Kalen: Warlord Brides (Warriors of Sangrin Book 2)

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Kalen: Warlord Brides (Warriors of Sangrin Book 2) Page 10

by Nancey Cummings

  She woke to artificial bird song with a meal waiting on the table for her. Her husband—it was still so weird to think of Kalen like that—had a thermos of tea waiting and handed her a cup.

  “Do you like it?” Kalen asked, voice uncertain. She nodded. “This simulation is from my mother's ancestral home on Sangrin. I often play it to meditate.” Meridan had difficulty picturing the tightly wound physician meditating. Actually, she’d never seen him stay in one place for long.

  Wind fluttered through the deep purple leaves.

  “Drink the tea,” he commanded.

  Meridan swirled the content, leaves rising to the top. Kalen frowned, making Meridan suspicious. “You’re very particular about this tea,” she said.

  “It’s a special blend. It’s meant to be consumed a certain way.”

  Hmm. Meridan could sense he held back but she didn’t want to argue. It was probably medicinal and would taste like dirty socks. She tilted her head back and drained the cup. Bitterness filled her senses. She coughed. Yup, dirty socks.

  “That’s horrible,” she gasped. She expected him to laugh at her discomfort or smirk at the least, but he watched her reaction with a laser focus.

  “The second cup is better, I am told.”

  “No way I’m drinking more.”

  He refilled their cups. He drained his, grimacing.

  “Not better?” she asked, delighted.

  “It’s worse. How can it be worse?”

  Meridan swallowed her own cup. Yes, it tasted worse. “Why show me this?”

  “I endeavor to know my wife. This is a scene from my childhood. Tell me about yours.”

  Meridan thought back to the years spent in the mountains. “Does the computer have any simulations of the Poconos?”

  Morning mist clinging to rolling mountains replaced the previous vista. Early autumn colors of red and orange flecked a deep green. Yes, this very much looked like home.

  “I was still in high school when the Suhlik invaded,” she said. “We lived in a city then. Not a huge one but big enough. We had steel foundries. My parents… Well, everyone believed that the steel made us vital to the war effort. The military would protect its assets.” She paused, rubbing the palms of her hands on her thighs. “We were wrong. It made us targets.

  “That winter was hard. Our house got bombed but we still got by.” Her hand went to the location of her missing scar. “You know what happened. Papa took us to the mountains where we had a cabin. We had spent all of our summer vacations there, fishing and swimming. After the bombing, we hunted and tried to survive off the land.”

  Kalen remained silent as she told her story, his gaze never wavering from her.

  “It wasn’t that bad, you know, once you got past the trauma and the grief. We had enough to eat and we had each other. But, the cabin was made for the summer so it had no insulation. That sucked. And no electricity or running water. But we made it through and when the treaty was signed, Daisy and I went back to school.”

  “You are resilient.”

  “Stubborn, more like.”

  “Too stubborn to let the Suhlik defeat you.” He nodded in approval.

  “How about you?” She shifted her weight on the cushion, settling in.

  “I—” He rubbed his chin. “My father died before I was born.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “No, it was just. He betrayed his clan and dishonored himself but that is not the point my story. I say this to explain that I had no clan and no family name. Halse is name used for a fatherless son.”

  “Why not your mother’s surname?”

  He shrugged. “It is not our way. As a child, I was precocious. Headstrong.”

  Meridan snorted. She could imagine.

  “Often I would climb as high as I could. Trees. Roofs. And jump. I was fascinated by how much damage my body could absorb and how quickly it repaired itself.”

  “So you were a medic even then.”

  “I was a child but it was obvious that I needed proper training or I would hurt myself seriously. But I had no clan. It is the clan’s responsibility to train the sons. My mother reached out to my father’s remaining friend and he agreed to take me in for training.”

  “How young are we talking?”


  Meridan sucked in her breathe. That was too young to be taken from your home and taught how to fight.

  “I trained as a warrior, as all youth do. I tested with a high aptitude for medicine. I continued to train and took an apprenticeship as a medic. When a position opened in a clan, I took it despite the fact that the warlord was not popular.”

  “Everyone makes these veiled allusions to the last warlord but no one really says anything,” she said.

  “He was dangerous.” His gaze held hers. “Erratic. Filled with rage. When his mate died, he forbad any warrior from having a mate. Many left. When he was finally challenged, the clan was but a shadow of its former self. Omas nearly destroyed the clan in his madness.”

  “And you joined willingly? And stayed?”

  “Opportunities are limited for a warrior without a clan.”

  “But that was your father’s doing. Why punish you?” Her father lived in a cabin in mountains, maintaining the barest contact with civilization. Several people considered him crazy but no one suggested that his daughters were as nutty as their father.

  “We Mahdfel need our clan. It is engineered in us. To betray your clan is unthinkable and goes against our instincts. Logically, if a warrior does betray his clan, there must be a fault in his genes. Therefore, his blood is also suspect.”

  “That makes no sense at all,” she said.

  “Sense or not, it is the way it is.” He shifted forward, toward the table. “Enough talk. I will serve you, wife.”

  Red berries that very much resembled strawberries, were sliced and placed in a bowl of cream. Kalen ladled out the berries over a slice of yellow cake. He held out the plate and a spoon. Meridan moved to take it from him but he pulled away.

  “I will serve you,” he repeated.

  “You know, eventually you’re going to have to feed me something besides cake.”

  “You enjoy cake.”

  True enough. Meridan leaned forward, opening her mouth. The first spoonful contained a berry and cream. A light sweet and sour flavor burst on her tongue, mingling with the sweet of the cream. Not the strawberry flavor she expected but very much enjoyable.

  “Is this a Sangrin dessert?” she asked, remembering his scorn of animal lactations.

  “I adapted it. Does it please you?”

  “It’s good. The cake looks Terran. Is it?”

  “Yes but it is sweetened with eirin blossoms.”

  He raised a spoonful of cream soaked cake to her lips. Carefully, she accepted what was offered. Cream and honey. She licked her lips. Another spoonful, this one not so careful. A splash of cream lingered at the corner of her mouth. He reached over and dabbed at it with his thumb. Gaze smoldering, he licked the cream from his thumb. “Delicious.”

  The next bite skipped the spoon entirely. He held out a piece of cake with berries in the flat of his palm. Meridan accepted, leaning down to take what she could and lapping up the residue. Her tongue moved slowly across his palm, eliciting a moan. He had her literally eating out of the palm of his hand but she was in control of the situation. Pleased, she leaned back.

  Another spoonful, this one sloppy. Excess cream dribbled down her chin. Kalen leaned in and slowly lapped it up, continuing to move down her neck with enthusiasm. He tugged at the collar of her sweater, exposing her soft skin. He started to lift the bottom hem of her sweater but paused. “I must confess. I am very interested in hanky-panky.”

  A small giggle escaped her. “I’m interested. Make me an offer.”

  “Remove your garment. I am not done feasting.”

  She removed the grey sweater. He motioned to the bra. She raised an eyebrow but complied. Leaning back, she placed her hands flat agains
t the floor, chest thrust forward. He growled with approval.

  With one hand on her shoulder, he pushed her down to the floor and placed a pillow under her head. He ladled out a generous portion of berries and cream in the valley between her breasts. The liquid trickled down to her throat and down her stomach. “We’re making a mess.”

  “Quiet, female. I am feasting.”

  His hard body leaned over her as he picked up each berry, teeth nipping at her skin. His hot breath along her flesh raised goose bumps. His tongue laved her skin. His lips sucked. Between her breasts and the tender flesh under. Along her collarbone. In the hollow of her throat. Down her stomach. The sweet cream left a sticky residue on her skin but that was the farthest thing from her mind. She needed his hot mouth on every part of her body. Her hips rose in response but he straddled her and his legs kept her in place. He avoided her nipples. Despite that they were hard and aching, his tongue did not caress nor did his greedy mouth envelope.


  “Is this what you want?” Finally, his mouth returned to her rosy peaks. His tongue swirled around the sensitive areolas. She moaned in response. Yes, this is what she wanted. He sucked a mouthful, his tongue continuing to work the hardened bud.

  She worked her other breast, teasing the nipple. Kalen knocked her hand away. “That’s mine,” he said with a possessive growl.

  She shivered. That should not have been hot. She should be appalled but she nodded her agreement. Her breasts belonged to him. He continued to knead and lick, suck and tease. Her back arched, craving more. The heat building in her core needed release.

  Finally, his mouth journeyed back to her lips. His demanding kiss opened her mouth, thrusting his tongue inside. Meridan responded with enthusiasm. Half naked on the floor, pinned under his comforting weight, sticky and completely drenched for him, her mind emptied of worries. Wholly present in this moment, her world was his lips, his hands and the response they aroused in her.


  He nuzzled the curve where her neck joined her shoulder. His mouth rested on the spot where he would sink his fangs and claim his mate. Soon. Incredibly soon. His cock was hard and if he wasn’t careful, he would embarrass himself and insult his wife. He wanted nothing more than to worship her, lap the sweet nectar of her cunt until she writhed and screamed under him. Then, exhausted and sated, he would bury himself deep inside her.

  It was a bold plan.

  Kalen shifted off her. She rose to her knees and reached for his tunic. She traced the pattern of his tattoo with a fingertip. It glowed pink and purple, the intensity increasing at her touch. “Does it feel good if I do this?”

  “All your touches feel good,” he managed to say between gritted teeth. Hanky-panky was pretty fantastic but it took all of his discipline and control.

  A smile tugged at the corner of her lips. She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his chest, her pink tongue darting out and licking the tattoo. “How about this?”



  She traced every curve, every inch of his tattoo, humming with pleasure. The sensation of hot and wet over the tingling was enough to make him come. He focused on his breathing, retaining control. This female was set on destroying his resolve. He was the luckiest of males, to have such a bold female with a fierce spirit. She had fire in her blood. They would make such strong sons.

  Her tongue swirled around his nipple, teasing out the pattern there. He growled, close to throwing her down to the floor and sinking into her hot core. The need was almost too much. His control was thin.

  She gazed up at his horns and moved her hand upwards.

  He grasped her wrist, stopping her. “If you touch me there, I will shame myself.”

  She smiled. His fierce female smiled. His heart swelled with pride to be matched to such a beauty, funny Terran face and all. “I think you should take your pants off, husband.”

  He had never moved so fast in his life. She did the same, shucking away the remainder of her garments. He knelt on a cushion, cock rigid and standing straight in front of him. She joined him, sitting close enough for their knees to touch.

  Tension charged the atmosphere. He’d seen her nude form the previous night, bathed her, but this was different. Before was clinical detachment, he’d had a job to complete. Now was about pleasure. Her nipples, puffy from his attention, called out to him, pink and irresistible. Her skin was smooth and as soft as the finest silk. He placed a hand on her chest, fingers stroking where her scar used to reside. He’d seen the white, puckered flesh once, just before the attack. It had been so interesting, a flaw that brought her perfection into focus. She was right. The regen tank had taken something away from her.

  “This was beautiful. I’m sorry I took it from you,” he said.

  “It wasn’t beautiful.”

  “It was.”

  “No, Kalen,” she started to say, turning her head away.

  He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. “It. Was.”

  Her eyes fell to the floor but her hand covered his. “Some men liked it. Some were turned off by it.”

  A growl rumbled in his throat. He didn’t like her talking about other men. She belonged to him. “You are perfection, now and always but do not speak to me of other males.”

  A teasing smile flashed across her face. “Oh, sweetie, you have to know I’m not a virgin.”

  The growl continued. He knew. A female that compelling, that bold, that beautiful would have had many suitors. “Do not torment me with the thought of another…” He could not finish the statement.

  “But you’ve had other females, though. You don’t see me getting all jealous and growly.”

  He said nothing.

  “You’ve had other women, right?”

  No response.

  “Oh my Stars, are you a virgin, Kalen?”

  “I do not have experience with sex, yes.”

  She clapped a hand over her mouth, breasts swaying. He tried hard not to stare but he failed. He was only a male, after all. “How is that possible? You’re so damn sexy.”

  He shrugged, pleased she considered him sexy. “I focused my energies elsewhere.”

  “Huh.” She leaned back, considering him.

  “Does it upset you that I have no experience, wife?”

  “No,” she said. “The idea of having you all to myself is pretty darn hot. Does my experience bother you?”

  “I do not like to think of you with another warrior.” The possessive growl returned.

  “You’re my first warrior.”

  “Your only.”

  “Yes,” she agreed. “Can I try something?”

  He nodded.

  “Good. I think we should go slow, given your inexperience.”

  “If we go any slower I will explode.”

  That teasing smile again. A hand on his chest encouraged him to lay flat. Intrigued, he did so. She turned to face his feet and straddled his chest. The round globes of her ass filled his vision. Unable to help himself, he grabbed with both hands. The rich tan of her skin against the plum of his hands fascinated him. She leaned forward, face inches from his cock and her cunt exposed. Pink flesh glistened with desire, curls damp. Her smoky, seductive scent was strongest here. He wanted to pull her back to his mouth and bury his face in her cunt. Through superior control, he managed to restrain his urges and watched her for cues.

  “You have a lovely cock, Kalen,” she said. Her hot breath on his cock inspired a shiver. “It’s so lovely. I can’t believe nobody has ever admired it.”

  “No one.”

  “Touched it.”

  Was she going to touch him? He tried to sit, to watch, but she pushed him back down. She returned to her previous position and cupped his balls. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from coming immediately.

  “Stroked it.” Her hand wrapped around his member in a firm grip. She stroked up. He moaned, eyes rolling into the back of his head. This female was trying to kill him.<
br />
  “Tasted you.” Her lips, soft and pink, swallowed the head of his member. Hot and wet and soft and everything he never knew he needed, his hips bucked. He recited the names of every bone in the Mahdfel body to maintain his control.



  Her tongue went down the length of him and back up again, swirling around the head. Her hand gripped his cock, pumping up and down. She had as much of him in her mouth as she could manage, tongue working the ridge under the head.

  With a roar, he pulled her back to him, positioning her sweet cunt at his mouth. He licked and sucked, fangs scraping the pink flesh, overwhelmed with the need to taste and touch every part of her. The sweetest flavors burst over his tongue, savory and tart and everything he needed. If he had her for every meal, morning, noon and night, he would thrive.

  He pushed one finger into her channel, the hot flesh gripping him tighter than he’d believed possible. Meridan moved enthusiastically up and down his cock, sucking and pumping. His cocked twitched. He was close now, but he didn’t want to come, not like this. He wanted his cock to be buried deep inside his mate and then leave his claiming mark on her shoulder.

  Kalen pulled away, shifting Meridan to the side and rolling away. His chest heaved. Precum leaked at the tip. She leaned down to lick it up but a hand on her shoulder prevented her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I mean to claim you, wife.”


  “Claim me?” She wasn’t ready for that step yet. He had been so close to orgasm, cock twitching and pulsing. She wanted to take the edge off; ease him into his first time. But no, it seemed that once again, even though they were naked, having a good time with each other’s junk in their mouths, they weren’t on the same page. “This is your idea of the claiming ceremony?”

  “I prepared tea for you,” he said.

  “You boiled water and handed me a mug.” Meridan looked around the room. “There’s supposed to be ceremonial robes and quiet contemplation.”


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