How To Break A Cowboy (Savage Shorts)

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How To Break A Cowboy (Savage Shorts) Page 2

by Daire St. Denis

  “Oh, it’s perfect! This is exactly what the place was missing.”

  Wade scratches his jaw and looks around the pool room; the groove between his eyebrows is deeper than ever. “Maybe, but it cost a small fortune.”

  Ahh, so that’s what’s bothering him. Ranches are tough businesses, always at the mercy of the markets and the market in commodities like beef have been taking a hit for years. Of course any additional expenses will put a huge strain on the operating budget.

  “You sure you don’t want me to look at your books?” I say.

  But the man is as stubborn as he is disciplined. “Nah,” he says and takes my hand.

  “We’re having a little pool party later tonight, right?” I bite my lower lip.

  “Of course.”

  Following him back outside, I see the welcome sight of a four-by-four driving up to the barn.

  My heart leaps. Connor!

  I wrap my arm around Wade’s waist and pull him in the direction of the barn.

  Where Wade is tall, blond and stoic, Connor is stocky, dark-haired and fun-loving. They’re the perfect complement to one another. And together, in one bedroom? Good lord, they’re the perfect complement of lovers.

  I can hardly contain my eagerness as the driver’s side door opens and Connor gets out. He hasn’t seen us yet and he’s smiling and talking to whoever is in the passenger side.

  Then the passenger door opens and some hunk-a-hunk of burning cowboy steps out.

  He’s tall and fit. He’s got black hair, high cheekbones and a movie star face. Even from the distance I can see the fine way his ass fills out his blue jeans. “Who the hell is that?”

  “That’s Dallas.”

  I frown up at Wade. From the way he’s gone rigid beside me, I figure the new hot pool isn’t the only problem on the ranch.

  Chapter Two

  I want to ask him about Dallas. Needle him into telling me what’s really going on. But I don’t get a chance because Connor suddenly notices us.

  “Now, there’s a sight for sore eyes,” he calls out.

  While I was the one to rush to Wade’s side, Connor’s the one who jogs over to me. He picks me up and swings me around before setting me down and kissing me squarely on the lips, gently teasing my lower lip with his tongue. When he’s done, he’s grinning like a fool and I’m sure I’m grinning back in exactly the same way.

  “When Wade told me you were coming, well, I couldn’t believe it. It’s been a long time. Over a year?”

  “Sixteen months,” I say, taking in my fill of him; his chocolate brown eyes, his playful smile, his broad shoulders and muscled forearms.

  Over Connor’s shoulder, I catch sight of Dallas watching us with an unreadable expression on his face.

  I jerk my head toward the man and say, “You going to introduce me to your friend?”

  But in true Connor style, he dismisses Dallas and says, “Nah, he’s just another ranch hand, you don’t want to meet him.”

  I playfully smack his chest. “Don’t be rude.”

  He grins and half turns to the other man. “Dallas, c’mere. I want you to meet someone.”

  Wade steps closer to me, almost like a bodyguard, as Dallas saunters over. His eyes flick between us, probably trying to suss out the dynamics…just like I’m doing with him.

  “Hi.” His voice is quiet and deep.

  “Hi,” I say. “I’m Tessa.” I hold out my hand.

  “I know who you are.” He wipes his hand down the front of his jeans before shaking mine. Up close, I can see he’s younger than I originally thought; mid to late twenties.

  “I’m Dallas.” His gaze moves to Wade and back to me.

  “Nice to meet you.”


  Okay, so Dallas is a man of few words. I do my best to draw him out. “Have you been working at the ranch long?”

  “About six months.” He still hasn’t smiled. Jerking his head in the direction of the truck, he says, “I’m going to finish unloading the feed.” He nods at me. “Nice to meet you.” Then he walks away.

  No, ‘walks’ doesn’t quite describe the man’s rolling gait and I doubt I’m the only one watching his firm backside as he departs.

  Connor breaks the silence first. “Ah, Tess,” he says. “It’s so great to see you.” Gently holding my face, he turns my head this way and that. “Beautiful, as usual. And, I like your hair.”

  “What is it about you men and my hair?” I ask, tugging at my longer than usual locks.

  He quirks a single brow and smiles and I’m wondering if he’s remembering the same scenario that I’d recalled earlier, with Wade and me kneeling on the bed. Of course, he would have been watching from a completely different angle. The thought of him watching us makes me blush.

  Does he notice the pink stain on my cheeks? Maybe, because suddenly he turns to Wade and asks, “Have you two already been messing around without me?”

  “Are you kidding?” I blow an exasperated shot of air out through my pursed lips. “We’re talking about Wade here. He’s immune to my charms.”

  “That’s a lie,” Wade says, stepping closer and towering over both of us. It’s weird, but in Connor’s presence, Wade seems even more imposing.

  “It’s okay,” I say. “You prefer men to women. I get it.”

  Wade grasps my chin in his big hand. “I’m not immune to you.” He takes my hand and places it on the bulge at the front of his jeans. “Or hadn’t you noticed?”

  “Mmm,” I sigh, the anticipation of our weekend taking me by force.

  “You know I want you. I just have control.”

  “Control?” Connor says, pulling me away from Wade and holding me beneath the protection of his arm. “Yep. That describes Wade alright. Always got to be the one in control.”

  “He’s so bossy,” I say teasingly but a shadow has appeared in Wade’s eyes. I glance quickly at Connor. He’s wearing his usual cocky, self-assured expression, but his lips seem thinner, like he’s pressing them together.

  I need to lighten the mood. “So,” I say to Connor. “How do we break him of his bad habit?”

  “Oh, I know how to break him,” Connor says in a low voice.

  There is an undercurrent of tension here and I glance from one man to the other as some unspoken communication passes between them.

  In a flash, Connor’s eyes clear and he grins down at me. “But for the moment, I’m more interested in breaking you.”

  I don’t even have a chance to respond before Connor grabs me about the waist and hoists me up and over his shoulder. “And I plan to start right about now.”

  I squeal as he marches me off—fireman style—in the direction of the bunkhouse.

  The bunkhouse is such a misnomer. It’s really a huge lodge with a bunch of nicely appointed studio apartments. Ever since I’ve known the men, they’ve kept separate rooms. I asked Wade about it once and he said, “I’m a cowboy, Tess. Maybe Canada’s laws allow same-sex couples to get married, but there’re plenty who don’t agree with that sort of thing. Particularly out here in the country.”

  Wade assured me their living arrangements worked for them. Although the men are committed to one another, they have an open relationship and I guess having their own space allows them the freedom they desire. Though I sometimes wonder if that’s really what the men want.

  Hell! Who am I to question what works for people and what doesn’t? I mean, look at me? I know my lifestyle wouldn’t work for many people.

  The thought of their living arrangements passes in and out of my mind because—hell—there’s something that’s working for me right now; being carried over the shoulder of a powerfully-built man, that’s what’s working for me.

  I pound light-heartedly on Connor’s back, laughing the whole time. “Put me down, you big oaf!”

  “I’ll put you down,” he says in that playful, sexy way of his. “On my bed. Then I’ll strip these clothes off you and fuck you silly. How’s that sound?”

p; Damn, his suggestion sounds good but I’m too breathless to reply.

  True to his word, he carries me all the way to the bunkhouse, kicks open the door to his bachelor pad and lowers me onto the bed. He’s got a wonderful down comforter that smells freshly laundered and I immediately curl into it, watching him toss his hat to the side and then unbutton his shirt.

  Wade follows us in, shutting and locking the door behind us.

  “Okay you two,” he says as he leans casually against the wall. “Here’s how it’s going to be. You’re going to listen to me and you’re going to do everything I tell you.”

  “Is that right?” Connor challenges as he pulls his shirt off and I nearly die from the glorious sight.

  “Yep. That’s right.”

  “The man is bossy,” I say.

  “Damn straight.”

  Connor ignores Wade and comes over to the bed to tug off my cowboy boots. “Do you want to play Wade’s little game or do you want me to strip you…” He drops one boot then tugs on the next. “…spread you…” The second boot falls to the floor. “…and penetrate you in under 4.3?”

  His words alone have me panting. “Is that your best calf-roping time?”

  “Yep, and now it’s the standard I use for everything I want.”

  I bend my knees and put a hand between my legs.

  Connor watches my hand. “What do you want, Tess?”

  “Both,” I say. “I want both.”

  “Good,” Wade says as he comes to stand right behind Connor. His eyes slide closed and I can tell by the way his nostrils flare and his shoulders raise that he’s taking in Connor’s scent. His pelvis is snugged up against Connor’s ass and his right hand snakes around the front. Connor groans, leaning back into Wade’s broad chest.

  Holy hell! I love seeing my boys together.

  I figure they’re caught up in their own play so I start to rub myself through my jeans.

  Suddenly Wade commands, “Stop right there, Tessa Savage.”

  I stop.

  Wade’s watching me with heavy-lidded ‘fuck me’ eyes. “You’re not going to touch yourself, you’re not going to move unless I tell you to. If you even flinch without my consent, you’re going to be punished. Do you understand?”

  Oh, my. This is the Wade I know and love.

  “Here we go,” Connor says as he moves away from Wade and pulls off his boots. He stands at the foot of the bed, grinning at me, awaiting Wade’s instructions.

  “Take off her jeans.”

  Connor complies. His large fingers work my buttons a little too slowly and I’m dying to help him, but I know Wade wouldn’t approve. Of course, I long for his disapproval and the pleasure it will bring, but it’s too soon for that.

  Once my jeans are undone, Connor peels them off my hips and down my legs, tossing them to the floor.

  “Spread your legs.”

  I do as I’m told, spreading my legs, my shirt tails hanging down between my open thighs.

  “Now,” Wade says softly. “Undo the buttons on her shirt. Slowly.”

  Coming around to the side of the bed, Connor leans over me and starts to undo my buttons. With each button Connor opens, my breath catches a little more. His chest is so close, I can feel the heat emanating off him. I want to touch him so badly. He’s got this lovely smooth cover-of-a-magazine chest and I long to taste him.

  “Spread it open,” Wade says. “I want to see her.”

  My shirt is unbuttoned and Connor spreads the edges until it’s almost off my shoulders.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” Wade whispers.

  “Hell yeah,” Connor concurs as he leans down to place his mouth over the black lace that barely conceals my nipple.

  Without thinking, I raise my chest to meet him and the glorious sensation of Connor’s mouth on me lasts all of two seconds before Wade pulls him off.

  “Tessa Savage, what did I tell you?”

  “Not to move,” I say meekly.

  “That’s right. And what did you do?”

  “I moved.”

  “Mm-hmm.” Wade makes a tsking sound and rubs his chin, all the while watching me with that irreverently sexy gaze of his. He turns to Connor. “How shall we punish her?”

  “A spanking?” Connor offers.

  Wade shakes his head. “She’ll enjoy it too much.” He rubs his chin some more. “No, we have to do something that will drive her insane.” His eyes meet Connor’s and a slow smile splits his handsome face. “I know exactly how to torture Ms. Savage. We’ll need some rope. I don’t trust her to hold still.”

  Oh hell! For a man I only see maybe once a year, Wade knows me so well.

  I mean, I think I know what I want —to fuck hard and fast—but this prolonging of contact, this teasing and torturing, is so much better. Anticipation is the best sort of aphrodisiac around. I’ll never tell Wade that, of course. He’s already too self-assured for his own good.

  Within minutes Connor’s back with some soft, nylon rope. He secures my hands together and then ties them off to his headboard. Thankfully, he leaves my legs free…for now. I have an urge to rub my knees together, to create some kind of friction against my pulsing clit. But I know Wade won’t allow it.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen,” Wade says as he draws close enough to touch me. He traces a gentle line down the side of my neck to the indent between my breasts. “You’re going to watch me and Connor. You’re not going to move and we’re not going to touch you. Not until you have an orgasm. And you are going to have an orgasm, Tess, without any stimulation whatsoever. Are we clear?”

  “Yes,” I say breathlessly. “You know I’m going to come in the next ten seconds, don’t you?”

  Wade grins. “We’ll see about that.” He slips his hand beneath the material of my bra and rubs his thumb across my nipple. “Because if you so much as move a muscle, you’ll be sorry. Understand?”

  I nod.

  He gently pinches my nipple.


  This is already hard.

  But it becomes so much worse when Wade unzips his fly, pulls his gorgeous cock out of his jeans and tells Connor to get down on his knees in front of him. This is all happening inches away from me.

  There is something so unbelievably hot about seeing a stiff penis in the grasp of another man’s hand. When Connor takes Wade in his mouth to the accompaniment of Wade’s groans, I jerk my hands with the unconscious desire to touch these men: Connor’s hair, Wade’s ass, the cock that disappears in and out of Connor’s mouth…the damp spot between my legs.

  Wade knew what he was doing when he had me tied up.

  Still wearing his cowboy boots, Wade props one foot up on the bed beside me. Why? So I can get a better look? Probably.

  Damn him!

  The action is all happening so close and so frustratingly out of reach. Connor sucking hard and deep on Wade, one hand wrapped around his shaft, the other cupping Wade’s balls. I close my eyes because it’s too much to watch, but having to listen to them drives me even crazier. A wet mouth on hard wet flesh. Groans and grunts, gasps and moans. The bed is moving where Wade’s foot is propped and I have the nearly uncontrollable urge to rock my hips on the bed. But I don’t and it’s killing me.

  “Open your eyes, Tess.” Wade’s voice is deep and ragged. His nostrils are flared and he’s biting down on his lower lip. He holds onto the back of Connor’s head, but he’s watching me.

  I swear he’s about to come. I recognize the way his jaw tightens while some sensation—that looks like pain—flashes across his face. But then I remember it’s Wade we’re talking about, not Connor. He won’t orgasm until he’s good and ready.

  He lowers his leg from the bed and pulls himself out of Connor’s grasp. Connor stands up, wiping his mouth and facing his lover. The two men are panting—Connor shirtless and Wade holding his erection firmly in his fist.

  “Take off your jeans,” Wade says softly to Connor.

  There is such intensity between these two guys that I
start to wonder if they’ve forgotten about me. It’s a stupid thought that doesn’t last long because, once Connor’s naked, Wade says, “Crawl on top of her. But don’t touch her.”

  Oh no! Oh no, no, no! They really are going to torture me, aren’t they?

  A splendidly naked Connor crawls up and over me. “Hey hot thing,” he whispers.

  Damn, how I want to kiss him. I want to explore his mouth with my tongue to find some remnant of Wade on him. But I behave and don’t move, not even when I feel the heaviness of his erection brushing my belly.

  “Move lower,” Wade whispers roughly as he strolls to the foot of the bed, his gaze flicking between me and Connor’s ass.

  “Take off her panties.”

  I close my eyes because at this point I can no longer stand it. My breath comes in quick, short bursts and it takes every ounce of willpower not to lift my hips off the bed as Connor hitches his thumbs beneath the band of my panties and tugs.

  “Spread your legs, Tess.”

  I let my knees fall apart, completely and utterly exposing myself to them.

  Connor whistles and says, “Damn, girl. You got yourself a bull ring.”

  I didn’t realize I’d closed my eyes until they spring wide open when I feel the tip of Connor’s tongue nudge the small ring that’s threaded through the hood of my clit.

  “This is too pretty for words.” Connor takes the whole ring in his mouth and sucks.

  I gasp, raise my hips and undulate in ecstasy. There is nothing I can do to stop myself. Nothing.

  A resounding slap jolts me just as Connor flinches against my thighs.

  Wade’s open palm is resting against Connor’s bare ass. “You’re both going to pay for that,” he says, raising his hand to give Connor another smack.

  Chapter Three

  The bed buckles beneath Wade’s weight as he kneels behind Connor. He’s got a tube of lube in his hands and squirts a healthy dollop into his open palm, massaging his engorged cock before squirting more on Connor’s ass. He wrenches Connor’s hips until he’s within fucking distance. With a hand on Connor’s back, Wade pushes him down toward my open legs.

  “You can breathe on her but don’t touch her. Watch her pussy and tell me when she orgasms. I won’t come before she does.”


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