The Wizard's Mask

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The Wizard's Mask Page 34

by Ed Greenwood

  "Both of us?" Tarram interrupted sharply.

  "Both of you," Zreem confirmed. "As a team. Reporting to the General Lords, and fairly well paid to travel Molthune and search for foreign spies and disloyal Molthuni."

  Tarram and Tantaerra gaped at him, then at each other.

  "I should point out," Zreem continued, almost to himself, "that both the Telcanors and the Mereirs still want you dead. And Lord Ravnagask is likely to be looking for a politically convenient scapegoat for the recent troubles. Naturally, anyone truly working for the Imperial Governor would be beyond their reach."

  Tarram eyed the mountainous bodyguard. "I'm curious: why does your master—your true master, I mean—allow all this? Why did you let us reach Braganza with the gauntlet?"

  Zreem's smile widened. "Ambitious men become a nuisance if they go too long untested. And every ruler has his critics, but the ruler of Braganza needs testing every bit as much as the most ambitious men who dwell in his city. It would not do to leave a city so close to Nirmathas in the hands of someone ...inadequate."

  "He lets them all kill each other to keep them from challenging his authority?" Tantaerra asked. "And to see if Lord Ravnagask is any good at his job?"

  "I see," Tarram replied slowly. He looked at Tantaerra. "Well? What do you think?"

  "Becoming a Lord Investigator?"


  "What do you think?"

  "I believe I'd enjoy it very much. If we're together."

  Tantaerra's smile was slow in coming, but dazzling when it arrived.

  "Then, Tarram Armistrade," she announced, "I believe I feel the same way."

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  It was another clear, dry night, of a steady breeze and bright moonlight.

  Tantaerra looked back, but Braganza was lost behind the hills, a good day's ride west of them now, on good, formerly Telcanor horses.

  She and Tarram had eaten dinner and banked their fire, and were about to bed down. First watch was his.

  She raised the dregs of her last mug of broth to him. "All hail Tarram Armistrade, newly ordained investigator for the General Lords."

  He gave her back the same toast, and they drained their mugs in unison.

  Tantaerra reached for her blanket, then stopped and turned back to her partner. He was wearing a new mask.

  "Tarram," she asked quietly, "won't you take your mask off?"

  He looked at her. "Would you go naked if I asked you to?"

  She blinked. "Yes. Yes, I would." She started to pull off her jerkin.

  He put out a hand to stop her, shaking his head.

  "It was a metaphor! I was asking about your limits, not making a request."

  She looked at him, then murmured, "Unhand me, you fool." Then she unscrewed her metal hand and held up her stump, thrusting it challengingly into his face.

  He regarded her silently, then pointed at his mask in a silent question.

  "Please," she whispered.

  He reached up and took it off. Eyes steady, she took a good long look at his ruined face.

  Then carefully, deliberately, she caught hold of his hand, drew him down to her height, and kissed him.

  When at last their lips parted, he was the first to speak. "Tantaerra—"

  She thrust her empty mug into his hands, then spun away and returned to her bedroll. "You have first watch," she reminded him. "Good night, friend."

  "Good night, little one," The Masked replied fondly.

  "Little one?" she snapped.

  He chuckled. "Little one," he proclaimed, pointing at her, then pointed at himself. "Faceless one."

  She snorted. "Good night, jester. Or rather, Lord Investigator!"

  "At least until we're safely across the border," he agreed, and they laughed together.

  About the Author

  Ed Greenwood is an amiable, bearded Canadian librarian best known to gamers as the creator of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. He is an Origins- and ENnie-award-winning game designer, and a New York Times best-selling fantasy, SF, horror, steampunk, and pulp adventure writer; Ed's two hundred or so books have sold millions of copies worldwide in more than two dozen languages. He has been a judge of the World Fantasy Awards and the Sunburst Awards, hosted radio shows, acted on stage, explored caves, and jousted (but not all on the same day).

  In the world of Golarion, Ed has worked on the elves, helped to populate the River Kingdoms with monsters, and penned the Pathfinder Tales serial "Guns of Alkenstar," available for free at The world seems a really interesting place to visit, and getting more interesting (though not safer) all the time.


  All Pathfinder Tales novels are set in the rich and vibrant world of the Pathfinder campaign setting. Below are explanations of several key terms used in this book. For more information on the world of Golarion and the strange monsters, people, and deities that make it their home, see The Inner Sea World Guide, or dive into the game and begin playing your own adventures with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook or the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginner Box, all available at

  Abadar: God of cities, wealth, merchants, and law.

  Absalom: Largest city in the Inner Sea region.

  Bloodcoat: Slang term for a Molthuni soldier.

  Braganza: Prominent city in Molthune, ruled by Prince-Archbanker Cole Ravnagask.

  Calistria: Goddess of trickery, lust, and revenge.

  Canorate: Capital of Molthune.

  Cayden Cailean: God of freedom, ale, wine, and bravery. Was once mortal, but ascended to godhood by passing the Test of the Starstone in Absalom.

  Cheliax: Devil-worshiping nation.

  Desna: Good-natured goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, and luck.

  Dwarves: Short, stocky humanoids who excel at physical labor, mining, and craftsmanship.

  Dweomercat: Fey feline beast that is attracted to magic and has a number of innate supernatural abilities triggered by the use of magic around it.

  Erastil: Stag-headed god of farming, family, hunting, and trade.

  General Lords: The heads of Molthune's government.

  Golarion: The planet on which the Pathfinder campaign setting focuses.

  Gozreh: God of nature, the sea, and weather. Depicted as a dual deity, with both male and female aspects.

  Halflings: Race of humanoids known for their tiny stature, deft hands, and mischievous personalities.

  Halidon: Small logging town in central Molthune.

  Halidonese: Someone or something from Halidon.

  Hurlandrun: Town in western Nirmathas that was destroyed decades ago and is now said to be haunted.

  Imperial Governor: Supreme leader of Molthune, elected by the General Lords.

  Inkwater River: River that forms most of the border between Nirmathas and Molthune.

  Inner Sea Region: The heart of the Pathfinder campaign setting, centered around the eponymous inland sea.

  Korholm: Port town in northern Molthune.

  Lake Encarthan: Enormous freshwater lake bordering both Molthune and Nirmathas.

  Lamashtu: Evil demon-goddess of monsters, madness, and nightmares.

  Living God: Another name for the god Razmiran.

  Lord Investigator: Secret Molthuni agent who reports directly to the General Lords. The subject of numerous rumors and urban legends.

  Master of the First Vault: Abadar.

  Mindspin Mountains: Mountain range bordering Nirmathas and Molthune to the west.

  Molthune: Highly regimented and expansionist nation ruled by a military oligarchy. Currently embroiled in a war to retake Nirmathas, a province that successfully rebelled half a century ago.

  Molthuni: Of or related to Molthune; someone from Molthune.

  Nidal: Evil nation in southern Avistan, devoted to the worship of the dark god Zon-Kuthon after he saved its people from extinction in the distant past. Closely allied with devil-worshiping Cheliax.
/>   Nirmathas: Rebel nation, formerly part of Molthune and currently fighting a guerrilla war for freedom.

  Nirmathi: Of or related to Nirmathas; someone from Nirmathas.

  Razmiran: Nation ruled by a living god of the same name whose divinity is often debated by foreigners.

  Savored Sting: Calistria

  Song of the Spheres: Desna

  Torag: Stoic and serious dwarven god of the forge, protection, and strategy.

  Varisia: A frontier region northwest of Molthune and Nirmathas.

  Watchguard: The city watch of Braganza.

  Watchsword: A foot soldier of the Braganza city watch.

  Wizard: Someone who casts spells through careful study and rigorous scientific methods rather than faith or innate talent.




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