetly at him. "Is the vault werewolf-proof?"

  The man smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, ma'am."

  Her eyes flickered to me. "And what about human-proof?"

  The man blinked at her. "I'm not really sure I know what you mean, ma'am."

  Georgina raised one hand and snapped her fingers. "Oh, you will."

  The werewolves behind us rushed the window. They leapt over the divide and dragged the teller out of sight beneath the counter. The men reemerged, but not the teller.

  Georgina looped her arm through one of mine and guided me around the counter to a large, barred wrought-iron gate. Beyond the gate was a long hallway. She grabbed her hat and smiled at me. "You might want to shut your eyes."

  My eyes widened before I slammed them shut. I heard hissing noises and a light sound of crackling like ice breaking on a lake.

  "All right. It's safe."

  I opened my eyes and beheld the gate changed into stone from floor to ceiling. Some of the wall around it was also gray.

  Georgina pulled us aside and looked to her werewolves. She jerked her head towards the gate. "Break it."

  Two of the werewolves transformed into their hulking selves and rushed the gate with their shoulders. The stone shattered beneath their force and clattered to the floor. We stepped over the pile of stone and walked down the hallway to the last door. There was a simple number keypad with a keyhole beneath the buttons.

  Georgina turned to me and smiled. "Now it's your turn."

  I blinked at her and shook my head. "I don't know the code."

  She chuckled. "No, but I do. Unfortunately, if anyone of paranormal persuasion was to touch the pad they would be consumed by flames." She studied me from head to foot. "You, however, are not quite there yet."

  I nodded at the pad. "But we don't have the key."

  She pulled me forward so I stood in front of the pad. "Just follow my instructions and that won't be a problem." She leaned forward so her chin nearly rested on my shoulder. Her soft words brushed against my ear. "But if you don't, I can't guarantee your safety. You see, my werewolves are always very hungry and
-well-" She chuckled. "You see what I mean." I swallowed hard and nodded. "Now follow my lead. One. Four."

  I tapped the numbers one at a time with a shaking finger. There were ten in all, and I was glad when Georgina stopped her deadly count. She gently pulled me out of the way and pulled out a small leather bag. "Now it's my turn again. And you might want to look away in a moment.

  Georgina pulled piece of putty from the bag and shoved it into the keyhole. She grabbed her hat and that was my cue to shut my eyes. I heard the rustle of cloth, the faint hiss, and then the cloth again. I risked a look and watched her grab the frozen putty that stuck out of the keyhole. She grabbed the flat end and turned it like a key. I heard a click and the door swung outward.

  Georgina smiled and grabbed the edge of the door. "Perfect. We make a wonderful team."

  "She is already taken."

  Georgina and I started back. The door flew out of her hands and knocked against the wall. The open doorway revealed the interior of a lock box vault, and there, standing in the center of the room, was Simon.

  My vampire lover stood as still as a statue. His hard, narrowed eyes glared at my companion.

  Georgina gathered herself and coyly smiled at him. "I see. Now I understand why the manager was 'called away' so conveniently. I'd forgotten how fast you traveled when you were angry." I winced when she set her hands on my shoulders. "As for your little vampire here, I merely took her for some fun." Simon continued to glare at her. She stepped back and dragged me with her. "What? No witty banter? No quick retort?"

  Simon's lips curled back in a snarl. "Release her."

  Georgina laughed. "Come, come, Simon. I may have underestimated you once, but I'm not so stupid as to let my trump card go."

  "You have nothing to gain from any further trouble," he told her.

  Georgina scooted against me and shrugged. "You mean this little breaking and entering? It's nothing. I am after my box, after all," she pointed out. I felt the vibrations through the floor as a few of her werewolf thugs moved to stand behind us. Her eyes swept over him. "You, however, are another matter. I could say I'm doing the bank a favor by dealing with their pest problem."

  One of the werewolves howled, but not as a war cry. It was a cry of pain. Georgina swung me around in time to watch a transformed Dolf bite into the second throat of one of her men. Certus, too, was in the fray swiping and punching at her minions. The cramped quarters gave the more agile pair the upper-hand, and they worked through the half dozen werewolves like they were humans.

  Georgina grabbed my arms and dragged me into the vault. The door, of its own accord, slammed shut behind us, engulfing us in total darkness. I felt her hands tremble as she spun me around to face where Simon had stood. I couldn't make out if he was still there or not.

  "Very funny, Simon!" Georgina called to the darkness. She shook me. "But you forget I still hold your little vampire, and she knows the truth you've been hiding from her."

  His voice came from nowhere and everywhere. "What truth is that?"

  Georgina shoved me in front of her like a shield and spun us in slow, jerky circles. "That you intended to allow her to die rather than risk her destroying you." There was no response. She leaned close to me. "He doesn't deny it, does he? Ask him to if he hasn't kept it from you."

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Is it true?"

  There was a long pause. "Yes."

  Georgina laughed. "You see? He means to keep you for himself! He cares nothing about you!"

  Simon's chuckle echoed from the darkness. "If you believe that, then release her." Georgina stiffened. I felt something brush against my shoulder. Simon's voice whispered into my ear. "But is that what you want? Freedom from me?"

  "Shut up!" Georgina shrieked. She wrenched me backwards and I heard a heavy cloth drop to the floor. The hissing of snakes filled the room. I scrunched my eyes shut and cringed when she shoved my back against her chest. "Don't try to confuse her! She won't go with you!"

  "You're shaking," Simon called.

  Georgina clutched onto me like I was a raft and she a drowning woman. "Attack me and your little vampire will be stone in an instant!"

  "You forget, Mistress of Snakes-" Simon pulled me from Georgina's shaky grasp and pressed me against his side. I clutched onto him and instinctively breathed a sigh of relief. "Your 'pets' must be able to see their target to turn them to stone."

  Simon reached into his pocket and raised his arm. "Shut your eyes!"

  I shut my eyes and pressed my face against his chest. Light pierced my eyelids. There was a horrific scream, and then silence. The light disappeared.

  Simon's voice broke the stillness. "You may open them."

  I peeked one open. The room was still perfectly black. "What happened?" I whispered.

  "Georgina has met the same fate as her victims."

  I squinted at the blackness. "How can you tell?"

  The door to the vault swung open. Light streamed into the room and fell on a gray figure that stood in the middle of the room. It was Georgina, or what was left of her. Her body was now stone. Her face held a look of horror and her arms were half raised to cover her eyes. The snakes atop her head were frozen in mid-strike.

  Certus and Dolf stood in the doorway. Dolf whistled through his long fangs. "That's one ugly statue."

  Certus hurried forward, but Simon held up his hand with the palm facing outward. "I am unscathed."

  Certus stopped and his eyes fell on me. "And my lady?"

  I gave him a shaky smile. "I'm alive. Mostly."

  Dolf jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "Now that we've defeated the bad guy and her thugs, think we could get the fleece and get out of here?"

  Simon swept his hand over the room. "You may search."

  Dolf leapt into the vault and sniffed the walls full of tin boxes. He stopped at one large one and drew it off the shelf. "Got it. Now let's scram before the manager gets back."


  Simon led our group outside. The three vehicles that belonged to Georgina sat on the curb, but all their occupants were dead inside the bank. Simon's limo was parked around the corner.

  Dolf stopped in front of the vehicle and held out the box. "Doc isn't going to like this, but I'd rather you hold this. I don't want to have to rescue this thing every month."

  Simon took the box and tucked the box under one arm. I was wrapped in the other. "It will be stored in a more secure vault."

  Dolf smiled and stepped back. "Good. I guess I owe you one for this."

  Simon smiled and bowed his head. "Yes."

  Dolf waved. "Well, call me when you need me. See ya." And with that he loped into the darkness.

  Certus opened the limo door and we slipped in. I ignored my usual seat opposite Simon and went for the one beside him. He didn't argue as he tossed the box where I usually sat. Simon wrapped his arm over my shoulders and held me close. I leaned my head against Simon's side and closed my eyes. The car pulled away from the curb and drove away from that nightmare.

  It was quiet until the curiosity inside me demanded a few answers. "Mind telling me how you managed to get into that vault?"

  Simon chuckled. "The manager is a close acquaintance. I convinced him to let me remain in the vault and had Certus call him away before you arrived."

  I glanced up at him and arched an eyebrow. "Isn't he going to be mad when he finds out what happened? We did steal somebody else's box."

  Simon shook his head. "I have made sure he will not remember we were ever present and Certus has already taken care of the security system cameras."

  I smiled and nestled myself back against his side. "Why did I even doubt you?"

  "Did you truly doubt me?" he whispered.

  My face fell. "You mean in the vault?"


  I pursed my lips. "Were you. . .did you tell me the truth back there? If I killed you would I be human again?"

  There was a look in his eyes. There was. . .sadness. "You would."

ible thoughts flashed through my mind. All I needed to do was whittle a stake out of a chair leg and-

  "Your thoughts are most disturbing."

  I leaned away from Simon and glared at his teasing expression. "I told you not to do that."

  He shrugged. "Old habits die hard." The humor fled from his face as he studied mine. "But now that you know there is a way to be free of undeath, what will you do?"

  I snorted. "Even if I did try to do something you'd kill me in a heartbeat."

  "And if I proposed to do nothing?" he suggested.

  I arched an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't you?"

  His bright eyes gazed upon me with a soft, pained expression. "Do you believe I would kill you?"

  I looked away and sank into the seat. "I don't know." A mirthless snort escaped me. "I've been thinking so long about what I'd do if I was human again, and now that I can do something about it I-" I looked up into his face and smiled, "-I don't think I want to do anything about it."

  Simon cupped one of my cheeks in his palm and looked into my eyes. "Then you will stay with me?"

  I gave him a sly smile. "That depends."

  He arched an eyebrow. "On what?"

  I leaned towards him and brushed my lips against his. "On whether or not you behave yourself."

  He chuckled. "Would you wish for me to behave myself?"

  I shook my head. "Nope."

  He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. His touch ignited a hot fire inside my cold body. I leaned into our kiss and groaned. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap so I faced him. His hands massaged my rear. I ground my hips against him and felt his hot, pulsing need. He grunted and grabbed my hips.

  Simon raised his eyes and I saw the carnal lust in their depths. It excited me. "You are very persuasive."

  I grinned. "I learned from the best."

  He chuckled. "Then let me educate you further."

  He captured my lips in another passionate kiss. I leaned against his chest and groaned. Our clothes fell away beneath our eager hands. Soft caresses turned into steamy strokes as we let our lust take control.

  I lost myself in my burning desire for his touch and scent. I wanted him to take me again and again, to claim me as no other man could claim me. He was my lover, my creator, my master, and I ached for him. His fingers, his lips, all of him. It was all my hot, sweat-soaked body craved, and oh god, did I want it bad.


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