SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

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SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) Page 19

by Casey, London

  One hard thrust sent Miller deep into Ella. He held there for a few seconds as his mouth tasted her neck. As he moved down her chest, he started to love her. Hard thrusts that were slow. So slow that Miller felt every beautiful inch of the inside of her body. His mouth moved over her left breast and he engulfed her. He sucked at her hard, leaving her whimpering. Her hands dug at the back of his head.

  Miller was stuck between making love to Ella and going fucking wild at her. He pulled away from her breast and moved to the other one. His hand cupped under her breast and he squeezed, wanting a taste like he had before. Nothing happened this time but Miller stayed right with her, suckling, tongue swirling around her nipple.

  He then put both hands to her ass and lifted her off the bed. Miller climbed further on the bed, resting Ella’s head on a pillow. His hungry mouth then went for her mouth, kissing her like he’d never get a chance again. Miller couldn’t remember the first last kiss they had the first time, but if this one now was going to be a last time, he’d never forget it.

  Thrusting at her body, feeling her sheathing him, squeezing at him, Miller sped up as the urge to come became too great to hold back. He plunged deep into Ella and let his cock go. Her hands grabbed at his ass, clawing and holding him in place as he released into her deep core.

  They wildly kissed long after Miller finished. So much that Miller started to fuck her again a few minutes later. His cock didn’t lose much hardness and Ella was far from drying up on him.

  He made love to her again, their bodies tight together, sweating. The second time was softer, slower, him truly loving her body. They ended up coming together in an embrace when Miller finished a second time.

  Then Ella took him by the face. “Sleep with me tonight.”

  “I just did,” Miller said. “Twice, darling.”

  “You know what I mean. Go get Beck. Sleep in this bed. The three of us. This… family…”

  Miller couldn’t stand the word family still because of the punch to the heart it gave him.

  He dressed and scooped Beck off the floor.

  Miller sat up and watched Ella and Beck. His left hand touched Ella’s shoulder. His right hand rested to Beck’s side. He rubbed both and watched them fall asleep.


  Christ, it was really starting to feel like that.

  And the thing about family… just like MC… any decent man would die for his family.

  Miller snuck out of bed and went to the living room and watched the embers glowing in the fireplace.

  He called Gaige.

  “Give me an update.”

  “Jerry came back and trashed the bar,” Gaige said. “Smashed some walls looking for guns. Prospects didn’t say a thing. He’s sending out all his men to look for us.”

  “Okay,” Miller said. “Blaine?”

  “Lawyer is on it. He could hold him overnight though.”

  “I’m sure Blaine could survive the night. Do you have Emily?”

  “She’s with me,” Gaige said. “We’re good. But how long can we do this?”

  “It ends tomorrow,” Miller said. “I have Ella and Beck settled. I want you and Blaine up here. Work your way however. Wait for Blaine to get out. Then I’m going right into town and ending it. Giving myself up and just going for him.”

  “Jesus, Miller.”

  “I have no choice. I’m the President, brother. I’m not going to let him do this… we’re all hiding. Waiting. Worried. We don’t live like that. But we have more to lose than ever before.”

  “I won’t argue with what you need to do,” Gaige said. “Just think about everything.”

  “Just get your ass up here tomorrow.”

  Miller ended the call.

  He walked to the front of the cabin and opened the door. It was pitch black out there. It was dangerous out there. Frelen was definitely under attack now. Jerry needed to die. And if that meant Miller had to go down, so be it. The MC would rally together for Ella and Beck. Gaige would take the President’s patch. Blaine would become VP. Then they’d all take care of Ella and Beck. And maybe someday someone would be man enough to take care of Ella for the rest of her life.

  But there would be no more danger for her or Beck. And that’s all that really mattered.

  Miller shut the door and returned to the bedroom. Ella was on her side, arm around Beck. Beck was on his back, head turned to one side, lost in the world whatever the hell babies dreamed about. Miller leaned down and kissed Beck’s forehead.

  He then sat on the floor and reached under the bed. He had three shotguns ready to go. Miller put his head against the side of the bed and shut his eyes.

  He opened his eyes to the sound of baby noises. There was light in the bedroom. He hurried to his feet and looked around the room.

  Everything was normal.

  It was morning. Too damn early to be up this early. But there was Beck, grabbing at his feet. He rolled to his belly and popped up, going for the edge of the bed. He reached one hand off the bed and Miller scooped him up.

  “Daredevil,” Miller said. “Good morning.”

  Ella stirred and sat up fast. “Where… what…”

  “Good morning to you,” Miller said.

  “Is Beck okay?”

  “He’s fine. He was trying to climb off the bed.”

  Ella blinked fast. “Oh, jeez. He’s too fast now.”

  “He’s fine.”

  “Did you sleep last night?”

  “I’m fine.”

  Ella got out of the bed. Her hair was a mess. A sexy mess. From sleep and sex.

  She went right to Miller and Beck. She kissed Beck first, then Miller. Beck was quick to dive into his mother’s arms, looking for breakfast, obviously.

  “I have to admit,” Miller said. “I’m a little jealous that the kid gets to go for it whenever he’s hungry.”

  “The difference… if I let you do that, Miller, it would be all day, every day.”

  Miller grinned. “Good point.”

  The cabin was a little cool. Ella shivered as she sat on the couch. She started to nurse the baby and Miller built a fire. He used the last of the wood to get a small fire started.

  “I’ll be back in a second,” he said. “I’m going to get some more firewood from around back. Then I’ll cook something for breakfast.”

  “Grilled cheese?” Ella asked.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  Miller left the cabin and walked around back. The first thing he noticed was the pile of firewood spread across the ground. He didn’t remember it looking like that last night. Cautiously approaching the wood, Miller reached for his gun.

  There was no gun.

  “Ah, fuck,” he growled.

  He left his gun in cabin, in the bedroom.

  Luckily there was no sign of a bear or something digging around. For all knew, he probably knocked the pile over last night trying to grab some wood.

  Miller stacked the wood back up and then filled his arms. He walked around the other side of the cabin, keeping his eyes open and ready. Today was the day it all happened. Ella wouldn’t know a thing until it was all over. She would spend the day in the comfort of the cabin. In front of a fire, with her son, and just wait.

  When Miller got to the front porch, the front door was wide open. On the second step was a pacifier.

  Beck’s pacifier.

  That’s when Miller heard a scream. He dropped the firewood and jumped forward. A gun went off and a hot pain went through his right shoulder, sending him spinning and falling to the ground.

  “Miller!” Ella’s voice cried. “Help!”

  It was all going down.

  Right. Fucking. Now.


  Ella wasn’t sure how it all happened. And how it all happened so fast.

  She heard the door open. She turned and couldn’t believe what she saw. Jerry standing there. A gun in his hand.

  “Say a word and I’ll fucking shoot you.”

  Ella stood a
nd held Beck tight.

  “Where is he?” Jerry asked.


  “Come here right now. We’re leaving.”

  “He’s going to kill you.”

  “Don’t make me fucking shoot you right now.”

  Ella moved toward Jerry. Once in range, he grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the cabin. Beck had started to doze off after eating. They went down the steps and Beck’s pacifier fell out of his mouth, hitting the step.

  “Don’t do this,” Ella pleaded.

  “Shut up, bitch. You’re mine. I have my fucking family again.”

  “This is a bad idea.”

  “Let him come after me. Watch what fucking happens.”

  Ella shut her mouth and looked around. They were going into the woods. She slowly reached down and took off one of Beck’s socks. She let it fall to the ground.

  Jerry stopped walking. He lifted the gun.

  “Shit,” he whispered.

  Jerry pulled the trigger.

  The boom made Beck jump in Ella’s arms. He started to scream.

  “Miller! Help!” she yelled.

  Jerry’s hand came across her face.

  Ella almost fell over. She touched her mouth and tasted blood.

  “Hurry. I swear I’ll kill you.”

  Ella followed Jerry again. She stuck her fingers in her mouth and wiped blood on the trees. She then took Beck’s other sock off and dropped it. Bouncing the baby, she did her best to console him.

  “You hurt his ears,” Ella said.

  Jerry looked back. “I don’t care.”

  “Then why are you taking us? You don’t want us. You don’t love us.”

  “But he does,” Jerry said. “I’m taking everything from his life. He gets nothing. And when he watches you and that kid suffer… then he’ll go.”

  They trampled through the trees and a cabin suddenly appeared. Just like the cabin with Miller.

  “He didn’t know about my secret place,” Jerry said with a grin.

  He dragged Ella up and into the cabin.

  With the slam of a door, Ella feared for her life more than ever before. This was going to end badly… so fucking badly.

  It only got worse when Jerry tied Ella to a chair. And he took Beck from her. When the baby cried, Jerry got louder and madder. So Ella screamed. Jerry quickly took care of that, shoving a towel in her mouth.

  He then stood holding Beck in one arm and a shotgun in the other.

  Ella cried.

  Please… Miller… please…


  Miller’s knuckles were swollen from punching the walls.

  Hands grabbed his shoulder and he turned and pushed, throwing Gaige off the porch. He hadn’t realized it was Gaige.


  A second later Blaine appeared.


  “We’re here,” Blaine said. “Just like you need.”

  “What the fuck did I do?” Miller asked.

  “Nothing,” Gaige said. “Miller, listen. He’s got the PD out searching. There was a shootout in the lot and we lost two prospects. But they fought back. Jace, Landon, and Nate are coming up next. This is going to end.”

  “He took her into the woods,” Miller said. “We have to track her now.”

  Miller handed out shotguns and handguns, then bolted from the porch.

  “How the hell do you know where to go?” Blaine asked.

  “I don’t,” Miller said.

  A few seconds later, he saw something bright and blue on the ground.

  It was a sock. A baby sock.

  “Look at this,” Miller said. “She did this on purpose.”

  “Smart woman,” Gaige said.

  “Keep quiet and spread out a little. Look for signs.”

  They all kept walking. Miller couldn’t calm himself down. He was so mad he left the cabin without Ella and Beck. Just to get firewood, but still. Of course Jerry would track them. Regret settled in fast, Miller telling himself he should have just let anyone make the kill shot on Jerry.

  A whistle sounded.

  Gaige pointed to a tree.

  “What?” Miller asked.

  “I think it’s blood,” Gaige said.

  It was blood. But that could have been anything.

  Then there was more. On a different tree. A small trail of blood on a few trees, followed by another baby sock.

  “This is definitely the way,” Miller said.

  Miller felt a hand clamp on his shoulder. Blaine pulled him down.

  “He’s up ahead,” Blaine whispered. “He has a fucking cabin.”

  Miller squinted and saw through the trees there was another cabin.

  Crawling forward, Miller saw Jerry. Walking back and forth holding Beck and a shotgun.

  Getting closer, Miller wanted to shoot Jerry but couldn’t risk Beck. No fucking way in hell.

  “You gotta go,” Jerry said. “I’m sorry, kiddo. I never wanted this. She was supposed to be on the pill or something. I had no idea I was shooting full into her like that. I’m really sorry.”

  Jerry opened the trunk of the car.

  Miller felt his heart pound even faster. He patiently waited and watched Jerry place Beck in the trunk of the car. Then he pulled the trigger and purposely missed Jerry.

  Jerry jumped back, leaving the trunk open. He scrambled up and into the cabin. The door slammed shut and Miller jumped to his feet. His eyes were locked to the car. When he got there, Beck was already turned around, propping himself up, wanting to get on the move.

  “Come here, little man,” Miller said.

  He took Beck out of the trunk and then hid on the side of the car.

  “Christ,” Gaige said.

  “What now?” Blaine asked.

  “Ella’s inside,” Miller said. “I have to get in there and end this. Gaige, I need you to stay right here with the kid. Keep him close and keep an eye out for anyone else coming. If someone does come, just cover Beck’s ears and fire your gun.”

  “I’m on babysitting duty?” Gaige asked.

  “Goddammit, brother, it’s for me. And I don’t trust Blaine’s hands. Or what they’ve touched.”

  “Aw, thanks,” Blaine said. “You must really love that kid, huh?”

  Miller looked at Beck. “Yeah. I do.”

  Gaige took Beck.

  Miller darted for the porch while Blaine ran along the cabin. There was no time to waste so Miller kicked the door, shattering it open. He hated to see what he saw next, which was Ella tied to a chair and a gun to her head.

  “I’ll do it!” Jerry yelled.

  “This is between us, man,” Miller said. “Fight me like a man. Right now.” Miller slowly put his gun down. “Look. That’s my weapon.”

  “It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” Jerry said. “I have to take you all down now. I have no choice.”

  “Call your men and raid the clubhouse,” Miller said. “Just don’t hurt Ella. I’ll tell you where anything is. You can tie me, Blaine, Gaige, anyone you want to any crime in Frelen. But Ella has to live.”

  Jerry swallowed hard. “I want to take her with me then. I’ll leave that fucking kid here. You can have him. Or just get rid of him.”

  “That’s your son,” Miller said.

  “No. That ain’t my son. He looks too much like Ella. I bet she fucking cheated on me!”

  Jerry brought the gun up like he was going to hit Ella in the head.

  “No!” Miller bellowed.

  A gunshot went off and Jerry stumbled to the side. Miller looked around and then before he could piece the puzzle together, Jerry fired his weapon, hitting Miller in the shoulder. Miller collapsed in fiery pain and watched as Blaine stormed the side window, shooting at Jerry.

  Jerry dropped and the bullets missed him. He hid behind Ella.

  Miller held his shoulder, feeling the blood pulsing.

  “Shit,” he growled.

  “You fucker.”

  It was Jerry, poin
ting his gun from behind the chair. He rose up just enough to put his face next to Ella’s. He then put the gun to Ella’s head.

  “We’re all going to die then,” Jerry said and smiled.

  Miller had a split second to make a decision. He grabbed his gun, lifted it, looked Ella dead in the eyes, and pulled the trigger.

  Ella screamed through the towel in her mouth as Jerry flew back. Blaine came through the window a second later and rushed to Miller. He helped Miller up and then took the towel from Ella’s mouth.

  “Sorry, babe,” Blaine said. “Miller needs this.”

  “Miller!” Ella yelled. “Where’s Beck?”

  “He’s right here,” Gaige said as he came into the cabin.

  “Untie Ella,” Miller said, swatting Blaine away.

  He walked behind the chair and saw Jerry on the ground, a bullet hole between his eyes.

  “You got your kill,” Gaige said.

  Beck let out a cry.

  Miller turned and saw Ella on her feet. She grabbed Beck and hugged the baby, crying. Miller put his unwounded arm around her and pulled her close.

  “It’s over,” Miller whispered. He kissed the top of her head. “It’s fucking over.”

  “He was going to hurt us,” Ella cried.

  “Look at me…” Ella looked at him. “But he didn’t.”

  “Hey, Miller,” Blaine said. “What do we do now?”

  Miller looked around the cabin. “Burn it all down. Make it look like an accident. I don’t give a shit.”

  Miller walked Ella out of the cabin. He made a line for the woods, not caring about anything else behind him. By the time he reached his cabin, there was a line of black smoke starting to rise up.

  At the steps to the cabin, Miller felt his legs start to give.


  “I’m good,” he whispered. “Just… a lot of blood…”

  “I’ll call for help,” Ella said.

  “No. The fire. Jerry… fuck. Ella, I love you. I love Beck. I want to be a family with you. I need you, darling.”

  “You have me. You have us.”

  Miller tried to kiss Ella but ended up on the ground.


  The clubhouse would be fixed. The prospects who had half a brain were already working on the mess Chief Jerry had made. Ella and Beck were fine and Miller barely got out of needing surgery. The bullet was plucked from his shoulder and he was stitched up and told he could leave in a day or two. To Miller, that meant a couple hours.


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