The Awakening: The Aegis of Merlin Book 2

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The Awakening: The Aegis of Merlin Book 2 Page 18

by James E. Wisher

  Conryu sat on the couch, his feet up on the coffee table, watching a replay of the previous night’s hockey game. He had to return to the academy tomorrow and the last thing he wanted to do was spend a precious minute learning a new spell.

  Not to mention it would break his deal with Dean Blane. Conryu had spoken to her last week and she said he could bring Prime to school with him, but he had to promise not to study anything Mrs. Umbra hadn’t approved of. That gave him all the excuse he needed to ignore the book’s constant nagging.

  “You know the deal I made. Now be quiet so I can enjoy the game.”

  The book fell silent and if he was lucky it would remain that way for an hour or two. The scholomantic had a one-track mind and no hobbies to distract him.

  Halfway through the second period someone knocked. Conryu wasn’t expecting company and as he walked to the door he said a silent prayer that it wasn’t Angus. His life had been blissfully professor free since the Grand Brawl and Conryu was in no hurry to change the status quo.

  He looked through the peephole and sighed when he saw the top of Maria’s head. They hadn’t spoken since what happened at Mr. Montgomery’s and he feared she was uncomfortable around Prime. To be fair he wasn’t totally comfortable with the talking book yet either, but he had to live with the thing.

  He opened the door and grinned. “This is a pleasant surprise.”

  Conryu stepped aside. Maria didn’t smile, she just brushed past him without looking up. He closed the door and turned back. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve been thinking.”

  Uh-oh. “Yeah?”

  She glanced at Prime. “Is there somewhere we can talk, alone?”

  “Sure. Prime, go to my room.”

  The book obediently floated down the short hall to his bedroom. As he understood the nature of their connection the scholomantic could see and hear everything he did and vice versa, but at least it wasn’t right there staring at them.

  “So what’s up? School resumes tomorrow. That usually puts you in a good mood.”

  He dropped onto the couch and Maria sat beside him. “Mom said something to me, when you were in the library arguing with that book. She said I needed to decide what I wanted out of our relationship. That it wasn’t fair to keep you guessing.”

  “I’ve got no complaints. When we’re together I’m happy. Whether it becomes something more than what we have now…” He shrugged.

  “I know you don’t have any complaints. And I know you love me, like I love you, but I think… I think that until we finish school I’d like to keep things as they are now, just friends. I want to focus on my studies. If you and Kelsie or someone else want to try being a couple I promise I won’t get jealous.”

  Conryu knew she was trying to have this deep, meaningful moment, but he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. “I know you think you mean it, but you don’t. You were about ready to kill me after I hugged her and we talked for half an hour. Imagine if someone told you we were making out in the hall or that you saw us.”

  Maria flinched, proving his point. Conryu leaned over, kissed her on the cheek, and put his arm around her.

  She sniffed and snuggled up closer to him. “You’re being drawn into something and I’m not sure I’m strong enough to follow. I want to stay beside you, but I’m so scared. So much keeps happening. I’m totally confused.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not. Until I find someone I love more than you, an event I can’t conceive of, you’re the only girl for me. Don’t misunderstand. I still plan to stay friends with Kelsie and the golem club. They’re all nice girls and Kelsie especially seems like she needs a friend that doesn’t want anything from her. As for the rest of that stuff… I’m not sure I want you to follow me. Knowing you’re safe will make it easier for me to do whatever I end up having to do.”

  She buried her face in his chest. “What are we going to do?”

  “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out together.”


  Lady Mockingbird

  The cab ride was smooth and almost silent as they traveled over the newly paved road. Lady Mockingbird reclined in the back, her spell keeping the driver’s mouth shut. She had no use for the idle chatter of fools. The ever so useful spell that compelled his silence would also ensure that ten minutes after she got out of the cab he’d remember nothing of his most recent fare. She considered killing him, but a body would draw more attention than a forgetful cabbie.

  It would have been far simpler for her to have flown to her destination, but the magic that protected the target would have detected her arrival. If the Kincade West building went on lockdown even her formidable skills wouldn’t be enough to break in. Once Lady Mockingbird was inside, however, all bets were off.

  As they drew ever closer to her destination Lady Mockingbird turned her focus inward, ignoring the steel high-rises gleaming in the late afternoon sun and crowds of people making their way to or from the many bars lining the Santa Angeles city streets. Everything that didn’t affect her mission was a useless distraction that she had to put out of her mind.

  This mission had to succeed. If she failed to secure the device, the rest of her plan would be ruined. She would have only two options then: try and cobble together a last-minute replacement or admit failure and accept the Hierarchs’ punishment. Neither of those options was likely to result in her standing victorious over the dead body of Conryu Koda, basking in her superiors’ praise. The only reward for failure was death.

  The cab pulled over across the street from a black, thirty-story building. Nothing identified it as anything more than a place of business, but Lady Mockingbird had done her research. In addition to the day-to-day stuff, there was a secure arcane research facility in the basement. According to her source the device she wanted was located on the lowest level.

  She rubbed the platinum ring on her left index finger. The ring would enhance her light magic spells, allowing her to use magic usually beyond her innate ability. She shuddered when she considered what she’d promised Lady Bluejay in exchange for the loan. It would all be worth it when she was promoted to Hierarch.

  Lady Mockingbird stepped out of the cab and made a subtle gesture, sending the cabbie on his way. When her ride was out of sight she crossed the busy street and strode up to the front doors just like she had all the right in the world to be there. Today she was playing the role of a business woman and she had the suit and low heels to look the part. She wore special glasses that generated a field that blurred her features in security cameras.

  Automatic doors slid open at her approach. A shiver went through her as she passed through the wards. Despite her best efforts she hadn’t discovered exactly what the potent protections did and she wasn’t anxious to find out.

  Beyond the doors lay a tiled entryway. A security checkpoint blocked anyone entering from moving past that small area and deeper into the building. Three men sat behind a desk beside an old-fashioned metal detector. She’d hoped for only two guards. Dominating the minds of three people, even three halfwit males, was too much for her limited light magic abilities.

  As she walked towards the guards she began the first spell, murmuring under her breath, barely moving her lips. If she didn’t time this perfectly one of the guards might have time to hit the alarm. That couldn’t be allowed no matter what.

  “Can I help—”

  The center guard slumped face first into the desk, his forehead smacking the hard surface. Just as she’d hoped the other two focused their attention on their fallen companion. She immediately chanted, “My will is your will, my wish your command, Puppet Master!”

  The domination spell crashed into their minds like a sledgehammer. Both men’s jaws went slack then they stared at her with mindless adoration. She so loved that look on a man’s face.

  “I need to go to the basement.”

  “Which level, Mistress?” the guards asked in stereo.

  “The lowest.”

  “We don’t have the ac
cess codes for that level. Only those assigned to work on B4 have them.”

  Lady Mockingbird’s lip curled and the men flinched at her displeasure. She’d hoped a simple card swipe would grant her entry. Her source didn’t actually work in the building so she didn’t know all the defenses.

  “Is there anyone in the building right now that can enter the secure area?”

  “Yes, Mistress, Vice President Lowery is in his office upstairs. He knows the codes for all the secure areas.”

  “Call him down here.”

  “He won’t come. Mr. Lowery never uses the main doors. If there’s a security issue he’ll send our boss to handle it.”

  The guards’ dual voices were giving her a headache. She couldn’t keep piddling around down here. Every second she wasted with these idiots increased her chances of getting caught.

  “Can anyone go up to Lowery’s office?”

  “Yes, Mistress, though his secretary may not let you in.”

  Lady Mockingbird smiled. “She’ll let me in. One of you show me the way, the other stay here and send anyone that enters away.”

  Guard A led her toward her destination while B sat back at his station. As long as no one that actually knew what was supposed to be happening showed up she should be okay.

  Her desire to hurry must have leaked through the connection with her guide as the man all but jogged to a bank of elevators at the rear of the lobby. He pressed the call button and they rode up to the top floor together. Below the buttons for the floors was a keypad.

  As they ascended she asked, “Is there more security upstairs?”

  “No, Mistress. The whole top floor is Mr. Lowery’s executive suite and only he and his secretary are there most of the time.”

  She nodded. That should make things easier. Lady Mockingbird took a bullet from one of the clips on the guard’s belt before replacing it in its holder. She made a mystic pass over it and cast. “Fragment of earth be my arrow.”

  The elevator chimed and the doors slid open revealing a hardwood-paneled hall leading to a large desk occupied by a stunning, dark-haired woman of Imperial descent in a revealing black dress. She suspected the secretary’s duties included more than typing.

  “Who are—”

  Lady Mockingbird flicked the bullet at her. “Stone Acceleration!”

  The magic hurled the metal casing and bullet at just short of the speed of sound. The secretary’s brains splattered all over the wall behind her.

  “The door.”

  Her servant hastened to open the heavy wooden door for her. Beyond it was a sprawling office with windows on three sides so Lowery could look out over the city. The man himself sat behind a glass desk with his back to her. All she saw was his bald head and broad shoulders.

  “I do not wish to be disturbed,” Lady Mockingbird said.

  “Yes, Mistress.” The guard drew his gun and closed the door behind her.

  “Did you need something, sweetheart?” Lowery didn’t bother turning around.

  Lady Mockingbird twirled her finger. “Binding Flames.” Bands of flame wrapped around his chest, locking him in place. If he tried to move it would result in a major burn.

  “Indeed I do, darling.” Lady Mockingbird spun her finger again. This time Lowery’s chair mimicked the gesture, spinning him around to face her.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “Who I am is a good deal less important than what I want. This can end one of two ways. Only one of which results in you living through the night.”

  Lowery’s throat worked as he tried to swallow. “What do you want?”

  “Access to the lowest level of the building. You’re going to walk with me to the elevator, escort me to the lab, and then back out. Once I’m out of the building you’ll never see me again.”

  “If I help you I’ll lose my job, at best. The Kincades aren’t known for their generous and forgiving natures.”

  Lady Mockingbird sent a psychic command and the flames flared brighter. Lowery broke into a heavy sweat. She didn’t let the fire burn him, yet, but the threat was obvious. “You have to ask yourself what’s the greater risk: them or me? I assure you I’m skilled enough at dark magic to compel your screaming soul to tell me what I need to know if I can’t convince you any other way.”

  “What are we waiting for?” Lowery offered a shaky smile, as if that would save him.

  Lowery gagged and looked away from where his dead secretary was slumped on the floor behind her desk. The pathetic man squeezed his eyes shut and stumbled to the elevator. She expanded the fire rings to allow him to walk, but at a thought from her they’d burn him into charred lumps.

  Lady Mockingbird tapped the button for B4. She didn’t worry about leaving fingerprints. An invisible energy field surrounded her hands both to prevent exactly that and to avoid accidentally triggering any magical item she may touch.

  When the elevator refused to move she looked at Lowery who punched in a five-digit combination. The doors finally closed and the elevator lurched. The guard kept his weapon drawn as they descended, his gaze locked on Lowery. Lady Mockingbird didn’t need the weakling’s protection, especially from the quivering mass of flesh sharing the elevator with them, it was simply an unavoidable side effect of the spell that controlled him.

  It didn’t take long for the elevator to make its descent and soon the chime rang again and the doors slid open.

  “Is there anyone down here?” Lady Mockingbird asked.

  “No, the researchers have all gone home for the day. The job is intense, so they work short shifts.”

  “Let’s hope you’re right, for their sakes.” She motioned him out first.

  The guard started to follow them, but she raised a hand. “Stay here and hold the elevator. We won’t be long.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” He took up position between the doors, bracing it with his hands and feet. A bit excessive, but it should do the job.

  The lab was a combination scientific research station and casting chamber. Computers sat on desks beside bookshelves lined with leather-bound tomes. She would have dearly loved to explore the contents of those books, but now wasn’t the time.

  “Where is the Chimera Jar?”

  Lowery looked back at her, aghast. “How do you even know about that? It’s top secret.”

  She poked a finger into his cheek, forcing his gaze away from her and back into the lab. “Where is it?”

  “The vault.” He pointed at a steel door at the rear of the room. “Please, it’s still under development. The chimeras it produces are uncontrollable. My best people aren’t even sure it’s possible to create a stable chimera. If you use it you’re more likely to kill yourself than anyone else.”

  “You concern is touching. Now open the vault and fetch the jar.”

  He slumped over even further and shuffled over to the steel door. A keypad identical to the one in the elevator hung on the wall beside it. Lowery punched in an eight-digit code this time and the door cracked a few inches releasing a hiss as the pressure equalized. He grabbed the handle and yanked it wide open.

  The door was easily a foot thick. She never would have burned her way through. Inside it was lined with niches, the contents of which were hidden behind metal doors. Wards of various elements crackled in her magical vision. Whether they were there to keep the contents in, thieves out, or both, she couldn’t say without further study.

  At the far end was a safe built into the wall. It had a standard combination lock which Lowery manipulated with practiced familiarity. He pulled the smaller door open revealing a bizarre… something, made from an amalgam of metals. It resembled a trophy with a tight-fitting cap more than anything. The Chimera Jar rested on a slender folder filled with paper, most likely research notes. She’d need those as well.

  “Are there any other protections?” she asked.

  “The building wards and two steel safe doors not enough for you?”

  He screamed when her fire band seared his shoulder with a third-deg
ree burn. “Best mind your manners. Your usefulness is now at an end. Grab the jar and notes and hand them to me.”

  He whimpered, but complied.

  The moment the smooth, cool metal touched her skin she sensed the power in it. It would do what she needed. Lady Mockingbird knew it.

  “Will you let me go now?”

  She regarded Lowery with a cool frown, the one that set her girls’ knees trembling. “There’s one more matter.”

  “All thoughts of me begone, Burning Eraser.” She tapped his forehead.

  A microburst of flame seared away a tiny portion of his brain. He collapsed to the floor of the vault, unconscious. She’d burned away his memories of the last twelve hours. Even if they questioned his corpse, the knowledge was gone forever.

  Lady Mockingbird left the vault and closed the door behind her, forming an airtight seal. He would suffocate long before he woke up, ensuring that they’d have nothing but a body to question. It wasn’t the worst death she could think up, but it would do for the arrogant man.

  Her pet guard was still holding the elevator door open when she returned. He immediately moved aside for her.

  “Are you finished, Mistress?”

  She chanted the spell again and tapped his forehead. The guard collapsed just like Lowery, his memories burned away. “I am, thank you for your assistance.”

  She rode up to the lobby and repeated the procedure with the other two guards before walking out of the building. The moment she stepped outside a tremendous hue went up as antitheft alarms sounded.

  Lady Mockingbird summoned the wind. She’d be well out of the city before anyone arrived to investigate.

  Lady Mockingbird landed in a forest clearing forty miles outside the city. A pair of fire globes appeared at her command and she looked around, not that there was much scenery. Big evergreens surrounded the snow-filled glade. A simple fire spell kept the cold from being a bother.

  The trip back to the academy was over a thousand miles, way too far to fly. She’d have to travel by portal to Central, then fly the last fifty miles. The good thing was as a teacher she knew how to bring a magical item through the wards without setting off an alarm.


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