Of Gods and Goddesses: Book 3 (Lords and Commoners Series)

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Of Gods and Goddesses: Book 3 (Lords and Commoners Series) Page 8

by Lynne Hill-Clark

  “Why … leave?” Val stuttered.

  “It’s no longer safe for you. Please trust me, my dear. When we get home, I’ll explain everything.”

  The woman took Val’s hands. In that instant Val wanted to trust this stranger and she didn’t understand why. Val had never been the naturally trusting type.

  “It was you who saved Teller?”

  The woman nodded. “And Elijah.”

  I knew it. I can trust her. “Thank you,” Val whispered.

  “Now,” she said with more urgency, “allow me to save you.”

  Val looked back. “I suppose it would be best for me to go back and try to fix the huge mess I’ve made.”

  “You were doing a good job of running away on your own, so please come with me. I have an isolated home where we can be safe.”

  “Safe from what?”

  “Dark times are coming. I’ll explain when we have the time.”

  Val gave a reluctant nod.

  “Good. Give me your phone.”

  Val questioned whether or not it was wise to give her phone to this woman but she handed it over anyway.

  The woman dropped the phone and crushed it with her foot.

  “No!” Val regretted her choice at once. She should at least let her friends know that she was alive.

  The woman took Val’s hand again and spread her enormous bat-like wings. Val followed her into the air. Val decided that she would hear what this woman had to say and then return to try to make things right with Elijah — with all her friends. Surely, they will forgive me. The thought of losing Elijah and her family, caused a pain in her chest, which she tried unsuccessfully to rub away.

  The woman paused in the air long enough to sprinkle dust she had in a pouch tied to her waist. Sparkling particles floated in the air below them.

  “What’s that?” Val asked.

  “So they can’t follow us. Our scent will be lost here.”

  The Servants of Aggadad must have used some such substance to throw us off Elijah’s scent, Val thought.

  The two vampires flew for hours toward the north. They landed in a large basin that had once been the mouth of a volcano. They were completely surrounded by tall mountains, which formed a perfect circle around them. The center of the basin consisted of a large lake. It was breathtakingly beautiful and very isolated. Humans could not easily get here. They were surrounded by Canadian tundra. Snow and glaciers topped the mountains. Several waterfalls fed the lake in the basin of the volcano. Everything below the snow line was a lively dark green.

  “This place is amazing,” Val said, as they landed by the lake.

  “I’m delighted that you like it.” The woman led Val to a small cabin. Smoke rose out of the chimney.

  “You don’t live alone?”

  The woman shook her head no. “Come meet the ladies.”

  As they entered the tiny home, Val was struck by the scent of humans but not just any humans. They had a distinct scent. Perhaps they were not fully human. There was something different about these people.

  The woman claiming to be Val’s mother said, “This is Sasha.” She gestured to a middle-aged woman who was short with long brown hair.

  Sasha took Val’s hands. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” Her brown eyes sparkled with excitement.

  Val only nodded in reply. Who are these strange people? What are they?

  “And this is Angela.” The woman in white pointed to an older woman who looked to be in her sixties. Angela was taller than Sasha and her hair was long and gray. “It is with great pleasure that I finally have the opportunity to introduce you to my daughter, Vallachia.”

  Val studied the woman. How could she possibly be my mother?

  Angela put her hands on Val’s cheeks. Val resisted the urge to pull away.

  “She’s lovely, just as you said,” Angela said. “Though I did not believe you when you claimed that your daughter was more beautiful than you, Valentina, but I must admit, she is indeed.”

  “That is her father that you’re seeing in her,” Valentina said with pride.

  Valentina! That was my mother’s name!

  Chapter 20 Northern Canada 2020 A.D

  Val gently took Angela’s hands and removed them from her face. Val looked at Valentina with wide eyes. “Are you truly my mother?”

  Valentina smiled and nodded as if this were a completely normal situation.

  Because this happens all the time, right? You find out your mother is somehow alive after … almost eight hundred years.

  “Come, Angela. Let’s tend to the garden and allow these two to catch up on the past couple hundred centuries or so. I’m sure there is much to discuss,” Sasha said.

  Valentina watched her companions leave before turning to Val. “You must have so many questions. Let me start from the beginning. I was turned into a vampire not long after your brother was born. As you will remember those first years of being a vampire were … well, difficult at best. I didn't want to hurt my family. Then as the years passed I decided that it was best not to disrupt your life by suddenly turning up. I had faked my death and I needed to remain ‘dead’, for everyone’s safety. Your father did a marvelous job of raising you. It soon became apparent that you did not need me anyway. So I contented myself with watching over you from afar. As a matter of fact, I have watched over you your entire life.”

  “That’s … creepy. If you’re my mother then what was my father’s name?”


  “And my brother?”

  “Josiah. You were born in the spring of 1242. Your father used to call you his spring flower. Your brother took over ministering in Ludus after your father’s death. They were the most wonderful men. I loved you all very much and it hurt me to stay away but I had to.” Valentina had begun to talk in the old Romanian dialect that Val had grown up speaking.

  Only Val’s closest friends would have known all this about her brief human life. Valentina took Val’s hands. When Val looked into the stranger’s bright blue eyes she knew that this woman must be related to her and most likely was indeed her mother.

  “Mom?” Val ventured.

  Valentina threw her arms around her daughter. Tears ran down Valentina’s cheeks. “I have dreamed of this day so many times.”

  “Why did you not come to me after I was turned into a vampire?”

  “I knew, without a doubt, that our paths would cross — when the time was right. You didn’t need me until now.”

  “What’s that suppose to mean?” Val felt the heat of anger rising in her chest. My mother was alive all this time and she only now bothered to find me. “Of course I needed you after I was turned. You could have helped me through … that terrible time … and what makes you think I need you now?” This last part came out harsher than Val had intended.

  Valentina smiled and put her hands out as if to say slow down. “When I learned you had been turned I searched for you for a year. I barely missed you on several occasions but you scarcely stayed in one place. When I finally found you, you were in good hands and did not need me. I knew the Chastellains would look after you and take care of you. I didn’t want to disrupt your life.”

  “That’s madness. When I was a human I can understand you not wanting to interfere with our life or put us in danger but as vampires you and I could have had a life together.”

  Valentina frowned and sorrow flashed through her eyes. “It was complicated. I had to stay away. At that point I too had my own life and path to follow, just as you had your own path. Our lives did not cross until now.”

  “You’re talking nonsense.”

  “We each had to take our own journey in order to find our way back to each other, when it matters most.”

  What kind of an answer is that? “I don’t understand.”

  “Soon everything will become clear. You see Sasha, Angela and I are Servants of the Great Goddess. As you may have sensed they are not simple humans.”

  “What are you then?”

  “We’re something more. We have trained to become Servants of the Goddess.”

  “Are you witches?”

  “No. We don’t use or like that term. It’s too vague; we serve the Goddess.”

  “Yes, I got it.” Val snapped. “But what in the hell does that mean? Are you like the Servants of Aggadad?”

  Valentina flinched at the name. “Absolutely not. They use their power for selfish reasons. We only do as the Almighty Mother wishes. However, the self-serving nature of Aggadad gives them a ... certain strength and this is what you’re up against. This is why you need us now.”

  “So they’re stronger than you?”

  “It’s not that they are stronger, per say, it’s that they are willing to do things that we are not. Elda will not fight you in another war. She knows she doesn’t stand a chance against your armies. She will attack the Court using other means. She’s the strongest of the Servants of Aggadad and with her supporters she has grown very powerful.”

  “Are you telling me that she will use magic to take on the Court of Elders?”

  “I suppose that’s one way to put it. Yes, that is her plan. We do not consider it magic. To us it’s a knowledge of the energies which lie hidden to most, yet they are there if one knows how to find them and use them. It’s more of a spirituality, if you will.”

  Val shook her head. She did not fully fathom what the woman was saying. “How did you find Teller and then Elijah?”

  “Yes, well Elijah was tricky, as Elda’s servants blocked our sight after I rescued Teller. You see we keep watch over the world from here, to the best of our ability, anyway.”

  Valentina gestured to a pedestal that held a large asymmetrical shape draped in a purple silk cloth. She removed the cloth, unveiling a two-foot tall crystal. “This is the seeing stone.”

  With a closer look Val noticed a metallic silver liquid inside the crystal. It swirled around like a thick shimmering cloud. Right before Val’s eyes, the color changed to a sparkling purple and an image appeared. Elijah sat at a desk turning her broken phone in his hand. Val’s heart leapt.

  “Elijah!” She placed her hands on the large stone. She had the urge to try to go to him, as if she could step into the crystal and be by his side. The image faded and Teller appeared in shackles. “No! I have to go to them.” Val started toward the door.

  Valentina quickly covered the stone and firmly grabbed Val’s arm before she reached the door. “Please, not yet. There’s more you must know. Your friends will be fine for now and we’ll look after them from here. Let me finish; then you can decide what’s best.”

  “Elijah won’t kill Teller, will he?”

  “No. He wouldn’t do that — he’s not like his father.”

  “You knew Lord Chastellain?”

  A dark cloud filled her eyes. “His reputation was … far reaching.”

  Val nodded. “You’re right, Elijah is not his father. He will not hurt Teller.” Nevertheless, Val felt she should be there for them. Yet, how can I be there for both Elijah and Teller? Maybe they are better off without me? This way I won’t be between them — messing everything up.

  Valentina surprised Val by putting her hand on Val’s lower abdomen. She began chanting and Val was about to step away when Valentina opened her eyes wide and smiled.

  “Finally, they’re on the way! We have been waiting for this day for a long time.”

  Chapter 21 Northern Canada 2020 A.D

  This woman may be my mother but she may very well be insane. Val backed away. “What are you talking about?”

  Valentina’s crystal blue eyes danced. She headed for the front door and called for Sasha and Angela.

  They came running.

  “It is time. The prophecy has come true,” Valentina announced.

  Sasha squealed and threw her arms around Val.

  Val held her arms out in surprise. “What in the hell’s going on?” She backed away from Sasha.

  Valentina had tears of joy in her eyes. “Darling, you are going to be a mother!”

  “That’s it. I’ve had enough. You’re all mad. There are asylums for people like you. You should all head there now.” Val turned to leave.

  Valentina gently took her daughter’s hand. “I know this is a lot to take in. Please stay and rest a bit. You look tired.” Valentina placed an arm around Val.

  Val had never had a mother to coddle her. Her father had always been there for her but this was different — a mother’s reassuring touch. Val had not known what it was like so she had not missed it. She had been deprived. It was a surprise to find that she liked the attention … the affection — maybe even needed it. Her mother’s touch was enough to keep her from walking out the door.

  Val’s heart sank as it occurred to her, After father’s death, I had always been comforted by the thought that he had been reunited with his loving wife. Yet this was not the case. Valentina is not dead. Father has been denied his long lost love all this time. Val lowered her head and shook it.

  Val was lost in her thoughts as Valentina led her away from the door and across the room to an old couch. Val did feel tired … too tired. This was all too much. I should leave these crazy people and try to get Elijah back and release Teller from his shackles. I have to warn them about Elda and her demon followers or whatever they are. She was trying hard to focus on all that needed to be done but she was tired. She had been with Teller the night before and she didn’t remember when she had slept last. She had not slept well since before Elijah disappeared. She also had the odd feeling that Valentina had something to do with her drowsiness.

  “Let the poor dear rest,” Angela said.

  Perhaps it was only the power of their suggestion but Val lay down and closed her eyes. …

  Two figures slowly emerged from solid white surroundings. They glowed as if they were almost a pure light. They were difficult to focus on in their bright surroundings. Val made out a man’s face and a woman’s face. The man vaguely resembled Teller only much more handsome — which Val didn’t think was possible — and the woman looked somewhat like her but she was perfect and many times prettier. The Bible passage, “Made in God’s image,” echoed through her head. They are Gods, perhaps The Gods. The Mother and Father of … us all.

  “So it’s true? Are we to see the chosen ones walk the earth?” the man said.

  “Yes, my darling,” the woman wore a proud smile.

  “It’s about time. I did not think it would take this long.” He smiled with affection. It was perfectly clear to Val that these two had a deep love for each other. A love that went beyond all else. They had transcended time and space together.

  “It is a good thing that I did not bet on this one,” the God said. “For I would have lost. I didn’t think she could resist him that long. We took great measures to see to it that they would be together.”

  “Ah yes but this is the right time, my love. The chosen ones were not needed until now. I must say she got her stubbornness from you,” the Goddess said.

  He gave the woman a knowing smile. “I don’t think she got her stubbornness from me, my dear.”

  The woman laughed, which ended with a sigh. “I will miss them … terribly.”

  The man placed his arm around the woman. “Don’t despair. They’ll return to us … one day.”

  Val woke with a start and Valentina appeared at her side. Val shook her head to try to clear it. This is all a crazy dream. I will wake — for real — any minute and be back in Elijah’s arms, safe at home. She was still trying to wrap her head around the bizarre dream when her mother put her hand on Val’s stomach again.

  “Twins, actually, both girls. That is, if you want me to spoil all the surprises for you.”

  Val sat up. “Stop speaking such nonsense. It’s impossible; you know we can’t have children.”

  “Vampires don’t but you were given an exceptional gift and it will only happen once. As you may have guessed, these two will be very special. They’re the chosen ones.”r />
  “Chosen to do what, exactly?” Val’s voice was flat, unbelieving, even melancholy.

  Valentina frowned. “That’s beyond my sight. Only time will tell. You see my dear you were never meant to be able to resist Teller. The fact that you were able to for so long really says something.”

  “So Teller is the father?”

  “Of course.” Valentina’s frown deepened. “I’m terribly sorry but life played a trick on you two. You were meant to be together all along but your children were not needed until now. It took someone as wonderful as Elijah to keep you two apart for so long.”

  Val lay back down and put her arm over her forehead as the tears rolled down her cheeks. It was crazy but her first thought was, If I am truly to have Teller’s children, then how will I ever get Elijah back? It was the only thing that made sense. Gods, Goddesses, chosen ones, none of that was intelligible. Gods who messed with people, toyed with them like tiny ants — played with their hearts. Val felt blood rush to her cheeks as she thought of the couple in her dream. They caused me to hurt Elijah; they kept me from Teller all those years. This is their fault, she wanted to scream.

  Val rose in one fluid motion. It was merely a stupid dream and I’m not going to have a baby, let alone two. “I have to get back to my friends.”

  Valentina’s brow creased and desperation flashed in her eyes. “Please, no, you can’t. Your job is to protect your babies. And the best way to do that is to keep them a secret. No one must know about them.”

  “If any of this is true then why can’t anyone know about them?”

  “They, well, you for now, while you carry them, will be fiercely pursued. You and all your friends would be in grave danger if you go to them. You can protect the Court and your daughters if you stay hidden. The chosen ones are the only chance we have of beating Elda. She was able to get what she needed from Elijah. His blood worked for her dark purposes and soon she will take over. We cannot stop her but they can.” Valentina placed her hand lovingly on Val’s lower abdomen. “They are all that matter.”


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