Snowflake Kisses

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Snowflake Kisses Page 9

by Jennie Bennett

  “Thanks,” I say, hanging up before he can ask more questions. I turn to the cab driver. “Do you know where Jelly Entertainment is?”

  He inputs the name in his GPS. “Yeah, I can take you there.”

  “Great,” I say hopping in the backseat. “I’m kind of in a hurry.”

  “Whatever, Miss.”

  We’re in the heart of Downton LA, not far from the hotel, thank goodness. I didn’t have money to travel far.

  I practically throw the cash at the cab driver and run inside. It’s colder now, like almost freezing. The temperature change is weird, but not important.

  I don’t stop at the front desk, but make my way straight upstairs, ignoring my stupid ankle.

  “Hey,” someone calls after me, but I keep going.

  I know I don’t have much time, so I only open the important looking doors. I end up disturbing a recording session, and some sort of meeting, but no Yangbin.

  There’s one more level, and I can’t race there fast enough. Most of the rooms are empty, and the most important door is locked.

  “We found her,” a male voice says. I flip around to find a security guard staring me down.

  I bang on the locked door, my last resort. “Yangbin!” I shout, my fist aching as I knock. “If you’re in there Yangbin, come out!”

  Cold metal cuffs touch my wrist, and the guard twists my arm behind my back until I scream.

  I’m being dragged away, the tears flowing for real now, salty drops making wet splotches on the floor.

  “Yangbin,” I whisper, but I’m sure he’s not there. If he was, he would’ve come for me. Or at least, that’s what I hope.

  My instinct was wrong, and now I’ve ruined everything for good.


  I must be in a delirium. Because that sounds like the Yangbin that’s not here. The guards drag me away, and I don’t fight. I’ll probably have a record after this. Breaking and entering is against the law. So is disorderly conduct. I’m guilty of both.

  “Vee!” I hear louder, and this time it doesn’t seem like a dream.

  I lift my head, and it’s not a mirage. Yangbin is really standing there.



  The guard stops. “Do you know this girl?”

  “Yes,” Yangbin says. “She’s my girlfriend.”

  The Only Time it’s Good to be Cold

  “How did you find me here?” he says, his perfect hands touching my cheeks.

  “You’re going to think I’m crazy,” I return, searching his amazing face. How could his eyes have gotten brighter?

  He smiles, and the dimples that I missed so much pop out. “I already think you’re crazy. It’s what I love about you.”

  Did he just say love? Whatever I was going to say before scatters with that confession.

  “What was that?” I ask, praying I heard him right.

  His cheeks turn pink as he looks at the ground. “I’m sorry, did I say it too soon?”

  “Oh Yangbin,” I cry/laugh. “I love you too.”

  He eyes widen and he leans forward to kiss my cheek, and heat spreads from the point of contact up to my brain until I can no longer think.

  “You have no idea how happy that makes me,” he says. “But maybe you should let the security guard un-cuff you before we talk.”

  Probably a good idea. I rub my wrists as I’m freed, and Yangbin turns around to talk to whoever he was meeting with.

  “Thirty minutes, and I’ll be right back,” he says.

  He doesn’t hesitate to take my fingers in his. I don’t think he has any idea what he does to me. The simplest touch gets shivers spreading up and down my spine.

  The second we get outside, he turns me around and pulls me into a hug. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he says into my hair. “It’s a miracle.”

  He has no idea.

  Stepping back, he takes a good look at me. “When I lost you, I thought my world was over. It’s crazy to fall in love so fast, but I feel like we’re made for each other.”

  He pulls me closer again and I hold on so tight I’m afraid my fingers might break off.

  “That’s why I had to come,” I say. “I was an idiot. I should’ve trusted you.”

  “You weren’t,” he responds, gripping me tighter. “I should’ve told you what was going on then. It still turned out disastrous.”

  I bury my nose in his neck. He smells so good. Like the winter I left back home. “Ben told me about your sister.”

  “So you know why I’m here, then?”

  I nod into his shoulder. “It was your rose that tipped me off.”

  He steps back, holding me at arm’s length so he can look at me. “The rose?”

  “I was thinking about you giving up your dreams for your dad,” I say, “and how you have so much money. Then I remembered you got me a single rose. You bought that with money you made yourself, didn’t you?”

  “Huh,” he says, his smile spreading. “I can’t believe you figured that out.”

  I smile back. “I figured since your dad wouldn’t back Eunbin’s surgery, you came here to sign a solo contract. That was the only way you could earn the money.”

  “You know, Vee,” he says, biting his lip. “For how klutzy you are, you sure are smart.”

  I punch him in the shoulder—not hard—and he backs away. “Don’t beat me up please, I love you.”

  Dang that boy. He knows just what to do to push my buttons. “I’ll let you off. Just this once.”

  “But seriously,” he says. “If you know that, you also know I can’t go back to New York. I’m tied here.”

  I do know. But I had to see him once before I left. “Is your sister going to be okay?”

  Yangbin nods. “In time and with the right resources, yes. Although it’ll be much easier now that I know you don’t hate me.”

  I laugh throwing my head back. “I could never hate you. And one year of us living apart isn’t going to change how I feel about you. I finally know where I’m going to college, and it’s not going to be in New York. I bet you there are five other boys and a cousin of mine who will support that decision and maybe tag along.”

  He wraps me in another hug, spinning me around. “Do you mean that?” he says once my feet have touched the sidewalk again.

  “Of course,” I say. “I’m your girlfriend.”

  Yangbin leans his forehead against mine. “Yes you are, and I’m never letting you leave again.”

  My fingers dig into his back as he leans his chin up, making contact with my lips. “And before we temporarily part,” he says, his breath warm on my skin. “I’m going to kiss you how I should have the first time.”

  He won’t find any objections from me.

  Eyes closed and heart open, I allow myself to come to him. The touch is soft at first, butterfly wings on supple flesh. My lips part with the sensation and he draws me in, applying tender pressure.

  He’s part of everything. I don’t need to see him to feel his hands tight around my waist. I don’t need to smell him to taste his fresh breath. I don’t need to hear anything to know that he loves me, because this kiss is enough.

  “Is it snowing?” he says through our kiss.

  “No way,” I respond, breathing heavy. “This is California.”

  I want to get lost in him, but a big fat flake hits my cheek. Sure enough, it’s snowing. In LA.

  Looks like I’m stuck here for at least another day. I tip my head back and open my mouth to the sky. Yangbin does the same.

  “You know,” he says. “You made this happen.”

  I laugh, looking at him. “I did? How?”

  He winks. “It was the magic of true love.”

  I playfully shove his shoulder. “You’re such a cheese ball.”

  “And you love it.”

  I lean in for one more kiss. “You’re right. I love it, and I never intend to let you go.”

  One Year Later

  “Are you ready?” I
ask, placing my hands on Yangbin’s shoulders.

  “No,” he says, putting his arms around me and pulling me to him.

  I search his face, confused. He’s already done his warm up and practices. His costume is well fitted. His makeup is flawless, and that guyliner? Wow. I can’t think of anything he’s missing.

  “You forgot to give me a good luck kiss,” he says, his hands lowering to dangerous zones.

  I try to shove him away. “You are naughty. What will that do to your makeup?”

  He draws me back to him. “I don’t care. You’re not getting away.”

  My smile won’t quit. He sure drives a hard bargain. I guess I’ll have to give in.

  Our lips lock, any thoughts of innocent kissing dispersing with the pressure. He tugs at my mouth, his teeth teasing as they run across the skin. I feel his tongue, just at the edge of my lips, tasting me.

  My goodness this boy can kiss. I melt into him, all the fight drained out of me.

  We get lost in the feeling of our bodies touching. Our heads turn as noses brush. I cling to his shirt as his hands creep down even further.

  “Hey lovebirds!” someone calls, startling us. “It’s time to cue up.”

  Yangbin loosens his hold and raises his hands, but doesn’t let me go. “Now,” he says, “I can really perform.”

  He kisses me one last time—just a peck—then leaves for the stage.

  I still can’t believe I’m going to school—not in LA—but in Korea with Yangbin by my side.

  His makeup artist sighs when she sees him, adding more foundation around his mouth. He gets in line directly behind Ben, then turns to wave at me one last time.

  Bass booms from over our heads as a video starts, introducing the boys. I watch from a monitor backstage as they’re lifted up into the center of a spinning circle, mist pouring around their feet.

  Lights flash as the music begins. Pavi is speaking over the sound of a wolf howling. The intensity builds until all the boys turn and start to sing.

  I dance along, watching their choreography. Every step is as flawless as their vocals. The music pauses in the middle and I find myself screaming as loud as the girls outside.

  All six of them ditched the instruments for the boy-band ticket, and it works.

  Just being here is amazing, even if I wasn’t the girlfriend of someone as famous as Yangbin. Shortly after all six of them signed the record deal, they flew back to Korea and quickly became one of the bestselling groups of all time.

  Of course, none of this happened until they knew Eunbin was better. Miriam’s parents loaned Yangbin the money for the surgery and Eunbin pulled through like a champ.

  I abandon my monitor and wind back to the dressing rooms. Eunbin is in her usual place backstage, clapping along to her brother’s songs.

  “How’s he doing?” I ask Eunbin.

  She gives me a thumbs up and nods her head. Yangbin will always be number one in her book.

  A new song starts and Eunbin turns to me like I know what time it is. Of course I do. The both of us start to dance, perfectly mirroring the boy’s tick-tock movements on stage.

  There’s a knock at the door and the same stage manager who caught Yangbin and I making out pokes his head in.

  “Vee, you better come right now, there’s been a problem.”

  I take another glance at the screen. Everything looks okay.

  “Hurry,” the manager says, “If you don’t come there’ll be a huge mess.”

  “Okay,” I say with a nod.

  I give Eunbin a little wave and run after the manager.

  “What is it?” I ask, but he doesn’t answer, just takes me around the stuff backstage until we’re almost to the stairs where the boys come out.

  “We’re going to do something different tonight!” I hear Ben saying.

  The crowd amps up, excited for whatever’s coming next.

  “I bet you didn’t know Yangbin can play the guitar.”

  More screaming.

  I look to the manager who wears a smirk.

  “What is going on?” I ask.

  “Oh, you’ll see,” he responds, pushing me up the stairs.

  I stumble onto the stage, blinded by the lights. A few things are coming together.

  One, Yangbin bought me a dress, which is uncharacteristic of him.

  Two, Miriam took extra time fixing my hair today, and

  Three, I knew the makeup artist was too nice to do my makeup for fun.

  I’m shaking my head at Yangbin as he strums his guitar. The chords are staccato, but pleasant sounding. I know from the moment he starts singing what song this is.

  I cover my face with my hands, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

  “I will become yours and you will become mine,” he sings.

  I’m crying now, no matter how I try to stop.

  “I choooose, youuu,” he continues, each note sending my heart thumping harder.

  This song by Sara Bareilles is about getting married, and I know it.

  I open my eyes, but cover my mouth. Yangbin stands from his stool and walks towards me as he sings.

  I don’t know when the other boys came out to finish up the band, but they’re all there, instruments in place. Miriam is there too, and she brings me a bouquet of deep red roses. Eunbin follows after her, holding a box of chocolates.

  The next people up the stairs get the tears flowing even faster. It’s my parents. I don’t know when they came to Korea, but I’m overjoyed with the surprise.

  My mom takes the guitar as my dad grabs my hand and leads me over to Yangbin—who’s now on one knee. I fan my face as he holds up a small blue velvet box.

  “Vee. Verina,” he starts, and I’m shaking my head because I can’t believe this is really happening to me. “From the moment I met you. You were it. I didn’t believe in love at first sight.”

  I laugh, because that’s exactly what I thought when I first met him.

  “And maybe it wasn’t love at first,” he continues, “but something bigger than us brought us together. If I spent an eternity with you, it wouldn’t be enough time. You’re the one.”

  My mascara is probably all over the place, but there’s nothing I can do. This moment is too perfect to not cry.

  “Vee, will you become Mrs. Lee?”

  I throw my head back laughing realizing that very shortly my name will rhyme. It couldn’t be more perfect.

  “For you,” I say. “Anything.”

  Yangbin forgets the ring and rushes to kiss me, a giant roar of approval screaming from the crowd. I drop my roses and Chocolates, not wanting there to be any space between us.

  “I love you,” he whispers across my lips. “I can’t wait to start our forever.”

  “You’re right, forever isn’t long enough.”

  Paper glitter falls around us like snow, kissing the tops of our heads and shoulders until we’re drowning in it. Snowflake kisses can never come between us now. With Yangbin, my heart will be in an eternal summer.

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  Thank you dear reader, for picking up this book. I wasn’t going to publish this. I wasn’t going to publish anything, but there comes times in one’s life when it’s better to leap. Thank you for taking that chance on me.

  To my husband who constantly supports me and picks me up when I’m down—you’re always the leading man in my life. Love you.

  To the real Verina—I love you darling! Thank you for letting me use your name and turning you into a character out of my head. Huge thank you for being one of my first Kpop friends and hanging on to me when I tried to leave you alone. You don’t know how much that means to me. You are truly an amazing person, and a wonderful heroine.

  Thank you to Amber for being my editor and doing it on such short notice. You’ve been an amazing friend and I love talking to you! I hope Dramas With a Side of Kimchi takes you places!

  All the K-Drama Anonymous girls need a huge m
ention! They buoy me up when life gets hard. Love you all!

  I would be remiss not to mention my awesome beta book peeps who taught me so much about writing and let me into their circle when they didn’t have to. Jenny Morris, Cassie Mae, Teresa Marie, Kelly Lynn, Suzi Retzlaff, Jessica Salyer, Lizzy Charles, Leigh Covington, and Hope Roberson, you all are the best!!

  Last of all, I have to thank my Father in Heaven for giving me a talent and the means to grow that talent. Without God I would be nothing.

  About the Author

  Jennie Bennett is a mother to four beautiful and crazy children, and the wife to a handsome and kind Husband. She found a passion in Korean pop culture in January of 2013 and she’s never looked back since. She currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband, kids, and a cute puppy named Charlie.

  Twitter: @jabennettwrites

  Facebook: Jennie Bennett

  Instagram: @jenniefire

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  Also by Jennie Bennett

  K-pop Romance

  Undercover Fan

  Snowflake Kisses

  Celebrity Superhero


  Kidnapped Idol

  K-Pop Romance Starter Kit

  My Korean Crush Series

  Silver Screen Dreams




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