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Abelie Page 4

by Belle Winters

  Chapter 5

  My mind was only getting worse as time progressed. I was upset that I was thinking so much about Lucifer but there was no way to stop it. Ever since the first dream I’d had about him, I’ve been unable to stop my imagination from conjuring up images of he and I together and me touching myself to the thoughts.

  Today was rough, it was my dad’s birthday and I wanted so bad to contact him. To tell him how much I loved and missed him and didn’t really want to leave him. To tell him everything that had happened that led me up to where I am and how sorry I was to abandon him. I never wanted him to be hurt by any of this, but that was just another loose end that I needed to tie up so that I wouldn’t be caught. If there were a way I could fathom that I could still have him around and not compromise myself, I would. I paced around my house feeling more and more horrible for what I did to my father. When I couldn’t take it anymore I scooped up my keys and headed to the car.

  I hopped on the highway and drove about two hours out. I found what looked like a cozy town and drove aimlessly until I found an intimate diner. I checked for any cameras, and there didn’t appear to be any security systems in sight. I ordered a burger and fries and waited a decent amount of time before asking to use a phone. When the waitress eyed me curiously I held up the cell phone I turned off and told her it died. Assuming that was a good enough explanation, she led me back behind the counter to use the store phone.

  When she disappeared, I picked up the phone with trembling hands. I began punching in the numbers to my dad’s cell phone line praying that he would answer and somehow wishing he wouldn’t. The phone rang four times and just as I thought it was going to click to voicemail I heard noise filter into the line.

  “Hello?” my father’s voice came through the line and I gasped.

  It wasn’t until I heard his voice did I truly realize exactly how much I’d missed him. I opened my mouth but no words came out. I didn’t know what to say… do I just apologize? Do I explain what happened?

  “Hello…?” My father said again questioningly. I was still having an internal war just trying to get words to come out… anything. His voice dropped to a whisper. “Abee, is that you?” he asked.

  A strangled cry escaped my throat in response. “Princess, where are you? I’ve been so worried about you. Please tell me where you are so I can help you!” He urged and I could hear the desperation heavy in his voice.

  I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t let him know it was me; I couldn’t let him get the confirmation and possibly get caught in the middle of this. So instead of answering, I hung up the phone. I paid for my food and practically ran to my car. The door wasn’t even fully shut before the first sob escaped me. I sat in my car and cried until I was out of tears. I was too wound up to drive so I had no choice but to let the sorrow take over. I prayed I hadn’t made the wrong choice but I just needed something, and he deserved the same. I was too exhausted to make the two-hour drive, so instead I went to a motel close by.

  I fell into a deep sleep because the next thing I knew I was being woken up by the sound of ringing. I opened my eyes slowly and it took me a while to remember where I was. I frowned, unfamiliar with the ringing sound and I scanned the room slowly. They finally landed on the phone and I sighed. Maybe I’d overstayed for the time I paid for and they’re looking for more cash.

  I picked up the phone. “Hello?”

  The phone was completely silent and I removed it from my ear to make sure that it was plugged in. When I figured everything was ok with the phone I tried again. “Hello?”

  A growl answered me on the other end of the phone and they hung up, but not before I could hear the sound of an engine. Almost instantaneously I could feel sweat begin to pool underneath my arm pits and on my forehead. I wasted no time grabbing my stuff and running out of there as fast as possible to my car. I drove 80 when the limit was 65, checking all my mirrors the entire way for any sign of a motorcycle. I had to stop once for gas and made sure to pay with cash and I chose a seedy looking gas station that was least likely to have a trace of me. By the time I made it home my heart was practically beating out of my chest. Needless to say, sleep never found me that night. Every creek and groan had me stirring restlessly in bed.

  I reached out to James the next day asking if I could come crash with him for a couple of nights. I was too afraid to stay in my place by myself. Besides, if that was Lucifer and not me losing my mind then he may possibly know where I live. If I could avoid being there I could most likely avoid him altogether. Even though I was pretty sure if he had my number then he’d have showed himself. It’s not like the man is scared of me or anything.

  I stayed with James for 5 days under the guise that I was extremely fatigued and just wanted to make sure I had an extra hand around. When I didn’t see or hear anything else, I assumed it was safe to head back home. Hiding out at James’ wouldn’t really do me much good but prolong the inevitable. If he were here for me he’d find a way to get his hands on me.

  The first few days back were rough. My paranoia has reached an all-time high and really not knowing is worse than anything else. I felt like an absolute psychopath sitting here scared for my life but not totally sure if there was even a reason to be. It was driving me mad.

  It took about two weeks before things resembled normalcy. I decided not to let any of the drama consume me; if I did it would defeat the point in me leaving. The hot and cold – scared and comfortable – it was causing havoc in my life and on my sanity. I decided to live each day as it comes and if a threat emerges I will handle it then. I can’t continue to look over my shoulder afraid that the boogeyman is lurking in the shadows waiting to spring.

  That only lasted a week before another phone call came to my cell. This time however, it wasn’t an empty line. I remember the words clear as day. “Abee, you have to leave.” She hung up not waiting for any response. This was Nettie’s second warning, and this time she’d called me. I never gave her my phone number.


  Chapter 6

  Nettie’s warnings have been pushed to the back of my mind since I’ve not seen or heard anything once again. This whole thing was getting pretty old if you ask me. I’m beginning to think she just might be more paranoid. The depression however has only increased. My late nights have been filled with me pleasuring myself to Lucifer’s face and voice… and touch. This isn’t healthy at all but there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Once I started it’s been unavoidable. As the pregnancy progresses so does my sex drive and I can’t leave it unsated. I’d be in bed at night, horny and lonely and I couldn’t think of anyone on the planet pleasing me the way he did. James noticed my state naturally, and that is why I’m sitting here on my couch fully dressed waiting for him to arrive. It was 4pm on a Saturday and he called and told me to ‘get my ass up and ready, were going out’.

  My phone rang and I looked down to see a picture of James and I smiling up into the camera, arms loaded down with bags from shopping. I smiled at the picture and swiped right, “Hey there.” I greeted him.

  “Hey baby, I’m outside… come, come! We don’t have all day missy, we need to get going.”

  I laughed as I stood and gathered my things while cradling the phone between my shoulder and ear. “Is that right? And where exactly are you taking me?” I asked.

  “Uh un. Bring your pretty pregnant ass out here and you’ll see when we get there.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine, I’m coming hold your horses.”

  He laughed. “I’d hold a horse alright, and ride it if the size it right.”

  I chuckled and hung up on him before he could get too carried away. I left the house ensuring to put on the security alarm and lock up and bounced to his car.

  “Hola chica, you look smoking today. You did all this for me?” he asked.

  I scoffed. “Yea, all ten minutes it took me to get ready was my best-est of efforts to impress you.”

  He placed his hand over his heart and batted his lashes.
“Thanks doll, now let’s do this.”

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I asked.

  “Absolutely not, now you might want to wear your diva shades because it’s a beautiful day out.”

  I shook my head; I’ve grown to really like his absurdity. It brought sun into my life, as everyday it’s beginning to get darker on the inside. “As you wish.” Once my shades were firmly in place to his liking he pulled off.

  It wasn’t until we were on the highway for a half hour did I realize what direction we were going. “Uhm, James where exactly are we headed?” I asked nervously.

  He smiled. “Road trip honey! You needed it with all the sulking you’ve been doing lately. I just couldn’t take it anymore I need to see your smile doll.”

  I laughed nervously. He didn’t know about my past, I made sure of that but it felt like he was leading me back to my doom. I scanned him and began to get anxious and suspicious. Did someone hire him to keep tabs on me and now he was taking me back? My hand instinctively flew to my stomach to protect my baby. He glanced over and frowned pushing his glasses to the top of his head. “Is something wrong?” he asked looking at my belly for beat before returning him gaze to the road.

  “Oh uh… I’m just wondering about my bladder holding up is all.” I said eyeing him.

  He let out a huge sigh of relief. “Dear god, I almost had a heart attack. I’ll stop at the next exit to let you go then we only have about 30 minutes to our destination.”

  I felt instant relief and guilt. He’d become such a good friend and the first thought I had was that he’d betrayed me in some way. “Sure, just get a gas station.” I said hoping to keep up my charade.

  As promised, he pulled off the next exit and went into the town. He of course refused to stop at a gas station. When I fought him about it, he started ranting about STD’s and how even if I squat they could still attack me. Not wanting to fight him on it, I let him lead me to a place he thought was clean enough for his pregnant friend. Of course it was the first nice restaurant he could find and he demanded that they let me use the restroom before they could even kick up a fuss.

  I excused myself to the bathroom, and used it. It wasn’t until I actually entered did I realize I did have to go. I relieved myself, washed my hands then stared in the mirror. What the hell was wrong with me? It’s been months and there hasn’t been a peep, except Nettie’s note which told me he had no idea where I was. There was the call, but I’m sure that if he knew where I was it wouldn’t have taken this long. My anxiety was getting the better of me and it wasn’t helping me in any way. I took in a deep breath and splashed my face with cold water to get a hold of myself. When I got back into the car, I felt a hell of a lot better and more like myself than I had in a while. James was right, I needed this. I needed to get my life back.

  We got back onto the highway and exited in Syracuse where he drove to a beautiful restaurant. Did I mention it was Italian, and the food was to die for? By the time we left, I was full and my stomach was exceptionally happy. He’d done well and this trip was totally worth it. We’d ordered food to go as well and he loaded us back up into his car.

  “So mi amor, how was that?” he asked as he started the car.

  “Mmm perfecto. Gracias Señor” I responded and he chuckled.

  “Thank you Jesus I’m rubbing off on you, now for part 2”

  I smiled as I buckled my seatbelt. “There’s more huh?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Oh yes bitch, the fun doesn’t end here. Hold on tight, we’re in here for a while…”

  I smiled as we started off. When we passed Cayuga I looked at him in question but he refused to acknowledge it, only laughed. We continued on and a few hours later when the GPS said ‘Welcome to Buffalo’ I was thoroughly confused. “Buffalo? What the heck is in Buffalo?” I asked.

  “Somewhere we need to go.” Was all he told me.

  We drove and drove and drove. It wasn’t until the sign above my head read Niagra Falls did I understand. “Niagara falls? OH MY GOD! James you’re awesome!”

  He looked over at me and winked. “Don’t I know it?” He pulled into a parking spot and put the car in park. “The Canadian side has a much better view, however I don’t know if you have a passport or if it’s with you. I couldn’t risk ruining the surprise by telling you to bring it.”

  Of course I had a passport and it was locked away in my bag. What person on the run doesn’t carry the necessities with them in case they needed to take off at any given moment? However, I didn’t want to risk even my fake name pinging somewhere leaving any kind of trail so I didn’t admit to it. “I don’t but this will do just fine, I can’t wait!”

  He patted my leg and we exited the car. The wind was a bit cooler over here but that was just fine on this warm day. It was dark out now, and we followed a secluded path along the falls to find a good spot for viewing. The trail vaguely reminded me of a horror flick, but I guess it was because it was so dark. There were a few stragglers out around us which made me more at ease. We came to an opening where we seemed to be standing at the top of the falls. I watched as the water cascaded down smoothly, bits of mist washing over me. It was just so calming. I looked up and gasped at the beautiful sight before me.

  “Honey! I left the camera in the car I’m going to grab it. We just have to take pictures!” James said ecstatically.

  I nodded my head in agreement not really able to unglue my gaze from my surroundings. I had a straight sight to the Canadian side, and it looked magnificent… something out of your dreams. Although it was extremely dark, on the verge to pitch black where we were – the other side was anything but. Canada was bursting with colors. You could see nothing but lights on all the tall buildings on the other side. It made me a little homesick I’d admit because we don’t see tall buildings and such in Cayuga. It looked like a party that you’d want to be invited to. Blues, pinks, and reds lit up the other side of the falls. The thing that had my attention the most however, was a tall oddly shaped building. As it ascended the building grew narrower and was topped by a circle. It was lit up in pink and the very top had a light shooting up. I imagined what could possibly be in there or what it truly was. I honestly didn’t believe it to be a building.

  I heard James’ approach and I smiled. This was a very good idea and I’d owe him a ton for bringing me here. “You said the falls looks better from Canada, but from where I’m standing this side has a much better view. Thanks for bringing me.”

  When no response came, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck standup. My palms instantly grew sweaty and I was extremely scared. What if one of those stragglers wasn’t really a straggler? What if they were a mass murderer or something and me standing here alone made me a prime target. Damn, I wish I had my bat with me. I took in a deep gulp of air, but they spoke up before I had the chance to turn around.


  Chapter 7

  My heart stopped, that one word did that to me. I didn’t need to guess, I knew that voice. I’d hear it every day in my memories and dreams. There was no deluding myself or saying a final prayer that it was anyone else – it was no doubt Lucifer. He was here and he was going to… I don’t want to find out. When I didn’t turn around or acknowledge him, I heard him take a step forward and I finally spun around in fear to see what he was doing.

  Lucifer stood there in a short sleeve black t-shirt. For once, he wasn’t wearing his cut and that made me more nervous. He always wore it, it was a trademark and that in itself was a warning bell. Did he not want anyone to be able to identify him? His legs were spread wide and his arms were crossed on his chest. He looked perfectly calm and in control, but the tick in his jaw gave him away. He’d been in my presence all of a minute and I’d somehow managed to piss him off. Not. Good.

  “Lucifer…” I greeted hesitantly.

  He grunted and took a couple of steps towards me. “You know, you are one hard girl to find. Then when I catch you, I find you with another man on a dat
e. You love the view, don’t you? Romantic…” he trailed off.

  I suddenly remembered James and looked around anxiously for him. “Where is James?” I asked.

  Lucifer chuckled but there was no humor in his voice. “How sweet... Here we are, you standing so close to the edge by the water – after I had to track you down and I’m sure you know I’m not happy about it. Then your concern is him? He must be one fucking hell of a guy you got there.”

  I shuddered. “What did you do to him?” I demanded.

  “What’d I do to him? You should be worried about what I’m going to do to you. I’m not sure if I’m going to put you in the truck like I’d planned or if I should push you over the fucking edge right now.” He took a few more steps until he was directly in front of me. “Honestly though, if I’m going to end you it would be a helluva lot more satisfying if I do it with my bare hands. Wrap my hands around your scrawny neck until the last breath of air leaves your body.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. “You… You want to kill me?” I asked in a whisper.

  His eyes narrowed. “I want to do a fucking shit ton of things to you and really… none are good. Let’s go.” He said pointing towards the parking lot.

  I stood my ground. Shoot, if he’s going to kill me I might as well keep my backbone, right? (Right… I don’t need you to confirm my stupidity.) “Where is James?” I asked more forcefully.

  “Your boyfriend is going to have his throat slit in two seconds if you don’t do as I say… what the fuck? Was he going to be your new baby daddy?” he said tauntingly.

  My eyes rolled involuntarily causing him to growl. “It’d be hard to convince people that a gay man fathered my child.” I spat at him.


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