Adventures on Terra - Book 2: Escape

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Adventures on Terra - Book 2: Escape Page 18

by R. A. Mejia

  I didn’t know Kitsune understood reptilian. I guess a princess gets a broad education growing up. I sigh and nod, “I didn’t want to worry you. We’re leaving now anyways.”

  Mary flies to within an inch of my face and pokes my nose hard. The light from the spell in her hand stings my eyes and she tells me, “You don’t get to decide when it comes to stuff like this. I know you were trying to protect us, but we’re big girls Armon. We’ll talk more about this later, but we’re all equal teammates. We clear?”

  I back away a step and raise my hands in surrender, “Ok. We’re crystal clear. No hiding information from you. I’m sorry.” Then pointing out the door I add, “However, in light of the now much clearer need for us to depart, can we get going?”

  Instead of answering, Mary and Kitsune give me a cold look and walk out the open door. Vrax looks at me and I shrug. Man am I going to get an earful later about this.

  Vrax and I follow the ladies out of the room. I see the two female members of our group searching the bodies of the guards while Vrax opens the front door a crack and peeks through. I look around the room and notice the desk in the corner. I search through the drawers but only find some playing cards, paper, ink, and a pen. I take it all. Hell, I’m so mad about being tricked I’d take the desk if it would fit in my [Inventory]. I look around for more stuff to steal but the room is otherwise bare.

  My attention is drawn away from my search for stuff by Vrax’s whispered voice, “I no see anyone outside. We go now.”

  I move towards the door leading outside. Mary and Vrax are already at the door waiting for me. Kitsune holds out to me a spear and a sheathed sword. The weapons that the guards had. I gladly take the spear. However, instead of taking the sword for herself, Kitsune presses it to my chest. I don’t understand why she doesn’t want it but take the sword and drop it in my [Inventory]. It never hurts to have a backup weapon.

  Now that everyone is ready. Vrax opens the door and we all leave.

  Chapter 3.3

  The four of us slip out the door of the stone warehouse and scurry into the shadows cast along the walls of the village streets. No one is out on the street that we can see. There are a few lights on in the homes that line the high cavern walls but the village appears to be mostly asleep. Glowing crystals grow at regular intervals along the main road and partially illuminate the street and its buildings. Yet every light casts a shadow and it’s to these shadows that we try to stick to as we follow Vrax.

  Vrax can’t use stealth in this situation or he wouldn’t be able to lead us out of the village. Our footsteps sound loud to my ears as our group moves through the quiet village. Over the next hour we move in spurts, rushing from one shadowy hiding spot to another. We have to pause a few times and crouch down in alleyways as small groups of one or two people start to appear in the streets. These are likely the workers and craftsmen with the earliest shifts heading to their places of business. It appears as if we have even less time than we thought if the village is starting to wake up. Someone might check up on those guards Vrax knocked out soon.

  It takes us another half hour of stealthy travel before I see the tunnels that lead out of the village. We’re almost to the edge of the community when the sound of a gong rings out. The loud clanging noise startles me and I instinctively cover my ears as the sound breaks the early morning silence.

  We can only assume that our escape has been noticed. Abandoning all attempts at stealth we make a break for the tunnels that lead out of the village. Vrax, with his high agility, is the fastest of us and Mary flies closely behind him. Kitsune lifts up the hem of her red kimono and runs as fast as her feet will take her but is the slowest of the group. From above us, lights start to turn on in the homes carved into the cavern walls. Heads peek out of doorways and windows, curious why the alarm has been sounded. I don’t stop my dash but I can hear an increasing number of cries from above as people shout out for guards, likely recognizing us from the day before.

  As we reach the dark tunnel entrance I can’t help but think that it seems so cramped compared to the high ceilinged cavern that the village is in. I take a quick look behind us as we enter the tunnel and I see several figures in the distance moving in our direction with torches in their hands. They must know where we’re heading and I can only hope we can stay ahead of them long enough to make our escape.

  Mary casts her spell for a globe of illumination and the tunnel lights up. I wish we didn’t have to use the spell but Mary and Kitsune can’t see in the dark like Vrax and I can. Vrax leads us back down the tunnels we took to get to the bandit’s city. Without a sack over my head, I can appreciate the natural beauty of the tunnels. White stalactites and stalagmites litter the tunnel. Each one veined with a gold colored metal that reflects the light from Mary’s globe. The three of us follow Vrax as quickly as we can and he leads us through the twists and turns of the tunnels.

  A cry from behind me draws my attention and I glance back. Past Kitsune, maybe thirty feet, the glow from several torches are reflected off the walls. I can hear their bearers’ cries echo through the tunnel and I realize our own footsteps likely do the same.

  “We have company behind us,” I yell to the group. Vrax slows down at an intersection of three tunnels and points to the tunnel straight ahead of us and says between heaving breaths, “They in front of us too.” I look where he’s pointing and see the glow of torches ahead as well. Trouble behind us. Trouble straight ahead of us.

  I put my hand on Vrax’s shoulder and point to the tunnel ahead of us where the torch light shows, “Is that the only way out of here?”

  He looks up at me and shakes his head, “Never only one way out of tunnels but that the only way I know is safe.”

  “Well, that way isn't that safe for us at the moment,” I mutter as I look at our group. Everyone, including myself, is breathing heavily from our sprint away from the bandit village. I bet if I checked my stamina, it would tell me I’m running on fumes. We can’t go back the way we came. We can’t go ahead. I don’t believe we can stay and fight here with forces coming at us from both sides. There’s only one clear choice.

  “Ok, looks like we’re taking the left side tunnel into the unknown,” I tell the group and take the lead by moving down the tunnel. I start at a walk, then move into a jog, and finally a run as I lead the group down the only tunnel that doesn’t have people trying to kill us. Since Mary is flying behind me with her globe of illumination, I activate [Darkvision]. It’s odd, but even the meager light from her globe is enough to make the tunnel appear as if it’s bathed in sunlight when I use this ability. At least for thirty feet or so. After that, the tunnel fades into darkness again. If the tunnel were completely dark I could only see about fifteen feet ahead and the world would be colored in shades of grey.

  As I make my way down the tunnel, I note some distinct differences from the one we were in. While the rock walls are the same they are covered in a fine layer of dust that mutes the thin gold veins in the walls. Also, the ceiling does not have the black layer of soot left by torches that the other well-traveled tunnels have. As I run face first through an almost invisible cobweb, I put spider webs on the list of things that are different about this tunnel.

  I weave around boulders as the tunnel turns left, and then right. We come to another junction and I pause to catch my breath. Before me are two new tunnels. The one to the left slopes down and the one to the right has the slightest incline. Otherwise, they’re both the same. Why can’t someone have already marked one of these tunnels with a sign that says ‘This way out’ or something?

  I look back at my group and see that they all look as tired as I feel. I don’t think we can run for much longer. We need to find someplace to rest and recover our stamina. I hear something behind us and see a single thin man with a bow in one hand come around a curve in the tunnel. His glowing green eyes widen as he sees us and he shouts behind him, “They’re here! This way!”

  Shit! I didn’t notice him catching up to us bec
ause he doesn’t have a torch. He must have some kind of ability that lets him see in the dark.

  He awkwardly pulls an arrow from a quiver at his hip, puts it to his bow, draws, and quickly fires at us. Kitsune ducks and the hastily shot projectile clatters against the stone wall where her head was a moment before. Three purple magical bolts race towards the man and even though he dives backward behind the curve of the tunnel, the bolts trajectory curve to follow him. I hear a yelp of pain but don’t have time to check if he’s out of the fight.

  A surge of adrenaline rushes through me and I run down the right tunnel. I only hope that it leads upwards towards the surface. I can hear my group following behind me. Two more junctions present themselves before me but I don’t stop to think. Instead, I choose the path that I think will lead upwards each time. This section of the tunnel system doesn’t seem much used and I can only hope that the many tunnels branches will confuse our pursuers enough for us to escape.

  Finally, after what seems like forever, I sense a faint light ahead. At first, I think it may be the people chasing us but the light is too pure. Too natural. I don’t know if the others behind me can see it since I have [Darkvision] activated but it gives me hope. The tunnel we’re in has the lowest ceiling of any we’ve been through and I can almost feel my head scrape against rocks above. The slope of the tunnel leads upwards at an angle that is causing my calves to strain. After another ten minutes, the light is noticeably brighter ahead and I hear Mary cry out, “It’s a way out! I can see the way out.” She’s right. The tunnel ahead is blocked partially by a boulder but just beyond that is a clear exit with sunlight streaming through. It’s so bright that I have to turn off my [Darkvision] ability or risk going blind. Without [Darkvision] the tunnel is a lot darker but that doesn’t matter. It’s a way out.

  My heart nearly bursts with relief. We aren’t going to be killed by bandits. We can still save my kobold tribesmen. I’ll get to see Sonya again.

  I’m so focused on the possibilities of the future that as I squeeze past the boulder blocking the tunnel I fail to notice the deep chasm on the other side. It’s not until most of my body is past the boulder and my right foot hits thin air, that it occurs to me to look down. My thoughts race as I feel my body’s momentum carry me forward towards a thirty-foot span of emptiness. My left hand tries to find some purchase on the boulder I just squeezed past but only the tips of my fingers are even touching it anymore. Miraculously, the edge of my left foot finds some narrow ledge and the fingernails on my left hand catch on some protuberance. It’s just enough to stop my forward movement and I breathe a sigh of relief.

  That’s when a scaly hand works its way through the space blocked by the boulder and I see Vrax squeezing through. I want to shout a warning to my friend. But before I can utter a sound, his clawed finger grazes my left hand, dislodging its tenuous hold. The last thing I hear as I fall into the dark abyss is, “Oops.”

  Chapter 3.4

  My eyes open slowly and painfully. Each eyelid feels as if it has great weights attached to it and the mere act of movement is a heroic feat of strength. My head feels as if someone were laying into it with a jackhammer and the world blurs as I finally get my eyes open. I hear a soft voice but can’t move my head to see who’s speaking, “Look he’s waking up.” A bright green glow flashes briefly before me and I feel a cool wave of energy pass through my head and my headache goes from roaring pain to a dull ache. The world comes into focus and I can see the familiar face of Kitsune looking anxiously at me from above. As I glance around I realize that she has my head cradled in her lap and has her hand on my forehead. My head still feels a bit woozy but her fingers feel cool against my skin and I can’t help but smile at the fox woman, “Fancy meeting you here. Do you come here often?”

  Kitsune’s eyes widen, her face turns a bright shade of red, and her strawberry blond fox ears quiver slightly. Looking up into her eyes I notice how startlingly blue they are. I reach up, touch her freckled cheek with my index finger and say, “You have lovely eyes. They’re as beautiful as sapphires. A man could get lost in eyes like those.”

  Kitsune makes a high pitched “Eeep,” and I feel Kitsune scoot away from me, dropping my head onto the stone floor. The sharp pain at the back of my head clears the last few cobwebs from my mind and my eyes widen when I realize what I was just saying. I sit bolt upright, eyes wide. I turn around and see Kitsune sitting five feet from me covering her face with her hands. I can see her cute blue eyes peeking out through her fingers.

  No! What am I thinking?

  I turn my back to Kitsune and feel a heat creep up my cheeks. I look forward and see Mary and Vrax staring at me with open mouthed astonishment.

  Vrax turns to Mary and asks, “I thought Armon was going to mate with Sonya?”

  Mary looks down on Vrax from the place she’s hovering, crosses her arms, and responds with a scoff, “I bet she did too.”

  I try to leap to my feet but feel a wave of dizziness and stumble back to the floor. I look up at Mary and Vrax and tell them, “Hey, look. Nothing happened ok? I fell and hit my head.” Then looking around for the first time I notice that we’re in a deep chasm and while a small bit of light seeps through from above, most of the illumination is being provided by glowing magical globes placed around the floor. The area is so large down here though that while I can see the closest sheer stone wall, I cannot see any others. Beyond the pools of light created by Mary’s magical globes, is a deep empty darkness.

  Looking around I feel as if the darkness is a tangible thing, seeking to envelop us in its cold embrace. I have to consciously tear my eyes from the gloom and ask with a slight quaver in my voice, “Hey, where are we?”

  “Don’t you try to change the subject mister,” Mary scolds while pointing her finger at me. However, I can tell from her tone and the way her eyes dart around momentarily that she’s a little unnerved by the darkness too.

  Only Vrax seems to be comfortable in the darkness. He smiles sadly as he walks up to me and gives me a hug, “I am glad that you not dead brood brother. I was worried when we find you all broken on the floor.”

  “Broken? What do you mean? The last thing I remember is squeezing past a boulder towards the light from an exit from these tunnels.” My fingers touch the side of my head and a sharp pain lances through, “Then…then, I was falling. That’s all I remember.”

  Vrax hugs me tighter and I can hear him sniff. When he looks up at me I see small tears in his reptilian eyes, “It my fault brother. I push you off boulder and you fall into hole. I hear you yell for a long time before you stop at bottom.” He wipes a bit of snot from his snout and continues, “I want to jump down after you but Mary and Kitsune stop me.”

  “Well, we didn’t want him to jump to his death,” I hear a voice to my right and turn to see Kitsune kneeling next to me, her right hand tracing green mystical symbols in the air. She smiles as some spell activates and her right hand glows green, “Not that we thought you were dead.” Kitsune waves her hand over my head and I feel the hair on the back of my neck rise and there’s a tingling sensation along my scalp. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensation. Mmmm. It feels sort of like a scalp massage.

  “Stop moaning Armon.” I open my eyes to find Mary hovering in front of my face, her index finger poking my nose, “If I still had that message pad, you’d be in so much trouble with Sonya right now.”

  “What? I haven’t done anything,” I retort and shrug my shoulders.

  She pokes my nose and says, “Yeah, but you were thinking about it, you moaning Myrtle. Which everyone knows is practically the same thing.”

  I roll my eyes and try to change the subject. I point up towards the faint light high above us and ask, “If I fell from up there, how did you all get down here without hurting yourselves?”

  “I have a spell that temporarily lets someone slowly float down from a height without getting hurt,” Kitsune says while she finishes waving her glowing hand over my head.

  Mary coughs i
nto her hand and mumbles, “Feather fall.”

  “What was that Mary?” I ask, not having heard her clearly.

  “Oh, nothing. Just something in my throat,” She says while batting her eyelashes at me. “Like Kitsune said, she cast the spell on her and Vrax and they floated down to the bottom of the chasm. Though the spell ran out near the bottom and they dropped like rocks the last few feet. Me? I flew down here.”

  “Yes, very fun. Me feel just like leaf floating on the breeze,” Vrax contributes. “Then we fall to ground and find you all bent wrong. Nice fox lady uses magic to put you back together but we worried until you woke up.”

  Turning to Kitsune, who’s spell winks out when I look at her, I ask, “So, you saved me with your healing magic?”

  She looks down and answers, “Well, technically you could have recovered on your own, it just would have taken a couple years and most of your bones wouldn’t have pointed in the same direction. All I did was straighten all your limbs, heal your bones, and repair some gashes. I ran out of mana a couple of times and had to rest to recover but it was all ‘straightened out’ eventually.” She giggles at her own pun and I smile too. She raises her head and looks at me almost apologetically, “You hit your head a few times on the way down but I don’t have a specific spell for whatever that’s doing to you. Sorry.”


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