The Boyfriend Arrangement: A Fake Marriage Romance

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The Boyfriend Arrangement: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 38

by Lara Swann

  “Go on ahead and start a bath, okay?”

  The blond girl squinted at me and I refrained from sighing.

  “Bella’s room. Bath. Now.”

  A moment later she nodded and ran off in a very not-straight line that wasn’t all that much faster than my walk. At least it got her out of my hair for a few moments, and let me focus on the girl in my arms.

  “It’s alright, baby. You’re okay. You’re going to be fine.”

  The shivering wasn’t stopping, and it was starting to prick at me. I upped the pace just a little and started stroking her back again. That brought back the coughing, but as I felt the drops of moisture coming out of her lungs, I figured it was probably a good thing. Her throat was going to be wrecked the next morning.

  Then we were at the house and I was making my way up to her bedroom before I’d thought through the next plan of action. Kaylee met me in the bathroom, and then looked at me semi-suspiciously. The bath was almost full - thank god for expensive, working plumbing - and her gaze was almost a challenge as the situation dawned on both of us at the same time. I was almost impressed with her drunk wits as I read the curiosity in her expression.

  “How drunk are you?”

  It was the same question as before, but this time the lack of wind and waves made the deep silence much more powerful. She met my eyes and took a breath, and I gave her points for the thought she put into it.


  She had to fight back a hiccup in the middle, but I wasn’t really bothered by that. There was an alertness in her eyes, but still - I didn’t know whether to trust Bella to her care.

  “Sseriously. I’m drunk, but…I’ve done this before. I’m not so…light-weight.”

  I weighed her for a moment and then nodded, glancing at the bath. I tested the temperature, but the girl - Kaylee - had had the sense not to make it too hot. Then I slowly lowered Bella into the water. She gasped at the shock of the water - which was mirrored by Kaylee.


  “Her clothes are already wet, it makes no difference - and I’m not having you trying to lift her into the bath.”

  I settled her down, holding her so she didn’t slip, and tried to ignore the way that under the harsh light, her t-shirt was practically transparent. I looked over to the other girl instead.

  “Keep holding her up and I’ll leave. Then get in and join her. Once she’s calmed down a bit, remove the clothes and stay in until the shivering is mostly gone. It might not stop completely. Then let the water out and wrap her in towels. Call out and I’ll come back in to help.”

  She nodded and I felt like she probably understood all the instructions. I’d left the most important one until last.

  “Talk the whole time. To Bella, me, I don’t care - just keep talking. I’ll be waiting outside and if you go silent for a moment I swear I’m bursting this door down, modesty be damned.”

  Her eyes sparkled at that, and she gave me a slow grin.

  “Dude, you just want to see some girl-on-girl action.”

  I stared at her for a moment, disbelief spreading across my face at her attitude.

  Her friend had almost drowned, damn it!

  My glare gave away some of my barely controlled reaction, and she paused, then reached out and caught my arm as she shook her head - which seemed to make her dizzy.

  “Sorry - I…it’s what I do. Stupid jokes when I’m scared shitless. S-sorry.”

  The stammer was more because she had started to shiver than because she was afraid of my reaction, but I grunted and accepted the apology anyway. I relaxed a little as I handed Bella over to her. At least when she was with Bella, some sort of focus seemed to appear.

  I disappeared without another word, shutting the door behind me with one last curt order.


  She jumped, but then started up a constant chatter I imagined wasn’t too different from how she was day-to-day.

  What a way to meet one of Bella’s friends…

  Then I shook my head - why did I care about meeting Bella’s friends? The stress and adrenaline must be starting to make themselves felt now, with most of the danger over. I leaned back against the closed door and my eyes slipped shut. Flashes of sea and boat, Bella’s pale flesh underwater, flickered through my mind, but I was used to the post-action images and let them wash over me, breathing deeply. I still had half my attention on Kaylee’s reassuring voice, but at least part of me could try and process some of the intensity.

  My own body was cold itself, and I was dripping saltwater onto the thick carpet, but I ignored that for now. I’d warm up later. When I knew she was alright.

  I didn’t touch the coiled ball of anger and fear waiting just under the surface, keeping my cool control wrapped tightly around me as I waited the interminable amount of time it took the drunk Kaylee to get Bella warm, undressed and wrapped in towels.


  Kaylee seemed to think I’d disappeared to the other side of the manor from the sound of it, and I winced before I opened the door.

  They were both sat on the edge of the bath - or rather, Kaylee was sat, and Bella was leaning almost entirely across her, the other girl struggling a little to balance them. At least they were both covered up.

  Some part of me twisted into a smile at the thought I’d be glad about that but I ignored it. Sex had no place on a mission.

  Unfortunately, Bella didn’t seem to realize that.

  When I reached down to help support her up, her head lolled and she looked up at me with wide, unblinking eyes.


  Her hand slapped into my bare chest and I just grunted at her. I wasn’t naked, not exactly - but my boxer shorts obviously didn’t mean much to Bella.

  “Uh-huh - let’s get you—”


  She was trying to focus on my chest - the elegant black lines there confusing her. The interwoven eagles holding an anchor and trident were something I’d had done after passing BUD/S - a piece of work I was particularly proud of. But it was completely not the time for Bella to notice - or to point out she remembered it bare. A sidelong glance revealed the sudden sharpening of Kaylee’s interest too - girl was far too alert for a damned drunk.

  I ignored the irony of my irritation at her alertness and lifted Bella up before she could say anything else. In truth, I was just glad she was aware and coherent enough to make unhelpful comments.


  Her laughing voice had me shaking my head as I tucked her back in my arms and her hands came around my shoulders without thought. She was still shivering slightly, but the big, jerky movements had stopped and she had a bit more color. I pushed the rush of relief away until I was done here, but something eased inside me anyway. Kaylee followed us into the bedroom and busied herself fetching painkillers and water from a bag off in the corner as I laid Bella down under the thick covers.

  The urge to get in with her - to take her in my arms and hold her until she was warm and relaxed again, letting my body heat her - almost took my breath with its strength. But while I would have done it without a second thought had Kaylee not been here, right now it would cause more problems than it would solve. Instead, I turned to the other girl, who was pressing a couple of pills into Bella’s hands and guiding her hands around the water. She glanced at me before continuing, but I nodded that it was fine.

  “Take these, babe. C’mon.”

  Bella managed them with a few harsh coughs and I winced in sympathy for her broken throat, thinking it was a good thing she had a towel around her as more of the water went on that than in her. When they were done, I took Kaylee’s shoulder again, meeting her gaze.

  “Get in with her and warm up together. Stay with her tonight, make sure she’s okay. If you need anything, I’m down the corridor, left, then the second door, alright?”

  She nodded, more aware now, and I figured the alcohol must have passed its peak.
/>   “Come get me if anything happens.”

  She nodded again, and then I could find no reason to stay any longer.

  Reluctantly, I turned and left, hovering a few moments outside the door.

  I wanted nothing more than to go for another run - hit the gym - hell, work my way through a few drills. Anything to take the edge off and survive the raging emotions about to explode through me. But I had to be here in case something went wrong - with my words to Kaylee, I’d effectively confined myself to one room all night.

  Cursing, I spun and headed for my room, resigning myself to dealing with the fear and rage the hard way.

  At least until morning.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Squinting up at the sky, I walked down the long garden with my stomach twisting uncomfortably. I was surprised I could bear to be outside, actually - but it had taken until mid-afternoon to recover, and the overcast clouds helped. It was the first day this summer that hadn’t been intense sun and heat. Fortunate timing that I didn’t quite feel I deserved.

  It had been bad enough waking up with my body aching all over, Seth’s name on my lips and confused flashes of the night before - but when Kaylee filled in the blanks, I thought I’d die of mortification.

  I could scarcely believe what he’d done for me - or just how damned lucky I was that he was in the right place at the right time. Kaylee was in a similar state of disbelief too, if the way she’d gushed over just how sexy his heroics and commanding attitude had been any indication. It had been enough to make me almost jealous that I couldn’t remember more of it, however nonsensical that was. Her words still brought heat to my cheeks.

  “God, Bella, he was soo impressive. I was kind of out of my mind with terror, but he just completely took over. Saved us both. Not at all the jerk you said, either - if anything, I was kind of a jerk. In a good way, though. That fun, drunk way I have, right? Man, if he was my brother I’d be…hah, pissed off actually - wouldn’t get to bone him that way. That guy is sexy as hell.”

  It was just Kaylee’s typical way of running her mouth, speaking the first thing that went through her mind without any filters, but it was scarily close enough to the mark that I’d struggled with a response. I’d snapped back something about him being completely off limits for any boning and she’d just laughed, nodding and agreeing easily - with another insistence that she get first dibs on any Navy SEAL friends.

  I’d considered burrowing under the blankets and never coming out, but this time it was different - I knew I had to find him. To apologize, thank him…god, who in hell knew. It was just that - as mortifying and uncomfortable as it was to picture last night - I couldn’t ignore what he’d done. Take it for granted and just go back to the never want to see him again attitude of only a day before.

  When I’d asked Kaylee if she knew where he was, she’d pointed me in this direction. Said she’d seen glimpses of him all day through the window I’d resolutely avoided, working out or something. The idea of working out all day sounded a bit crazy to me - but I guessed that was what Navy SEALs did. That, or he had some serious aggression to work out.

  I hoped it wasn’t the latter.

  When I finally made it down to the end of the landscaped garden and started walking through the light patch of trees and undergrowth that we’d always kept slightly wilder, I caught sight of him hanging from the branch of one of the taller trees - pulling himself up and down with an intense ferocity that had me standing and admiring for a few moments. He was only wearing a pair of lightweight shorts, and his ripped chest gleamed with the evidence of the exertion, hard muscles flexing under tan skin and giving me all sorts of inappropriate thoughts.

  Sexy sweaty Navy SEAL…I could just imagine what Kaylee would say.

  He noticed me almost immediately, dropping down lightly and stepping towards me. For a moment I thought I saw a flash of light in his gaze, but then his expression turned unreadable as he gave me a long look up and down. Usually I felt the heat in that gaze, but this time there was no spark of lust to it - in him. Simply seeing him like this and watching him look at me seemed enough to have my body doing cartwheels.

  When his eyes finally settled on mine, I took a deep breath, whatever I’d been planning on saying suddenly deserting me. It didn’t matter as he filled the gap.

  “Fucking. Stupid. Girl.”

  I winced at the careful, neutral enunciation of each word. Accurate, but still painful. I nodded, my hands knotting in front of me like I was some nervous schoolgirl. Maybe in this, I was.

  “Yeah. I know. Does it help to know it took me this long to recover from the world’s worst hangover?”

  He grunted, but at least a little of the light entered his eyes again.

  “You look alright to me.”

  It wasn’t quite a question, but I could tell he wanted the confirmation anyway. I gave a weak smile.

  “Kaylee was generous with the meds - she’s pretty well practiced in hangovers. And with a deadly Navy SEAL looking out for me, I was never in much danger - I hear they never fail.”

  “Damn straight.”

  His mouth quirked up at the side, and part of me eased inside as I saw it. I stepped closer, reaching out for his arm. The muscle there was tight under my hand, still bulging from the hard use, and without thinking, my touch became a caress.

  “I’m sorry, Seth - really, I am. It was an insanely idiotic thing to do. I…”

  I shrugged a little helplessly.

  “You saved my life.”


  The spark was back in his eyes, and at least I sensed a little amusement under that still surface.

  “Yes. Twice. How can I ever find a way to repay that?”

  My feeling of inadequacy was overridden by his rough chuckle, the way heat came back into his eyes again at that comment. He folded his arms and raised a brow, looking me up and down obviously again.

  “Weellll, I can think of a few things.”

  I laughed, slightly relieved for the return of our usual rhythm. He shook his head though, the shadows coming back into his eyes as he frowned.

  “You might have been completely wrecked, but I can’t believe your friend didn’t think better of that.”

  I could tell from his emphasis that he was giving most of the blame to Kaylee there, and I shrugged. I couldn’t really explain how we’d both been so stupid - looking back on it, I still didn’t know how it had happened.

  “Kaylee…she’s used to me vetoing her insane plans. This time - she just didn’t realize I wasn’t in any state to do so.”

  He sighed and ran a hand through his short hair, making me picture doing exactly the same thing. Without thinking, I stepped forward, my eyes lingering again on those hard pecs. My hand reached out to the black ink twisting there, the elegant eagles poised in flight - defiant and fierce with the Navy anchor behind them.

  “This is a gorgeous tattoo, Seth.”

  His voice was a deep rumble when he answered, his hand closing over mine as it traced the lines.

  “You really shouldn’t have mentioned it last night.”

  I flushed - that was one of the few flashes I’d remembered without Kaylee’s prompt. Not that she missed the opportunity to describe it in great detail anyway. My response was a murmur as I let myself get lost in his chest.

  “I wasn’t exactly thinking at the time. I don’t think Kaylee noticed anything though - she was pretty drunk too.”

  He looked dubious, and if I was honest, I was too.

  “Besides, she was too busy thinking about jumping your bones.”

  “Was she now?”

  The considering tone made me slap my hand against his chest. I think the solid muscle fared better than my wrist - which he grabbed a moment later, catching it and then my eyes.

  I took another step closer, breath coming harder as I crossed over the limits of polite distance.

  “Ughh…don’t tell me you’re interested in her now? What is it about guys tha
t makes them fall for that long-legged, blonde-haired beauty type all the god-damned time?

  “I wouldn’t know…it’s not her I’m interested in.”

  His eyes turned dangerous and my heart skipped a beat as I was suddenly there, pressed up against him. When his head tilted down to look at me, I couldn’t resist it any longer.

  I kissed him.

  Rough, passionate, intense. And so unbelievably belated.

  Our arms came around each other at the same moment as our mouths capturing one another in an explosion of passion that had me moaning aloud.

  Ohh god…

  It was heavenly, overwhelming, powerful in a way I didn’t even have time to process. All I knew was that he felt perfect like that, his tongue strong in my mouth as he took it, claimed me in the way his eyes had promised so many times.

  “Fuck, Seth…”

  My voice was rough when I finally came up for air, still nibbling and kissing at his lips as his arms wrapped tighter around me, my body melting against his as I felt the full weight of his solid, hard form. Every muscle was outlined under my chest and my heart was running at double the rate as I looked up at him and all the objections that I’d clung to desperately died. There was simply no room for them anymore. Not against the insidious, unrelenting lust that every word, gesture and look he gave me created.

  He chuckled, but it was a dangerous sound, tinged with the same need pounding in my veins.

  “I’m nasty, babe. I thought women hated sweat and stuff.”

  “You’ve been hanging out with the wrong women - I’ve heard the right ones are addicted to those pheromones…”

  I leaned against him to prove my point, and I meant every word - his powerful male scent overwhelming me in the best way, stirring my blood as it reacted to the powerful, alpha guy right in front of me.

  “But if you’re complaining?”

  My voice was light, but I couldn’t keep it up for long as he growled and came down over me again, taking my mouth in his and leaving me breathless with passion and need. His hot tongue had my pussy clenching with need, picturing another kind of penetration entirely.


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