Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1)

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Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1) Page 10

by Sharon Cummin

  “Whose party is it again?” Becky asked.

  “A friend of mine. He built a house and is finally moved into it. It is kind of a housewarming blowout,” Lisa answered.

  “Is your friend hot?” Becky asked.

  “Yes, but I have never thought of him that way. He is super sweet,” Lisa answered. “Maybe you two could hook up.”

  “No, thanks. I have enough to deal with right now,” Becky answered. “I missed not talking to you all week. I couldn't even talk to you on the phone. A lot has happened that I have to tell you. You are not going to believe it.”

  They both laughed as they pulled up to a beautiful new house with a huge yard.

  “Wow, he is one lucky guy,” Becky said. “Why did you say you are not with him again?”

  “We have been friends for too long for that. We went to school together when we were younger. He is one of the only people I have kept in contact with,” Becky said. “I've never thought of him like that.”

  They got out of the car and walked up to the house. Lisa knocked on the door. The door opened, and Becky's mouth dropped open.

  “Shit!” she said.

  Heath was standing there looking at them. His eyes widened.

  “Hello Becky, nice to see you again. Hey Lisa, I'm glad you could come,” he said, as he gave Lisa a hug. “I had no idea you two knew each other.”

  Just as Becky went to open her mouth to tell Lisa how she knew Heath, a loud voice came from behind him.

  “Well now, what do we have here? I never thought I would see you again, sexy. Have you changed your mind about sleeping with me?”

  Becky closed her eyes and shook her head. She could not believe Ethan was standing before her. Becky wanted so badly to turn and leave, but she could not do that to Lisa. They had both been looking forward to a night out all week.

  “Your boyfriends not here to protect you from me tonight,” Ethan said.

  Becky grabbed Lisa's hand and barreled past Ethan, into the house. They went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

  “Spill it,” Lisa said.

  “You remember my mystery man?” Becky asked.

  “Yes,” Lisa said.

  “You remember I told you about his nice friend on the cruise and his asshole friend?” Becky asked.

  “Yes,” Lisa answered.

  “Heath was the nice one, and Ethan was the asshole,” Becky said. “This just keeps getting better and better.”

  “Wait a second,” Lisa said, as she put her hand over her mouth. “Your mystery man is Gavin Lucas? Are you fucking kidding me? You spent a week in bed with Gavin Lucas?”

  “That's him,” Becky said, with a smile. “You don't know the best part yet.”

  “What else can there be?” Lisa asked.

  “Gavin's my boss,” Becky said.

  “No shit. You have to be joking,” Lisa said. “How did you find out?”

  “I was at work and my manager introduced me to the owner,” Becky said. “I looked up and almost past out. It was my mystery man. Oh wait, I didn't mention. My ex Sean sent me flowers today at work and on the card there was a marriage proposal.”

  “We need to get you a drink,” Lisa said. “You have had an interesting week.”

  “If you weren't up in the air all week, you would have known. Ethan was the one Gavin punched in the face on the cruise,” Becky said, as she shook her head. “I think I will need more than one drink tonight. I'll be fine as long as Gavin doesn't show up.”

  The front door opened as Becky and Lisa looked up. It was a Josh, another friend of Heath's, and he had brought a date. When they walked past where the women were sitting, Josh smiled and stopped.

  “Becky, how are you?” Josh asked, as he made eye contact with Lisa. “Is Gavin here? He said he was going to find you, but I didn't think it was possible.”

  “No, he's not here,” Becky answered. “What do you mean he was going to find me?”

  “Oh, wait, does he know you're here?” Josh asked, with a confused look on his face, his eyes still locked on Lisa's.

  “No, I came here with my friend Lisa,” Becky replied. “I had no idea this was Heath's party. Did you say Gavin was going to try to find me?”

  “Nice to meet you Lisa,” Josh said, his eyes were dark as he looked at her. “Have we met before? You look so familiar.”

  Lisa just sat there, not saying a word.

  “I know where I have you seen you before,” Josh said. “You were that little girl that used to sit on Heath's porch and watch me wash my car, aren't you?”

  Becky cut into the conversation to save her speechless friend.

  “We need to go get a drink,” Becky said, as she pulled Lisa to her feet. “We'll talk to you later Josh.”

  Becky pulled Lisa over to the bar.

  “Oh my,” Lisa said. “He is gorgeous. He was Heath's neighbor. I used to sit and watch him wash his car while I sat on Heath's front porch all the time. He was like four years older than me. I had the biggest crush on him. His body is amazing. I don't know if I can sit here all night without throwing his date off to the side and kissing him. I was so in love with him growing up. The whole first crush thing.”

  Heath walked up to the women just as Becky was getting a drink. She was impressed that he had a bartender there and all. He had gone all out, and she knew he was proud of his home and wanted to share a fun night with his friends. Heath wanted to show Lisa around the house. Becky told her to go ahead. She was going to go sit in the living room while she waited for her. Heath said she could go with them, but Becky knew he really wanted to show Lisa alone.

  Becky grabbed her drink and sat down on the couch in the living room. Ethan walked over and sat next to her. He put his hand on her knee and started a normal conversation. Maybe the night would be fun after all, Becky thought just as the front door opened again.


  Gavin was glad he was able to get a little rest. He was looking forward to Heath's party. His friend had worked hard to build the house of his dreams. It would be nice to celebrate with him. Gavin was looking forward to seeing his friends. Maybe he would be able to get his mind off Becky for a little while. When he came home from the cruise, he was supposed to be rested and ready for work. Instead, he was stressed over Becky. Then it only spiraled further when he found out she worked for him. As he drove toward Heath's house his mind kept going. Was it really a proposal on that card, or was she just screwing with him? Either way, someone sent her those flowers. Steve had been flirting with her all week, but he looked shocked about the flowers as well. Gavin could not get involved with one of his employees. There was no way. It was time to have a little fun and put Becky out of his mind.

  He pulled into his friend's driveway and walked up to the house. He could hear music coming from inside. Gavin never knocked on the door at Heath's, no matter where he lived. He had hoped Heath wouldn't be pissed that he was late. Gavin had been to the house several times while Heath was building it, so he already knew everything there was to know about it. He shut the door and turned to the living room. Instantly, he felt his jaw tighten and hands ball into fists at his side. Becky was sitting on the couch. If that wasn't enough to give him a kick in the gut, Ethan was sitting next to her, with his damn hand on her knee. How the hell did she get there? His eyes were staring daggers at them, and he could tell by the way her body stiffened, that she knew he was pissed. A beer, he needed a beer, he thought. He walked around to the bar through the entryway. There was no way he could walk past them at that moment, or he would have lost it all over his friend. When would Ethan learn? He knew Gavin had been with her for that whole week, but still he was making moves on her. Seeing Ethan actually touch her had his blood boiling. There was no way he was leaving. He was going to have a good time.

  He got his beer from the bartender and made his way back to the living room. Ethan was talking away as Gavin walked up. Becky looked up at him with a sad look in her eyes. Ethan's hand was still on her knee. Not bein
g able to take it anymore, Gavin grabbed her hand, pulled her off the couch, and took her out the back door to the very back of the yard.

  “What are you doing here?” Gavin blurted out. “Why the fuck is he touching you?”

  “You missed him asking me to sleep with him again,” she said, glaring at him. “He's your friend, not mine. I came here with a friend of mine.”

  “Did he need to have his hand on you?” Gavin asked. “One of these days, I'm going to kick his ass in a big way. He's pushing it.”

  “We were actually having a normal conversation,” she said. “He was talking about his business. He asked me if I would work for him, instead of you.”

  “No way,” he said. “There is no way that will ever happen.”

  “I'm a very good developer. I would be an asset to his team,” she said, sternly.

  “You would be an asset alright,” he said, louder. “I know you're good at your job. You were highly recommended. The job you left was unhappy about your move.”

  “I wouldn't go work for him, Gavin,” she said. “The people at your company adore you and talk about what a great boss you are. Even Steve said it was the best company he has been to.”

  “Oh, Steve said it,” Gavin shouted. “I guess that makes it right.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” she shouted back, as she moved into his face, ready for battle.

  Gavin could feel her breath against his mouth as she shouted at him. He looked her right in the eye and that was it. His hands were on the back of her head as he covered her mouth with his. The power behind his kiss was rough and demanding. He knew he had to have her. There was no way out. She was going to be his, at least for one night. She did not move away from his kiss. He sucked her bottom lip as he spread her lips and thrust his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues tangled together with such passion. He finally pulled back to catch his breath and could hear her panting. She didn't move as she stared into his eyes. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest as he breathed in the scent from her hair. His heart was beating so strong, like it was going to pop out of his chest. He had to get out of there, and she was going with him.

  “We need to talk,” he said. “Come home with me.”

  “Are you asking me or telling me?” she asked.

  “I'm not sure,” he said.

  “You're my boss. I can't do this,” she said, as she squeezed her arms tighter around him.

  “Not tonight I'm not,” he said, as passion ripped through him. “The way I feel right now, I'm not going home alone. Are you going home with me or not?”

  She didn't answer right away. He wanted her so bad. She was right there, when he had thought he would never have her again. The emotions he was feeling were so strong. He turned to walk away before he said something stupid that he would regret.

  “That's it. You're going to just walk away. Are you going to find someone else to take home with you?” she said, as hurt filled her eyes. “Then I'm not going home alone either.”

  She turned, walked up to some guy, and started to talk to him. Why did she have to be so challenging? Gavin felt the heat rush to his face. He walked up to her, grabbed her hand, and pulled her behind him.

  “Let's go then,” he said. “The only guy you're going home with is me.”

  Without a word, he pulled her around to the front of the house. Lisa was standing on the front porch talking to Heath. They both looked surprised when they saw the friction playing out between Gavin and Becky.

  “Lisa, do mind it I leave?” Becky asked.

  Gavin could see the silent words between the women.

  “Have a good night,” Lisa replied, with a shocked look on her face.

  Gavin never even said goodbye to Heath. He pulled her to his car, opened her door, closed it behind her, got in the driver side, and pulled out of the driveway.

  Chapter 14

  Becky could not believe that Lisa knew Gavin. She had told her friend all about their time on the cruise and how intimate they were. What exactly had she told her, she thought? She tried to recall everything she had said, as she hoped Lisa would not tell him. For sure, she knew she had told her friend that she had strong feelings for him and was afraid she would never feel that way about another man.

  Gavin's car pulled onto a long drive. Becky gasped as a house came into view.

  “It's beautiful,” she whispered.

  “What?” Gavin snapped.

  Becky was confused until she realized she had said that out loud.

  “Your home is beautiful,” she said.

  “Thanks,” he said, as they pulled into his garage.

  Becky opened her door and hoped out before he could get to her side of the car. There were two other very nice cars in the garage as well.

  “How many cars do you really need?” she asked.

  He grunted under his breath, took her hand, and led her into the house. As soon as the door closed behind them, he grabbed her into his arms aggressively and covered her mouth with his. His hand was wrapped in her hair on the back of head. He nudged on it to pull her chin higher to him. She could not believe the power behind his kiss, the kiss she had missed so much. A shiver ran through her from the tip of her head to the ends of her toes.

  “Are you cold?” he asked.

  “No,” she said, muffled through their kiss.

  He held her tightly around the back with his other hand. She had one hand on his broad shoulder and the other pushed against his muscular chest. It had been three very long weeks since they had been together. Her legs trembled, feeling like they were going out beneath her body. He had her up against the door within seconds. Everything was moving so fast, and she could feel the passion in every tiny touch. The tingling sensation that ran through her body was enough for her to give into him completely. He lifted her chin higher as he leaned down and kissed down her neck to her shoulder. She could feel his deep, warm breaths against her skin. What was it about him that turned her inside out? Why did she feel so many emotions when she was in his arms? He reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it up to take it over her head. She heard him groan as he pulled back to look at her.

  “Beautiful,” he said. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  He did not give her a moment to answer before he was leaving a trail of kisses down between her breasts. Gavin cupped her breasts in his hands through the thin lace fabric of her bra. She wanted him as bad as he wanted her. She reached for his shirt and pulled it off. One by one pieces of her clothing covered the floor. Her back still against the door as he fell to his knees before her. Instantly, his hands were on her mound and his tongue on her thigh. She put her head back on the door as she soaked in the intense pleasure. He put his mouth on her over lacy panties, and she could feel the heat of his breath against her. Take them off, she thought. With one quick motion, he slid them down and she felt his mouth on her skin. He licked his tongue across her as a moan escaped her lips.

  “Shit, do you know how wet and ready you are for me?” he asked, as he licked and sucked between her wet folds.

  She felt as if he were soaking up every tiny bit of her wetness with his tongue. It felt amazing. Every time his warm, wet tongue slid across her, she moved closer to the edge. How could he make her come so fast? All week, she had wanted to feel his tongue and hands on her skin. She wanted him more than she had every wanted anything.

  “Gavin, Please,” she gasped, as she leaned her head against the door harder and closed her eyes.

  His hand slid between her legs as he slid one finger and then another into her soft, warm pussy. She bucked against his fingers, pushing them deeper into her. His tongue worked magic around his fingers and across her warmth. She arched her back and pushed her hips further into him. He continued to take his fingers into her over and over until her breathing was so incredibly hard. She had no idea how she was still standing. She came so close to the edge of release as he pumped his fingers into her harder and deeper, making su
re he licked hard against her.

  “Oh , Gavin,” she moaned, as she held his head tightly against her.

  “Let go, baby,” he said. “I want to feel you come around my fingers. I want all of you.”

  That was all she needed to plummet over the edge. He thrust his fingers into her, as she rode out her orgasm. It was better than she remembered. Her legs felt weak and she could feel them giving out beneath her, just as he scooped her into his arms and headed through his house, into his bedroom.

  She held her arms around his neck and she claimed his mouth with hers. He put her down on his bed and she sunk into the soft comforter. She kept her arms around his neck and their mouths linked together as he hovered over her. The passion in their kiss was so intense, she felt herself rising to the edge again, without his hands on her. She reached down, unsnapped the button on his jeans, unzipped them, and shoved them along with his boxers down his hips. He was out of his jeans in seconds. Over her again, he looked into her eyes. She could feel his hard cock against her lower belly. Wanting him more with each passing second.

  “Please, Gavin,” she moaned. “I need you now.”

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asked, spreading her legs with his knee.

  Before she could answer he had thrust into her. She let out a gasp as he slid his length deeper. She gripped his back with her hands as he leaned down and kissed her neck. He pumped into her harder and faster. Her heart was racing and sweat was dripping down his chest. They were both panting. She pushed her hips into him harder and harder.

  “This has been the longest week,” she said, as she tried to catch her breath. “You have no idea how hard it was to see you and not be able to be with you. I need you so bad, Gavin.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, as she pulled him even deeper into her. He pumped into her deep and hard. His touch and passion felt more intense to her than it had before. With her hands on his ass, she pulled him harder against her. So much emotion ran through her as she asked him for more.

  “You feel so good inside of me,” she moaned. “Harder.”


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