The Witch and the Werewolf

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The Witch and the Werewolf Page 8

by C. D. Gorri

  He’d showered and dressed in a pair of old, worn jeans and a button-down shirt in an attempt to feel more like his old self, but who was he kidding? Seff might look refreshed and well on his way to healing, but inside he was in knots. And not just from missing his Wolf. It was her.

  Being near the woman who’d haunted him since he’d walked out of her warm apartment on that cold morning so many years ago was wreaking havoc with his emotions. Her spicy scent teased his senses in a way that made breathing difficult.

  He couldn’t be that close and not touch her, so he casually managed to brush up against her throughout the entire meal. His thigh pressed against hers, his hand accidentally skimmed hers as he reached for his water or napkin. Any excuse he could think of, he used. His pulse sped up every time they touched, and that wasn’t the only part of him that noticed.

  He wanted to toss his head back and howl at the way she seemed completely unaffected by his “accidental” touches, and yet, he noticed her look his way time and again. Occasionally, he saw a slightly lustful look in her gorgeous, ever-changing eyes.

  There one second and gone the next. He tried to scent her arousal, but he couldn’t. An annoying fact he attributed to his loss of his Wolf. And yet she came after me. Almost as if she still cared.

  “How is Daniel?” Sherry’s lightly accented voice sent shivers of awareness down his spine as she spoke with his fellow Wolf Guard’s mate.

  Tulla’s son was gifted. He knew from Sherry that Daniel had “the sight” and all the makings of a Witch, with the correct training of course. It had been Seff who introduced the idea to the Graves’ of hiring Sherry.

  After they met with her, they readily agreed that she was perfect for the job. They allowed her to see the boy several times. From Randall, Seff knew that Sherry had assessed the boy’s talents and his magic.

  Daniel was still very young, but Sherry had determined that his talents would only grow with the right environment. She’d given them the name of a local Witch who was happy to work with Daniel after school once a week.

  From what Randall had told him, Sherry checked on Daniel’s progress regularly and was pleased thus far. She frequently visited Macconwood Manor to see Daniel’s parents in order to explain his progress and to answer any questions or issues the couple had with his lessons. A fact Seff exploited to “run into” her at least once a month at the manor.

  He knew better than most what Randall had faced in trying to save the boy from a crazed Warlock who wanted to use him for his own purposes. Seff understood the dangers of magic. He spent most of his early life at the hands of a man who hated magic.

  His old Alpha, Zev Maccon, hated all Witches. Of course, most of his fanatic views came from a dark and twisted place inside of himself. A cruel and hard Wolf, Zev had a zero-tolerance policy for Witches. Rafe had changed all that.

  Of course, it took Seff only a little while after making the biggest mistake of his life, walking out on Sherry, to discover that like with Wolves, Witches came in both good and evil. But by then it was too late. She’d gone away, and by the time he found her, she wouldn’t listen. I am a fucking idiot.

  He turned his attention back to Sherry’s animated laughter as she spoke with Tulla. Seff looked past her to where Daniel sat with his new stepfather. Randall looked at home as he chatted with the small towheaded boy. Who knew the once gruff, solitary Werewolf would make an excellent father?

  A pang of longing shot through Seff. Would he be a father one day? He’d never thought about it before, but suddenly, he could picture it. A tiny girl with long red curls laughing and jumping into his arms.

  Seff’s eyes shot to Sherry’s abdomen. She’d make a wonderful mother. His heart sped up at the thought of her belly swollen with a child. His child. He couldn’t help the rumble that came from his chest. Sherry’s eyes flew up to meet his, a question in them. But he couldn’t voice his thoughts. Not yet.

  She turned back to her conversation and he noted how Sherry’s eyes shone blue as she smiled at the boy. The child had recovered surprisingly well from his ordeal, but that was what having family and a good home did, Seff supposed.

  Daniel sat next to his new father and together they played some game or other on his tablet. Randall enthused over the application as much as his son. The two of them shared a love of all things technology based and proved to be a good common ground for building a relationship.

  Now the two were inseparable. With the recent news that Tulla was expecting an edition to the family, Seff was glad to see the boy would have no problems adjusting. Secure as he was with both his parents.

  Seff wondered if he’d take to fatherhood as naturally as Randall had? Would he ever get the chance to find out? First his Alpha, with his three new babes, and with Tulla pregnant, the manor was going to be full to bursting with an entire new generation in a few years. Would he get to be a part of that?

  Sherry was in a bind with this whole agreement with the Elders Trust. He didn’t pretend to understand a lot about Witches, but he understood being bound by your word. At the time he left her, he’d given his word to his foster father that he would act in accordance with Pack law and hunt down and destroy all Witches. Finding out the sexy young woman he’d fallen for was in fact a Witch damn near broke him.

  For the first time in his life, Seff had denied his duty. He’d broken a vow. One he’d made to his Pack and foster father to obey. When Zev Maccon confronted him about the woman he’d been dating and told him what she was, Seff felt as if the world had gone upside down. He’d been ordered to kill the Witch.

  “Cut that bitch’s heart out and burn it,” Zev sneered at him.

  He’d trembled and nodded his head. He’d feared that if he didn’t agree, his then mad Alpha would have gone after her himself. He shuddered as he thought back to that night.

  Seff went to her that night prepared to do his duty. But once in her presence, he could not. One thing led to another, in the heat of the moment he’d seen her eyes change color. She looked so fucking hot when in her passion they’d started to glow. He asked her then what she was, to trust him with her secret. She did. Sherry readily confirmed that she was, in fact, a Witch and Seff had wanted to howl his pain. He could never claim her, or so he’d thought.

  Walking away was harder than he’d thought. Especially after making love to her. Loving Sherry Morgan was the sweetest bliss Seff had ever known. Sure, he’d lied to his Alpha. He’d told the crazed man that he’d killed the Witch in hopes of keeping him off her trail. And in writing her that damned note, he’d sent Sherry on her way and started to nurse his broken heart.

  For the first time ever, Seff had lied and broken a vow to his Pack. All to keep her safe. Not that she’d believe him. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  Despite all he’d done to hurt her, it was she who’d come for him when Darkness threatened. She who’d risked life and limb to bring him back from the brink of death. The knowledge both humbled him and gave him hope.

  She insisted she’d helped him because of her contract with the Pack, but he knew better. His spirit had called to hers from where he’d been trapped inside of himself and she’d answered. Without hesitation.

  Now, she needed his help. He wouldn’t allow anyone to force her into becoming some kind of brood mare for their fucking selfish purposes. And they sure as shit weren’t getting her magic! He’d help her, as she helped him. For one reason and one reason alone. Sherry was his. Now, he just had to prove it to her.

  He looked over at her animated face and felt himself swell at the image that crept into his brain of her swollen with his young. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  Her reddish-gold hair hung about her shoulders and back in a glorious waterfall of colors and curls. He remembered the silky feel of it draped over his chest and wanted it again so fucking bad, he could taste it.

  Her laughter rang out like silver bells and he closed his eyes to savor the sensation. She was still so beautiful. He’d been a fool to let her go.

bsp; “Thanks so much for asking, Sherry! Daniel is great! A handful, of course, but wonderful just the same. Excited about being a big brother, you know! And that woman you sent us to has been wonderful for him!”

  “That’s so wonderful for you all, Tulla! Congratulation! So, no more dreams then?” Sherry asked. Seff sat silently next to her and listened unashamedly to their conversation.

  “Nope! Not so much as a peep in the last few weeks,” Tulla answered. Her face beamed as her husband turned his head and kissed her lightly on the mouth.

  Short as it was, the passion that flared between them was almost embarrassing for Seff to watch. He felt like a voyeur and almost fucking blushed until Sherry turned her head and her eyes met his. It was like being hit by a truck. The power of her gaze made him hungry for more.

  The couple next to them were so obviously in love. Their shared kiss announced it to all, they were mates, a married couple, fated to always be together.

  Like Rafe and Charley. Tate and Cat. Mason and Abigail. Fred and Callius. Mike and Claire. Cael and Rayne. And so many more recently mated Pack members. Lucky bastards.

  Would Seff ever join their ranks? He’d never admit it because it made him sound like a sappy fuck, but he wanted a mate. Hell, he’d found her, he just needed her to accept him. To forgive him for the past and help him build a future.

  Maybe he could use her whole situation to help move things along?

  First, he needed his Wolf back. Though he felt better, he knew he was weaker than before. A fact he hated. It meant he wasn’t in top form and couldn’t offer her the best protection. Grrr.

  Werewolves were pretty much Neanderthals when it came to the protection of their mates. Just because Seff was more levelheaded than most of the Wolves he knew, didn’t mean he lacked that basic protective instinct. Must protect. That was kind of up there with, must claim her now.

  “Randall are you ready for the next addition to your family?” Sherry teased.

  “Oh, I’m getting there,” the big man mused.

  “Really? Then how come you fainted at the OB/GYN the other day, sugar?” Tulla laughed and more teasing ensued.

  Randall was the unofficial Pack historian since he was responsible for uploading the ancient journals and records of the Macconwood onto a secure server for future generations. Seff spent a lot of time reading through them over the years as he’d often been called on by Rafe to research Pack law and precedence.

  Rafe had done some outstanding work in getting the Pack to move with the times, and he relied on Seff’s keen mind to help smooth out any foreseeable problems with research.

  One of the things Seff had found interesting was records of a so-called mating instinct that once ruled Wolves without any thought for propriety or societal standards. Modern Werewolves, having been so consumed with the ancient and recently defeated Curse of St. Natalis, hadn’t been as affected as Wolves of the past.

  However, ever since that fiery teen, Grazi Kelly, broke the curse, Wolves have awakened all across the world, and as Seff himself was discovering, the long-lost mating instinct was starting to awaken as well.

  Slowly. We must proceed slowly. Once he found the bastard that cursed him, Seff would get his Wolf back. Then he could formally ask Sherry to be his.



  SHERRY ALMOST MELTED under the table over the poignant look Randall and Tulla shared. So much love between them. Like two halves of one whole.

  First Charley and Rafe and now these two. Aweee. But within that sweet awe was just a tinge of the green-eyed monster. Sherry frowned.

  Jealousy was not a good look on her. Sure, she would give just about anything she had for such a look from a man. Well, one man in particular. But she was nothing if not honest with herself. She would never be on the receiving end of such blatant adoration. Not going to happen.

  Sherry had long ago resigned herself to a life without Seff. He still held her heart, regardless of how carelessly he threw it away. She wasn’t a masochist, but the heart wants what the heart wants. And her Witch’s heart was nothing if not stubborn. It wanted Seff McAllister. No. Bad heart.

  “Attention, everyone,” Rafe cleared his throat and silence ensued. Everyone knew better than to interrupt the Pack Alpha when he spoke. Sherry included.

  “I called you all here today because of recent events. First, let’s give credit where it is due. Please, raise your glasses in honor of our friend, Sherry Morgan,” a few wolf whistles and cheers rang out and Sherry’s heart warmed as Rafe continued with his speech.

  “Ms. Morgan, I want to thank you on behalf of the entire Macconwood Pack, from the bottoms of our hearts, for bringing our Packmate, Seff, back to the land of the living! Brother, it is so good to see you standing on your own two feet again!” More cheers and applause sounded as Rafe raised his glass and tipped his head to her and Seff.

  Sherry nodded her thanks to the Alpha, humbled by his public acknowledgement. The Pack had only recently begun to work with Witches for the greater good. Suspicious by nature, each group of supernatural creatures tended to stay away from each other. Rafe was smart enough to realize they’d get further by working together than alone.

  She didn’t know why he’d had such a change of heart, but whatever the reason, he had approached her some years ago and she’d developed a working relationship with the Macconwood Pack. Still, this was the first time she’d been to dinner at the manor.

  She smiled as they continued to cheer and was shocked when Seff took her hand and firmly nestled it in his much larger one. He pushed his chair back and stood up, gently pulling her to her feet. He stood next to her with a large grin on his handsome face. He looked at her with eyes that shone with pride and something else.

  Her breath caught in her throat as he squeezed her fingers gently in his big, warm hand and ran his thumb across her palm and Sherry was ready to swoon.

  Stop it, you ninny. You aren’t a schoolgirl any longer. Not like she could help it. Her mind might know better, but her body wasn’t listening. She might as well admit it. Seff’s touch still did things to her.

  He looked down at her and his eyes glowed like amber fire for a second. Sherry had to drop her head back to keep eye contact. She always felt so small next to him, with his incredible height and wide shoulders. Though he was average for the Wolves at the table, to Sherry, he was enormous.

  Distracted by the turn of her thoughts, she gasped when he brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on her palm in front of everyone there. Her skin sizzled at the brief contact between them. She trembled and prayed to the goddess he couldn’t feel it. The sudden darkening of his eyes told her he did notice. Uh oh.

  As the cheers died down, Seff seated her first and only after making sure she was comfortable did he take his own seat. If he moved his chair a little closer to her, she pretended not to notice. And yes, she also ignored the thrill that shot through her body when he took her hand in his again after sitting down.

  Her own sense of pride had Sherry tugging her hand back. It was too much for her. The pull of attraction threatened to strangle her in the crowded room. Sitting next to him, holding his hand, allowing him to kiss her skin. Are you losing your mind, silly Witch?

  He let her pull her hand free. Drat. She immediately missed his warmth. Okay, so she still desired him. But that didn’t mean she should act on it. No way. She turned her head to listen to Rafe as he continued his speech.

  “Second, I am pleased to report that, yes, it is true, our enemy, Skoll, is dead,” more cheers erupted, and the Alpha waved a large hand to shush the crowd before he continued.

  Sherry bit her lip and tried to ignore the warmth pulsating from the man next to her. Each movement seemed to bring him into contact with her. His thigh innocently caressed hers under the table, his arm brushed against hers as he laughed at something his Alpha said. Sherry turned her head and took in the warm glow of his aura.

  He radiated goodness. Except for the smoky tendrils
of Dark magic that wound around that part of him that connected him to his Wolf. Anger raced through her body. She would end that spell or the Witch who dared cast it!

  What fool thought he could harm that which I’ve claimed? She struggled against her possessive attitude and forced herself to calm down. Best focus on what Rafe was saying.

  “Yes, Conall, but, there are more asses that need kicking! We are still in pursuit of the one he hired to cast a spell on one of our own. Ms. Morgan has investigated the spell and it is the work of Dark Magic. The Witch in question needs to be captured and brought in. We have men and women out trying to locate him, but so far we’ve come up blank.”

  This news was greeted with groans and exclamations that Sherry half-listened too. Seff had once again gotten hold of her hand and, weak-willed Witch that she was wherever he was concerned, she couldn’t help but revel in his closeness. Such an abrupt about face was not something she should trust, but the woman in her wanted to believe that perhaps he felt something for her? The same something that left her dreaming about him a decade later.

  Sherry lifted her tea cup with her other hand and turned her head and chatted with Tulla and Randall some more. She could feel Seff’s eyes on her, but she ignored him.

  She didn’t know what game Seff was playing, but she could not afford to let her heart run away with her. She must remain focused on her task. After a few more niceties, she excused herself from the table.

  Seff had gotten up to speak to Rafe when she walked out of the dining room. He was safe. For now. As it was, she needed to retrieve her personal belongings from his room before moving into some guest quarters which she assumed were available. She waved an impatient hand that sent a pulse of magic into her belongings and had them packing themselves before she heard him enter the room.

  “Holy shit, it’s like The Sword and the Stone in here!” he exclaimed with a boyish grin on his face that made her knees turn to jelly.

  Sherry yelped and lost her concentration causing her belongings to crash down to the hardwood floor.


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