Goddess: A Femme Domme Erotica Novel

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Goddess: A Femme Domme Erotica Novel Page 21

by R. J. Castille

  “Ms. King,” Mr. Roth’s voice blared through the speaker, almost too loud for me to tolerate, “I am expecting a visitor today for a lunch date. She should be arriving around noon, please entertain her until I arrive from the courthouse.” He did not wait for my reply, instead, he simply hung up.

  A visitor? She? I suddenly felt the green-eyed monster attempting to consume me again. I refused to acknowledge the jealousy I felt as I mulled his words over in my mind. Part of me felt like he had done that on purpose, based on the strange look he had on his face when I had arrived earlier to be greeted by his condemnation. A vision of Mr. Roth hog-tied on his knees, a large ball gag forced in between his teeth to keep him from being able to utter any words almost made me feel better. Almost.

  Instead of allowing my thoughts to take control, I focused on checking my email and voicemails. Making note of who had called, when and from where, I began the process of returning their calls and answering the email inquiries I had received. Before I knew it, it was nearly 12:00 PM. His words echoed in my head, she should be arriving around noon , as I started to succumb to the nervous energy I felt spread through my body.

  When she arrived, I was upset further. I peered through my cracked door at her flawless figure. She was tall and blonde. Of course , I huffed inside my head. Her long, slender legs disappeared at the hem of her short skirt. Tall, patent-leather, spike heels adorned her feet, fastened at the ankle by a thin strap that buckled at the back. She wore a tight, fitted button down, so white it was almost sheer. It was obviously intentional that you could see her fancy bra underneath.

  Unfortunately, she noticed me spying on her from across the foyer and smiled slyly in my direction. Bright red lipstick applied to her perfectly plump mouth. I cleared my throat and opened the door the rest of the way, trying not to appear like the stalker I suddenly felt like. She tossed her blonde locks away from her shoulder and glanced nonchalantly in my direction. I vaguely noticed I felt like I was feline that must defend her territory.

  As I approached her, Ms. Salas smiled nervously at me. My attempts to appear unshaken an obvious failure. Reaching my hand toward her, she wrapped my hand into hers and firmly shook it. I could not pinpoint her look, but she appeared amused at my visible resentment of her presence. That kind of woman would never feel threatened by someone like me I was sure. She had the world wrapped around her slender finger and I was sure Mr. Roth was no different.

  Feeling as though I could not handle “entertaining” her as Mr. Roth had instructed me to, I asked Ms. Salas to show her to the break room where she could find some refreshments while she waited for Gordon to return from court. Ms. Salas obliged and she led her out of the executive suite quickly. I had not noticed, but I was gripping the reception counter so tightly, my knuckles were white. My fingers slowly released their death grip as I turned and walked back into my office. He would be upset with me that I had not engaged his mystery woman, but I had no intention of socializing with one of his concubines so he could watch me squirm. I refused to give him that satisfaction.

  When Gordon emerged through the large doors leading into the executive suite, I was still planted firmly in my office chair. I was busying myself with completing some court paperwork for an upcoming case when he slammed the door of my office behind him, jolting me from my thoughts.

  “Ms. King, did I not ask you to take care of my visitor until I returned? Why then are you sitting at your desk doing God knows what instead of following my instruction?” the look on his face was angry, but his eyes flashed with obvious delight. He stared at me and waited for my reply.

  “I have a lot of work to complete Mr. Roth. I hardly feel entertaining your latest conquest is in my job description,” my last words hung in the air. The challenge was complete and Mr. Roth was almost fuming. His whole face turned an angry red color and the tops of his ears camouflaged themselves to match. Rather than say anything in return, he turned on his heel and stomped out of my office, slamming the door closed behind him. I smiled as I stuck my middle finger up into the air in the direction he had gone.

  I watched Mr. Roth and the female visitor through my door that I had cracked open just enough to peek out. I had thought enough to switch off the light so it was not evident I was, once again, in stalker mode as I stared at the couple walk across the foyer and disappeared into his office. My heart was beating rapidly and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I could not tear my eyes away from his closed door.

  It seemed like an eternity before they both emerged from Mr. Roth’s office. Her hair was no longer smooth and the curls had matted together in some places. Just been fucked hair . I flinched at this thought as I realized that she and Mr. Roth had clearly engaged in some naughty behavior behind closed doors. As they walked across the foyer, I saw Gordon glance in the direction of my office. A smile danced across his lips as he noticed me glaring at them both. I quickly shut the door and returned to my desk, a tight feeling in my chest. Shaking my head, I attempted to distract myself by sending him a message from Goddess.

  * * *


  I will be at the penthouse this evening and will arrive around 8:00 PM. I expect you to be there and ready to engage with me.


  * * *

  Goddess never requested, she simply instructed and expected that her demands were obeyed. I anticipated a reply, but doubted it would be immediate, so I turned my attentions back to the court documents I was working on when Mr. Roth had so rudely interrupted me. He would pay for flaunting blondie in front of me, that was for sure.

  I carried on for several hours, forgetting to take my lunch until quite late in the day, causing the nausea to return. Slipping carefully out of my office, a quick glance toward Mr. Roth’s office confirming he had still not returned. I headed to the break room and slipped several coins into the slot on the front of the vending machine before selecting a bag of trail mix and a granola bar. I had left in such a hurry that morning, I forgot to grab something to eat, so I was stuck consuming the contents of the machine that was notorious for housing food items that were on the verge of expiration. It did not matter that the trail mix had a slight stale taste to it, I needed something to calm my stomach STAT.

  When I returned to my office, I sat down at my computer again and touched the mouse, causing the screen to glow again. I switched the screen to my personal email account which remained opened in the background and saw what I wanted. I had received a reply from Gordon. With lightning speed, I clicked on the message and read its contents.

  * * *

  Yes, Goddess!

  Thank you !

  Eternally Yours,


  * * *

  Now that was more like it. I looked at the time of the message and saw that it had just been sent from his iPhone. It was my intention to properly punish Gordon for his display of rash behavior, I would take it out of his flesh indeed. The image of him hog-tied on his knees naked before me once again popped into my mind only this time I did not force it away. I laughed out loud at this thought. Thankfully, no one was around to hear me for the would no doubt think I was slowly going mad.

  Part of me thought I was going mad. I was not a jealous person by nature, but the memory of watching Gordon parade his blonde succubus across the foyer made my chest hurt. It was the same sensation as when my first high-school boyfriend broke up with me for another girl. I was devastated because I was very much in love with him. This situation was, however, completely out of line. I was not supposed to be invidious, Mr. Roth was not my boyfriend, he was my boss, but for some reason, I felt possessive of him. He had become Goddess’ creature and I fully intended on reminding him of that.

  The rest of the day dragged on. When it was finally time to leave for the day, I almost flew out the door. I handed the next day’s court files to Ms. Salas as I bid her farewell and made my way to the parking garage. I was relieved when I finally slid behind the steering wheel and started the mo
tor. When I pulled out of the structure and drove in the direction of the 101, I caught a glimpse of Gordon’s limousine parked on the curb in front of the building. I could not put my finger on it, but I was truly upset with him. It was almost as though I was that jealous girlfriend who was madly in love with a man who had gone out of his way to tear my heart from my chest and hand it back to me, still beating and gushing blood onto his palm. I quickly looked away as I saw him emerge from the building and head toward the limousine and focused on the traffic in front of me.

  When I finally arrived at my apartment building, the building manager caught me as I entered the stairwell before I could start the climb to my floor. A short, squatty, Middle-Eastern man with oily skin and a thick, dark beard. He held a small package in his hand.

  “Ms. King,” he stated, his thick accent made my name sound delicious, “I signed for this package for you, Fed Ex cannot leave it without a signature as you know.” He handed the package to me and I took hit from his chubby fingered hand. I thanked him and turned to make my way up the stairs to my domicile. As I stepped, I examined the package carefully. No name, just a return address. Large Federal Express stickers almost consumed the top of the box. I shook it carefully, only this time, nothing rattled and no noise emerged from within.

  I secured the door behind me, still preoccupied by the mystery package I had received. Setting my purse down on the counter, I used a steak knife to sever the packing tape that held the box closed. Inside, once again underneath several layers of black, glittered tissue paper, was the most beautiful masquerade mask I had ever seen. Made of high- quality plastic, it was similar to the one I already had with the rhinestones swirling across my brow, only this one had rhinestones across the top of the eyes, accentuating the opening and one large stone located in the center of a crest that rose up in the middle of the top of the mask. It was accented with intricately carved metal pieces fixed on top of the eyes, giving it a three-dimensional look. Long, black satin ribbons hung from either side of the mask to tie it on with.

  The mask was one of beauty, however, I still could not determine where these gifts were coming from. Since they were being delivered to my apartment, it had to be someone who knew of both my fantasy world and my reality simultaneously. There were not too many people who had that knowledge so it perplexed me. If not Matthew, then who? I found myself repeating that question often as the new gift arrived in the same manner as the last. Not that I was complaining. They were marvelous tributes, but it did make me nervous that an undisclosed soul somehow had gleaned knowledge of both of my lives.

  Trying to ignore the nagging in the back of my mind, I began to prepare myself for my rendezvous with Gordon at the penthouse. I picked out one of my fanciest corsets and tied myself in, the tight fabric against my skin somehow a comfort to me. The garter belt was fashioned to match and as I slipped it on over my hips, it conformed to my curves perfectly. Thigh-high stockings in place and fastened securely to the straps of the garter belt, I slipped into my knee-high stiletto boots. I had shined them after the last time I wore them so the light gleamed off of them in impressive rays. For the ride over, I slid a tight, black mini skirt, almost short enough for my thigh high stocking to be seen below the hem. I chose my mask, pyramid studded, more adventurous design this time around, and exited the closet.

  I made note of the time, 7:00 PM, as I quickly threw my hair back into a loose, French braid. Deciding to refresh my makeup and adorn my features with a more appropriate look for the evening, I expertly dusted my face with numerous forms of coverage. To finish it off, I touched dark red lip stain to my mouth and carefully traced the curves, once that stuff was on, it did not come off until I removed it with an oil-based substance. Touching my lips together, I blended the color and blotted the excess with a tissue. The final layer was the gloss that was conveniently housed on the opposite end of the small tube of lip color.

  Satisfied with myself as I observed my reflection in the full- length mirror, I headed into the living area and grabbed the handles of my purse. I checked to make sure I had my cell phone before walking out the door and locking the deadbolt behind me. Once I was safely down the stairs and behind the steering wheel of my car, I merged into traffic cautiously. People had a tendency to fly through my neighborhood at unnecessarily high speeds sometimes.

  As I drove toward the freeway, stopping occasionally at an annoying red light, I thought of that woman who had the nerve to put her hands on him, and he flaunted it right in front of me. I was furious with him. Even though he did not know my true identity, it hurt that he would parade another woman in front of me. It was inexplicable as I should be capable of dismissing such actions, but I found myself questioning his actions. How could he do such a thing to me?

  I began to think that the impossible was happening. Could it really be possible that I was developing feelings for him? The thought horrified me and I felt my stomach felt as it had flipped over and then returned to its normal position. If that were the case, I would have to distance myself from him, after this evening of course. Of course, I could not allow him to go without his punishment for the shameful actions he had taken earlier.

  As I neared the building where my penthouse was perched at the top level, I parked my car in an unusual place. I had driven my personal vehicle, which Mr. Roth would surely recognize. At least I was mindful of that fact and thought enough to attempt to disguise my humble carriage. I locked the door behind me and headed toward the building after I zig-zagged across the parking lot. It was my way of confusing him if he happened to see me arriving.

  I crossed the lobby quickly and entered the elevator, punching in my special code. The doors slid shut quickly and whisked me upward, the motion causing me to notice the nausea I had begun to feel on my drive over. When the doors opened with their standard chime, I immediately saw Gordon. He was standing across the penthouse, looking out the large windows at the water. His expression appeared thoughtful .

  As soon as he noticed I had arrived, he hurried toward me. Dropping to his knees before me, he kissed to toes of each boot. This reaction always made me smile. I hoped he would not catch me smiling down at him as I was still quite upset with him. He remained with his head bowed to the ground, forehead pressed to the floor, until I gave him the command to raise up. Gordon instantly straightened and sat back on his heels. I was pleased to see that he was already nearly naked in preparation for my arrival.

  I stepped around him and toward the area set up to conduct our sessions. He turned around and followed me on his hands and knees.

  When I reached the crucifix, I motioned for him to stand in front of it, nose pressed against the center. I used lined wrist and ankle cuffs to fasten him to the slats of wood that made up the crucifix. His chest was pressing up against the beam along with his pelvis, which left little room for his ever-responsive cock. He squirmed a little in attempt to relieve the pressure from his groin.

  The table had been adorned with numerous implements to choose from. I picked up a short riding crop and turned toward Gordon. Arching the crop through the air twice, it made a familiar whiz as it cut through empty space. I trailed the tip of the cross around the back of his neck, across his shoulders and down his spine. Gordon tensed his muscles in response. When I reached his perfect buttocks, I began to tap the tip of the crop rhythmically on his bare skin. I covered the entire surface of his rear and down the backs of his thighs, warming the area with teasing flicks.

  When his skin appeared slightly reddened, I arched my arm upward and aimed the tip at my mark. The leather stung his skin, a large welt appearing almost instantly. Gordon’s breath hissed as he drew it sharply in through clenched teeth. Tension clearly evident as his jaw tightened and released with his effort to control his reactions as I continued to strike him repeatedly. I counted inside my head, tracking each delicious blow until I had reached ten.

  Gordon was panting in attempt to regain control of his breathing. He moaned lowly as I traced the edge of the tip o
f my crop along his awakened nerve endings. I watched the goose pimples as they erupted on his tantalized skin. I arched my arm up and proceeded to land an additional ten strikes. Up and down the back of his thighs, his hamstrings straining both with his position and his automatic response to tense his muscles with each blow. I licked the front of my teeth with the tip of my tongue as I finished my immediate punishment. There was more in store for Mr. Roth, that was for certain.

  As I reached up to release his wrists, I caught sight of his face. It was a glorious glimpse into the weakness of Gordon Roth. Despite his actions earlier with that golden haired harlot, Gordon Roth was the sole possession of Goddess. He was her play thing in which to invoke her will and ultimately unleash the desires that lay buried deep within her heart.

  Gordon’s shoulders slumped forward as each wrist was liberated from the eyebolts that secured them above his head. I quickly snapped open the clasps that held his ankles firmly in place allowing him to move his feet toward each other, finally eliminating the additional strain on his strong leg muscles. He breathed out a heavy sigh of relief as he was finally freed from the shackles that transfixed him in place for my will to be done.

  His wounds were quite impressive. I admired them as he struggled to compose himself fully. When his breathing had finally slowed and he ceased to shiver with each breath, I placed my hand on his shoulder. He dared a glance in my direction, to which I responded with a loving smile. I motioned for Gordon to follow me. He complied naturally, but at a slightly slower pace than normal. It was quite clear that I had done my job. Mr. Roth had been punished to nearly the breaking point. I reveled in this fact as I motioned for him to follow me toward the bed directly across from the play area.

  I eased Gordon down onto the silk sheets stretched across the wide mattress. Urging him to roll over onto his stomach, he responded by rolling over, exposing his strong back to my view. I grasped the bottle of hemp seed massage oil I had left on the end table last time we had an encounter. Twisting the cap to the left, I tipped the bottle and poured what remained in the container into the palm of my hand. I made a mental note to bring the new bottle I had gotten from Matthew next time I came. I returned my attentions to Gordon’s beautiful form and breathed closely onto the oil to warm it slightly before rubbing my hands together slowly. After warming the oil slightly, I began to rub his skin in circular patterns across his recently assaulted skin. He hissed quietly at first as I rubbed the soothing substance into him.


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