Shades of Shame (Semper Fi)

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Shades of Shame (Semper Fi) Page 9

by Cooper, Laura

  Elise softened, “I really think a ball at the White House is a romantic date, don’t you?”

  Logan noticed the conspiracy brewing in her mind and laughed, “I’ll go call her now,” he said, kissing his mother on the forehead.

  Leila’s phone rang the moment she walked in the door. She didn’t even recognize Logan’s number at first, “Hello?” she answered.

  “Well hello beautiful,” his voice was smooth and gentle.

  She smiled as she poured a cup of leftover coffee from the pot her mother had fixed earlier, “Well good morning, Mr. McNarry. To what do I owe this honor?” A pang of guilt filled her chest hearing his voice. She’d been too busy climbing his father’s ladder to respond to his calls or texts. Honestly, she was shocked that he called again. Most men would have long given up by now.

  “Seems as though I’ve got an extra ticket to the White House Ball, and it occurred to me that the most stunning woman in Washington should be there. Perhaps you’re free?”

  The White House Ball? Leila’s heart bounced in her chest. She’d give her right arm to go to the White House! “I might be convinced to go,” she answered as non-committal as possible. She didn’t want to sound like a teenager being asked to the prom.

  “Hmm… well, what could I possibly do to convince you to be my date?” Logan smiled at the few ideas that came to his mind.

  “Tell me what time to be ready!” Leila laughed into the phone cheerfully.

  She still couldn’t explain it, even to herself, what the attraction to Logan was all about. All of her life she’d felt a need to cater to the whims of older, more powerful people. At this point, she’d mastered the skills to fit into their remote circles without detection. It’d taken sleeping with a lot of oddly scented professors, as well as a college dean or two. Nevertheless, she’d graduated from a prestigious college at age twenty one and had been accepted into an even more prestigious law school. Sleeping with them, keeping company with them, had been her well travelled short cut to getting where she was today. However, the one thing she was sure of was that when she was her mother’s age, she had no intention of still being some politician’s ‘girl Friday.’ No, she would be at the top of the ladder, never second in command. Maybe that was her issue with Logan, she thought. He couldn’t provide the instant gratification she needed to get where she wanted… but his father could.

  Eventually, the woman at Logan McNarry’s side would prosper in many ways, but he’d need to do a lot of growing up before he took his place in this world. ‘Logan shows great promise,’ that was what everyone said when they commenting on him. Leila wasn’t looking for a ‘project man.’ No, she wanted one who’d already done his diligence, already paid his dues. Still there was no denying that Logan possessed a quality that she’d never encountered in a man before: when she was with him, she thoroughly enjoyed herself! He made her laugh, smile, and appreciate everything around her. He made her feel… what was that feeling? “Ah!” she cried out in frustration as she put the final touches on her hair in the mirror. She didn’t know what she felt with Logan, but it was different and somehow extremely enticing. For the first time in her life she understood addiction. Logan was like a drug to her; she wanted him desperately, even though every rational fiber in her body and mind told her he wasn’t the power hungry man she needed at her side.

  She stood and studied herself in the mirror with intense scrutiny. The yellow silk dress she’d chosen from her closet arsenal for the evening was perfect. She’d matched it with the gold necklace her mother had given her for her high school graduation, and gold earrings that were a gift from a former lover. Her pale blond hair and tanned skin portrayed her as a goddess. All in all, the effect was dazzling, she thought with satisfaction. She walked down the hallway to get the final opinion of her mother.

  Tapping lightly on the bedroom door she pushed it open slightly. “Mother?”

  Patricia Johnson was sitting up in her bed reading from the laptop perched on a pillow in her lap. She pulled her reading glasses from her face and peered across the room at her daughter. “Oh my! Leila you are simply stunning, my dear! Come in here and let me look at you!”

  Leila walked across the room; the plush carpeting gave her reason to take care in the five inch gold heels. She spun around near the end of her mother’s bed. Normally she didn’t give her mother’s opinions much credence, but when it came to apparel and Washington society, the woman was a virtuoso. “So, do I pass inspection?”

  Patricia smiled at her only child, “Darling, you are utterly astounding! You seem to be glowing!”

  Leila flushed with the compliments, it wasn’t often her mother issued them. “Why aren’t you going tonight, Mother?” she asked sitting lightly at the edge of the bed.

  Patricia laughed, “Sweetheart, I’ve been to so many of these things that they just aren’t worth the trouble anymore. I went last year, but only because we needed the Adley support on the airport bill. I don’t currently need anything from any of those people, but what I could use is a quiet night cuddling in my bed with a good book!”

  She smiled at her mother; as usual Patricia weighed each situation with the mind of a political shark. It was Leila’s language as well, so there was no need for further explanation. She glanced at the clock on her mother’s bedside table. “Well, he should be here any minute now. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she stood and walked to the mirror for one final check.

  “Yes! Meet for breakfast, because I’ll want to hear all about it! Logan is going to faint when he see’s you! He won’t let you out of his sight the whole evening if he has a brain in his head at all!”

  Leila smiled and stepped over to kiss her mother on the cheek. “Thank you, Mother. That’s sweet of you to say.”

  Patricia tapped her pen against her stark white teeth, “Is there a spark at all between you and Logan?”

  Leila stood as her mother took her hand, “I’m not sure. Maybe. Something’s weird, I just can’t place what it is. He’s fun.”

  Her mother studied her carefully; it’d been a long, long time since she’d seen such a spark in anyone’s eyes. Was her daughter falling in love? She wondered if Elise had noticed the same thing with Logan? Suddenly she couldn’t wait to call Elise in the morning and get her account of the evening. If Leila and Logan fell in love, well that would be the most wonderful thing either of them could ask for! She herself had been in love once, just once. However, it was short lived. As a matter of fact, David McNarry had been Leila’s father’s wing man on that last flight. It was curious how life had turned out since the day his plane had taken a dive into the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Sometimes she’d wondered what they would all be like today if he had lived… she squeezed her daughter’s hand, “Have a wonderful time tonight dear.”

  “Thank you mother, have a great night,” Leila was in a generous mood and leaned down once more to kiss her mother on the cheek. She smiled at her mother’s choice of reading material lying upside down on the bed next to her, Boneyard Beach, was her current novel. “Smut mother?” Leila nodded towards the book with the sexy man on the cover.

  “I prefer to call it summer reading dear, it’s about a beach after all,” Patricia chuckled.

  The black limousine pulled to the curb in front of Patricia Johnson’s condo. Leila opened the door and watched Logan walk up the sidewalk. Leila could barely contain herself and let out of gasp as he came into the light. He was amazing in his black tuxedo! With a small swagger, he stopped on the bottom step and looked up at her, “Whoa!” He stared at her as she turned to lock the front door and slide the key into her tiny golden purse.

  “Are you going to help me down the steps or just stand there gawking?”

  Logan struggled to get a hold of his senses. Even he admitted that he’d been a lucky fool in life, he’d always been surrounded by gorgeous women. Many of them nearly threw themselves at him at college. They giggled and pranced around him until he felt like he’d had to become a recluse at
the sail club just to get away from them. He wasn’t an idiot, they wanted his name, his money and his looks… he wanted no part of that. At this very moment he would toss all of those things on the step in front of him and beg Leila to come take them. “Um… forgive me Leila!” He rushed up to the top step and offered his hand.

  Leila smiled at him; it was the reaction she’d hoped for! She took his hand as he gracefully guided her down the steps. He walked her to the limousine as though she was a delicate princess, his most treasured prize.

  Ronald was already standing next to the open door, admiring the stunning couple. Gracie was going to be pissed that she missed seeing her boy look this happy! He thought. “Good evening, Miss Johnson! You look simply beautiful tonight!”

  Leila blushed, “Why thank you Ronald! You are quite handsome tonight yourself!” She laughed as Ronald smoothed the fabric of his own dark suit and flashed a picture perfect white smile.

  She felt Logan’s broad hand on her waist guiding her inside the car. It was tricky sliding into a car seat in a skin tight full length dress, so she turned her full attention towards not splitting the dress in half as she climbed inside. Finally she was settled and Logan slid in beside her.

  Although the inside of the car was quite dark, her blood suddenly froze in her veins as the voice startled her. “Good evening, Leila! You look absolutely breathtaking!” Elise McNarry sat directly across from her with a charming smile on her face as usual. Her husband David sat next to her, and was clearly struggling to maintain some semblance of courtesy. “Isn’t she just breathtaking, David?” Elise shot her husband the glance of death.

  “Oh… uh… yes! Leila, you look beautiful tonight,” the Senator said, seeming nervous and out of his element. Leila smiled brightly at him; his deer in the headlights look was the frosting on her cake! She’d been instantly shocked at his attendance in the same car as Logan, Elise and her but his paralyzing fear put her at ease. She couldn’t help it that she was enjoying the torture he must be experiencing in his mind.

  David’s obviously uncomfortable position had dissolved her momentary nervous attack. She resolved to ignore him completely as her manner of attack for the evening. “Thank you! Logan didn’t mention that we would all be going together,” Leila added. Quickly she held her knees together and placed her exquisitely manicured fingers across Logan’s thick thigh. She needed Logan’s strong protection tonight… more than she’d imagined. She also wanted to make it instantly clear to the Senator that she was Logan’s tonight, there would be no funny business.

  Elise McNarry made a quick glance up at Patricia’s townhouse before the car pulled away. Just as she expected, Patricia’s bedroom drapes moved ever so slightly.

  White House Bound

  Leila’s anxiety slowly dissipated as the evening progressed. The reception was held in the State Dining Room, the first hour spent mingling and meeting other people, seeing them in their element. Many of the Senators and Congressmen she recognized from dealings in the office. Most were with their wives, and immediately she recognized those who wished they were with their girlfriends. Damn, she thought. Where’s my little brown book when I need it?

  All through the reception she’d watched the Senator and Elise interact, hold hands, and occasionally flash a conspiratorial smile at one another. It was if they were in cahoots and running some kind of charade. Nevertheless, this polished and practiced political couple knew just the right image to portray, and how important it was for the image to be received in the appropriate manner.

  Small candles burned in centerpieces as tall as small trees throughout the East Room of the White House. The effect was mesmerizing. They both greeted the President and First Lady with polite deference and continued into the room. “It’s amazing to think that Meriwether Lewis slept in that corner over there isn’t it?” Logan whispered in her ear.

  Leila smiled; she remembered helping him with his history homework as a child. She’d forgotten his tendency to make historical references. “Abraham Lincoln’s funeral was held in this room too!” she retorted.

  He chuckled, “C’mon gorgeous, let’s find our seat. You’ve already pissed off the First Lady. If I keep you standing in the middle of the room we may find poison in your food!”

  “What are you talking about? How did I piss off the First Lady?” Leila looked like a scared school girl for a moment, Logan relished in her momentary childlike expression.

  “No one is ever supposed to look this much better than her. Every woman here is spitting nails at the sight of you! Don’t worry princess, I’ll test your food before you eat it!” he laughed heartily as he guided her to their assigned table.

  Leila punched him hard in the back before slipping her arm through his, “You just want to eat two dinners, you big oaf!”

  As the rest of the diners appeared at their table, a pattern began to emerge. Leila and Logan both noticed it, and commented on their fellow dinner partners. Everyone seated with them was within ten years of each other in age. In Logan’s opinion, young Kennerly cousins, Daughters of Foreign Ambassadors, and Sons of other Senators with their dates, made for quite an enjoyable evening. Leila thought that she would ask her Mom who was in charge of the seating arrangements tomorrow at breakfast. She’d hoped to be seated with more accomplished politicians. Instead, it seemed like they’d been put at the ‘kiddie table.’

  On the other hand, Logan was thrilled with the other diners. He seemed to know each of them and dinner instantly turned into a high school reunion of sorts for him. If Leila had been offended by the seating arrangements at first, her disdain was short lived. Quickly she understood that this small group would someday run our country. They were smart and witty, brilliant and accomplished in their own young rights. Leila couldn’t help but laugh along as they each told stories about their teenage antics. Apparently Logan was well known for having the strangest and oddest of all experiences happen to him on a regular basis. She laughed thinking of her knocking his front tooth out and his uncanny ability to always end up with the only vehicle the Senator owned that consistently left him stranded. The young people at the table all added stories about Logan’s poor luck. Finally Logan held up his hand, “Alright you nuts, say what you will.” his arm went around Leila’s bare shoulder, “But I was saving all my good luck so I could land this raving beauty!”

  The fellow diners considered it, and then agreed that Logan must possess extraordinary good luck to have the prettiest date that night. The general consensus was that Leila had brought her ‘A’ game this night; she was stunning. Even the young ladies at the table accepted Leila and chatted about how lovely her dress was. Leila began to feel comfortable with this crowd and it shocked her that she was relaxing and enjoying herself in the White House. She’d expected an almost mind numbing night of calculations and political planning. Instead, she was just having a good time! As the party moved from dinner to dancing, Logan kept his thick hand on her waist. She almost thought to ask him to remove it; he was steaming hot and she was sure there would be a handprint on the dress before the night was through. But as he took her hand in his and led her onto the dance floor, she became lost in his sparkling green eyes.

  The surroundings suited Logan perfectly, Leila thought. He was the only man in the room who looked as though it was possible that at some point in his life he could come in this very room in the middle of the night and play with his kids. Not only was he comfortable in his own skin amongst these people, but he somehow seemed to master them all. As the evening wore on, she was more and more convinced that Logan was at home here. She was in awe of his every move and she clung to him tightly as he spun her around the floor in his strong arms.

  “May I cut in?” David McNarry tapped his son on the shoulder.

  Logan glanced at him with irritation; he’d been just as wrapped up in Leila as she had been with him. Neither of them had noticed the rest of the room was watching them fall in love. People whispered and smiled as they danced, never taking their eyes
from one another.

  “For a minute Dad, that’s all I can spare.” He released Leila, but kissed her gently on the cheek before relinquishing him to his father. His mother was waving to him from the side of the room; he walked towards her in a fog.

  “Would you like to dance, Mother?” he asked with a slight bow.

  “That would be wonderful, Logan. Thank you,” she stood and followed him onto the dance floor.

  “So son, it looks as if you and Leila are really hitting it off tonight?” Logan didn’t’ know if it was a question or a statement. Elise scanned his face for his reaction. She was relieved when he smiled down at her.

  “She’s amazing Mother,” he said, his eyes following Leila with his father on the other side of the room.


  “I meant it when I said you look lovely tonight Leila,” David whispered as he whisked her around the room.

  “Thank you Senator,” Leila said coldly. She was having such a magical night and their type of interaction didn’t seem to have a place here. He had no right to push his way in between her and Logan. Not to mention that the possessive look in his eyes was downright disgusting. Leila glanced around nervously to see if anyone else noticed his nearly abrupt behavior with her. He was acting like he owned her, like a piece of meat, certainly not like his son’s girlfriend!

  “As a matter of fact, if you’d like to meet me at my ‘Den of Sin’ tonight, I could help peel you out of that dress,” David breathed heavily and smiled over at Elise dancing with Logan.

  Leila was astounded by his sloppiness; did he think he was above scandal? That she wouldn’t tell his wife exactly what he’d been up to? Her attitude towards Senator McNarry was taking a serious downhill nose dive. “As a matter of fact Senator I’ve already promised Logan that I would go to the ‘after party’ at the Ritz Carlton Hotel with him tonight. He’s reserved a room in case we drink too much,” she added for emphasis.


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