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War Stories Page 34

by Oliver North

  Iraqi Liberation Act, xlvii

  Iraqi National Congress, 46

  Iraq Oil Company, xxviii

  Ireland, 55

  Irish Mafia, 136

  Iskendurun, Turkey, 216, 218

  Islam, xvii, xviii–xix

  Israel, xxxvi, liv, 44

  Jackson, Larry “Pepper,” lii, liii, 220, 221–23, 225–26

  Jalibah, 68, 72–73

  James, Mal, 27, 147

  Japan, 249

  Jenkins, Griff: with 4th Infantry Division, 214; assignment of, 27; in Baghdad, 183, 194; broadcast gear and, 70–71, 76; entrance into Baghdad and, 172, 180; entrance into Kuwait of, 9, 11, 12–13; gas masks and, 48; helicopter crash and, 59–62; initial assault and, 54, 55; in Kuwait, 20, 22, 29; march to Baghdad and, 162–63; return home of, lii; war preparations and, 31–32, 33

  Jenkins, Kathleen, 60

  Jenkins, Madeline, 60

  Jihad TV. See Al Jazeera

  Jihaz Haneen, xxvi

  Johnson, Michael Vann, Jr., 101

  Jonah, 173

  Jordan, xx, xxxiii, 78, 86, 228

  Kamil, Hussein, xlv

  Kandahar, Afghanistan, xlvii

  Karbala, Iraq, xxi

  Karbala Gap, Iraq, 130, 147, 203

  KDP. See Kurdistan Democratic Party

  Kelly, Greg, 27, 71, 72, 130, 143, 147, 161

  Kelly, John, 110–14, 198, 223

  Kendall, Nathan, 57, 93, 150, 153, 185–86, 188

  Kennedy, Brian Matthew, 60, 63

  Kennedy, Ted, 256

  Kerry, John, 254–55

  Khalj al Kuwayt, 11

  Khan Bani Saad Air Base, 163

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, xxx–xxxii, xxxiv, xli

  Klinghoffer, Leon, 208

  Knoblock, Brian, li, 32

  Kolb, Tim, 98, 165

  Koppell, Ted, 245

  Korea, lv

  Kosovo, 55

  Kucinich, Dennis, 255

  Kufa, Iraq, xviii

  Ku Klux Klan, 2

  Kurdistan, xxvii

  Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), xxviii

  Kurds, xxvii–xxix, 73, 236

  Kuwait, xx, 8, 41, 79; Ali Al Salem Air Base in, 26–28, 29–32, 33–37; embedded reporting in, 7–17; entrance into Iraq through, liii; HMM-268 in, 33–50, 51–68; I-MEF in, 20; media entrance into, 7–8; missile attacks in, 11–12; Saddam’s invasion of, xxxv–xl; Saddam and, 55; Tactical Assembly Areas in, 19–26

  Kuwait City, Kuwait, 9, 14–17, 22, 58

  Laemmle, Frank, 61

  Lange, Jessica, 251

  Lawrence, T. E., xx, xxi

  League of Nations, xx, xxii

  Lebanon, xx, liv, 78, 86

  Lee, Robert E., 149

  Lenin, Vladimir, xxvii

  Leventhal, Rick, 27, 54, 71, 72, 130, 175, 201

  Lewinsky, Monica, xlvi

  Libya, xxxiii

  Lieberman, Joe, 255

  Lynch, Jessica, liv, 83, 237; rescue of, 130–34

  Ma’amir, 55

  MacArthur, Douglas, 249

  MacArthur, John, 5

  Macedonians, xvii

  MacInerney, Tom, 85

  MAG-39. See Marine Air Group 39

  Majid, Ali Hassan al-, xxxiii

  Marduk, xvi

  Marine Air Group (MAG) 39, 26

  Marine Corps: capability of, 39–41; compassion shown by, 105–9; mission focus of, 24–25; women in, liv

  Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 268 (Red Dragons): cas-evac missions and, 40–42, 65–67, 91–101, 148–57, 183–89; deployment of, 30–31; in Kuwait, 26–32, 33–50, 51–68; near Ur, Iraq, 69–83; at RCT-5, 69–83; supply delivery by, 80–81

  Maritime Prepositioning Ships (MPS), 22

  Marriott Hotel, Kuwait City, 9, 10

  Marshall Plan, 249

  Matthews, Chris, 246

  Mattis, James: Baghdad attack and, 83–84; entrance into Baghdad and, 178; march on Baghdad and, 145–47; march to Baghdad and, 138, 161, 169–70; Safwan Hill and, 52

  McCaffrey, Barry, 85, 246

  McCoy, Brian, 170–71, 177

  “Meal, Ready-to-Eat” combat rations (MRE), 23, 50

  Mecca, xvii

  Medes, xvi

  media: coverage of war by, 243–49; criticism of Bush by, 1–4; military distrust of, 8–9; partisanship of, 2, 4; in Vietnam, 8–9

  Mesopotamia, xvii, xix

  Michener, James, 165

  military: attitude toward media of, 8–9, 13–14; living conditions of, 22, 23, 121–23; medical care for, 39–41, 73; preparedness of, 39–41; quality of, liii–lvii, 4–5

  Milius, USS, 46

  Ministry of Defense, Iraqi, 7

  Ministry of Information, Iraqi, 7–8, 9, 10, 11

  Miramax, 251

  Mireles, Joe, 66

  MOASS, 87

  Monroe, Marilyn, 250

  Montpelier, USS, 46

  Moore, Michael, 251

  Moorehead, Corporal, 149

  Moreno, Corporal, 183

  Morris, Jason, 204, 205–7

  Morrow, Edward R., 244

  Moseley Braun, Carol, 255–56

  Mosul, Iraq, 104, 210, 230, 235

  MPS. See Maritime Prepositioning Ships

  MRE. See “Meal, Ready-to-Eat” combat rations

  Mubarak, Hosni, 44, 208

  Muhammad, xviii

  Mukhabarat, xxvi, xxvii, xliv

  Mundy, Sam, 139, 142, 153, 167, 210, 218; attack on Tikrit and, 202, 204, 205; march to Baghdad and, 158–59, 162

  Najaf, Iraq, xxi, 104, 116

  Nasser, Gamal Abdul, xxiii, xxvi

  National Geographic, 123

  Natonski, Rick, 84

  Nayif, Abd al-Razzaq al-, xxvi

  NBC, 14, 123

  Nebuchadnezzar, xvi, xvii

  Neiman, John, 29

  Newsome, Doctor, 142

  Newton, Wayne, 250

  New York, li, liii, 32, 36, 84, 110, 158

  New Yorker, 247

  New York Times, 6, 120–21, 246, 247

  Nidal, Abu, xlvii

  no-fly zones, 3

  Normandy, 217, 220

  North, Oliver: aliases of, 8; entry into Kuwait of, 7–17; return home of, li–lii, 231–33

  North Africa, 44, 220

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), xxxiii, liii, 104, 151

  North Carolina, 72

  O’Brien, Cyril, 244

  O’Leary, Jeremiah, 244

  O’Neill, Mike, 128, 139, 154

  Oehle, Mike, 136–37, 151

  Oil-for-Food Program, xliii, xlvi, 197, 236, 252–53

  oil infrastructure: destruction of, 54; protection of, liii, 67–68, 72, 220

  101st Airborne Division, 237–38

  173rd Airborne Brigade, 173

  OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

  Operation Desert Fox, xlvi

  Operation Desert Storm. See Persian Gulf War

  Operation Enduring Freedom, 2–3, 8, 257

  Operation Iraqi Freedom: aftermath of, 235–42; Army convoy ambush in, 77–79; beginning of, 40, 45–47, 48–49, 53–60; Britain and, 38, 43; casualties of, 47, 50, 62, 68; delay of, 20, 25–26; diplomacy and, 34, 38; “experts” reporting on, 39, 74, 85; friendly-fire incidents in, 79–80; helicopter crash and, 58–63; Hollywood and, 20, 243, 249–51; intelligence and, 254–55; Iraqi reporting of, 74–75, 81, 160–61; media coverage of, 243–49; operational pause during, 115–19; opposition to, 44–45; palace raids and, 179–90; planning for, liii, 117; rules of engagement for, 33, 174; UN and, 38, 251–53; weather and, 29, 31–32, 33, 57–58, 87–101, 213

  Operation Provide Comfort, xlii

  Operation Southern Watch, 3

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), xxviii

  Orozco, Osbaldo, 230

  Ottoman Empire, xx

  Pacatte, Bill, 93

  Padilla, Fred, 181, 181–83, 188

  Pahlavi, Muhammad Reza, xxx–xxxi

akistan, xxiii

  Palestine, xx

  Palestine Hotel, 160, 175–78

  Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), 208, 209

  Parthians, xvii

  Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), 237

  Patton, George, 217

  Penn, Sean, 250

  Pennington, Dennis, 211; cas-evac missions and, 99, 140–42, 150–56; helicopter crash and, 60, 61; initial assault and, 55–58; war preparations and, 33–34

  Pentagon, xlvii, 27, 46, 211; planning by, liii; second-guessing of, 117; Turkey and Operation Iraqi Freedom and, liii

  Pequeno, Robert, 201

  Persia, xvii, xix

  Persian Gulf, 10

  Persian Gulf War, 22, 25, 40, 53, 55; Hussein and, 11; Iraq’s history and, xxxv–xlix

  Persians, xvi

  Petraeus, David, 237

  Philippines, 23

  Phrogs. See CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters

  Piestewa, Lori, 131–32

  PLF. See Palestine Liberation Front

  Poniewozik, James, 5

  Portsmouth, Treaty of, xxiii

  Portugal, 34

  Powell, Colin, liii, 21

  POWs. See prisoners of war

  press. See media

  Presto, Don, 184, 186, 190, 194

  prisoners of war (POWs): 51st Mechanized Division and, 67; rescue of, 203; treatment of, 81–83

  PUK. See Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

  Pyle, Ernie, 244

  Qadisiyah, Iraq, xvii

  Qal’ at Sukkar, Iraq, administrative flight to, 110–15

  Qasim, Abd al-Karim, xxiv, xxv

  Qasim Muhammad, Abu al-, xvii

  Qatar, 46, 67, 130, 233

  Ramstein, Germany, 193

  RCC. See Revolutionary Command Council

  RCT-1. See 1st Marine Division Regimental Combat Team

  RCT-5. See 5th Marine Division Regimental Combat Team

  RCT-7. See 7th Marine Division Regimental Combat Team

  Reagan, Ronald, xxxv, 208, 209–10

  Red Dragons. See Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 268

  Redford, Robert, 250

  Republican Guard: 51st Mechanized Division of, 55; Al Nida division of, 141, 150; Baghdad division of, 158; Medina division of, 71, 103–4, 147; victory over, 5

  Revolutionary Command Council (RCC), xxvi, xxviii–xxx

  Ripper, TAA, 19

  Roberts, Julia, 250

  Roen, Dave, 115

  Romans, xvii

  Rooney, Mickey, 165, 249

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 258

  Route 1, 70, 72, 73, 83, 127

  Route 7, 84, 103

  Route 8, 70, 72

  Route 27, 127–28

  Royal Marines, British, 40, 49–50; initial assault and, 54, 55

  rules of engagement, 33, 174

  Rumaylah oil fields, 54, 68

  Russia, xix, xxii, 34, 38

  Saddam Canal, 77, 129, 135

  Saddam City, Iraq, 167–68

  Saddam International Airport, 143, 147–48, 161, 175

  Safwan Cease Fire Agreement, xliii

  Safwan Hill, Iraq, 51–52, 54, 57, 67–68

  Sahhaf, Saeed al-, 74, 161

  Saipan, USS, 66, 67

  Salman Pak, Iraq, 154–57

  Samarra, Iraq, 203, 206, 210, 219

  San Diego, Cali., 2, 30

  sandstorms, 29, 31–32, 33, 57–58, 87–101

  San Francisco, Cali., 21

  Sapio, Phillip, 31

  Sarah, xiv, xvi

  Sassanids, xvii

  Sather, Ryan, 94, 95

  Saudi Arabia, xvii, xx, xxi, 78, 86

  Schroeder, Gerhard, 43, 252

  Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, xxxvi, xl, xli

  Scientific American, 16

  Seabees, 28, 77, 84

  Second Iraq War. See Operation Iraqi Freedom

  Secret Service, 2

  Seleucids, xvii

  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 254, 255

  September 11, xlvii–xlviii, 2, 30, 75, 251

  7th Armored Division, British, 67, 72

  7th Marine Division Regimental Combat Team (RCT-7), 54, 67, 72, 73, 126–27, 161

  7th Marine Regiment, 20, 28, 51, 64, 67, 170, 177

  Seymour, Ian, 63

  shamal. See sandstorms

  sharqi. See sandstorms

  Shatt al Arab waterway, 103

  Sheen, Martin, 251

  Sheraton, Kuwait, 10

  Shi’ites, xxvii, 73

  Sidqi, Bakr, xxii

  Sinise, Gary, 250

  16th Air Assault Brigade, British, 72

  smallpox, 15, 16–17

  Smith, Ray, 111–14, 118

  Snow, Tony, 76, 233

  Somalia, 246

  Spain, 34, 38

  Spencer, Rich, 56, 61

  St. John, Jill, 250

  Stalin, Joseph, xxii, xxvii, xxviii

  Stark, USS, xxxiii

  State Department, liii, 46

  Steiner, Carl, 208–9

  Stevens, Connie, 250

  Stewart, Jimmy, 249

  Stone, Oliver, 251

  Stratford, Mark, 63

  Streisand, Barbra, 251

  Strike Brigade, 237

  Stroehman, Lieutenant Colonel, 96–98, 99, 101

  suicide attacks, 105

  Sunnis, 236

  Sykes-Picot Agreement, xx

  Syria, xx, xxvii, xliv, 78, 86

  Tactical Operations Center (TOC), 4th Infantry Division, lii

  “Tailwind” story, 9, 123

  Talabani, Jalal, 237

  Taliban, xlvii

  Tallil Air Base, 78, 97

  Task Force Tarawa, 68, 73, 77, 199–200; Baghdad and, 72, 158; An Nasiriyah and, 81–82, 84

  Task Force Tripoli, 198–99, 201, 203

  Terrigino, SFC, 223, 225, 226, 227–28, 229

  terrorism: UN and, 253; war on, 39, 256–59

  Tet offensive, 118

  Texas, 131

  3rd Commando Brigade, British, 55, 72

  3rd Infantry Division, 27, 68, 71, 103–4, 173

  3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 27, 54, 72, 170

  3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Reinforced), 52

  Tigris River, lii, 10, 84; march to, 125–30, 135–38

  Tikrit, Iraq, 198–203; 4th Infantry Division and, 220; embedded reporting in, li–lvii; Saddam’s palace in, 223–25

  Time magazine, 5, 6, 9

  Toolan, John, 171

  Treasury Department, 49

  Tulfah, Sajida, xxvi

  Tunisia, 208

  Turkey, xxiii, xxvii, xliv, 104, 216–17; Operation Iraqi Freedom and, liii

  Tuwayhah, Iraq, 143, 150

  Twentynine Palms, Cali., 20

  Umm Qasr, 55

  United Nations (UN): delay of Operation Iraqi Freedom by, 20, 251–53; Oil-for-Food Program of, xliii, xlvi, 197, 236, 252–53; Operation Iraqi Freedom and, 38, 44, 243; political machinations of, 20–21; Powell’s speech before, 21; Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait and, xxxviii–xxxix; terrorism and, 253; Turkey and Operation Iraqi Freedom and, liii

  UN Security Council, 34, 43

  United States: Operation Iraqi Freedom and, 38; Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait and, xxxvi

  U. S. Central Command (CENTCOM), 42, 173; beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom and, 46, 53–54; Lynch rescue and, 130–31; operational pause and, 115; press center and, 14; Saddam’s WMDs and, 168

  U. S. Navy, 41, 52

  Ur, Iraq, 69

  Vallely, Paul, 85

  V Corps, 71, 103, 116, 126

  Victory Arch, xxxiv

  Vieira de Mello, Sergio, 252

  Vietnam, lv, 50, 100, 117–18, 243, 246; combat in, liv; media in, 8–9

  Wahhabis, xxi

  Ward, Jason, 63

  war on terrorism, 39

  War Stories, 143

  Washington, D.C., li, liii, 38, 110

  Washington Post, 6, 121, 250

  Waters-Bey, Kendall Damon, 60, 63
br />   Waxman, Henry, 4

  Wayne, John, 250

  weapons of mass destruction (WMD): Hussein and, 34; precautions against, 25–26; Saddam and, 43, 168–69, xxxiii–xxxiv, xlv–xlviii; search for, liii, 133, 168–69, 220, 252–55

  Welch, Raquel, 250

  Wennes, Sean, 31

  West, Francis “Bing”, 111–14

  White, Duffy, 180

  Williamson, Ken, 28, 30–31

  Wills, Jesse, 91, 93

  Witt, Jason, 121–22

  Woolsey, James, 257

  World War I, 44

  World War II, xxiii, lv, 217, 220, 244, 249

  Yugoslavia, 209

  Zaidan, Nawaf al-, 236–38




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