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Galaxia Page 11

by Kevin McLaughlin

  He spotted the communicator resting on Uriel’s desk. He latched it around his wrist. “I’ve got it,” he told her, powering it on.

  Lilith’s face appeared. “Wait ten seconds, then go and head left.”

  He counted down in his head.





  He opened the door and turned the hall, heading towards the elevator, which seemed to already be open and waiting. Once inside, he remained still. The doors shut on their own, and the lift began to move. The indicator told him he was heading to the eighteenth deck, right below engineering. There were several people throughout the long hall leading from the elevator, many of whom were in too much of a hurry to notice him. The alarms sounded throughout the ship, ordering each of them to evacuate to the escape pods. It wasn’t long before he was the only visible crew member on the floor. “Keep going,” Lilith told him.

  “Where?” he asked.

  “Up ahead,” she said. “Around the end of this hall, there’s a room. You’ll be safe there.”

  “Safe from what?” he wanted to know.

  “Nothing you need to be concerned with,” she said, winking. “Let me worry about the details.”

  * * *

  When Seth finally arrived at Security, he found his deputies in a state of panic and confusion.

  “The brig’s empty!” shouted Paul from inside the cell. “We were only gone for a few seconds!”

  “What do you mean you were gone?” asked Seth.

  “You didn’t hear the alert?” asked Steven.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “A call for us to report to section 214. It was an emergency message.”

  “I didn’t hear anything,” said Seth. “What was it about?”

  “Nothing,” grumbled Steven, scowling. “It was a false alarm. When we came back, the cell door was open and the prisoner had escaped.”

  “How the hell?” muttered Seth.

  “It doesn’t make sense!” barked Paul, clearly livid.

  “Did you accidentally leave it unlocked?” asked Steven.

  “No way! It must have been a trick,” said Paul.

  “You think Cain somehow found a way to fake an emergency?” asked Seth.

  “Can you do that?” asked Michael

  “He was locked up the whole time,” said Steven.

  Seth glanced inside the brig at the empty cell. It didn’t make sense. How could he get up and walk out without accessing the system. It wasn’t possible, unless—

  Unless he had help, thought Seth. But who would take such a risk? Cain didn’t have any friends, aside from Ariel, and the last he heard she was busy tending to her sister. Who else, then? What other relationships did his brother have? The only other person he spent any time with was—

  Seth’s eyes went wide as the thought struck him. Lilith probably knew how to set him free. She could’ve caused the distraction, then opened the cell when no one was around. How could I not see this coming?

  He reached for his communicator and thumbed the screen, calling her and waiting.

  No answer.

  “Dammit!” he snapped, slamming the desk.

  Michael and Steven flinched. Michael opened his mouth, but Seth held his hand up to stop him.

  He placed another call, this one to his father. A moment later, he got an answer. “Seth! Is that you?”

  “Father, I need to talk to you. I think Lilith—”

  “Whatever you’re doing, stop! Get to the escape pods, immediately. There’s been four more breaches across the ship’s hull. We’ve got to get out of here, quick!”

  “Listen to me,” said Seth, trying to remain calm. “This whole thing’s a ruse. Lilith must be causing—”

  “Seth? I can’t hear you, son. Something’s wrong with the coms. If you can hear me, try to get to the pods. Understand? You need to—”

  The line cut out.

  Seth’s eyes widened as he stared at the screen in horrified silence. What the hell was going on?

  “Did the Captain just say the ship was about to blow up?” asked Steven, who, along with the others, had been watching him the entire time.

  “He said to get to the escape pods, didn’t he?” asked Michael.

  “Did you say ‘blow up’?” asked Paul to Steven.

  “Shouldn’t we do as he says?” asked Michael.

  Seth didn’t know what to tell them. If Lilith really had gone rogue and abandoned the crew, could she also be responsible for the breaches and the blackouts…or was she only covering for Cain? Her involvement could explain why Cain was only there for half the blackouts. They might be working together to sabotage and possibly steal the ship.

  But why, though? What purpose did any of it serve? He couldn’t say, not without more information. He had to find his brother. He had to get answers. Besides, if Cain and Lilith really did plan to abandon the crew, who knew what they might do next? There were weapons on the Eden powerful enough to destroy a small settlement. Lilith couldn’t activate them on her own, but Cain certainly could, given his mechanical expertise. He’d eventually figure it out.

  Seth motioned at his men. “You three go to the pods,” he said at last. “Get off the ship and join the others.”

  “What about you?” asked Paul.

  “I can’t leave yet.”

  “Why the hell not?” asked Steven.

  “I think Lilith might be the one causing all of this to happen. I think she freed Cain to help her. If I don’t stop them, the entire crew could be in serious danger.”

  “You think the cyberbrain is behind this?” asked Steven, almost spitting out the words.

  “She’s tapped into the network across the ship and has a personal relationship with Cain. She was probably the one who sent you the false emergency and had you leave the office.” He kicked the side of his desk. “And now I can’t reach her on the com. Something’s going on.”

  “Aren’t there fail-safes in place to prevent a cyberbrain from taking over their ship?” asked Michael.

  Seth got to his feet and went to the nearby weapons locker. He popped it open and dragged a set of gear onto the nearby desk, spilling office supplies all over the floor. “That’s where Security comes in.” He pulled his master key card from his pocket and presented it to them. “You know what this is?”

  “The key to the doors. It lets you manually override every locked room on the ship,” said Steven.

  “You’re mostly right,” returned Seth. “It also lets me shut down a few key systems.”

  “What kind of systems?” asked Paul.

  “Most of the automated ones. Weapons, flight controls, but more importantly the cyberbrain itself.”

  “You mean you can switch her off?” asked Steven.

  “If I can get to the central hub, yes,” said Seth.

  “Why can’t you do it remotely?” asked Michael.

  “The only one who can that is the captain. My access card requires me to actually be there, because it relies on the manual override. Remember how we got into Cain’s room? Same principle.”

  Steven popped his tongue. “I don’t suppose we can call your father up and just ask him…”

  Seth showed them his communicator. Nothing but a blank screen. “I still can’t reach him, and we don’t have time to risk going to the bridge. For all we know, my father and the rest of the crew are already headed to the planet.”

  “If you’re right, we’re all that’s left,” said Steven.

  “No,” said Seth. “There is no we. Just me. You three need to get out of here while you can.”

  “Sir, I don’t think so,” said Michael. He looked at Steven, who seemed to agree.

  “I’m no coward,” said Paul, firmly.

  “If you stay, you might die,” said Seth. “It’s not your responsibility.”

  “We’re security officers,” said Steven.

  “Part-time,” corrected Paul.

  Steven gl
ared at him. “Still, we’re trained and ready to kick some digital ass.”

  Seth could see the dedication in their eyes. The need to protect their crew. “You’re sure about this?”

  “We didn’t fly across half the galaxy just to tuck our tails and run,” said Steven.

  “Alright,” said Seth, patting the suit on the desk. “There’s armor in the other lockers. Put them on in case we run into an area without any oxygen.” He lifted his rifle above his shoulder. “And don’t forget your weapons. Time to gear up.”

  Chapter 16

  It didn’t take long for Seth and his team to acclimate to the gear and begin their manhunt. The suits were oxygenated, which gave them access to any section of the ship, regardless of the breaches.

  “Where’s the cyberbrain’s control room?” asked Steven, his voice a little muffled by the helmet.

  “Five decks below us,” said Michael.

  “Shouldn’t take too long, eh?” asked Paul.

  “I imagine it might,” said Michael.

  Paul seemed to consider this. “Why?”

  “I believe we’ll have to avoid the lifts,” explained Michael.

  “Pretty much,” Seth agreed. “Unless you’d rather give Lilith an easy kill.”

  Paul’s eyes widened. “Why would that happen?”

  Steven put his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Because the elevators are fully automated.”

  “We can’t use the security card?” asked Paul.

  “Not for those,” said Seth.

  “So, what are we supposed to do?”

  “Maintenance tunnels connect the decks,” said Seth. “Should be safe.”

  Paul frowned. “I hate crawling in those. I always get stuck.”

  Steven smirked. “Try being smaller like the rest of us, you giant.”

  With Seth in the lead, the team left Security and headed for one of the three maintenance hatches near the end of the hall. The first led to the deck above, while the other led below. Michael unlatched the cover, setting it on the floor. “We should be okay to fit. Careful of the wiring. You don’t want to get yourselves caught on anything.”

  Seth ducked inside, followed by the others. Paul entered last, grunting his annoyance. The tunnels were tight, barely enough space to climb. It took them a surprisingly long time to get from one deck to the next. Seth never realized how far apart they actually were until now.

  The tunnel was boiling hot, even more than the hatch they pulled Cain from. Maybe it was the suits this time, but Seth felt like he was getting roasted alive. By the time he reached the next deck, a bucket of sweat poured from his forehead, dripping to his chin and sliding down his chest.

  “How much longer?” asked Paul, panting heavily.

  “A few more floors,” said Seth.

  “Hard to breathe in these suits. Visor’s fogged up, too.”

  “Hang in there,” said Steven. “We’re almost to the exit. Okay?”

  “Yeah,” wheezed Paul. “Yeah, yeah.”

  They climbed for nearly fifteen minutes, passing through connecting tunnels on every new floor. When they reached the last deck, Seth kicked the hatch open and stepped through, more than happy to be free.

  Paul leaned against the nearby wall, once he was out, breathing so hard his visor was fogging up.

  “Are you alright?” asked Seth.

  “I…I gotta stop…for a second,” Paul said between breaths.

  “What’s wrong with you?” asked Steven.

  “Don’t like small spaces,” said Paul.

  “You’re claustrophobic?” asked Seth. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me before?”

  The giant shrugged, hunching over on his knees. “Didn’t want to stay behind.”

  “Seriously?” asked Steven. “You could’ve had a heart attack or something.”

  “Shut it. I’m good.”

  Steven gave him an uneasy look. “I dunno about that.”

  “I’ll kick your skinny ass to prove it.”

  Steven grinned. “Sounds like he’s okay. Let’s get going.”

  Seth led them through the deck, passing several empty compartments along the way. The cyberbrain facility took up most of the floor, while the rest of it seemed like an afterthought. “Doesn’t look like too many people come down here,” said Seth.

  “You’re right,” said Michael. “Since Lilith’s systems are so efficient, visits aren’t exactly common. The crew’s spread too thin, so this place doesn’t get the maintenance it needs.”

  “You mean they just ignore it?”

  “With all the incidents and blackouts happening over the last six months, some sections get neglected. Lilith kept us all so busy with various crises we hardly had the chance to come here.”

  “Except when she called us,” finished Paul.

  “Right,” said Michael. “I’m starting to think there was a reason for that.”

  As the team reached the centermost compartment, the path split in two. Seth recalled his original tour through here. The left path led to the cyberbrain chamber, while the second led to a nearby lift—the only one on the floor. “This way,” Seth said, signaling the left. “Almost there.”

  A small door lay a short distance before them, separating the outer hall from the next area. Using his access card, Seth unlocked the manual override, turning the crank, edging the door open. Michael, Steven, and Paul stepped through, one at a time, pausing as they entered the second section. A wide array of glowing circuitry and exposed wires ran along the walls and ceiling. Valves dripping coolant onto the floor, pooling liquid into tiny puddles which emptied into drains. “What’s all this?” asked Seth.

  “This place is a mess,” said Paul.

  Michael glanced at one of the dangling wires. “It looks like this entire section is degrading.”

  “Why would Lilith let her systems fall apart like this?” asked Seth.

  “Remember the electrical storm we passed through six months ago?”

  Seth nodded. “Sure. It almost tore the ship apart. You think it caused all this?”

  “It’s possible,” said Michael. “Engineering’s been too busy handling everything else to come and check this area. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lilith took some damage from the storm herself.”

  “She’s not a computer, though,” Seth pointed out. “She still has a body and an active brain.”

  “Right, but that body is tied directly to the ship’s systems. Her brain has wired connections coming directly out of it. If the storm fried the ship, she might have been affected, too.”

  “You think the storm fried her brain, somehow?” asked Seth.

  “I don’t know,” admitted Michael. “But it certainly would explain her erratic behavior.”

  “Whatever the case, we’re shutting her down,” said Seth, moving on. “Let’s go.”

  “Wait,” said Paul. “You hear something?”

  As a matter of fact, Seth did hear something. A loud humming noise, coming from…he couldn’t tell. Was it the walls?

  Steady buzzing like an insect, and getting louder by the second. Was it a machine?

  Steven walked to the farthest wall, pressing his fingers against the metal. “I think…” He leaned in, listening. He took several steps, following the sound. “I think it’s electrical.”

  “Wait a second,” muttered Seth, remembering the other incidents. Each one happened in an area full of automated systems and power conduits, much like this one. “Something’s not right about this.”

  “What’s wrong?” asked Michael.

  Seth took a step back. “Steven, get away from there. Are you listening? I’ve got a bad feeling about—”

  The wall erupted into a thunderous snap, propelling them away. Seth flew through the door, landing on the floor and tumbling. His ears rang and everything began to spin. For a moment, he didn’t even know where he was or why he was here. Cracks formed on Seth’s visor, but it didn’t shatter. He felt sick and dizzy, all the strength in his arms and legs de
pleted. It was like being half asleep or sedated.

  A few seconds later, the feeling in his limbs returned to him, and all at once he could sense the heat from the flames. There was smoke, too, now that he could see straight, and it filled the air above him as it moved into the ventilation system. A scream rang out in the distance, echoing through his helmet. He struggled to raise his head, trying to see.

  A hand gripped the edge of the nearby door, and Michael appeared. He held Paul by the shoulder, helping him move. Paul’s visor had a smudge of blood inside it. “Sir,” muttered Michael. “Are…are you okay?”

  Seth gripped his knee and pushed himself up, almost falling down again in the process. He finally managed to stand, despite his shaking knees, but held onto the nearest wall to keep support. “I’m fine,” he said, not knowing whether it was the truth or not. “Where’s Steven?”

  Michael hesitated, looking away. “He’s…gone, sir.”

  Seth fumbled past him and leaned through the archway. There was no sign of Steven. Not even pieces of him. Spatters of blood littered the outer walls, but nothing else. In the place where he’d been, a large crater remained, deep enough to see the next floor as well as the adjacent room.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” said Michael.

  “What about Paul?” asked Seth.

  “I’m…good…” muttered Paul behind the bloodied visor. His voice was erratic, almost a whisper. “Where’s…Steven?”

  “Paul needs medical attention,” said Michael.

  “No, I’m—”

  Paul collapsed, but Michael caught him, though the giant’s weight seemed like it might crush him. “Easy there. Sir, we need to get him to a doctor.”

  Seth felt a pinch of pain in his head, so he closed his eyes. It didn’t help. “You need to find an escape pod,” Seth told them. “There’s bound to be a med kit inside.”

  “We’ll all go,” said Michael. “You don’t look so good, either.”

  Seth shook his head. “The mission is still on.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” said Paul. “You two finish the job.”

  “No,” said Seth, letting go of the wall. He knees shook as he tried to stand on his own. “I’m going alone.”


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