Brie's Submission (1-3) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set)

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Brie's Submission (1-3) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set) Page 15

by Red Phoenix

  “Thank you, Sir.” Brie walked to the table, her stomach suddenly full of butterflies. After that one glance, she could think of nothing but Sir.

  “Do you realize who Rytsar Durov is, Miss Bennett?” Master Coen asked, after she’d sat back down with her plate. Brie shook her head demurely. “He is a prominent Dom in Russia. Rytsar just happened to be in the area this weekend. You had the potential of not only shaming yourself locally, but internationally as well.”

  Brie was eternally grateful she hadn’t known who Rytsar was. It would have been way too much pressure to know he was a highly respected Dom. Just thinking about seeing him again made her stomach queasy, now that she was aware of his status.

  Marquis Gray interjected, “As predicted, Miss Bennett proved her worth as a submissive.”

  “I was extremely uncomfortable with Durov’s choice of a sub. Her willfulness makes her a wildcard.” Ms. Clark shot Brie a disgusted look.

  Sir spoke in her defense. “Rytsar had no complaints. I think you both underestimate Miss Bennett.”

  “I concur,” said Marquis Gray.

  Master Coen grumbled under his breath, “I would expect no less coming from you two.”

  “We were simply fortunate she didn’t cause trouble,” Ms. Clark stated, staring at her watch. She frowned and looked at Sir. “Where is Tono? He is never one to be late.”

  No sooner had she made that remark than an assistant entered the commons and handed Sir a message. He glanced at it and announced, “We have a problem.” He handed the note down so each of the trainers could read it.

  “I need to call Dr. Reinstrum. It is imperative we take care of this tonight, before more harm is done.” Sir abruptly stood up and left the commons.

  The trainers spoke quietly amongst themselves while the girls waited in frightened silence. Brie was no longer hungry and put her plate on the floor.

  She observed Sir covertly when he returned.

  He informed the panel, “The doctor will be here in fifteen minutes.” Then he turned to Lea and Brie. “Ladies, there is no need for alarm. After we get all the particulars, I’ll discuss what has happened with you. Until then, I ask for your patience and trust.”

  Everyone turned when the elevator doors opened and Tono came walking out, carrying Mary in his arms. He gently put her down in the seat beside Brie’s and laid Mary’s head on her lap. Blonde Nemesis lay there quietly, looking defenseless and vulnerable.

  Brie lightly stroked her hair, shocked at the difference in the girl. What could possibly have gone wrong?

  Tono turned to the trainers. “She did not disclose everything. There are demons in her past that resurfaced today.”

  Master Coen spoke up, “We are heartily sorry, Tono Nosaka. The girls were instructed not to keep any secrets. We apologize for her mistake.”

  “I have spent the last two hours helping her get to a place where we could return here.”

  Ms. Clark stated, “Obviously, we will return your bid.”

  Tono waved away her statement. “Just see that the girl gets the help she needs. I see real potential in her.”

  Sir replied, “I’ve already called Dr. Reinstrum to join us. Rest assured, Ren, we will do everything to help Miss Wilson recover from this experience.”

  Brie perked up. So, Tono’s first name is Ren? It totally fit the man.

  Sir got up and walked over to the girls. Just his mere presence had her heart fluttering, despite the dire circumstances. “Ren, do you mind joining me in my office so we can get specifics?”

  “That would be fine.” Tono gazed down at Mary with concern, then addressed Brie. “Take care of her, toriko.”

  She was pleased that he’d called her by his pet name, but to avoid getting in trouble with Ms. Clark, Brie kept her eyes to the floor and only nodded in response. He left the room with Sir and a strained silence settled over the room. Brie continued to stroke Mary’s hair, humming softly.

  Ms. Clark growled, “That foolish girl has damaged the school’s reputation.”

  Marquis Gray snarled at her, “We will discuss it later.”

  Brie looked down at Mary, worried she might be hurt by Ms. Clark’s callousness, but the girl seemed oblivious to everything around her. “You’re going to be all right, Mary,” she whispered softly.

  The instant Mary registered Brie’s voice, she stirred in her lap. She looked around as if coming out of a trance and then immediately pulled away when she saw whose lap she was lying on.

  “Don’t touch me, bitch!” she spat, sitting up straight in her chair and glowering at Brie.

  It was actually good to see the old Mary return.

  Master Coen said kindly, “Miss Wilson, we heard you had an incident today.”

  She flinched and then looked down in shame. “Yes, Master Coen, but please don’t make me talk about it in front of these two.”

  “You will be expected to share what happened with your fellow students. However, not tonight,” Master Coen said firmly. Brie could see Mary stiffen in her chair in anger, but she kept silent. “An experienced counselor has been called. You will share with him what happened so that you can pinpoint the exact trigger.”

  Marquis Gray added, “This mistake does not have to end your training.”

  Brie was surprised to see tears fall down Mary’s cheeks. She choked out, “Thank you, Marquis.”

  “However, if you ever fail to obey us again, I promise you it will be the last mistake you make,” Ms. Clark stated.

  Brie pursed her lips. Good ol’ Ms. Clark. Kick ya when you’re down.

  Master Coen cleared his throat, sounding annoyed by Ms. Clark’s insensitivity. “Miss Wilson, right now we want you to concentrate on being completely open with the counselor.”

  A short time later, the elevator doors opened and an older gentleman exited. He nodded to the trainers and walked directly to the girls. He held out his hand to Mary, gracing her with a genuine smile. “You must be Miss Wilson. It is a pleasure to meet you. Would you mind talking with me for a bit?”

  She meekly took his hand and walked away. As Brie watched her go, a shiver of fear traveled down her spine. Could that happen to her, too?

  As if reading her mind, Marquis Gray said, “It appears Miss Wilson was engaging in an activity that triggered a traumatic reaction based on an unresolved issue in her past. Just as Miss Bennett could have caused a similar situation, had she not informed us of her abuse at the hands of bullies as a child. Without that information, Baron could easily have triggered a negative episode without knowing the cause. I hope you both understand the importance of full disclosure with your Dominants.”

  The girls nodded. Brie was suddenly grateful for her natural openness. She was surprised Mary had been so stubborn. Sir had asked twice that they go over their journals and take out anything that might cause problems. That girl was her own worst enemy.


  Ms. Clark started the panel’s discussion. “Even though we don’t have Miss Wilson with us, it is imperative we go over your scenes tonight. I’ll start with you, Ms. Taylor. How would you rate your experience today?”

  Lea grinned. “I would definitely give it a nine. My Dom looked and talked like a real doctor. He even had his room set up to look like an examination room, complete with table, paper gown and chilled air. There were a few times I forgot it wasn’t real.”

  “Excellent. And you, Miss Bennett?”

  Brie answered with her eyes cast downward, determined to never look Ms. Clark in the eye again unless the woman specifically asked. “It was a ten. Although there weren’t any tepees or feathers, his creativity and thoroughness made it real for me. Just like Lea, there were times that it was so real that it was disconcerting, but I liked that feeling.”

  “I would expect no less from Rytsar Durov. He has an exceptional reputation.” Ms. Clark huffed. “Still can’t believe he lowered himself by fraternizing with a beginner. Miss Bennett, you are lucky he happened to be in town and—apparently—bored.�

  “Yes, Ms. Clark.”

  Brie would have to hang on to Sir’s advice to remain true to herself if she ever met Rytsar again. It would be hard not to be a bundle of nerves around someone so well respected in the Dom/sub community.

  Ms. Clark returned her attention to Lea. “What was the main aspect of your encounter that made it a success, Ms. Taylor?”

  Lea shivered in pleasure when she answered. “I loved the way he experimented with unusual toys and kept telling me, ‘Relax, this won’t hurt a bit.’ Gives me chills just thinking about it.”

  “So there was never a time you were scared or distrustful of your Dom during the scene?”

  “Well, I was nervous at times but never scared. Yeah, I trusted him.” She added with a wink, “He was my doctor, after all.”

  Ms. Clark remarked dryly, “Don’t try to be cute, Ms. Taylor.” Lea nodded her head, properly chastised.

  “What about you, Miss Bennett?”

  “Well, I about died when I saw the horse and he took me for a ride on the beach at night. However, I think what made it real was when he forced me to take him anally. I wasn’t prepared for that and was frightened at first. I truly felt like a virgin being taken by my warrior.”

  “Yes, Rytsar understands a woman’s psyche well,” Ms. Clark commented, almost wistfully. It made Brie wonder if Ms. Clark had spent time with Rytsar Durov herself.

  Master Coen asked, “Was there anything you found challenging or uncomfortable to obey, Miss Bennett?”

  She thought about it and sighed. “Actually, there was one thing. He wanted me to go to the bathroom while he was still in the room. It made me squeamish and I balked at first.”

  “There should be no hesitation on such a simple request. It’s a harmless power play,” Ms. Clark admonished. For some reason, Brie suddenly had an image of the Mistress peeing in front of Rytsar, and she struggled not to laugh.

  “You need to think on why that caused you to hesitate before obeying your Dom,” Marquis Gray told her. “You may dismiss it as nothing, but my experience suggests something deeper is involved.”

  “I will do as you ask. Thank you, Marquis Gray.” He believed in her potential as a submissive and had defended her when others had insisted on her dismissal. She respected Marquis’ opinion and was determined to take his advice to heart.

  Ms. Clark asked Lea, “Were there any struggles for you, Ms. Taylor?”

  “Nope. My Dom was awesome! The way he explained the procedures and what he was going to do with his instruments was so damn sexy. I totally trusted him.”

  Brie shuddered inside. She hated doctors, and the thought of one sticking anything into her was anything but sexy. Lea was proof that every woman had her own idea of what made the perfect fantasy.

  Sir rejoined the panel, but did not sit down. Brie heard the ding of the elevator and knew Tono had left the building. “I would like to talk to each of the girls alone, starting with Ms. Taylor.” He turned to her and gave his familiar, “Follow.”

  Lea popped out of her seat and walked behind him, leaving Brie alone with the three other trainers. Normally, that would have been intimidating, but all Brie could focus on was the fact that she would get time alone with Sir.

  The three trainers grilled her on specifics and asked her to rate herself. That proved a difficult question for Brie to answer. She thought back over the entire night and realized she’d pretty much concentrated on enjoying the experience instead of pleasing her Dom. “I guess maybe a six.”

  “Why that number?” Master Coen asked.

  “Well, I know I’m inexperienced, and to be honest, I was having too much fun. I wasn’t concentrating enough on my Dom.”

  “A sub’s obvious enjoyment is always appreciated,” Marquis Gray stated.

  Master Coen disagreed strongly. “But not at the expense of the Dom’s.”

  Ms. Clark raised her eyebrow. “We will get an accurate picture of your performance from Rytsar Durov, Miss Bennett. Each Dom fills out a full report on their submissive. By Monday you will know exactly how you rate.” The tone of her voice made it clear she thought Brie had overestimated herself.

  Marquis Gray stood up and walked over to Brie, then handed over her fantasy journal. “Look through your entry and tell us which details you experienced today.”

  She opened her beloved little book, loving it even more now that Rytsar had made its contents come to life. She glanced up and noticed each of the trainers appeared to have a copy of her entry. They had their pens poised and ready, making her wonder what they planned to jot down. It made her nervous.

  Brie perused her fantasy before speaking. “Well, like I stated before, he did not look the part of an Indian warrior, but he certainly played the part well. He started the chase as soon as I exited the car, and threatened to cane me if I didn’t run.” Her nipples hardened as she recalled how fearful she’d been during the chase. “After he caught me, he tied me up and carried me to his ‘tepee’, where there was a raiding party waiting inside. I remember there was one man in particular who gave me the creeps and kept wanting to touch me. He must have been playing the rival warrior in my fantasy.” Pure genius, she thought. “My Dom left me alone for hours to hear their celebration. When Rytsar finally claimed me, he took me both vaginally and anally. He forced me to surrender to his desire, but he did it with tenderness like the warrior in my daydreams.” She felt the heat building between her legs just talking about it. She glanced up and noticed all three trainers writing furiously.

  Brie decided not to mention the interruption by the police. “Since my fantasy pretty much stopped there, he added his own flair by making me come in front of his guests and then commanding me to give him fellatio. But the icing on the cake was when he tied me back up and took me on a horseback ride in the dark where I serviced him again next to a warm fire.” She sighed in contentment. “I don’t think it gets any better than that. Every part of my fantasy was played out…and then some.”

  When Master Coen finished with his notes, he stated, “Normally, this is something you would do with your Dom afterwards, especially if it is the first time playing out a scene. It is important to go over the events together so you can let your Dominant know what you found stimulating, and if there was an important element missing or one that should be eliminated altogether.”

  Brie nodded her head. She knew exactly what she would say to Rytsar if she could. Please, Rytsar, do it again!

  Sir came back with Lea. He looked over at Brie and nodded before heading back to his office. She stood up, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. She wanted to look cool and detached for the panel, not like the helplessly devoted sub she was. She followed Sir, listening to his confident stride. It wouldn’t take much for her to forget what mattered and give in to her desire for him. Surely, he could feel it.

  He gestured her inside, but left the door open this time. She was grateful—and disappointed. She started to kneel, but he stopped her.

  “No, Miss Bennett. Sit in the chair.”

  She moved to the chair, her hands trembling slightly when she grabbed the armrests. She shoved both hands into her lap as soon as she was seated. Brie kept her eyes downcast, afraid her face would express her deep need for him.

  “Since I missed out on the discussion, the first thing I want to ask is how your encounter went today.”

  She wondered how he would take her honest answer. “It was exceptional, Sir.”

  “Good. I expected no less. When I mentioned to Durov that I had a unique sub training with us, he offered to evaluate you.”

  Brie almost glanced up out of shock. Sir invited Rytsar to bid for me?

  “I had two reasons, really,” he continued. “One, I was curious to see if he would agree with my assessment and two, I knew he would provide you with a complete experience.” Brie felt the blood rush to her cheeks. “I shall find out tomorrow exactly what he thought, but I am curious as to what you think he will say.”

  “I’m unsure,

  “It is an easy question, Miss Bennett. Did you serve him well, or not?”

  “I did my best, Sir.” She thought back to her hesitancy in the bathroom and her freak-out when he’d first tried to take her anally. “However, I remained true to myself.”

  Sir chuckled with that low, masculine rumble she adored. “I’m glad to hear it. Now, on to the real reason I called you into the room. I want to discuss what happened to Miss Wilson and I need you to look me in the eye.”

  Brie held her breath and stared into Sir’s eyes, becoming completely lost in them the instant she made eye contact.

  “Miss Bennett, know that Miss Wilson is getting the best care. I fully expect that she will remain in the program. She was in the hands of a capable Dom who recognized what was taking place.”

  Brie would have expected no less from Tono.

  Sir picked up a pen and started to roll it between his fingers and thumb. She couldn’t help it—she imagined those fingers were playing with her nipple in the same manner and felt a gush of wetness between her legs.

  “Naturally, seeing one of their comrades in such a state would be disconcerting for anyone. Do you have any questions or concerns?”

  Brie swallowed, trying to concentrate on his words rather than his fingers. Her gaze traveled from his hand up to his face, lingering on those firm and commanding lips. She knew their taste and had felt their magic touch on her flesh…

  “Miss Bennett.”

  She quickly stared at her lap again, forcing herself to get a grip. “Naturally, I couldn’t help but wonder if it could happen to me, Sir.”

  “But after talking to the panel?”

  “I feel more confident that it won’t.” She braved another look at him. “Because I’m not one who can hide things.”

  The intensity of his gaze consumed her. It took everything Brie had not to bow at his feet.

  Sir put the pen down slowly and then laced his fingers together. He said in his low, chocolaty voice, “I would agree. Your openness is an asset that will serve you well.”

  Breathe, girl, breathe. She was imagining his light touch on her skin. Could he read her willingness in her eyes?


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