It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 50

by Ivory B.

  Cathy looked at the number she scribbled down contemplating whether or not she should go through with calling her sister. Her conscious got the better of her; she swallowed hard preparing herself for the bullshit in case her sister was still on it. “Hello,” Vera answered sounding weary. “V this me how you doin in there? Tiff gave me a call to let me know you were in the hospital.” “Cat!” Vera said excitedly before bursting into a fit of coughs. Honestly Vera didn’t sound good at all Cathy was half thinking over her plans for tonight and running to her sister’s side. “V?” Cathy said with concern lacing her voice. “Cat I’m fine, I’m fine I just need to stop smokin these damn cigarettes. I been saying that, I can’t seem to put them down though,” Vera struggled to say through what sounded like a load of flim. “Cat is you comin to see me?” Vera said with hope in her voice, she hoped their relationship wasn’t forever changed. Cathy took a deep breath before she answered “No V I can’t, I had plans.” Vera’s heart sank for a second before Cathy spoke again, “V I’ll be there to bring you home tomorrow when they discharge you. I’ll make you some of that noodle soup Nana used to make.” Cathy threw that in there as a little extra incentive. “Well okay Cat I’ll see you in the morning. And Cat… I’m sorry bout the things I said to you. You know when I drink I…I don’t know how to act. I didn’t mean none of what I said Cat it be the alcohol talkin. I want you to know that I won’t tell ya secrets, you know I won’t. I’ll take them to the grave wit me. I know how it was Cat remember I was there. I know you tried to leave but you couldn’t. I heard what he said he would do to them boys and you then himself if you left him. Then things changed, and you fell in love with him again after awhile. It is what it is Cat things happen but you all I got. Hell that no good son of mine ain’t even come up here to check on me but that’s another story. Cat I’m really sorry and I love you.” Cathy pursed her lips together to keep her emotions at bay. She loved her sister but she was no fool. You see her grandmother used to tell her all the time that a drunk person spoke a sober mind. Although she didn’t doubt the love her sister had for her, she also couldn’t ignore the animosity Vera had towards her. “V it’s alright you get some rest, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Cathy said before hanging up.

  Within an hour Carlos, Nice and Jah was in her kitchen eating and having a good time. This is the time she thought to herself as she scanned the table somehow she chocked and couldn’t find the right words to say. Nice and Jah were going back and forth with each other as they usually did. They were the classic case of big brother little brother rivalry. Cathy and Carlos eyes locked on each other’s. While Jah and Nice seemed to not notice anything about his mother’s behavior he’d noticed. His mother looked uneasy, a bit nervous to be exact. But ever since she texted them that she had something to talk about Los been uneasy too. Carlos had been thinking about some of the worse case scenarios; was she sick? Did she find a lump in one of her breasts? All types of things were running wild through his head. If anyone wanted to see a grown man humbled to tears tell him something was wrong with his Mama. Los shook the bad thoughts from his mind before he cut to the chase. “You said you had something to talk to us about, what’s goin on Mom?” Cathy had the stage Carlos had set it, she could’ve said her peace but she fumbled. “Right to the point ha? You act too much like your father at times. I uh…I wanted to apologize to you all in person about my actions the other night. I don’t know if I hurt any of you but if I did it wasn’t intentional and I apologize. I never wanted any of you to see me like you did the other night.” While Nice and Jah fell immediately for the guilt trip assuring her she had nothing to be sorry about and letting her know an apology was unnecessary Carlos remained silent. He squinted his eyes burning an unrelenting gaze through his mother. Cathy shifted slightly under his gaze; he had a way of burning a hole right through a person as if he were reading their souls. His father used to do the same creepy shit. “You sure it’s nothing else?” Carlos asked feeling as if his mother was holding something back. “Oh yeah your Aunt is in the hospital. Tiffany called a little while ago sayin she got admitted for pains in her stomach, they say it’s her liver.” “V needs to put that brown juice down,” Nice said with a shake of his head. “Awe man and you ain’t go up there?” Carlos asked kind of shocked. “No I didn’t. I had a date planned with my boys and I wasn’t going to break it. Carlos there comes a time when you have to stop living for everyone else. I can’t stop my life every time she needs me. I think I cleaned up enough of her messes throughout my lifetime. I told her I’ll be there to pick her up and bring her home tomorrow, I wasn’t canceling tonight.” the table got quiet while everyone sitting there thought about different situations where Cat had bailed Vera out of all types of madness.

  Jah looked at his Aunt with admiration in his eyes. There wasn’t a question in where his loyalties lied because they were with his Aunt Cat no doubt. He knew firsthand how Vera’s mouth could get when she had too much to drink or she was on one. She’d flip out curse you out and threaten to kick you out. Jah had gone through enough of the same ol’ bullshit with his Aunt when he used to live with her. One day he just packed his things up and dipped. That was when he started living with Michelle. It always baffled him why his mother chose in her will to leave his Aunt Vera with custody instead of Cathy. He could still remember Cathy, Vera and his Uncle having a family meeting about where he would stay after his mother passed away. Vera and Cathy got into a heated exchange and at one point he could’ve sworn they would come to blows if it wasn’t for his Uncle being the voice of reason. Cathy knew in her heart that Vera was taking Jah in for all the wrong reasons, money being the main reason. Vera knew Showtime would be shelling out paper on Jah’s behalf and on top of that she stood to get social security benefits from the state. Not to mention Vera had a drug habit at the time and Cathy knew she would let Jah run the streets and get into all types of mess. Vera lived smack dead in the hood where Jah would have ample opportunity to get himself into trouble or worse killed. Ultimately it came down to Jah making the decision and picking where he wanted to live. And of course he chose Vera’s house where all the excitement was at. Although his Uncle and Aunt were still going to be very much a part of his life he knew he could get away with way more bullshit not living under their roof. Now as a grown man with kids of his own Jah understood what his Aunt was trying to protect him from. He caught a few bullshit cases, ended up getting shot, and nearly losing his life in them same streets she tried to keep him out of. Jah had a few regrets about life in general, the one thing he’d never change was deciding to stay with his Aunt V though, even after catching two hot ones. Jah knew that if he’d never stayed with V he would’ve never attended Jefferson High and met the love of his life or have fathered two beautiful children. So in that case he wouldn’t change a thing in his past if it meant his present wouldn’t be what it was today.

  “Jah” Cathy called for a second time noticing that Jah had zoned out. “Ha?” Jah responded slightly embarrassed by all eyes in the room being on him. “I said how’s my lil Thugaboo doing?” Jah laughed knowing she was referring to Lil Jah’s bad ass. “He doing good. He had a lil bump on his head that night but by the morning he was right back at it trying to go down the stairs by himself.” Cathy cracked up laughing visualizing Lil Jah trying his luck at the stairs again. Jah paused swallowing hard before he continued. “You know Aunt Cat you always been like a second mother to me even before my mother passed away. I love you…I don’t think I tell you that enough.” The entire table got quiet while Cathy got all teary eyed. “And I love you too Booga,” Cathy replied calling him by his childhood nickname. Cathy hopped up from her seat to walk over and hug Jah. Both Nice and Los rolled their eyes, shifted in their seats and made faces. “Simp ass nigga, you been listening to too much Drake, I betta find ya lovin” Nice sang off key trying to lighten up this intense somewhat uncomfortable moment. “Yo shut up,” Jah snapped shooting a dinner roll at Nice who was dying laughing at this point along with Los.
Cathy chuckled shaking her head. Some things never change.

  Let’s Get It On!

  For some strange reason Ty’s stomach was knotting up with nervousness as she watched Nice slip on his suit jacket for court. Ty looked up at him in complete awe, she never knew a man before him that could switch his swag from hood couture is what she called his style of dressing to board room swag so effortlessly. Any other time Ty would be looking to jump his bones when she saw him in a suit but today the feeling of trepidation was killing her sexual appetite. The day had finally come where Mia was going to get her day in court. Everything seemed so cut and dry, Nice and his lawyers had a solid plan and they knew how to execute their plan. They had even threw a female Jr. partner on the case with Horowitz that specialized in family law and child support cases who would be presenting the case. They figured since she was a woman the delivery of some evidence against Mia wouldn’t look like an all boys club ganging up on poor Mia. Yes, they had thought this shit that much through. For some reason though Ty knew the day wouldn’t end as seamless as their plan.

  “What’s wrong Ma you having second thoughts about going or something? If you not feeling up to it I understand you don’t have to go” “Don’t insult me like that, you know I’ma ride with you till the wheels fall off. Besides I done already took the day off from work and Lucky’s on her way to stay with Kynah. I’m going to be right there in court with you playing my part.” “Now that’s what the fuck I’m talkin bout,” Nice said before placing a kiss on Ty’s forehead.

  When Ty spotted Cathy in the crowded hallway along with Los and Jah she felt a little bit more at ease. Cathy walked right over hugging both Ty and Nice. “Ty what’s goin on baby girl?” Los asked giving Ty a warm hug. It was so weird that Los had become like a big brother to Ty. She could remember a time when she used to be damn near too intimidated to hold a conversation with the man. “Nothing much, I’m ready to get this drama over with.” At that very moment Mia made her grand entrance flanked by her chicken head squad.

  The court was packed; it seemed as if some of everybody was trying to collect child support in Jersey. For sure it wasn’t the whole of Jersey in court that day but it was so crowded it felt like it. Ty had never been in court for child support and for some reason she thought it would be a little bit more discretion and privacy she was wrong though. This court was carrying on like criminal court. Names and cases were being called and ruled on in front of a packed court room with people who were waiting for their cases to be called as the audience. The bailiff announced court was in session and everyone started filing in, it was Nice’s misfortune to be walking in right alongside Mia and her entourage.

  “Damn you a grown man you couldn’t come to court by ya’self? That’s fine though cause I hope all these muthafuckas you got wit you gon help you pay yo child support every month,” Mia snickered shooting a nasty glare in Ty’s direction. “Fuck outta here, you and all them beastly ass looking broads you got with you,” Los shot back. “Carlos cut it out,” Cathy scolded under her breath. “There’s something wrong with that girl seriously wrong and it ain’t just the drugs,” Nice was giving Mia a death glare. He hadn’t forgotten about that coke stunt she pulled and he wanted to reach over and wring her neck, it was a good thing they were in court. That’s why she felt safe enough to pop off at the mouth.

  Everyone got seated and two cases later it was time for the show down of the century. Mia sat on her side with her lawyer who looked like he was fresh out of law school while Nice sat on his side with two lawyers. “Look at him, he’s a little weasel. He looks like he would take any frivolous case as long as it was some type of money in it for him. Well I’m going to give him a lesson in law today,” Horowitz whispered. His assessment couldn’t have been more accurate. Mia’s lawyer was very young and only had a few years experience, wet behind the ears you could say. Not to mention he only took the case with no deposit on the bases of Mia informing him she had a very wealthy baby father who had signed the birth certificate, was proven to be the father biologically through DNA but refused to pay adequate child support. This was a slam dunk case in his opinion. He didn’t get paid if she didn’t so that meant he was going to do all he could to win.

  “Your honor as you can see with the financial affidavit I provided on behalf of my client it clearly shows her financial situation is not as stable as Mr. Richards’. She’s currently enrolled in community college taking courses part-time while she’s a full-time stay at home mom. My client is currently experiencing financial hardships due to Mr. Richards’ refusal to pay adequate child support.” Nice screwed his face up and looked towards Mia’s lawyer, Is this clown serious? Do he even know his client? What college is this bitch going to when she don’t even have a high school diploma? Horowitz placed his hand on Nice’s forearm to calm him down when he heard his breathing quicken with anger.

  “Your honor that’s quite the sob story too bad it isn’t true,” Susan the Jr. Partner said. “Let’s stick to the facts we don’t need snide remarks,” Mia’s lawyer snapped. “Counselors this is not an episode of people’s court, I will not tolerate the back and forth in my courtroom,” the judge said in a no nonsense tone. “I’m sorry your honor, we have submitted a financial affidavit as well. We don’t deny at all that our client makes substantially more than Miss Lewis. What we are disputing is that he’s not paying adequate child support and on a regular basis. Your honor, if you could take a look at these bank statements you will see that my client is paying Miss Lewis a total of 4 thousand dollars a month, every first of the month willingly. No court had to order him to do so.”

  The judge looked over the papers in front of her carefully. There were murmurs in the court from onlookers once they heard the amount of money Mia was getting monthly. “Those bank statements will go back a little over two years ago. And in that manila folder you’ll see money order receipts for the years prior. We acknowledge Mr. Richard’s was paying 3 thousand at one time. However, Miss Lewis said the amount wasn’t sufficient enough to cover the living expenses of the child so he increased the amount.” The judge put her hand up to hush Susan as she went over the info in front of her.

  “Okay, let the records show that child support has been paid thus far the judge stated. “Your honor this is our concern; from day one my client has paid child support and provided health insurance for his daughter. He has reason to believe Miss Lewis has committed a grave misappropriation of the child support funds. He was also recently informed that the state of New Jersey has him on the hook for over $20,000 in back child support. It seems Miss Lewis was collecting state assistance and child support at the same time. In addition to child support Mr. Richards’ had provided Miss Lewis with a credit card for the sole purpose of using it for emergencies. May I share some of the charges with you?” “Yes go ahead,” the judge said shooting Mia an annoyed look.

  “Braza’s shoe boutique $2,535.66, Louis Vuitton Alma handbag $1,770.00, Louis Vuitton Romaine handbag $3,300, and last but not least Barney’s New York two pairs of Christian Louboutin size 38.5 Pigalle heels for a total of $1,355.73. I don’t know a 5 year old in this world who wears a size 8.5 in heels.” Susan added sarcastically. “Your honor this is clear abuse of child support and the system in a whole. This isn’t child support my client is paying this is adult support. May I please submit the credit card statements as evidence? Here is receipt upon receipt of similar charges for over a year now.” The judge looked over at the huge envelope the bailiff passed to her. “Clearly I cannot look through that entire envelope of receipts. I definitely have enough evidence here.” “There’s one more piece of evidence we would like to submit to the court. These are pictures pulled from Miss. Lewis’ Facebook page and her Instagram account.” All eyes went to the flat screen mounted on the courtroom wall as the judge ordered the bailiff to turn it on.

  The first picture was of Mia lying on the floor with hundred dollar bills spelling out the words child support. She actually had enough money on the gr
ound to spell out the entire words with Benjamin’s, while she held a stack of cash in one hand throwing up deuces with her other. The picture was straight ghetto and classless at its best. “May I read the caption that went along with this picture?” “Yes, go ahead.” “I would like to say there are obscenities that I won’t repeat out of respect for the court.” Susan cleared her throat before she began, “Yeah, broke _ I’ma show you how to get this money and never have to work for 18 years. Get you a baller baby daddy that can pay you child support! Yeah bum ___ get like me!” Susan said in an overly proper voice, the shit was pure comedy. Some people forgot it was court and started laughing. Even one of the bailiffs had to tuck his bottom lip in to contain his laughter. “Order in the court,” the judge said looking in Mia’s direction with disgust.


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