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How To Break A Cowboy (Savage Shorts)

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by Daire St. Denis



  Daire St. Denis

  Copyright 2012 Daire St. Denis

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Steena Holmes -

  ISBN: 978-0-9878304-2-5


  To Vivi Anna and Steena Holmes, for showing me the way.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight



  Other Books by Daire St. Denis

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  My name’s Tessa Savage and although I believe in monogamy—for the grey wolf—it sure as hell doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried. Let’s just say it was a failed experiment, a story for another time.

  Now I live my life according to my natural instincts, embracing the lifestyle of ninety-seven percent of all other mammals—you know, the ninety-seven percent who are poly-amorous.

  I’ve never been happier. Particularly today. Know why? One word…


  Oh yeah.

  In my opinion, the only thing better than a cowboy, is two cowboys. And that’s exactly the kind of fun I’m going to have this weekend. I’m so excited, I’ve got a serious case of lead foot syndrome—I’m not sure how fast I’m going because my rental Jeep Cherokee is in kilometers per hour instead of miles— and the odometer says one hundred and forty. It seems awfully fast, sort of like my heartbeat.

  But speed is not first and foremost on my mind as I make my way from the outskirts of Calgary to a place called Longview, Alberta, home of the Lazy L Guest Ranch. Home of Wade Messing and Connor O’Reilly.

  Just thinking the men’s names…mm-mm! There’s a heatwave going on in my pants, I tell you.

  Whenever I visit, we spend the weekend going for long trail rides, followed by dinner and long sessions of me riding them and them riding me…and me watching them take turns riding each other.

  Wade and Connor…I love these guys. They’ve been together for six years and they’re the hottest damn couple I’ve ever met. Unless you don’t think two pairs of tight-fitting Wranglers, open-necked shirts, broad shoulders, narrow hips and cowboy hats are hot. That’s fine. It’s not everybody’s thing.

  It’s sure as hell mine, though, and as I pull off the highway and onto the long, winding drive to the ranch, my heart is pounding, my palms are sweating and my girlie parts are throbbing against the seam of my jeans.

  I pop the Jeep into park and scramble out of the vehicle squealing as Wade comes ambling across the yard. I tear across the gravel lot and throw myself into Wade’s open arms. He picks me up and holds me close while I nuzzle my face into that wonderful space between his chin and shoulder.

  God, I love the way he smells: a splash of cologne, hay, leather and Connor all mixed up together. I breathe deeply and hug him hard.

  Wade sets me down in front of him, nudges his hat to the back of his head and smiles a slow, lazy smile. “Tessa Savage. Look at you.”

  And he does look at me. He takes a good, long look.

  “You look great.” He reaches out to twist a strand of my blond hair around his finger. “And your hair. It’s long again.” His smile reaches up higher on one side of his face. “You know I like it long.”

  Boy, do I ever know he likes it long. A vivid image of Wade gripping my hair in his fist while he takes me from behind flashes across my vision, heating my already flushed skin.

  I shift from one foot to the other, trying to contain my excited nervousness and glance around the yard. “Where’s Connor?”

  A shadow passes over Wade’s expression. One second it’s there, the next it’s gone. It’s so brief, I might have imagined it. He grabs my bag out of the jeep and says, “He’s in town, picking up supplies.”

  “Is everything okay?” I ask.

  “Sure,” he says.

  “Really? Because you’re not acting like everything’s okay.”

  “Tess. We’re fine.”

  “And the ranch?”

  Wade shrugs. It’s all the answer I need.

  “You know what I do for a living, right? You know I’m a business analyst. I travel the world helping these huge corporations improve their bottom line…you know that, right?”

  Wade slings my bag over his shoulder like it’s a duffle. I guess it’s not manly to pull the thing along by its wheels. He gently taps the side of my head. “You don’t need to remind me this pretty little head packs a whole slew of brains.” He grins and I give him a poke in the ribs.

  “Okay, so let me take a look at your books and your business plan.”

  “Business plan!” Wade laughs at that and starts making his way toward the Big House.

  “Don’t laugh,” I say, jogging to catch up to his long, loping strides. “Everyone should have a business plan.”

  Wade glances down at me as he walks. “The ranch has been in my family for a hundred years. It’s the same old thing. Cattle prices are down, the cost of feed is up. We had a hard winter, lost some calves this spring, had to let a few ranch hands go. Now reservations are down for the summer because the whole goddamn world is in a recession.” He opens the door for me—a true gentleman.

  “Do you have any guests booked for the weekend?”

  “Nah, just you. But then you’re not a guest.”

  I smile and blush like I’m some teenager on my first date. Wade just has this way of making me feel special and shy and aroused all at the same time.

  Clearing my throat I say, “Still, there are things I can do to help. You know, ways to cut costs. Sometimes it just takes a fresh pair of eyes or—”

  “Tess, darlin’,” he puts a finger to my lips. “It’s the weekend.” He brushes my mouth with the pad of his thumb. “I didn’t invite you here to work.”



  Damn! He’s barely touched me and I’m already vibrating like a beehive in spring.

  “The ranch will survive. It always does.”

  “You’ll let me know if you want my help?”

  “I’ll let you know.” He turns away. The conversation is over.

  A buffalo head, high on the wall behind reception, greets me as I follow him through the foyer entrance. It’s not really my thing—a dead head on the wall—but in this setting, with the log house, the mountains, the horses and the fresh air…it’s perfect.

  I love the Big House. It’s like something out of a movie set and yet it still feels more like home than most other places I stay throughout the year. Made of logs, it’s a sprawling ranch-style house, the front of it consisting of the reception area and Wade’s office on one side, the lounge and dining room on the other. In the back are his personal rooms.

  “You’re staying with me, right?”

  “Of course.”

  He flashes me his lopsided grin
and carries my stuff through to the back of the house.

  The Lazy L is both a working ranch and a guest ranch. I don’t know how many head of cattle the ranch has, but I know it’s one of the major suppliers of stock for the Calgary Stampede. Broncs, bulls, steers, all that shit. The first time I stayed here, four years ago, the staff had put on a mini-rodeo. I’d never seen one in my life.

  All I can say is, holy hell, cowboys are tough. Jumping off moving horses to wrestle a steer to the ground, riding big mean bulls, looking as if their back might snap from the intensity of the bucking. I don’t know what’s scarier, staying on the animal or falling off only to have the beast charge, intent on trampling or goring you to death.

  And this is what these cowboys do for fun.

  That first weekend I was put up in one of the guest cabins. Or at least, that’s where I’d been booked to stay. Except after meeting Wade and Connor at the rodeo, well, let’s just say the three of us hit it off immediately. It was like we’d known each other forever. The men spent the entire weekend with me. On the trail, hanging out, in the hayloft...


  I’ve been back six times and we’ve never bothered with the pretense of me staying in guest lodgings since then, though Wade always asks, just to make sure. Always the gentleman, our Wade…until he’s got me naked. Then he’s as nasty as they come.

  His room is enormous, both grand and homey. There’s a river rock fireplace on the main wall, flanked by overstuffed book-cases. Right across from the fireplace is his massive, custom-made bed covered with a handmade star quilt. The floor is strewn with sheepskin and cowhide rugs, and the western wall is made up of floor to ceiling windows overlooking the ranch and the Rocky Mountains beyond.

  He drops my stuff by the door and I flop onto his bed, spread-eagled. “Ahh,” I sigh. “Now this is a bed.”

  The next thing I know, he’s crawling on top of me, his body hovering inches above mine. His hat’s off so I can see his face more clearly. There’s a line deeply etched between his brows that I’ve never seen before. But at least the dark ring of worry is gone from his eyes, replaced by a delightfully sinful gleam.

  “Hello, cowboy.”

  “Heya, city-girl.” He dips his head for a brief and gentle kiss.

  Holy Hannah! How can something so innocent, so chaste get me so darned excited?

  Dropping his weight to one elbow, he strokes the side of my cheek with his work-roughened thumb. “God, I’ve missed you, Tess.”

  I twine my arms around his neck and pull him close. “I’ve missed you too.” I kiss him with all the excitement and anticipation I’ve endured since arriving in Calgary a week ago—knowing I had to put in a week of work before I’d get a chance to visit the ranch. It’d been too long. Sixteen months was way too long to be away from these men.

  Wade’s kisses are slow and leisurely, like he’s just warming up. It always surprises me how a man as tough and stoic as Wade can have such soft lips. He’s going to make me self-combust with these slow-dance kisses. I’ve been wet for him—and for Connor—for over a week. I want him now. Hard and fast.

  I press my chest against his and slip a hand down between us, cupping the delicious ridge behind his tight jeans. Help me Rhonda! I’ve forgotten how big he is!

  Wade moans low in his throat as I rub him through his jeans. It’s the first indication that he’s as desperate for this as I am. But instead of letting me continue, he takes my hand and pulls it up and over my head. With his enormous paw he’s able to hold both my wrists in one hand.

  Slowly, oh so slowly, he slides his other hand down, grazing my breasts through my shirt, gradually moving lower, across my belly, over my hips and down between my legs.

  “Damn, Tess,” he whispers as he presses his fingertips against me. “You’ve creamed your jeans.”

  “Maybe,” I wriggle into his hand. “So, do me a favor, will you? Strip me and take me nice and quick.” I grind myself upwards, loving the pressure of his big hand clutching the front of me.

  He chuckles. It’s a wonderful, deep sound that reverberates in his chest. I love it…and I hate it. I hate it because I know what’s coming next.

  “As usual, you need to be taught a lesson in patience.”

  “Fuck patience.” I try to pull my hands from his grasp but despite his slow and easy manner, he’s got me shackled pretty tight.

  He kisses me again and then releases my hands and props himself up on his elbows, studying me with a half-smile. “I think we should wait.”

  “I think you should stop thinking,” I say, lifting my hips to grate my sensitive denim-clad clit against his huge denim-clad cock.

  “You never change, do you?” he says backing up onto his knees.

  With a swiftness that belies his earlier unhurried movements, he grabs my knees and pulls until I’m flush with him. Then he hoists up my pelvis and leans forward, pressing his erection between my spread legs. “Is this what you want, Tess?”

  Fuck me, yes! He feels so damn good. But I don’t want clothing between us. I want his flesh against mine…sliding against me, sliding into me. But I know him too well. Wade never does anything without careful deliberation. He specializes in the slow, easy burn.

  Now, Connor on the other hand, he’s the one who likes it hard and fast.

  But Connor’s not here. So I give in to Wade’s insistence on restraint, throwing my head back, my arms over my head, spreading my legs even wider, accepting what he’s willing to give.

  He thrusts and grinds against me, teasing me and torturing me. Then he shifts and his hand takes the place of his pelvis. Rubbing my damp crotch with his wide palm, he whispers, “I’ve been thinking a lot about this pussy of yours.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” He corkscrews two fingers into the softest, dampest bit of material between my legs. “I’ve been remembering how good you feel.”

  “Is that so?” I’m panting now. Panting and grinding. But I know it’s not going to do any good.

  Wade spreads my knees wider and slips his hands beneath my ass, hauling my pelvis up toward him. He drops his head until he’s mere inches from the fly of my jeans. He looks at me, his pupils dilated, his lips parted and sexy. “I’ve been thinking about how much I missed the taste of you.”

  Damn! There’s that slow smile again.

  I squeak in ecstasy as he lowers his mouth to my jeans. Even though I’m already sweltering down there, I can feel the heat of his mouth through the denim.

  “Please, Wade.” I can barely breathe, I’m so fucking ready. “Please.”

  As quick as a flash, he rolls me over his knee and smacks my ass. It stings—in a totally good way.

  “Impatient little filly. Let me tell you how it’s going to be.”

  “How’s it going to be?”

  “We’re waiting for Connor,” he says with authority. “And you will not remove one shred of clothing until he arrives.” Now he’s caressing my backside and I can’t stand it.

  Looking over my shoulder, I say, “You know if Connor was here, we’d have done it four or five times already.”

  He smacks my ass again and I cry out in pleasure.

  “That’s exactly why you need me. You and Connor both. To teach you a little self-control.” He hauls me to my hands and knees and continues to caress me, sliding his hand all the way up my back and down and around my ass, gripping me from behind.

  I waggle my butt, in hopes of enticing him. But it’s useless. Wade is the epitome of control. The guy’s a machine. It’s probably why I like him so much.

  Damn him!

  But little does he know his caressing is doing the trick. I can feel my pussy starting to quiver, I’ve got an amazing orgasm waiting in the wings and with just a little more stimulation…

  “Hey!” I cry out because for some reason Wade’s stopped touching me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  He’s moved off the bed and is standing there, holding his hand out for me to take.
  “No way,” I say. “You need to finish what you started here.”

  His expression is sexy and immoral and…fucking disciplined. He shakes his head at me. “You were about to come,” he says as way of explanation.

  No kidding I was about to come. I roll onto my back, unsnap my jeans and slide my hand inside. What’s he trying to do? Kill me with unspent arousal?

  My flesh is slick with desire. I close my eyes and slide two fingers inside, trying to recapture the sensation of twenty seconds ago when Wade was rubbing me hard from behind.

  But he’s having none of it. He tugs my hand out of my jeans. “Un-uh,” he says, holding my wrist tight. “Not yet.” Then he slowly, leisurely licks my essence from my fingertips. “Mmm, better than I remember.”

  The man is pure evil.

  How I want him.

  Once he’s had his fill, he curls my fingers around his and pulls me up off the bed. “Fasten your jeans,” he instructs. “I want to show you the new addition.”

  He waits for me by the door as I fumble with the button on my jeans. If I thought a week of self-denial before seeing Wade and Connor was hard, an hour spent alone with Wade is about a million times harder.

  I’m scowling, or pouting, I’m not sure exactly how my expression is coming off. But he only smiles in response.

  “C’mon, Tess. There’ll be plenty of time for orgasms later.”

  I pop him on the shoulder as I walk past. He laughs and ushers me through the house and outside. There’s a new building west of the Big House. Steam is rising through the crisp, April air. I turn a questioning look in Wade’s direction.

  “Hot pool,” he says and grins. “Indoor/outdoor.”

  I squeal in delight and run down the slope to check it out. The building is cedar-sided. Combined with the scent of hot water, the cedar smells divine. He shows me inside. There are men’s and women’s change rooms off to the side and a glass door that opens to the hot pool. Like the Big House, the western wall is all glass and in the middle is an opening with strips of some heavy, clear plastic dividing the indoor from the outdoor pools.


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