No More Heartache: The MORE Duet

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No More Heartache: The MORE Duet Page 3

by Anders, Tarrah

  Bang. Bang. Bang. It’s getting faster. It’s not coming from Max’s room so thankfully I don’t have to deal with that right now. Maybe he left his keys here at home when he went out for the night.

  I slowly open my bedroom door and slip out and shut the door quickly behind me.

  Bang. Bang. Scrape. Scrape. Bang.

  I walk out of the hallway and I see Max has some girl bent over the dining room table and the table is now pushed up against the far wall by the window. The girl is silently panting with her cheek pressed against the placemat as is Max with his low grunts and his hips are thrusting hard against her ass. Bang! Bang! Bang! I clear my throat and as Max looks over at me he doesn’t lose his grip or his motions.

  “Shit, sorry Dav. Be done in…. a second.” Bang. Bang. Bang.

  I roll my eyes, the girl didn’t even notice my presence or Max talking mid thrust.

  “Reign in it buddy. Katrina’s here.” I say as I walk back down the hallway and to my bedroom.

  Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Then it stopped.

  “Davis?” Katrina’s body turns towards me as I slip back into bed. I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me.

  “Sorry, Max has company.” I explain as I kiss her cheek.

  She settles in my grasp and is back to sleep within minutes. She’s thankfully a heavy sleeper, so hopefully if Max makes any more noise, she won’t wake back up.

  * * *

  I step out of the hallway bathroom with my towel draped across my lower half. Katrina left an hour ago to head to school and I’ve got a job interview in a few hours. This morning, in the kitchen Max was quiet and didn’t say anything about his middle of the night adventures. He was cordial and joking with Katrina before she left, which is a sliver of the guy I grew up with. He apologized to me after she left and then he too, left for work. It was a routine morning these days.

  Last night wasn’t the first time that I’ve walked in on a situation like that. At first, Max would be remorseful and apologize profusely. However now, he just shrugs the behavior off as if it was nothing as it happens too often. Which I understand since it is his house.

  I didn’t know Betsy too well, as I was knee deep in my last 2 years of school and heavily focused on maintaining a decent GPA but I knew that she and my brother were very serious. Our families had spent a few holidays together as well as the fact that she practically lived with him, toward the end.

  There’s been a few instances where I have stumbled across something that I assume belonged to her, and removed it promptly or hid it until he wasn’t around to dispose of them without him seeing. I can remember the time that he was cleaning out his closet and I had found him sitting in the back of his walk in closet clutching onto a piece of clothing tightly with his face ashen. He didn’t speak for three days after that, in which he spent the preceding days after binge drinking or passed out on the couch. I had to call into work for him and eventually Sterling showed up on our doorstep and helped me return him to his normal state of being, but still not the state of being that I grew up with.

  I moved into Max’s place shortly after he moved back into the house after staying with Dane and Sterling for several months. He was still in his cast, but he was ambling around perfectly fine. He got the sympathy card from the girls and he would bring home several a week. It was awkward moving in at first, I didn’t know whether or not I would stumble upon naked bodies at any given moment. Sterling had filled me in on how he was toward the tail end at their house, so I just decided that we had to set a few boundaries here and there, while still respecting that I was a guest in his house. I just don’t care to see his dick swinging at all times.

  With the exception of last night, it had been a month since I’ve walked in on him and one of his tokens. I can’t wait until I get a job, so I can think about moving out. I say I want to move out, but it will be quite some time before that happens. I don’t want to abandon my brother, while he may not specifically say it, I think he needs me.

  I look at the clock, I’ve slowly been getting ready for this interview for an hour. This interview is for a grade school teacher, the school has a few other options open at the moment, so I’m hopeful.

  I need to move out, that’s the bottom line. I can’t continue to bring Katrina around my brother if he’s going to keep bringing home girls and having sex with them in the public areas. What if Katrina was the one to come out of the room, she would have gotten an eyeful to say the least.

  How could I move out though, my brother needs me. Right?



  Two nights in a row where Davis has walked in on me fucking some chick. He used to do it all the time when he first moved in. Then he expressed his discomfort with it, and I had a flashback to when Dane told me about my debauchery on their couch. I’ve gotten blitzed for the past few nights, it’s a shock that I’ve made it to work during the week or that I’ve managed to get home. I’ve had a pretty good buzz, which has been helpful. Taking nips during my work day, has helped ease the edge that I keep feeling.

  Tonight’s girl scrambled when she heard Davis and she hasn’t returned from the bathroom yet. Davis had returned to his bedroom after I apologized. I’ve been gently rapping on the hallway bathroom trying to get her to come out. After 10 minutes, she finally came out, fully dressed and a smile plastered on her face to hide her embarrassment.

  “Everything okay?” I slur.

  “Dandy. Look, I’m going to get going. It’s been fun.” She says as she walks to me and leans up to kiss me on the cheek.

  I glance at my watch. It’s pretty early still, I can still head back out.

  “Yeah sure, you want me to take you home?” I hope she says no.

  “I called a cab while I was freshening up. It’s out front.” She smiles as she heads to the door.

  Easy enough. I smile back and close the door behind her as she exits.

  I wait a few minutes to assure she’s gone and I’m closing up the house as I venture off to the bar down the street. I doubt I’ll get laid again tonight, but I can at least get some more booze.

  * * *

  I walked into the bar and was greeted by a flux of patrons leaving. Inside, there was still a good group of people, none of them were regular I noticed.

  I nodded to the bartender and sat at the bar, he placed my regular, a 3 finger of scotch in front of me and walked away. The barstool scraped along the floor as someone took a seat beside me. I didn’t bother to look over but I did feel the person staring at me.

  I slowly turn to face the person and come eye to eye with Nikki. She’s one of my regular hook ups. I’m totally getting laid.

  “Hey Nik. Haven’t seen you in a few weeks. How goes it?” I ask turning my body in towards her.

  “I’ve been busy. Haven’t had time for drinks.” She smiles.

  Nikki is a very attractive girl. We met at this exact bar the night that I moved back to my house, I explained to her that I was too fucked up to do anything other than fuck right off the bat and she wasn’t offended, hell she’s come back from time to time. She’s tall, slender and perky in the right spots. Her shoulder length wavy red hair is pinned up like she’s a 1950’s pin-up girl tonight and she’s got the red lipstick to match. I slowly peruse her body, she’s wearing a pleated short skirt tonight and a tank top that is appropriately showing off her ample cleavage.

  “Are you finished taking inventory?” She laughs.

  “Not yet, I haven’t seen what’s underneath… yet.” I smile before taking a sip of my scotch.

  “Well you’re assuming that I’m going home with you tonight? What if I have alternative plans Mr. Hunter?” She teases.

  “Then you simply wouldn’t be here, now would you?” My voice seems deeper than usual.

  She laughs again and brushes hair out of her eyes.

  “Sorry Maxy boy, I’m only here for a pre-lube prior to my date.” She explains looking me in the eye.

  “Oh yeah, a date? Do te

  “Well, not that it’s any of your business, but yes, a date. Met him on campus, we have a class together.”

  “Are you meeting him here?” I ask looking around.

  “Yeah. I wanted to start here on my grounds, before he took me out in the world. Just in case he’s creepy.”

  “Smart thinking.” I nod, she’s a smart girl, even if she chooses to waste her time with me.

  “No, date tonight?” She jokes.

  “Already had one. She freaked out because my brother walked in on us, and took off. It was still early…” I let that thought trail off.

  She nods since she understands. While we may be fuck buddies, I have opened up to her a little bit on why I drink as much and fuck as much as I do. We could pass as friends, since she knows more about me than any of the other randoms, and sometimes more than my friends or family.

  “Ah ha. Well, my dearest Max, perhaps another night. It would seem that my date is searching for me. Wish me luck.” She jumps off her barstool, gives me a kiss on the cheek and practically skips away.

  I shake my head. Looks like I’m not getting laid again tonight.

  I turn around to see Nikki greet her date and smile. I remember first dates, the happiness, the eagerness to see that person, the excitement. I had that, and then I lost it. I start to frown as I turn around and drag another sip of my scotch.

  I’m getting ready to leave, but first I drag myself to the restroom. On the way out, I’m running my hand through my hair and look up to nearly run into a woman who is walking backward and laughing at whichever one of her friends is distracting her.

  My hands reach out to her upper arms to stop her from completely colliding. I won’t lie, a part of me is also swaying due to the amount of alcohol that I’ve drank tonight.

  “Whoa there.” I murmur.

  Her shocked gasp immediately sends jolts to my dick as I imagine her gasping bent over the bathroom counter. I lick my lips as I look at her face. She looks like your typical girl next door minus the pigtails and freckles. She’s wearing little make-up and isn’t dressed like a total tramp, so she has that going for her. With brown hair and highlights, she’s attractive and looks sweet. Too sweet for me, probably.

  “Sorry.” She says as her eyes connect with mine for a slight moment and she’s hurried off the next in refuge of the woman’s restroom.

  I smile and walk back to my barstool and sit down. I signal for one more drink and notate the time, it is nearing last call. I keep my peripheral open to the bathroom hallway so I can see Ms. Girl next door come out and find out where she’s sitting. If she’s got guys sitting with her, I can’t make a move, if I intend to make one.

  She came out of the hallway and looked around. Her eyes were scanning the entire bar. Did her friends ditch her? She lands on a booth against the wall. I look in that direction and take notice of 3 females and one very metro-sexual male. The male is sitting beside one of the other females, so I need not to worry that she’s with him. I nonchalantly look back at her and she begins walking toward the table slowly. She’s scanning the bar again, and then our eyes meet. Her lips have parted again, and logically I’m envisioning my dick between them. Her cheeks blush and she immediately darts her eyes back to her friends. She stops in front of their table and says something to the group. One of her friends angles her head around the girl’s body and looks in my direction.

  I raise my glass and smile in her direction as she quickly hides behind her standing friend. I turn back around. Score. I may in fact get laid again tonight. I smile and take a sip. Relishing in the taste and swirling the liquid in my tumbler. I feel a tap on my shoulder and slowly turn my head.

  It’s Game on!

  * * *

  I’m leaning against the brick wall behind the bar with my hand on the back of Kailey’s head, pressing her to me.

  Kailey chatted me up at the bar for 10 minutes before suggesting we remove ourselves. I offered her to join me at home, but she refused. She said she didn’t want to go to her house because her roommates wouldn’t think highly of her bringing home a guy she just met at a bar. I was right about her being the girl next door, yet a little naughty – or at least I can only hope. So here we are, she’s licking her way around my neck and she’s unbuttoned the first two buttons on my shirt. I have my other hand under her shirt working its way up to her tits.

  She gasps as my fingertips have brushed her nipple send electric shocks to my dick and I’m ready to go.

  I lower the hand that was gripping the back of her head and move it down her hip to the top of the swell of her ass and I push her into me, into feeling the appreciation that my dick has for her sucking and gasping on my neck.

  “Kailey.” I whisper.

  She doesn’t say anything, but she squirms against me. My hand that was brushing against her nipple is now making its way to her waistline. But she stops me from entering.

  “I would rather…” She whispers as she lowers herself to her knees, undoes my pants, and anxiously releasing my straining dick and grabs my hips.

  Holy fuck! A BJ, in the alley? Am I that sick, should I degrade this chick like that? I’m struggling with myself, I’m a bastard, but am I that kind of bastard?

  I don’t think any further on this thought as warmth envelopes my dick, her tongue runs the length of my dick, caressing under the head, then adding some slight suction as she takes me completely in her mouth and then she picks up her movement with both her tongue and her hand. My head falls back against the brick and I enjoy.



  I got the teaching job at Fairbanks Elementary, the school where I interviewed last week and I start work today. Even though there’s a few weeks left in the year, they couldn’t find a substitute so late in the year, so I get to work a few weeks then I have the summer off. I’ve mentally been preparing for this for about 2 weeks since my interview. Katrina took me out to dinner last night and then made me breakfast and packed my lunch for me this morning. I’ve been at her house for the past few nights because I needed a break from walking in on Max and any of his tokens for a few days, especially since I wanted to make sure I got enough sleep the day before work.

  “I feel like it’s my first day of school, but it would be extremely wrong of me to picture everyone naked.” I say as I enter Katrina’s kitchen and reach for the coffee mug she has resting on the counter for me.

  She laughs. “Extremely wrong.”

  “Do I look okay?” I ask nervously.

  “Mr. Hunter, you look great. You’re going to be the new hot teacher that all the other teachers fawn after. I think I need to change my ringtone to that song, ‘cause I’m surely ‘hot for teacher.’” She says as she wraps her arms around my neck.

  I lean down and kiss her cheek. “You always know the best things to say.”

  “Have you talked to Max lately?” She asks changing subjects.

  “Not for a few days. Last we talked, it was more me saying: Oh no, not again, C’mon Max!” I mimic my voice from the other night when I walked in on him yet again.

  “It’s gotta be tough. It’s been a whole year and he’s just trying to get by.” She says thoughtfully.

  “I think he’s fucked in the head with everything honestly. The other night, he went back out after the chick he was, well hanging with, left the house. I didn’t hear him come back in that night, but I know that he didn’t go into work since when I was up for the final paperwork with the district, his car was still in the driveway.”

  “You mean, he had a hook up, then she left, then he went back out for more?” Katrina asks.

  “It’s happened before, one time he brought home two strippers.” I shudder in remembrance of waking up to that party in the living room. Katrina shudders too.

  “Way too gross of a conversation to have before I finish my breakfast.” She smiles as she hands me a brown bag.

  “Lunch?” I ask holding it up.

  “Yup, PB&J, apple slices, carrots and a s
urprise treat.” She smiles.

  “Babe, you realize that I’m the teacher and not the student, right?” I laugh.

  “You got to relate to the kids, get on their level. That’s how you gain their trust.” She deadpans.

  I shake my head, kiss her on the forehead and grab my stuff to head to school.

  The day has gone quickly, it’s now five minutes to the end of the day and I’m just as anxious as the students are. I’ve met a few of the teachers throughout the day and after school, there’s a small meet and greet with the other teachers of the school.

  The bell rings.

  “Everyone’s excused, have a good rest of your day. And in celebration of me being your new teacher, no homework tonight,” I smile over the class. There are some cheers from the back of the room and then soon my classroom is quiet and empty.

  “Knock. Knock.” A female voice from the doorway says.

  I turn to greet the new visitor and smile. I recognize her from seeing her in the teachers’ lounge. She walks in the classroom and looks around. She had curly red hair and could practically glow in the dark. Her smile though is sweet; she seems nice enough.

  “Hi, I’m Sammie. I teach 2nd grade.”

  “Davis Hunter. Nice to meet you Sammie.” I extend my hand.

  “Mr. Brenner was very drab with his classroom as you can tell. A lot of us have themes, if you need any inspiration, a few of us can help you.” She offers looking around the classroom.

  “And Mr. Brenner, what happened to him?” I ask.

  “He retired or at least that’s what the rumor mill says. He kept to himself, didn’t socialize, especially with the younger grades. There’s a few of us who try to make it not so cliquey and mingle with all the teachers rather than the ones just in our grades.” She smiles.


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