Of Gods and Goddesses: Book 3 (Lords and Commoners Series)

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Of Gods and Goddesses: Book 3 (Lords and Commoners Series) Page 1

by Lynne Hill-Clark

  Of Gods and Goddesses

  Book 3

  Lynne Hill-Clark

  Copyright © 2018 by Lynne Hill-Clark

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise), except for short quotes for review purposes only, without prior written permission from Hill-Clark & Associates, the copyright owner of the book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events are purely the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Cover design by We Got You Covered

  Published in the United States

  Second Edition 2019

  Created with Vellum





  1. Chapter 1 Copenhagen 1664 A.D

  2. Chapter 2 Copenhagen 1664 A.D

  3. Chapter 3 London 1664 A.D

  4. Chapter 4 America 1664 A.D

  5. Chapter 5 America 1860 A.D

  6. Chapter 6 New York 1860 A.D

  7. Chapter 7 New York 1860 A.D

  8. Chapter 8 New York 2000 A.D

  9. Chapter 9 New York 2000 A.D

  10. Chapter 10 New York 2000 A.D

  11. Chapter 11 New York 2000 A.D

  12. Chapter 12 New York 2020 A.D

  13. Chapter 13 New York 2020 A.D

  14. Chapter 14 New York 2020 A.D

  15. Chapter 15 New York 2020 A.D

  16. Chapter 16 New York 2020 A.D

  17. Chapter 17 New York 2020 A.D

  18. Chapter 18 New York 2020 A.D

  19. Chapter 19 New York 2020 A.D

  20. Chapter 20 Northern Canada 2020 A.D

  21. Chapter 21 Northern Canada 2020 A.D

  22. Chapter 22 New York 2020 A.D

  23. Chapter 23 Northern Canada 2020 A.D

  24. Chapter 24 Northern Canada 2020 A.D

  25. Chapter 25 Northern Canada 2020 A.D

  26. Chapter 26 Northern Canada 2020 A.D

  27. Chapter 27 North America 2021 A.D

  28. Chapter 28 Europe 2021 A.D

  29. Chapter 29 New York 2021 A.D

  30. Chapter 30 Europe 2021 A.D

  31. Chapter 31 Europe 2021 A.D

  32. Chapter 32 Europe 2021 A.D

  33. Chapter 33 Europe 2021 A.D

  34. Chapter 34 South America 2021 A.D

  35. Chapter 35 South America 2021 A.D

  36. Chapter 36 South America 2021 A.D

  37. Chapter 37 South America 2021 A.D

  38. Chapter 38 North America 2021 A.D

  39. Chapter 39 South America 2021 A.D

  40. Chapter 40 South America 2021 A.D

  41. Chapter 41 South America 2021 A.D

  42. Chapter 42 South America 2021 A.D

  43. Chapter 43 South America 2021 A.D

  44. Chapter 44 South America 2021 A.D

  45. Chapter 45 Northern Canada 2021 A.D

  46. Chapter 46 South America 2034 A.D

  47. Chapter 47 South America 2034 A.D

  48. Chapter 48 South America 2034 A.D

  49. Chapter 49 South America 2034 A.D

  50. Chapter 50 Middle East 2034 A.D

  51. Chapter 51 Northern Canada 2034 A.D

  52. Chapter 52 Northern Canada 2034 A.D

  53. Chapter 53 North America 2034 A.D

  54. Chapter 54 South America 2034 A.D

  55. Chapter 55 South America 2034 A.D

  56. Chapter 56 South America 2034 A.D

  57. Chapter 57 South America 2034 A.D

  58. Chapter 58 South America 2034 A.D

  59. Chapter 59 South America 2034 A.D

  60. Chapter 60 South America 2034 A.D

  61. Chapter 61 North America 2034 A.D

  62. Chapter 62 North America 2034 A.D

  63. Chapter 63 South America 2034 A.D

  64. Chapter 64 South America 2034 A.D

  65. Chapter 65 South America 2034 A.D

  66. Chapter 66 South America 2034 A.D

  67. Chapter 67 South America 2034 A.D

  68. Chapter 68 South America 2034 A.D

  69. Chapter 69 South America 2034 A.D

  70. Chapter 70 South America 2034 A.D

  71. Chapter 71 South America 2034 A.D

  72. Chapter 72 South America 2034 A.D

  73. Chapter 73 South America 2034 A.D

  74. Chapter 74 South America 2034 A.D

  75. Chapter 75 South America 2034 A.D

  76. Chapter 76 Three Days Later

  77. Epilogue Forty Days Later

  List of Characters

  About Lynne’s Next Book


  About the Author

  This book is dedicated, with much love, to Sheryl.

  Thanks for always being there and believing in me!

  This chalice contains the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for thee.

  Luke 22:20

  The precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, preserve my body and soul unto everlasting life.

  St. Augustine’s Prayer Book (1947)


  There are many theories about how the world will end. For at least a couple of millennia, if not longer, people have tried to predict how and when the world will end. Some believed that humankind would be destroyed by an asteroid that would black out the sun’s life-giving power. Many speculated that humans would be destroyed by a great flood or another ice age. Still others predicted that it would be humans themselves who destroyed one another. They were all wrong. …

  Chapter 1 Copenhagen 1664 A.D

  How can we leave this place? It has been our home for centuries, Vallachia thought. She went to her chambers for the last time to double check — or was it triple check? — that nothing of importance had been left behind. She found a note on her pillow.

  Meet me in the town square. T

  Six simple words — yet they caused her mind to race, as they meant much more. Val knew from whom it came and she knew why he wanted to meet. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. She guessed what he would say — this was a goodbye. Teller would be leaving them. He would be leaving her. She crumpled the note and threw it into the fireplace as she ran to the balcony. She checked for signs of humans. None could be seen or heard so she leapt into the air. She flew high, in case any humans happened to be looking up at this late hour. They would think she was a bird or a bat in the distance.

  Why did I burn Teller’s note? It is not as if we are forbidden lovers. We are simply old friends — who were once engaged. But that was briefly and a long time ago. Surely, we are allowed to meet in the town square — alone — at midnight. Are we not? In our hearts it is as if we are lovers — what does that make us? Nothing, simply friends, she tried to convince herself.

  Val tucked her wings in tight and dived head first, speeding toward the city center. She could not see or smell any humans, as she landed gracefully on the head of the massive statue of an angel in the center of a large fountain. The angel had several chips; her nose was mostly missing. Furry green moss had formed in places. The statue had seen better days.

  Ironically, the statue had been a wedding gift from Teller. Val had donated it to the City of Copenhagen.

  She spotted the burly figure of a man as he emerged from the shadows. She leapt with ease, landing near him.

  “What is this about?” Val said.

  “Are you alone?” Teller asked.


  His emerald eyes he
ld an ancient sadness. He quickly stepped forward and pressed his lips to hers.

  Once she recovered from the shock that ran through her entire body, she pushed him away with a shove that would have sent a human ten lengths back but it was only enough to put some distance between them.

  “What are you doing?” Val tried not to panic.

  “I’m going to the Far East. Come with me.” There was desperation in Teller’s voice.

  Val inhaled sharply. As she had feared, he was leaving. This is one instance where I do not want to be right, she thought. “You cannot leave the Court. We need you.”

  Teller took her hands. “We both know that is not true. I am no longer of use to the Court. We are at peace and it has been that way for some time. There has not been so much as a whisper of a threat and we have heard nothing of Neacsa. She is most likely dead.”

  Val frowned at the mention of Teller’s ex-wife, Neacsa Dracula.

  “There is no logical reason for me to follow you to the New World. However, you could come with us.” Teller tightened his grip on Val’s hands.

  Tears rolled down Val’s cheeks. “You know I cannot leave our people. I will not abandon them.”

  “You mean you won’t leave Elijah,” Teller said.

  “I will not leave him either.”

  “That is what I feared but I had to try one last time. I had hoped to persuade you with one last kiss. I can’t do this anymore — watching you with Elijah. You will go to the west and I will go to the east. I must get as far away from you as possible if I ever hope to get over you.”

  He was finally giving up on Vallachia — on them. She had won. She was more stubborn than Teller. This was not a competition she wanted to win. First place is awarded to Vallachia, for being the most tenacious of all. Her mouth curved in a weary smile at this thought. She forced the tears to stop and gathered her thoughts. I must not be selfish. It is torture for Teller to have to watch me with my husband.

  Val gave a resolute nod. “I wish you happiness. I hope you find someone who will love you forever.” Unfortunately, her voice faltered. I waited for Teller for two hundred years. Now he has been waiting for me for equally as long. We are even, in a sick and twisted way. That is the world we live in — sick and twisted.

  Teller turned his gaze to the statue he had given Val so many years ago. “I’m glad you understand.” His normally vibrant green eyes were darkened with pain. “I love you.”

  “And I love you.” Val wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She had to feel the unusual shock of his lips one last time. She did not want to pull away but forced herself to. “When will you leave?”

  “Now.” Teller gazed toward the east. “Abdullah, the twins and a dozen or so of my men are waiting for me outside of town.

  “How did the others take the news of you leaving?”

  “I have not told them.”

  “You are going to leave without saying goodbye!”

  “I almost left without telling you. I did not know if I could withstand your rejection for the millionth time.”

  “Mari will be furious with you for leaving without telling her.”

  “It does not matter, as I hope to never return. If we see each other again it will be because peace has ended. No one wants that, so let us hope this is a final goodbye. Unless, of course, you change your mind … someday.” Teller kissed her forehead. “Mari has been a dear friend. Will you tell her and the others for me?” He wiped a tear from Val’s cheek.

  Val leaned into Teller’s touch and put her hand over his in order to hold it tight to her cheek. She cherished his special touch, as she might never feel it again. For a brief moment she had the urge to fly away with him — forever.

  “Besides, not all of your friends will miss me.” Teller tried to lighten the mood. “Riddick will be glad to learn that I am gone and even Elijah — with all his graciousness — will be relieved that I am out of your life. You are in good company; otherwise I could never leave you.”

  Riddick and Teller had never been able to get on well and Vallachia’s husband, Elijah, had grown to tolerate Teller with a cautious dignity.

  “I am glad you have loyal companions, as well. Still, I will worry about you,” Val said.

  “I’ll be fine. Surely we can manage on our own.”

  Val knew this was true. Teller survived for two hundred years without me — I mean the Court. “Even if I cannot see you, will you write from time to time?”

  “I suppose I will need to stay informed on Court affairs.”

  She was relieved that Teller would not cut her out entirely, even though he made it sound as if it was all business. “Take care of yourself and I pray you find happiness.” She kissed his cheek.

  “I have to leave now or I may never be able to.”

  Val had to force her hands to release him. She closed her eyes tight as a swish of air engulfed her. A gentle puff of sweet breeze flowed through her long golden hair. It cooled her face. Normally, she would have welcomed it but this time it was a sign that Teller was gone. On the outside was a soft whisper but inside was a violent windstorm that would bring the driving rains. She sat on the edge of the water fountain and let the tears fall.

  He has to go. It is time for him to move on. This is for the best, she told herself over and over as she tried to rub the pain out of her chest. It was as if her heart had been torn away when he took flight. She cursed him for the emptiness that remained.

  Chapter 2 Copenhagen 1664 A.D

  Vallachia sat on the edge of the water fountain for too long. She could not pull herself together. It felt as if half of her was missing — Teller was truly gone. As if this wasn’t enough, she had to face leaving her beloved home. This very well could destroy the other half of her — leaving nothing. The violent wind inside would keep bringing the rain until she was washed away in the flood.

  All her dearest friends would be gathering to leave before the people of Copenhagen began their day. Val had to return to the castle, as she had already put them behind schedule. She knew she must go, so she stared blankly ahead and slowly stood. She made herself go numb, forcing herself not to feel anything. Life goes on. She took a deep breath and let the bitter numbness consume her. She headed home with determination. By the time she joined her companions on the balcony, she was emotionless — it was the best mask she could muster.

  Over time, Copenhagen had grown up around Elijah and Vallachia’s castle. Initially they had built a large wall around their grand home to keep humans from wandering too close. The tall stone wall had helped to ensure that their kind, vampires, remained a secret. Once they had become completely surrounded by the city, they could no longer take flight from the castle during daylight hours without the risk of being spotted. In order not to reveal their true nature to humans it was best that they move. As difficult as this would be, Elijah and Vallachia decided that they would prefer to live freely in a remote location rather than stay in the city and pretend to be human.

  Under the pretense of being a wealthy merchant, Elijah sold the Castle to Frederick III, King of Denmark. Frederick was all too happy to take over the grand estate, which was many times larger than his castle.

  Elijah and Vallachia were curious about the mysterious new land that had been discovered across the great sea. They were in search of wide-open space so they could spread their wings whenever they liked — literally. They longed to be themselves. Europe had closed in on them, suffocating them.

  The Court already had their important possessions packaged and shipped to America. Now it was time for Vallachia and her friends to take flight for the last time from their home. Val had been excited to see this new land, which had all of Europe in an uproar. She had not thought about how hard it would be to walk — or fly — away from her home of four hundred years. There were many wonderful memories. Val and her dearest and oldest friend Mari had each been wed in this castle. Celebrations and grand times with friends and family, learning a new instrument or language,
this had all been done right here, in their home. It was where they worked, played and loved.

  Elijah had to remind her of the not so joyous times, such as the Court’s vampire beheadings. He appeared to be ready to leave it all behind.

  Yet, the place Val would miss the most was Elijah’s clandestine cave. It was their sanctuary — where they could go to get way from the world. Elijah promised that he would find his wife another such place to call their own. However, Val was skeptical that they would be able to find such a truly secluded place. Riddick, their commander in chief, could find them anywhere, except when they were in that cave. The long narrow water tunnel leading to it made it difficult for even vampires to track.

  Elijah looked relieved when he spotted Vallachia. “There you are. We have been looking for you. Where are Teller and the others?”


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