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Brie's Submission (1-3) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set)

Page 14

by Red Phoenix

  She stared up at him and took in his pure maleness. He was solid and imposing, with his sexy bald head, blue eyes and the naughty curve to his lips. He let go of her wrists, then lifted her hips up with both hands.

  Brie threw her head back and moaned in unreserved pleasure. She was finally being fucked by her warrior. She arched her back and gave her body over to him.

  His thrusts were strong and demanding. She had to remind herself to relax in order to take his entirety. She groaned as his speed and depth increased. He grabbed handfuls of her hair, grunting in his own pleasure while his tight pelvic muscles delivered repeated thrusts.

  She could feel the burn on her back as they slowly inched across the carpet. It added to the brutish feel of their coupling. She wrapped her legs around his waist and cried out so the whole house could hear. “Rytsar, you’re too big!” she screamed loudly, adding, “But I like it, oh, yes…! You make it hurt so good.” Even though she knew he couldn’t understand, she suspected some of his friends spoke English and it pleased her to promote his manliness to the crowd.

  He grasped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply while he consumed her with his body. The ridge of his shaft rubbed that area deep inside that made her legs quiver uncontrollably. She purred into his mouth as he brought her to the edge, but then he stopped. Rytsar pulled out, chuckling wickedly under his breath.

  He turned Brie onto her stomach and grunted out a command she assumed meant ‘stay’. She lay on the carpet, breathless and needy. He came back to her less than a minute later and lay on top of her body with his rigid member between her butt cheeks. He lifted her pelvis up with one hand and pressed his lubricated cock against her asshole.

  Brie hadn’t been expecting him to take her anally, and she freaked. She clawed the floor, attempting to crawl away from him. He grabbed her and pulled her back. She screamed out in real fear then, tears running down her face.

  Rytsar held her tightly in both arms and whispered soothingly, “Shhh…Shhh…” as his cock resumed its position and began pressing against her anus.

  She froze and a small whimper escaped her lips. He wiped the tears from her cheeks, murmuring softly. A calmness took over when she realized he was going to be gentle. He continued to press his cock against her tight hole, demanding access. He was trying to claim a part of her she hadn’t planned to give—just like the innocent in her fantasy.

  Brie could call out the safe word and end this encounter, or she could give in and let her warrior have his way. A tingling sensation crept through her entire body as she made the conscious decision to surrender. She relaxed in his arms and stopped crying.

  He lifted her ass higher to get a better angle and grunted as the head of his cock slipped into her resistant depths. He stayed still, letting her body get used to his manly girth.

  Being taken this way gave her a greater sense of being possessed by the man. She panted softly, trying not to resist his masculine assault. When he started shallow strokes, she forced herself to breathe, helping her muscles to relax around his cock. He took his time, tender and kind, just as she’d always imagined her warrior would be—taking what he wanted, but doing it in a way that made her desire him more.

  “Yes, my warrior. Take all of me,” she moaned. He growled lustfully in her ear. Even though they did not speak the same language, they seemed to understand each other perfectly.

  His thrusts became more pronounced as her body molded to him. He had already stimulated her inner spot when fucking her vaginally, and now he was caressing the same area at a different angle. She hadn’t thought it was possible, but the first telltale signs of an orgasm were creeping up on her.

  Her breath became more ragged the closer she got. Rytsar did not change his tempo. He continued the slow, steady pace, letting her climax build and increase. She turned her head towards him and he kissed her while he flexed his pelvic muscles with precision.

  Rytsar was an accomplished lover who clearly knew a woman’s body well. The muscles of her vagina contracted rhythmically when the orgasm hit. Her whole body tensed and she made little mewing noises as it overtook her. He pushed his cock in deeper, and then she felt it grow inside her before it started pulsating. He groaned as he came, kissing the nape of her neck.

  The ending of their climaxes was interrupted by a knock on the door.

  Rytsar barked something in Russian. The young man answered him earnestly, then he spoke in English. “Miss Bennett, the police are here. They wish to speak to you immediately.”

  Brie froze. What would the cops want with her? She hadn’t done anything wrong!

  Rytsar slowly disengaged, mumbling what sounded like Russian curse words. He barked towards the door as he held his hand out to Brie and helped her up.

  The two went to the bathroom and thoroughly cleaned themselves. He seemed in no hurry to meet with the police. It made her wonder if he had something to hide, or whether this was a part of his scenario.

  He wrapped her in a fluffy white bathrobe and then got re-dressed himself. He put his arm around her as he led her out of the bedroom. Two police officers stood at the front door. They looked visibly relieved when they saw Brie.

  As she walked up to them, she noticed a third man. She had the distinct feeling she knew him when she looked into those crystal blue eyes. It threw her off and she subconsciously grabbed the collar around her neck.

  The tallest of the officers spoke first. “Ma’am, we are sorry to disturb you, but this gentleman called to report a possible kidnapping and we needed to make sure you are all right.”

  She turned a deep shade of red. “I’m fine, officers.”

  Blue Eyes spoke. “When I saw you tied up I thought you might be in trouble.”

  So he was the jogger on the beach! Brie stared at him more closely, certain his face was familiar to her. “I assure you that I am quite fine, although I appreciate the concern.”

  The other officer cleared his throat as he tipped his hat to her. “We apologize for the inconvenience. Obviously, we had to investigate, given the unique circumstances.”

  Rytsar barked something to his interpreter, who replied evenly, “If that is all, Rytsar Durov would like to return to his guests.”

  Blue Eyes looked around and seemed to note there were only men in attendance. He sputtered, “Are you sure everything is okay, Miss? We can take you from this place if you feel unsafe in any way.”

  She suddenly recognized who he was. He was the man who’d saved her from falling on the cement just outside the school. She played with her collar when she answered, “I am enjoying myself. There is no reason for you to be concerned, but thank you.”

  His gaze rested on the collar. After several seconds, it seemed to dawn on him what was going on and he looked at her apologetically.

  The tallest officer nodded. “Have a good evening.” To Rytsar, he added, “You should invest in curtains for that bedroom to avoid further misunderstandings.”

  Rytsar answered through the interpreter. “People should mind their own business instead of peeking into a man’s bedroom.” He slammed the door behind them.

  My Joy

  After the officers had left, laughter erupted through the house. Several men slapped Rytsar on the back. He did not take kindly to the attention and snarled at them. When the menacing Russian came up to Brie, Rytsar deftly maneuvered her out of his reach.

  He spoke harshly to the uncouth man, who took one last hungry look at her before leaving the house. She sighed with relief, but then Rytsar picked her up and sat her on the large dining room table. He opened her robe and kissed her left nipple while fondling her other breast with his large hand. The other men gathered around.

  Brie’s heart started beating a mile a minute. Luckily, her experience on the stage during training had prepared her for an audience. He gently pushed her down onto the table and scootched her butt to the edge. His lips slowly traveled from her breasts, down her stomach to her bare snatch. He licked her moist folds with guttural satisfaction
. She forgot the other men and closed her eyes, giving in to his expert tongue-lashing. She felt his fingers slip into her opening and caress her. Since she had last orgasmed so recently, it did not take much to start her legs quivering. She arched her back and moaned as he stroked her to a quick climax. All around her, Brie heard the appreciative grunts of the men as she thrust her pelvis into the air.

  Rytsar kissed her clit reverently afterwards and then helped her off the table. He slid the robe off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. She stood before him, naked except for Sir’s collar. He barked something and the interpreter stated simply, “Please me.”

  She looked into the eyes of her warrior and smiled as she gracefully knelt down on the cold marble floor. She unbuckled his expensive leather belt and then unzipped his designer pants. They fell to the floor with a satisfying clang. He was not wearing underwear and his manhood was already impressively rigid.

  Brie looked up at her Dom as she took his shaft with her lips. He grunted quietly when they made contact, but his expression remained stoic. She felt incredibly powerful on her knees, caressing her Dom’s manhood with her mouth.

  She heard the men around her shifting and making noises under their breaths. They wanted her—they all wanted her—but she was submissive only to one. She knew without question that Rytsar would not share her. His only intention was to show her off.

  She took him deeper into her mouth while she stroked him with her hand. Brie twirled her tongue over his shaft and sucked and licked, her slurping sounds filling the silent room.

  Through clenched teeth, he commanded something more of her. She heard the interpreter say quietly, “Touch yourself.”

  Brie moved her fingers down to her pussy and opened her wet lips. She heard some of the men groan as she slipped two fingers inside. She sucked on Rytsar’s shaft even harder, getting excited by her own stimulation. A deep groan resonated in his chest and she felt him grow between her lips.

  She pulled her fingers back out and started flicking her clit furiously, moaning around his dick. He grabbed her head, forcing her to take his essence as he came. Brie surrendered to him, bringing both hands to his shaft as she swallowed his bitter warmth eagerly. To share this part of him was extremely satisfying.

  She looked up at her Dom as she pulled away. Rytsar stroked her hair, growling softly, “Radost moya.”

  The translator cleared his throat, obviously affected by the scene, and murmured, “My joy.”

  Brie smiled up at Rytsar. “My warrior.”

  The young interpreter translated her praise. Her Dom nodded and zipped up his pants before lifting Brie off the ground and crushing her to his chest. He barked a command to his entourage and then carried her back to the bedroom.

  Rytsar laid her gently on the large bed. She gazed at her Russian Dom and purred. He was so masculine and clever, and had given her almost every aspect of her fantasy. He joined her on the bed and gathered her into his arms, pressing her head against his beefy chest while mumbling sexy Russian words. They rumbled from deep in his chest, reminding Brie of a kitten—okay, maybe a lion—purring. He’d been so wicked to show her off in front of his friends and then to leave them to salivate in the other room.

  His interpreter knocked a short time later, saying something through the door. Rytsar grunted and got off the bed. He handed Brie her clothes, which had been cleaned and dried sometime during their interlude. He watched while she dressed, so she decided to put on a show for him. She made it as sexy as a striptease, only sensually covering up her body instead of exposing it. He grunted in appreciation.

  Brie noticed a glint in his eye when he produced the leather binding and tied her wrists together. She wondered what else he had in mind as he escorted her out of the house, through the crowd of hungry men.

  She gasped in surprise when she saw the glistening coat of a white stallion in the moonlight. Rytsar boosted her onto the impressive beast and deftly climbed up behind her. He dug into the animal’s sides with his heels and it took off towards the beach. Brie leaned into Rytsar for balance, grinning from ear to ear. He slowed the horse to a walk near the water, letting the waves brush up against its hooves. The night was spectacular, with the moonlight reflecting off the water and the rushing sound of waves filling the cool air.

  Brie could see a fire on the beach in the far distance. As they approached, she realized it had been started for them. She could see a blanket next to the fire pit. Rytsar jumped from his horse and pulled her off roughly. She squealed, completely defenseless due to her bonds.

  He chuckled as he righted her and rubbed her arms to warm her after the cold night’s ride. He guided her closer to the fire and had her stand there while he tied the horse to a large piece of driftwood.

  When he came towards her, his eyes reflected the fiery orange of the flames. It gave him a sinister look that she rather enjoyed. He pointed to the blanket and grunted a command. She wasn’t sure what he wanted, so she knelt down on it. He shook his head and grabbed her waist, lifting her onto her hands and knees. It was difficult keeping her balance with her hands tied, but he didn’t seem to care. She heard him unbuckling his belt. He was going to take her out in the open next to the fire.

  His fingers disappeared under her little skirt and peeled off her panties, then he reached around and pulled down her corset just enough to expose her breasts to the frigid air. He rested his hard cock in between her butt cheeks, letting her know he was ready for her.

  She arched her back gracefully and looked back at her Dom. His growl was low and lustful as he grabbed a fistful of her long brown curls and thrust his large cock into her pussy with one solid stroke.

  Brie gasped at the sudden infiltration. He pulled her head back farther with one hand and guided his thrusts with the other. She cried out into the night as her warrior claimed his prize one more time. He fucked her hard and fast, with no thought to her pleasure. This was all about his need and his desires. She gave in to it, wanting to please him.

  Apparently, the night air had given him special powers, because Rytsar was an animal. Skin slapped against skin as he repeatedly forced his cock deep inside her. Brie did not suppress her vocalizations. She was loud and very expressive. “Yes, my warrior. Fuck your captive. Oh, God, I need this!” Brie grunted and moaned as he ravaged her pussy relentlessly.

  The ocean added to the experience with its siren call. Feeling a part of nature, she looked up at the moon and gave a throaty howl when he finally came in her velvety depths. Rytsar collapsed next to her, murmuring, “Radost moya.”

  Brie rolled over and smiled at him. With her wrists still tied, she ran her fingers over his full lips, looking into his deep blue eyes. “You are the perfect warrior,” she told him, knowing he couldn’t understand but hoping she was expressing it with her eyes.

  He cupped her cheek in his large hand and kissed her. The two looked up at the few stars that could compete with the full moon. The horse nickered, patiently waiting for its master. Time seemed to have stopped for Brie—this was perfection. She felt a tear run down her cheek.

  Rytsar wiped it away, and she smiled as she kissed each finger and then each of his cheeks before planting a sweet kiss on his lips. How else could she tell him that she was crying with sheer joy? He pressed her into his chest and they lay there in silence.

  Eventually, he untied her hands and they both got up to dress. He helped her back onto the horse and they headed towards the glass house. Brie shed a few more tears as they approached his home. She didn’t want their night together to end.

  A Dangerous Secret

  The stallion’s hooves echoed off the pavement as they made their way up the driveway to the vehicle. Rytsar dismounted and caught her in his arms as she slid off the majestic beast. This time, he pulled her to him and kept his arm around her for the entire drive. Even though they were strangers, there was a feeling of incredible closeness after sharing such intimacy. She rested her head on his muscular chest, silently mourning the end of the

  The ride back to the school was far too quick. Rytsar helped her out of the car and guided her into the school with his hand resting on the back of her neck; it was a very possessive hold. Only his interpreter followed them inside.

  They walked directly to the commons area where the auction had taken place. Instead of the stage, she saw a table with the four trainers, a table of refreshments and Lea, who was sitting on a chair facing the panel.

  Lea smiled at Brie. It was obvious from the look on her face that she had had a spectacular time as well.

  Rytsar Durov escorted Brie to the chair next to Lea’s and then continued over to the trainers. Although they spoke in quiet tones, Brie picked up two words from the translator: ‘pliable’ and ‘intriguing’. She smiled to herself. If she’d had to describe Rytsar, she would have said ‘assertive’, ‘creative’, and ‘pure perfection’.

  The smell of the food was getting to her. She hadn’t eaten anything since noon and her stomach growled loudly in protest. How unsexy is a rumbling stomach? Luckily, no one seemed to have noticed.

  Rytsar walked back over to her when he was finished. She stood up and looked obediently to the floor. He moved his lips to her ear. In perfect English, he whispered, “My joy.”

  Her eyes widened. Was his interpreter just a ruse?

  He squeezed the back of her neck one last time and left.

  Sir spoke, “Miss Bennett, feel free to partake of the food. We anticipated that you would need nourishment after your session.” She looked up, chagrined and embarrassed that he had heard her stomach. However, when she met his stare she was struck by the burning desire in his eyes. She had to remind herself to breathe. Maybe he had shared that moment with her last night, when she’d pleased herself while she’d fantasized about him.


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