Planet Noglion

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Planet Noglion Page 11

by Olivia Black

  Eric smiled. "That's okay."

  Eric wrapped his hand around Finn's shaft and jacked the male's hard flesh. The oily substance that coated Finn's dick covered Eric's hand. Eric rubbed his fingers over the bullet-shaped cock, smoothing the pre-cum at the same time. His thumbnail pressed into the slit at the head, and he heard a low moan rumble in Finn's chest.

  Eric turned around, wanted to give Finn a sexy show while he stretched himself. Eric reached behind himself and circled his hole with his fingertips. Warmth instantly spread throughout Eric's body, and goosebumps broke out along his arms.

  Moaning, Eric arched his back.

  Finn growled. Hearing the male gave Eric more confidence. Leaning forward, Eric pushed his ass up higher. He slipped a wet finger inside his body, slowly stretching his hole for Finn's cock. Eric moved his finger in and out of his ass, slowly, giving Finn a show. When he was ready, he added a second digit and then a third.

  Finn's strong hands grabbed Eric's ass. "You are so pretty."

  Eric smiled and turned around. He wanted to look at Finn while he rode his hard cock. Eric positioned himself over the male's shaft. The head of Finn's cock pressed against Eric's hole, and he slowly lowered himself down onto the male's dick.

  "Eric," the male moaned, his fingers digging into Eric's hips.

  Eric leaned forward and put his hands on Finn's wide shoulders for support. He started moving, slowly lifting himself up before lowering himself down once again.

  "You feel so good." Eric panted.

  "So do you, pet."

  Eric swiveled his hips, dropping down onto Finn's cock over and over again. Finn wrapped a strong arm around Eric's waist. The male held Eric tightly as he flipped them both over. Eric yelped in surprise. Finn moved quickly, placing Eric underneath him. Eric lifted his legs, giving Finn plenty of space. The male reared back before driving his cock deeper into Eric's ass. He fucked Eric in deep, hard strokes.

  "Finn!" Eric cried out as he wrapped his fingers around his cock and began stroking himself. "I'm gonna..."

  Small explosions ignited inside of him as his balls drew up tight against his body, signaling that his release was close.

  Finn leaned back on his good knee. He lifted Eric's legs over his forearms and spread his legs apart. The male pounded Eric's ass. Eric arched his back. He yelled out the male's name as he came, shooting white ribbons of spunk from the head of his shaft, painting his chest with his release. Finn followed him over the edge.

  He shouted, "Eric!"

  The male dropped down on top of Eric. Finn moved his arms around Eric, encircling him. The male lay there as his chest heaved up and down. With a shudder, Finn pulled his hips back, removing his cock from Eric's ass. Breathing heavily, Finn rolled over onto his back. Finn cringed. He sat up and grabbed ahold of his thigh.

  Eric rose to a seating position. Leaning over, Eric started massaging Finn's leg in long, gentle strokes. He moved his hands up the male's scaled skin from shin to hip. He twisted his wrists, applying more pressure with each stroke. It took a while, but eventually, the tight muscles relaxed and stopped spasming.

  "Are you okay?"

  Finn chuckled. "Never better."

  Eric grinned. It was good to know that he'd been able to please the male, but that wasn't exactly what he was talking about.

  "I meant your leg. How does your leg feel?"

  The male sighed. "It always pains me."

  "Would you like to take a bath with me?"

  Finn nodded. "That sounds nice."

  The male moved slowly, easing himself off the bed and onto his feet. Eric was tempted to ask if he needed any help but refrained. Finn wouldn't appreciate it.

  Eric climbed off the bed. He grasped Finn's hand and intertwined their fingers. Eric looked up at Finn and smiled. Finn didn't object. If anything, Finn tightened his hold and started walking. The male limped as he walked, taking short steps. The walk to the bathing chamber didn't take long, but Eric knew that Finn was in a lot of pain. Finn ground his jaw, and his lips were pressed together in a straight line, preventing him from voicing how much pain he was experiencing.

  Together, they stepped over the threshold of the bathing chamber and walked down the stairs, wading through the water. Finn sat down, turned, and lifted his legs onto the bench seat. He reached over and turned on the jets. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back and blew out a heavy breath.

  Eric dropped down beside him. He reached out and started massaging the male's leg.

  "Is there anything you can take for the pain?"

  Finn lifted his head and looked at Eric. He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but closed it. Finn sighed. It was obvious that there was something weighing heavily on his mind.

  After several moments of silence, the male finally said, "I lost my entire crew." Finn took a deep breath. "They were all killed."

  Eric nodded, hoping Finn would continue. He wanted to know Finn's story. He wanted to understand the male. Why was he so depressed? Why did he keep himself locked inside his quarters? Eric had never even caught a glimpse of Finn since he'd arrived on Noglion.

  "I should've died with them."

  "No, don't say that." Eric climbed onto Finn's lap.

  He wrapped his arms around the male's neck, holding tight. Eric wished he could say something that might help in this situation, but nothing came to mind. He just hoped that he could help Finn create some good memories to replace the bad.

  * * * *

  Finn held Eric. He closed his eyes, ducked his head, and breathed the human into his lungs. Finn couldn't believe that Eric had the courage to enter his quarters. When he'd yelled at the young man, Finn was sure Eric would run away in fear. But the human surprised him by staying and shocked him even more by climbing into bed with him. It was strange. Having Eric in his arms helped Finn to battle the demons in his mind. The pain always brought back the memories of his crew.

  Finn could take pain medication. He could have another surgery to fix his leg. But Finn felt as though he deserved this. It reminded him that he was still alive when everyone from his crew was dead. How could he possibly explain his reasoning to Eric? The human wouldn't understand. Eric wasn't Noglion. He wasn't a warrior.

  "Compared to other alien societies, Noglion doesn't have a lot of wealth. We aren't a rich planet. We don't have a lot of resources, so we salvage. We look for anything that might be useful, and we trade," Finn explained, trying to give Eric some background. "My crew was out on a routine mission when we were attacked. It was a blitz attack. They hit us hard and fast. We weren't prepared. We didn't even have time to react. We couldn't protect ourselves."

  Finn took a shaky breath. It was hard for him to talk about what had happened, and it was worse to think about. He could still hear the painfilled screams of his crew as they died.

  "I heard the explosions before I felt them. I was thrown off my feet and crushed under the weight of the ship. I passed out, and when I came back to consciousness, I couldn't move. It took several hours for me to dig my way out. I crawled on my stomach through the ship."

  Finn was sure he was stuck on the starship for days. He moved on his belly, removing debris out of his way in an effort to get to the bridge. In the process, Finn's entire body was sliced and cut by the metal. And his leg was barely hanging on to his body.

  "The only thing I could do was send out a distress call to our people."

  Finn had felt the life leaving his body. As he lay on the ground, Finn waited for death. He welcomed it, praying to the gods that he would go to the afterlife with his crew.

  "At some point, I passed out from blood loss. And the next thing I knew, I was on Noglion."

  Finn closed his eyes and shook his head. His eyes burned with grief. He felt an acute sense of loss. Finn swallowed the despair in his throat, trying to get hold of his emotions. He tightened his arms. It felt good to hold the human. It calmed him and helped to take his mind off the events from six years ago.

  Chapter Sevente

  Eric was freshly bathed and climbing into bed for the night when Khaun strolled into his quarters. The male dropped down on the edge of Eric's bed and smiled widely.

  "Gru's going to be working all night in the flight bay."

  "Yeah, I heard." Eric nodded. "He sent someone over to let me know."

  "Do you want to get out of here?" Khaun asked.

  Eric arched a brow. "Where do you want to go?"

  "Our annual rain festival is tonight," Khaun told him. "It only happens once a year. Trust me." He grinned. "You don't want to miss this."

  "Rain festival?" It sounded intriguing.

  Khaun nodded. "The rain festival is one of the most important events on Noglion. It's a cultural tradition. During the day, there is a worship ceremony led by our spiritual leaders. But at night, everyone is invited to the party."

  "Okay." Eric nodded. "Let's go."

  "You can't go like that though."

  Eric glanced down at himself. He was naked, like always.

  "I'm not sure if any other humans will be in attendance tonight. The best way to stay hidden is to make you look more like a Noglion."

  Eric scoffed. "How exactly are you going to do that?"

  "I have an idea."

  Turning on his heel, Khaun walked out of Eric's room. Curious, Eric followed him. He watched as the male marched down the hallway, heading toward his quarters. He slipped behind the door and reappeared a few moments later, carrying a large piece of black material and a pair of sandals.

  Khaun shook the fabric out and flung it around Eric, placing it on his shoulders. The male lifted the hood, covering Eric's head. Khaun dropped down to his knees in front of Eric. Using his sharp nails, Khaun cut the shoes and then fashioned the sandals on his feet.

  "Stay close to me," Khaun said, grabbing Eric's hand. "We've got to move fast."

  Eric nodded. Wherever they were going, it seemed like they were in a hurry.

  Khaun wrapped his arm around Eric's shoulders, keeping him tucked against his side as he strode out of their home. Eric ducked his head, trying to stay hidden beneath the black cape. He wasn't sure if he needed to hide or not but decided it was better to be safe than sorry. As they started their journey up the hallway leading to the surface of the planet, Eric noticed a slight change in temperature.

  With each step, it got warmer, but the heat wasn't unbearable. Lifting his head to get a better look at his surroundings, Eric noticed that they were walking behind a large group. When the doorway came into sight, Eric turned his head. As soon as they stepped over the threshold of the thick metal door, it closed and several locks engaged.

  "Are they locking us out?" Eric asked.

  "It's going to rain tonight."

  Eric didn't understand exactly what that meant but figured he'd find out soon enough.

  They stepped out of the cave, and Eric stopped. He looked up at the sky and watched as the twin suns slowly disappeared below the horizon. The wind picked up, and the temperature changed. It was strange how it went from one extreme to the other. The cold wasn't unbearable though, just a vast change from the horrible heat he'd experienced while hovercraft riding.

  Eric inhaled. The air smelled like old leather and dust.

  Khaun took his hand, and they started walking. With each step, Eric's sandals crunched against the gritty dirt and rocks. Noglion looked so different at night. As it got darker, Eric had a hard time seeing. When he stumbled, tripping over a rock, Khaun caught him. The male swung Eric up in his arms and kept walking.

  "Thank you."

  Khaun glanced down at him and smiled. "You're welcome, pet."

  Up ahead, Eric saw multi-colored flashing lights, pulsating up toward the dark sky. And then, the music started. Eric couldn't believe it.

  The male followed a steep walkway, heading toward the top of a mountain plateau. It took a little while, but eventually, they reached the festival. The party was unlike anything Eric had ever seen before. There was a huge crowd gathered. The music pulsated, lights flashed, and naked bodies danced. Khaun put Eric down on his feet and took Eric's hand. Side by said, they walked toward the festival.

  Eric smiled. The scene was wild, and the beat of the music called to him. As they got closer, the aroma of sweat and sex was strong, and Eric inhaled deeply. Between the scents, sounds, and visual stimulation, Eric felt the first stirring of arousal.

  Trays of drinks in stoneware were passed through the crowd. Eric grabbed a short mug from one of the trays. He lifted it up to his lips and tilted it back, downing the contents in one gulp. An explosion of flavors burst across his tongue, sweet yet bitter. It tickled the back of his throat on its way down. Eric smacked his lips together. Yummy.

  "Toss it over the edge," Khaun told him.

  Eric arched a brow. "What?"

  "The cup," Khaun told him. "After every drink, you toss the empty cup over the edge."


  "It's tradition, pet."

  Eric shrugged and tossed the cup over the edge.

  "Whoo!" Khaun cheered, and Eric chuckled.

  He grabbed two cups as another tray passed by and handed one off to Khaun. They clinked their goblets together before downing the shots. Eric glanced at the male, and he nodded. At the same time, they threw their cups over the edge of the plateau.

  Eric grabbed Khaun's hand and pulled the male deeper into the crowd. He started dancing among the other Noglions. Eric lifted his arms above his head, getting lost in the music. Swaying and twirling, they bounced around the makeshift dance floor. Slow and steady, the alcohol worked its way through Eric's system. He felt warm and tingly. His body was on fire, burning from the inside out.

  Suddenly and without warning, the sky opened. It started with thunder and lightning. It fell down from the sky in jagged streaks, like bright bolts of white light. It was so bright that it lit up the landscape of the planet. Then, the rain fell. It poured down, soaking the dry earth. The crowd lifted their arms to the sky, cheering and shouting and yelling.

  Eric spread out his arms, tilted back his head, and closed his eyes. The water poured down, soaking him. The rain felt like a cleansing force, washing away everything. A sweet smell wafted through the air. It was the scent of rain hitting the desert floor.

  He ran his hands up Khaun's soaked chest and wrapped his arms around the male's neck. Lifting himself up on his toes, Eric kissed Khaun, pressing their lips together. Khaun wrapped his arms around Eric's waist, pulling him in close. Eric gasped when his body collided with Khaun's and the male took control of the kiss. He pushed his tongue into Eric's mouth. Eric moaned as he tasted Khaun's tongue.

  He melted into the male as their mouths and tongues moved together. At this moment, nothing else existed. It was just the two of them, lost in a crowd. Khaun kissed him until he was breathless. When the male pulled away, he left Eric gasping for air.

  "Don't stop," Eric begged.

  Eric let out a shriek as Khaun lifted him up off his feet and strode away from the crowd. The male strode to the other side of the plateau, away from most of the other revelers. Khaun put Eric down and spun him around.

  "Hands and knees, pet."

  Eric dropped down to his hands and knees. Khaun moved in behind him. The male pushed the cape up, exposing him.

  Khaun grabbed Eric's ass, and using both hands, he spread his cheeks and attacked his rim with his mouth. He licked and nipped, sticking his tongue in Eric's ass. Eric screamed, shouting Khaun's name. The male lashed Eric's hole with his talented tongue, coating the rosette with a thick layer of saliva. Eric's muscles flexed, and his asshole fluttered.

  "Fuck!" Eric cried out, swiveling his hips.

  Khaun tightened his grip, holding Eric in place, refusing to allow him to move as he continued to eat Eric's ass. The male alternated speeds, adding more stimulation. Eric's entire body shook with need.

  "Please..." Eric begged.

  Khaun chuckled. "Don't worry, pet. I'll take care of you."

  The male ran his
hands down Eric's back from his shoulders to his waist, petting and caressing. The male gripped Eric's hip with his left hand. He pressed the head of his hard cock against Eric's hole. Eric sucked in a sharp breath, anticipation singing through his veins.

  Khaun applied some pressure, and the head of his dick slid past the tight ring of muscle, slowly sinking into Eric's body. Eric bucked, trying to push back, desperate for more. But Khaun only tightened his hold, refusing to allow him any movement. He moved slowly, sinking his length into Eric's ass.

  When he was buried deep inside Eric's ass, Khaun paused, giving Eric time to adjust to the male's thick girth.

  Khaun started moving. He pulled his hips backward, almost pulling out completely before pushing forward, burying his length once more. The male started a slow rhythm, building up speed. Each thrust was deeper, harder. With each drive of Khaun's hips, Eric felt his orgasm building at the base of his spine. Khaun moved faster, fucking him with long, deep strokes.

  "Ah...ah...ah..." Eric cried out. "Khaun...oh...Khaun..."

  Khaun continued to thrust, deeper and deeper, driving his shaft in and out of Eric's ass. Changing his angle, Khaun swiveled his hips, hitting Eric's prostate on each stroke.

  Khaun growled. "You're mine."

  "Yes...yes..." Eric moaned. "Fuck me!"

  Khaun powered into him, skin slapping skin, until Eric came, spunk shooting across the desert floor. Eric's muscles clenched around Khaun's cock, and the male roared his pleasure. Khaun's orgasm went on and on in endless waves as he filled Eric's hole with his spunk.

  Eric dropped down to the ground, and Khaun followed him down, covering him. After a few minutes, Khaun pulled his hips back, removing his cock from Eric's ass. The male moved, lying beside him. Eric rolled to his side to face Khaun. They lay there for a while, just staring at each.

  The rain poured down, peppering his skin, cold water against overly heated flesh. It was an amazing sensation.

  * * * *

  Khaun reached out and cupped Eric's face. The human was so responsive. He seemed to enjoy sex just as much as Noglion males with their high sex drive. It didn't matter when or where, Eric was always willing to give himself freely. Leaning forward, Khaun captured Eric's lips in a passionate kiss. His feelings for Eric were growing. It was so easy to fall in love with this human.


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