Now And Forever: Novella (Canyon Creek, Co. Book 5.5)

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Now And Forever: Novella (Canyon Creek, Co. Book 5.5) Page 1

by Lori Ryan

  Now and Forever: Max and Devlin’s Wedding

  A Canyon Creek, CO Novella, book 5.5

  Lori Ryan

  Kay Manis

  Copyright 2018, RMI Publishing LLC

  All rights reserved.

  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.


  Other Books By Lori and Kay

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Authors

  Other Books By Lori and Kay

  To find all of the Canyon Creek Series Novels, visit Lori and Kay at! We’ve got a lot more coming in this world. Stay tuned at the end of the book for a sneak peek of the next book.

  Lori’s Series can be found at and include:

  The Sutton Capital Series

  The Heroes of Evers, TX Series

  The On the Line Series

  Kay’s Series can be found at and include:

  The X-Treme Love Series

  The Miracle Short Story Series

  Chapter One

  Devlin Darby tossed her keys and purse in the basket next to the door and eased herself down on the small bench under the stairs, afraid she might bust the thing in two.

  Her doctor had just informed her she’d gained six pounds in a month. Six! She was expecting twins, but still.

  “Babe, is that you?” Max called from the back of the house.

  “Yes,” she said, not finding the energy to raise her voice or fake chipper anymore. She was beyond beat.

  Max came down the hallway at a half-jog and skidded to a stop before her. “Are you all right?” He squatted down, patting her down like she was an inmate. “Are the babies all right?” He lifted his head, worried eyes meeting hers.

  For a man who used to face down two-hundred-and-fifty-pound linebackers in the NFL, this pregnancy had him as defenseless and vulnerable as an orphaned deer. That was her Max, so fearful for their unborn twins.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him, rubbing his jaw, a small smile making its way to the corners of her mouth.

  “Then what is it? What are you not telling me?”

  “It’s nothing, I’m just…”

  “Just what?”

  “I gained six pounds, Max.”

  “And?” he asked, taking her hands in his.

  “Six pounds!” she screeched, sagging back against the wall. “I can’t even see my feet anymore when I stand.”

  Max glanced down at her feet then back up. “They look good,” he was quick to reassure. “They look real good.”

  “Liar,” she said, raising one foot, “my feet are already busting out of these ballet slippers Maggie bought me last week. Last week, Max. She bought them last week.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she watched him bite back a smile.

  “It’s not funny Max. I’m as big as a house. As big as this house.” She waved her hand around the expansive entryway of their home, a home she loved. It was originally built as a bed and breakfast, but Max’s mother Valerie had sold it to them when she found out they were pregnant. She said she wanted her grandchildren nearby.

  “Well,” he said, lifting her to her feet with an ease that belied her size, “I think it’s a big, beautiful house, and so are you.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Did you really just call me a big house?”

  Max laughed and shook his head. “Come with me, wife.”

  “I’m not your wife, yet,” she corrected. In three days she would be, and the thought scared her even more than having twins.

  Without waiting for her to move, he lifted her into his arms.

  “Max!” she squeaked. “You’re going to pull out your back.”

  “Hush,” he said, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her lips. “Not possible. You’re as light as a feather.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked as he walked down the hall, ignoring the flat-out lie he was trying to feed her.

  Without answering, he slid open the doors to the twins’ nursery and walked inside.

  Their bedrooms would be upstairs when they got older, but since their master bedroom was downstairs, for now Devlin and Max were converting the old dining room on the first floor into a nursery.

  Devlin took in the décor, sighing at the sight before her. All her friends had helped her create a peaceful space for both her and the babies. She had a feeling with twins, this place would be anything but serene before long, but she was going to try her best to make this a place where she and the babies could relax.

  In opposite corners of the room sat the cradles Max had crafted by hand. She leaned her head against his chest, suddenly acknowledging she had no reason to be so afraid of devoting her life to this man. He’d shown her time and time again that he loved her, that he would be there for her and the babies. That he was nothing like her father.

  “You finished them,” she said.

  “Yeah,” he nodded, setting her down on her feet.

  She walked to one of the cradles and ran her hand along the smooth wood of the railing, then traced the intricate carving of the headboard.

  “Shawn helped with the wood work.” He pointed to a large empty space within the borders of yet another beautiful carving. “Once we find out if they’re boys or girls, we can put their names here.”

  Their friend, Shawn Braddock was a master carpenter and contractor who did various jobs around Canyon Creek. Recently he’d help renovate the wedding barn at the lodge Max’s family owned and ran.

  “Just a few more days and we’ll know,” Devlin said.

  They’d given Max’s Aunt Sally—who owned the only bakery in town and was making their wedding cake—a note from the doctor that revealed the gender of their twins. They already knew the babies were identical. She was going to fill the layers of their cake with either strawberry filling for girls or blueberry for boys.

  Devlin turned and glanced up at him.

  “What?” Max asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Baby, what is it?”

  “I just kind of like having at least one thing that’s just ours, you know?”

  Devlin had grown up an only child and wasn’t used to the chaos that came with a man with five brothers, nine cousins and now one niece. A niece she adored, but still. It was a madhouse.

  “I can tell Aunt Sally to change the cake.”

  She could see the disappointment written all over his face.

  “No,” she shook her head, “it’s okay. It’s just…”

  He raised his brows in question, his steady gaze waiting.

  She shrugged, not wanting to share her apprehensions about marriage. Her own parents were getting a divorce. Her mother had finally had enough after decades of living with a man who’d run his home like a military base. And who’d never taken the vows of his marriage seriously.

  “I’m not your father, Devlin,” Max said, his eyes searching hers.

  “I know,” she whispered, taking his hands in hers as she melted into a weepy mess. The kind of weepy mess she hated. “I’m just really hor
monal, and I have like twenty weeks to go, Max. I’m not even halfway through.”

  “I don’t want to cause you more stress, Devlin. It’s not good for you, or the babies. If you don’t want to get married we—"

  She pressed a finger over his lips. Devlin knew she wanted to get married, in her heart, it was just her head that was playing tricks on her day in and day out.

  “I’m just scared. What if I mess up, Max? What if I’m a horrible wife and a horrible mother? I mean, you grew up with great role models. Me, not so much.”

  “We’ll do the best we can.”

  “What if I stay as huge as this house after the babies are born?”

  His responding grin was lascivious. “I love your ass and your tits. If they get bigger I just think it’s a bonus for me.”

  She laughed and slapped at his chest. That was her Max.

  “What can I do to help you?” Max asked.

  “You’re already busy with the wedding.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I can put that on hold, or ask my brothers or cousins to help.”

  “They already are.” And Devlin felt so guilty.

  Since getting married had been Max’s idea from the start and she was worn out from the pregnancy, he’d been unwilling to allow her to help with the details. He’d said he didn’t want her to worry about anything.

  She knew he’d been working hard, converting their backyard into a dream wedding location, although he wouldn’t let her see it until their wedding day. It had been hard not to peek outside, but she’d promised.

  Most had thought she and Max would get married at the wedding barn, but the old bed and breakfast—her new home—was where Devlin felt most comfortable. And where she wanted to start her life with Max.

  “I don’t deserve you,” she whispered. “I’m afraid you’ll wake up one day and wonder why you picked me.”

  Max slipped a finger under her chin and raised her head until her eyes met his. “Aw, baby.” His thumbs brushed away tears she didn’t know was there.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know…”

  He lifted her with ease and carried her out of the nursery. This time she didn’t protest as he walked her into their bedroom. She hoped he’d take her to the bed and make love to her. They hadn’t had sex in weeks, Max saying he was afraid of hurting the babies, despite what she told him.

  Instead of stopping at the bed, he continued through into their large bathroom. He sat her down on the vanity bench and turned to start a bath running.

  Oh, God. A bath with Max sounded decadent. Memories of their first bath together rushed to her mind. They’d been in Denver at Maggie’s Bachelorette Party. She was pretty sure that was the night the babies had been conceived.

  Max moved to the sink and opened a cabinet underneath, pulling out a bottle of bubble bath. He smiled down at her and stroked her cheek gently before moving to the tub. If the men from his pro football team could see how gentle this giant really was, they’d probably give him no end of grief.

  He turned to face her, his dark Henley stretched across his broad chest and huge biceps. He might not be playing in the NFL anymore, but he still had a body that would rival any player’s.

  His lips quirked up into a slow smile that had parts of her body tingling. “Let’s get you undressed.”

  “You first.” She nodded toward his shirt.

  He shook his head, making his way to her and bending down. He tugged at the draw string of her dress, releasing the empire waist, exposing her breasts. She reached to cover herself. Her boobs were so big, no longer attractive, but he pulled back her hands and dipped his head, kissing the swells of one breast, then the other.

  Her head fell back. “I want you Max,” she whispered. When he didn’t answer she glanced down.

  He stared up at her, eyes dark and smoldering.

  She knew he wanted her too, he’d been adamant that he not do anything that might risk the babies’ health.

  “Did you ask the doctor?”

  She smiled. “Yes. I even got her to sign a note, just like you asked.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said, and I quote, ‘Please feel free to sink your huge penis inside your wife at any time you or she desire.’” She was paraphrasing, but he didn’t need to know that.

  Max yanked her up with a laugh and swatted her ass. “Take off your dress,” he growled.

  “Yes, sir.” She bunched a wad of material in her hands and quickly tugged the dress over her head.

  Max stepped back, his gaze gliding over her body like fingers against her skin.

  She shivered.

  He smiled. “You get more beautiful every day, my wife.”

  This time she didn’t correct him. She already felt like his wife, despite the lack of a marriage certificate.

  He lowered to one knee and pressed a kiss against her ever-growing abdomen. “Hi babies, it’s Daddy here. I want to say I’m sorry for the sounds Mommy is about to make.” His long lashes lifted, and his green eyes connected with hers.

  Her fingers tingled, her toes curling in anticipation. Unable to keep her hands off him, she dug her fingers into his thick dark hair.

  His lips traveled further down her stomach until his head almost disappeared under her belly. She felt his calloused fingers slip into her panties, dragging them down her legs. Without hesitation, she lifted her legs.

  He slipped each shoe off followed by her underwear. Bending down, he trailed kisses across her abdomen. “I will always worship you, Devlin.”

  She swallowed back her emotions.

  Max slipped his hands around her arms, unhooking her bra—not an easy task given how many hooks there were. “Your boobs are locked up tighter than Ft. Knox,” he said.

  She giggled. “That bra holds something very precious.”

  Her bra gave way and Max slipped it down her shoulders, dropping it on the floor. “Damn straight it does.”

  Again, he stepped back and took in her body.

  Her hands twitched at her side.

  He cocked a brow. “Don’t even think about it,” he said, reading her thoughts. He held out a hand leading her to the tub. “Step in.”

  She dipped one toe in and sighed. She’d like the bath to be hotter, but that wasn’t allowed when she was pregnant and Max took that direction very seriously.

  “Too cold?” he asked.

  She let her foot slip further into the water. It was warm enough, but as soon as these babes were out she was going back to her usual scalding temperature. “No, it’s just right.” She smiled at him, at his thoughtfulness. He was the one working overtime to make sure their wedding would be beautiful. And here she was, sinking down into a delicious tub of warm water.

  Max grasped her elbow and helped her lower her body. “Careful, sweetheart. Don’t slip.”

  Her heart beat hard in her chest picturing the kind of father he would be. Nothing like hers. She knew that with all her heart.

  He grabbed a towel from the rack and folded it several times, setting it by the tub before lowering himself.

  “Max, that will hurt your knees.”

  After a decade playing professional football, Max had blown out both knees. She knew he suffered most days even though he never complained.

  She smiled and reached out, her soapy hand cupping his jaw. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

  He shook his head. “No, today’s for you, baby. Lay back, I’m going to wash you, then we’ll get you into bed.”

  “Max,” she protested, “you don’t have to do that.”

  He stared at her like she had two heads. “I know I don’t have to. I want to.” He paused. “I get to. I get to take care of you and the babies.”

  And there it was. The reason she’d fallen for him. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” His hands slipped under the water and he moved a washcloth down her legs, bending her knee and lifting one foot.

  “Look how swollen they are.” She frowned in the direction of her puf
fy legs.

  “They’re perfect,” he said, moving the washcloth around her foot, pressing his thumb into her arch.

  She moaned. “Oh, that feels so good. Promise you’ll rub my feet every night.”

  He laughed. “I already do.”

  “I know but promise you won’t stop after the babies are born.”

  He squeezed her foot again. “I promise I won’t.”

  Then it occurred to her, if those feet swelled anymore, she wouldn’t be able to fit into shoes for her wedding. Her frown turned into a scowl as she took in her swollen toes. She wiggled the little sausages, wondering if it was already too late.

  “What?” he laughed.

  “Holly designed these beautiful shoes that match my dress.”


  “And,” she swallowed back a sob, “my feet are going to be too big to fit into them. I just know it. I probably won’t even be able to fit into my dress either.”

  “Go barefoot. Hell, go naked, I don’t care,” Max said.

  She turned and stared at him. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Shit yeah I am. As long as you meet me at the end of the aisle and say ‘I do,’ I don’t really care what you’re wearing…or not wearing.” He laughed. “A bath towel, a sheet, a tent, I don’t care.”

  She splashed water on his face.

  Max reared up and bared his teeth, a brow raised. “Do you want to start a war?”

  “Does it mean you’ll invade my territory?” She giggled.

  His hand slid up her leg, brushing against her inner thigh as he lowered his face to her neck. His tongue slowly stroked along her collar bone.

  God, she loved when he hit that spot. She moaned and involuntarily her legs spread open.

  “That’s it,” he said in a deep, sexy voice, his hand moving to her center.


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