Descent into Tartarus

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Descent into Tartarus Page 22

by David Thompson

  "I'm close to it, dear. But I dealt that bastard a good blow before it was done," Gaia said, softly.

  "I saw him after that, bandaged and bleeding. But he recovered enough to attack again," Megaera said.

  "I know. And you need to do what you can to protect that child. He might be the only one who can counter the demon. And you must be safe until he arrives," Gaia said.

  "Nonsense. I plan to counter attack Sorath with all my strength!" Megaera countered.

  "You're mortal until that baby arrives, and to fight now would guarantee Sorath's victory. Don't let your desire to fight outweigh the need to keep that child safe!" Gaia argued.

  "Where will I go? Dan was dunked into the Lethe and he's useless now. He has no idea who he is or what is going on," Megaera said, tears starting to roll down her cheek.

  Gaia patted her hand and smiled thinly. "The Lethe is reversible. It'll take time, but he'll soon be his old self again."


  Dan found himself on an endless black sandy beach. The sea was as black as the night, and waves gently lapped against the sand. Pale white foam formed as the waves flowed back from the shore. He glanced up and looked at the sky, velvety black with no stars. He looked down at his hands, and his skin was a pale white against the blackness. He was breathing, but the air was devoid of aroma or texture. His feet still wore his hiking boots, and they were making a clear path through the sand.

  He stopped and squatted, running his hand through the moist sand. He squeezed the sand and black water dripped from his hand. He threw down the sand and rinsed his hand off in the water. He smelled his wet hand. No smell. Still squatting, he looked along the shore line. The landscape was a black, blank canvas.

  He had a vague memory of what he was doing. Just a faint memory, like a fog, in and out of focus. All he could recall was the last second, when he was trying to get the small boat through a channel, then he was here. He felt his shoulder. A vague memory of the shoulder being hurt, by a huge claw. Now, there was no sign of any injury.

  A frown crossed his face as he turned and started walking away from the black water.

  He spotted a bright spot in the distance and started in that direction. He trekked across the endless black sand. The distance was deceptive.

  He hiked for what felt like hours, yet might have been only a few minutes. Eventually, the bright area soon became a small room, like a movie set, three walls and no ceiling or fourth wall.

  As he drew closer, he saw a small baby crib in the room. At the edge of the room, he stopped and stood, looking at the room. The walls were plain white, the window was an old-fashioned wood framed window and pale curtains.

  He stepped up onto the floor and went further into the room. A few more steps and he was next to the crib, looking down at a baby, sleeping soundly on its stomach. A small blue knit cap on its head and its tiny hands were on either side of its head.

  "Don't you dare touch that child!" The stern voice made Dan swing around. Delfina was standing just outside the light cast by the small lamp in the corner of the room. "The last thing we all need is you reliving your life."

  "I don't understand," Dan said.

  "That's you, thirty-some years ago, and if you touch him, you will have to experience your whole life all over again," Delfina pointed out.

  Dan just stood, looking at an earlier version of himself, sleeping peacefully. "I thought this room looked familiar. I think we lived here until I was maybe four. Just after my sister was born."

  "Yes," Delfina said, standing close to Dan. She looked at the baby. "You could relieve your whole life, but you won't remember a bit of this or your life. The same shit, all over again. You really want that? What about your own child? What about Megaera?"

  "Until you mentioned her, I had forgotten her!" Dan exclaimed. "That's right! She's pregnant!"

  "Yes, with your baby!" Delfina snapped, grabbing Dan's hand, "Now come along!"


  Dan's eyes snapped open. He was lying on the couch, his eyes covered by Delfina's hand. There were a series of rapid footsteps and his niece kneeled beside the couch, grabbing Dan's hand.

  "Uncle Dan!" Brianna said. "I knew you'd make it!"

  "He almost didn't!" Delfina snapped. She sat up, rubbing her face. "And if I hadn't of found him when I did, he'd have stayed like this until he died."

  "Where was I?" Dan asked, as he tried to sit up. Brianna helped him upright and sat next to him.

  "As best as I can make out, it was a place you'd call 'limbo'. The pre-staging place before a soul binds with the human. Usually right after birth, but sometimes earlier," Delfina explained.

  Dan wiped his face hard with his hands, then looked around. "Where's Megaera? How did we get back here?"

  "Her horse brought you. Hermes let her out, and she sought her mistress out. Just so happened you were there as well," Delfina said. "Megaera is upstairs."

  Dan tried to stand up, but Delfina stopped him. She turned him around and pulled off the bandages Megaera had used to stop the bleeding. They were soaked with blood, but the wound itself appeared to be almost healed.

  "Did Megaera try to heal you?" Delfina asked.

  "I really don't remember," Dan said.

  Delfina helped Dan to stand up. He made his way to the stairs. As he walked, he felt stronger and was finally himself, and by the time he was midway up the stairs, he was back to normal.

  He bounded up the last few steps two at a time and rushed down the hallway. He peeked into Gaia's room and saw Megaera sitting by Gaia.

  He went on in and Gaia saw him first, her face brightening up.

  "Dan!" She said, smiling.

  Megaera saw Gaia's face and twisted to watch as Dan walked into the room. She stood and crushed him with a bear hug.

  After the hug, Dan sat carefully by Gaia, and grinned. "After all I've been through, it seems like a dream."

  "Oh, it wasn't a dream, Dan," a deep voice behind his said. He turned and saw that Thanatos was standing in the doorway, behind him was Hermes and Brianna. Gaia waved them all in.

  "I'm glad I'm strong enough to see everyone. It's wonderful Dan was able to make it, even though we figured he would be lost or held in Tartarus," Gaia said.

  "It was close," Dan said. His memories flooded back, and he began relating his mis-adventures in Tartarus, and eventual escape.

  "I was able to cover Dan as we exited, otherwise he might not have been able to pass through the portal," Megaera added when Dan was finished.

  "He passed because he carried the blood of a goddess, dear. It had nothing to do with you," Gaia pointed out.

  Hermes turned to Thanatos and asked: "What's the status with Hades and the rest of the Underworld?"

  "Sorath controls all but the areas near the Palace and Elysian," Thanatos said.

  "Sorath is hoping for an apocalyptic war on the surface to bring about the end times," Meg explained. "Which is why I'm needed here, not in hiding."

  Gaia grimaced as she sat back. "It's far more important you stay out of the way until you regain your powers. Once you have the child, you will return to normal. Dan can help you pass as a mortal."

  "Yes, you can stay with me and if we need to, we can get to an old friend's ranch in Texas, ride out any war there," Dan added.

  "If Sorath triggers an apocalyptic war, there would be no safe place for me, or Dan!" Megaera argued. "Much less my unborn child!"

  "I have just returned from Hades' palace, and the word is that Sorath will not move on his plans until he finds you and the unborn child. He feels you still pose a threat to his plans," Thanatos said.

  "You're right about that! I plan to skewer him and use his guts as new string for my bow!"

  "Sweetheart," Dan started.

  "Don't 'sweetheart' me! I will not go into hiding like a timid mortal!" Megaera shouted at Dan. "I have never backed down from a battle, and I'm not about to start!"

  Thanatos stood next to Megaera and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. She
shrugged him off and growled in anger. Dan could swear her eyes flashed red.

  "Megaera, please. You were unable to use your powers to get us out of Tartarus. That was Hades. Until the baby is here, you're just like me. Mortal!" Dan reasoned.

  Megaera's eyes were wide in anger, and she stormed out of the room. Dan listened as she stomped across the hallway to her bedroom, slamming the door as hard as possible.

  "She's stubborn, but I'm sure you can help her see reason," Gaia said.

  Dan paused at Megaera's door, then opened it. He found Megaera polishing her breast plate, each stroke of the rag was done with anger. Then she dropped it onto the floor and held the rag to her face.

  "I'm so fucking angry! It's all your fault!" she spit out, glaring at Dan. All he could do was stand next to the door. "I'm weak, I'm mortal and just when my sister's need me!"

  "Not sure what can be done now," Dan said, softly. He slowly approached her. She kept her head down and held the polishing rag to her eyes. Dan sat and slowly took her into his arms. She twisted and buried her head into his chest.

  Dan let her cry for almost fifteen minutes, then she pulled away. "This does nothing to change that I'm really fucking angry at you right now," she said.

  "I can call my friend. Last I heard, he'd built a small cabin on his land."

  "Is this where you saw the mountain lion?"

  "The same place."

  "I'd love to see the lions in Texas," Megaera said, while wiping at her face.

  "They're smaller than the one's in Africa," Dan said, a smile appearing on his lips.

  Megaera stood up and looked around. "All my clothing won't fit anymore. We'll have to buy new as soon as we leave here."

  "If Armageddon is coming, I don't mind maxing out my credit cards."

  "Ok," Megaera said. Then she frowned. "What's a credit card?"

  Megaera sat a small suitcase down and went into Alecto's room. Dan waited patiently in the hallway and tried not to look. He saw Megaera with her head bent over Alecto's face. She straightened up and left the room. She crossed to Tisiphone's room and repeated what she did in Alecto's room.

  She stopped outside of Gaia's room and looked at Dan. Tears streamed down her face. "They're both barely here. When they go, they'll disappear, and they won't regenerate. I'll never see them again," Megaera said, softly.

  "I know," Dan whispered.

  Megaera went on into Gaia's room. Hermes and Thanatos were by her bed, and Brianna was on the bed. They all turned as Megaera and Dan entered.

  "I'm packed," Megaera said. She went to Gaia and sat next to her, then pulled her into a strong hug.

  "Now, remember, you can't take anything that Sorath can use to track you," Thanatos reminded Megaera. "Like your armor and weapons. Sally has to stay here."

  Megaera just nodded, trying to hold back tears.

  "I'll take care of her and the other horses," Brianna offered.

  Megaera released Gaia, who was also starting to tear up. "Yes, that will be fine. She likes daily exercise, and not too much cereal, make sure she eats the straw."

  "Yes, I'll remember," the young woman replied.

  Megaera stood. She looked at Thanatos and asked: "Where will you go?"

  "Once the war starts, I'll go below and ride it out down there." He looked at Dan, and added, "I'll see that Brianna comes with me, so nothing will happen to her."

  Brianna ran across the room and grabbed her uncle. "I'll stay as long as they'll let me, and promise me you guys will hide. I want to meet my new cousin!"

  Dan embraced his niece and held her tight. "I'll send word once we're settled. Somehow."

  Brianna let go and turned to Megaera. "You take care of my uncle, or I'll hunt you down." She smiled as she said that, then pulled Megaera into a tight hug.

  Megaera went past Dan, and out into the hallway. She stopped and shot him a hard look.

  "Alright. Let's go, amigo. I understand it's a long ass ride to Texas, so let's get rolling," she said as she picked up her suitcase and walked away.

  "Don't worry. I'll check in on you and pass along any word I hear, once..." Thanatos said, then looked at Gaia. "Once things wrap up here."

  "Thank you." Dan turned and followed Megaera.

  Dan had put his backpack into the trunk of his Dodge earlier and he now added Megaera's suitcase. He shut the trunk and turned around. Megaera had left him to tend to Sally. He leaned against the back of the car. Dude was already in his carrier and was sulking in the backseat. He'd enjoyed being in the funny smelling house, but was missing his own smell.

  Megaera reappeared, wiping away tears as she walked to the car. Dan had the door open, and she sat down and stared straight ahead. She was silent as Dan started the car and drove slowly down the dirt road and in between two large trees.

  Next door, Agnes was on her porch and sipping tea when Dan's black car reappeared. She frowned and watched as Dan drive away. She just shook her head and went back to her tea.

  Dan turned the car towards his house. They rode along in silence. Dan attempted to take Megaera's hand, she slapped his hand away, then hit him with all her strength on his shoulder.

  "That's for getting me pregnant!" She punched him again, harder. "And that's for making me fall in love with you!"

  "Ow," Dan said, grimacing.

  Megaera looked at Dan, then saw his shirt, torn at the shoulder. She leaned across and pulled at the material.

  "What happened to your shirt?" she asked.

  "I forget. The old woman said something about a healing wound," Dan said as he turned onto the main road heading to his house.


  The Furies House

  In Gaia's room, Hermes was at the window, watching Brianna leading Megaera's white horse out of the stables while Gaia napped. Her color was as bad as Hermes had ever seen it. He sighed as Brianna fed Sally a small apple.

  "What will come of that one?"

  "Who?" Thanatos said.

  "That young woman. She's like her uncle, she's part immortal. Perhaps she can be of some use," Hermes mused.

  "How so?" Thanatos asked when he joined his friend at the window.

  "Perhaps we can train her, before Sorath reappears," Hermes suggested.

  "I'll take her below, see if anyone at the palace would instruct her. She might be useful. If anything, perhaps she can handle a few petitions, once she learns how to ride Sally," Thanatos said. "Sally does appear to like her."

  "There is the issue with her abilities outside of the area," Hermes pointed out.

  They watched as Brianna leapt up onto Sally's back and started riding her around the ruined garden.

  "That will come with time and training," Thanatos said.

  The gods turned and watched Gaia breathe. It appeared that she was becoming less substantial.

  "Not a lot of time left," Hermes observed.

  "Did you know? I have no idea where gods go when they disappear," Thanatos confessed. "I know where everything else goes, but what is the afterlife for a god?"

  "I would image it's a lot like the afterlife any atheist expects," Hermes suggested. "Blankness, the void."

  Thanatos stood over Gaia. "She's almost gone. And once gone --"

  A sound of heavy footsteps in the hallway stopped his thoughts. Someone stomping heavily along the hallway.

  They both turned as Megaera stormed back into the room, tossing her suitcase onto the floor.

  "Fuck this hiding bullshit! Fuck acting like a goddamned wimpy mortal!" she shouted.

  Dan was close behind her and just shrugged.

  "Megaera, dear, I thought we'd explained it to you," Thanatos said, blocking her, and trying to corral her back out the door. "Mother is just about gone, there is nothing left to do."

  "Bullshit! Step aside or I'll rip your stupid head off and throw it out the window!"

  Delfina and Brianna appeared at the door, watching Megaera in full fury.

  Thanatos stood aside as Megaera shoved her way to Gaia. Her
face was gray, almost translucent. She was fading.

  Gaia opened her eyes and looked at the Megaera as she stood over her and held out her hands.

  "Megaera, please, there is nothing you can do--" Gaia whispered.

  "Shut up, mother. I'm trying healing you," Megaera said.

  Blue light started at her hands and grew, brightened, then it leapt across Gaia's fading body. The room seemed to darken as blue lightning began, forking all around Megaera. Her blonde hair was standing on end, surrounded by a blue aura. The light enveloped Gaia, lifting her above the bed, her gown flapping in a maelstrom of energy. The energy bolts forked around her, going through her body and flowing all around, her pale skin beginning to glow.

  Dan looked down at his hands as the blue energy crackled around him. Brianna's eyes were wide as her hair stood on end. Delfina just nodded.

  As fast as it had appeared, the light was gone, and Gaia dropped gently back onto the bed. Her color was restored, her hair returning to a light brown, and her eyes danced as she looked around the room.

  The room was absolutely quiet. No one moved.

  "Wow," was all Dan could say. Megaera stalked out of the room, pausing only to peck Dan on the lips.

  "Told you," Megaera quipped as she left the room.

  Dan watched Megaera rush into Alecto's bedroom. In a few moments, a brilliant blue light show was pouring out into the hallway.

  "What happened?" Hermes whispered.

  "I have no idea. She was hitting me on the shoulder and then saw where I'd torn my shirt, then she was shouting and making sure I turned the car around and drove back here," Dan explained. "I really had no choice."

  "That explains the bloodstained bandages, but no bleeding wound," Delfina said. "It was pink and healed up when you got here. I didn't have to do anything."

  Megaera reappeared at the door, Alecto and Tisiphone behind her. Both Furies were well and healthy, their eyes wide in amazement.

  "What now?" Dan asked.

  "We go kick some demon ass!" Megaera said, then she turned and headed to her room. Alecto and Tisiphone followed their sister.


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