Mass Extinction Event (Book 2): Days 5 to 8

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Mass Extinction Event (Book 2): Days 5 to 8 Page 10

by Cross, Amy

  "I don't know if -" I start to say, before suddenly I spot something in a nearby parking lot. "I..." I pause, and my blood runs cold as I realize what we've found.

  "I know what you mean," Clyde continues. "I just want some expert to come on the TV and say, like, boom, this is what's going on, and boom, this is how it happened, and boom, this is how we're gonna fix it. You know? I want the fucking facts. It's the not knowing that's the killer". He pauses for a moment. "Kid? You okay?"

  I take a deep breath, forcing myself to stay calm.


  "See that white truck?" I say, pointing toward the parking lot.

  "Uh, yeah," Clyde replies. "You think that's our wheels?"

  "It's my father's truck," I continue. "I've gotta go get my brother," I add, before turning and running back the way we came.



  When we reach the other side of the bridge, Mallory leads me down to where a bunch of backpacks are piled up against one of the walls, picked out by the moonlight. She crouches down and grabs a pre-packaged sandwich, before adding a number to a piece of paper and then bringing the sandwich over to me.

  "Eat," she says.

  I open the sandwich to stuff it into my mouth as fast as possible. I feel bad, wolfing down food as soon as I get here, but I'm starving and this is the first thing I've eaten for almost twelve hours. The hunger's so bad, I feel like an animal rooting through a trashcan.

  "So I'm guessing this isn't a social call," Mallory says after a moment. "I'll be honest, Elizabeth. I thought it'd be cool if you came, but I wasn't expecting it. What happened?"

  "I'm... I just..." I continue eating for a moment. "I got thrown out of the building".

  "You got what?"

  "Bob and Henry," I continue. "They made me leave. They locked the doors and told me they'd never let me back in. I waited and waited, but eventually I realized they were serious, and then I thought I heard a noise down the street and I got scared, and I decided I had to find someone, and you were the only person I could think of, even though you were all the way down here, so I walked and..." My voice trails off as I realize I've just given her something of an info-dump. "Sorry," I add. "I just... things didn't turn out too well".

  "So how come you got kicked out?" Mallory asks, leaning back against the wall. "I mean, who the fuck gives anyone the right to kick you out of your own home?"

  "It's all some stupid power play thing," I reply, speaking with my mouth full. "My brother's got this weird hero worship deal with Bob".

  "I could tell," Mallory says. "When Bob was doing things to me, your brother was just standing by the door and watching. In a way, I thought he was creepier than that Bob guy. I mean, at least with Bob, I knew what he was doing, but your brother had this look in his eye as if..." She pauses for a moment. "Sorry, he's still your brother. I shouldn't say stuff like that".

  "It's fine," I reply, finishing the sandwich. "You're right. There a side of him that I hadn't seen before. It's like he's suddenly become this power-hungry little asshole. I swear to God, the moment Bob put that gun in Henry's hands, everything changed".

  "Power corrupts," Mallory replies, with a sad smile on her face. "Bob sounds like a pretty good manipulator. He's a fucking sick bastard, too. If I ever see him again, I swear I'll ram a fucking screwdriver into his face".

  "How bad did he hurt you?" I ask cautiously.

  She shrugs.

  "Pretty bad, huh?"

  "There's no point going on about it," she says. "The guy couldn't decide half the time whether he was horny or angry. Sometimes he was both".

  "Did he -"

  "Let's just keep out of the details," she continues. "Let's just accept that your Bob guy is a bad, bad person". She smiles, but it's a sad smile, as if she's trying to hold back tears. "Let's just leave it at that. If I ever see him again, I'll fucking cut his throat. But I'm not gonna see him again. He's gonna die and rot in this dump, and that's all he deserves".

  "But if he hurt you," I say, "you have to do something".

  "Like what? Call the cops?" She laughs, and then she stares at me for a moment. "It doesn't matter," she says eventually. "The past is the past, and we're all more worried about the future right now. You reached us just in time, Elizabeth. We're all packed, ready to leave in the morning".

  "Where are you going?"

  "We had a group vote. We decided unanimously to get the hell out of this city. It's too dangerous. It's not just about the virus. Think about all those fucking bodies, rotting where they fell. The place is gonna be overrun by disease and rats and stuff. It's gonna be impossible to stay here, so we're gonna stick together and head west. Kendricks figures there has to be some workable land out there, and if we can reach the Great Lakes, we might be able to do some serious fishing". She shrugs. "It seems kind of crazy, planning to walk so far, but we haven't really got much choice. I don't know how long it's gonna take, but the journey's worth making". She stares at me. "You can come, if you want".


  "Why not? You're healthy, aren't you?"

  "Yeah, but -"

  "How long are you gonna wait?" she asks, interrupting me.

  "For what?"

  "For your brother. Are you gonna wait 'til it's almost too late? Longer? Are you just gonna stick it out in New York forever, hoping he'll realize he's being an ass? Are you gonna wait and wait until you end up dying?"

  "I'll be okay," I say, glancing over at the pitch-black park and realizing that I really might end up sitting here alone tomorrow. The city's already creepy, and I genuinely don't know what I'd do if I was left alone. I know that everything Mallory is saying is technically correct, and the logical choice would be to join these people and leave. I mean, it's pretty clear that my parents aren't coming back. At the same time, there's no way I can leave Henry behind; despite everything he's done and said over the past couple of days, he's still my flesh and blood, and he's the only family left in my life. I should leave, but I won't.

  "I'm gonna be blunt with you," Mallory continues. "I get why you'd think you have to stay here and keep track of your brother. But at the same time, this fucking city is gonna become a hellhole real fast, and if you stay here, you're gonna die. Not just you, but him too. So you've got to leave at some point. Why not now? I mean, all that brother shit and the family tie stuff, that's from the old world. It doesn't count anymore. It's every man for himself".

  "He's my brother," I remind her.

  "And you're his sister," she says, "but that doesn't give either of you the right to force the other one to do something that's gonna get you killed". She pauses for a moment. "What about your parents?"

  "What about them?"

  "You still waiting for them to show up?"

  I sigh. "No," I say eventually, feeling a strange tightening sensation in my chest. The truth is, I realized as I walked here tonight that I have to stop hoping that my parents are going to come back, but it still feels strange to say the words out loud. "They're not coming," I continue after a moment. I can feel tears behind my eyes, but something's preventing me from crying.

  "You think they're dead?" Mallory asks.

  I nod.

  "Mine too. Hopefully, anyway". She smiles. "I had a bad relationship with them. But the point is, if you can accept that your parents aren't around anymore, why can't you just do the same thing with your brother?"

  I shake my head. "You really don't get it, do you? He's family".

  "So what?"

  "So I can't just abandon him".

  "Even if it means that you'll die?" She pauses. "Even if it means that you'll let him keep you here when you know it's a mistake? Are you really willing to follow him straight into your grave, Elizabeth?"

  "I just..." I take a deep breath, and I realize that there's no way I can explain my decision. It's just that on an emotional level, I can't bring myself to abandon Henry. I still feel like there's some way I can get him away from Bob and make him see sense. I just c
an't do it in time for us to leave with Mallory and the others.

  "It's suicide," Mallory says after a moment. "You know that, right? If you come with us, you'll be with people who have a plan. It's a long shot, but I think we've actually got a chance of making it work. If you stay here, you're basically killing yourself. I mean, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna just sit around outside your building, hoping that one day they'll let you back in? Isn't that kind of pathetic?"

  I nod. She's right. Everything she's saying is right, and I can't argue at all. Looking over at the dark buildings that rise up from the street, I realize that by staying in the city for Henry, I'm making it almost certain that I'll die. But I can't leave. Not without Henry.



  The three of us stand in the parking lot, staring at the truck. It's been five days since my father packed up some stuff and drove off to Scottsville, promising he'd be back within twenty-four hours. He never came back, of course, and after waiting a few days, we started to accept that he'd got caught up in whatever was happening. By the time we reached Scottsville ourselves, I'd given up any hope that we might find him, and now suddenly he's here. Or rather, his truck's here, parked up ominously by the side of the diner.

  One thing's for sure: whatever prevented him from coming home, it must have been something big. He was the kind of guy who usually stayed well out of trouble, and it's hard to believe that he'd have allowed himself to get mixed up in anything dangerous. I don't get why he wouldn't have just turned around and headed straight home as soon as he saw that there was trouble in Scottsville, although he had a tendency to be a little nosy. He probably parked up and thought he could help out, and then he got busy and suddenly it was too late to get away.

  "He said he was coming to the diner," Joe says eventually, a hint of fear in his voice. "It's almost the last thing I remember him saying. He said he was gonna come here and..." His voices trails off.

  "This is where he always came when he was in Scottsville," I reply, keeping my eyes fixed on the truck. I remember the days when he used to bring me along for the ride, and we'd end up sitting in the diner for hours. My father was the kind of guy who could walk into pretty much any room and always find someone he knew; I'd sit and listen to him chatting on and on to whoever else he happened to run into. It used to get pretty boring, most of the time, and I'd stare out the window and wish I could be somewhere else. Those days seem so long ago now, even though the last time was probably just a couple of months back.

  "At least we know he made it, then," Joe says.

  We stand in silence a little longer. I know I sure as hell don't wanna go and look in the truck, or look in the diner, and I'm guessing Joe feels the same way. I mean, the odds are that our father's either in the truck or in the diner, and either way he's probably not in the best shape. Then again, we need to know what happened, and we can't stand here like gawking idiots forever. At some point, one of us is gonna have to go and take a look.

  "You see that?" Clyde asks, pointing over at the diner.

  Squinting, I finally spot what he means: there's a figure in the diner, slumped in a booth by the window. With a thick shock of white hair, he's clearly not my father, but he's proof that people are dying around here. There's just something about the way his head is resting against the glass, as if he's exhausted.

  "That's not him," I say after a moment.

  "Just some old fuck," Joe adds, as if he feels the need to make some kind of obnoxious comment whenever he gets the opportunity.

  "This whole place is fucked," I say quietly, under my breath.

  "He's probably in the truck," Joe says coldly.

  "You want me to go take a look?" Clyde asks.

  "No," Joe says, swallowing hard. "No, I'm gonna do it". He takes a deep breath, psyching himself up for the moment. "Thomas," he says after a moment. "You've gotta wait here, okay? Just... wait right here". He starts walking slowly toward the truck, taking a kind of circular path that leads him around the vehicle, as if he's checking that there's nothing hiding anywhere. It's almost as if he expects something to jump out from the other side.

  "Are you sure it's your Dad's truck?" Clyde whispers to me.

  I nod.

  "He's probably fine," he continues. "He probably just left it to..." His voice trails off, and thankfully he keeps quiet as we watch Joe getting closer to the driver's side window. Eventually, he peers in through the glass, and then he just kind of stands there for a while, not saying anything. He's obviously seen something.

  "Do you think he's found anything?" Clyde whispers.

  I turn and shoot him a dark, angry look.

  "I was just wondering," he replies, looking down at the ground.

  "He's here," Joe says simply.

  "What?" I call out to him.

  He clears his throat. "I said, he's here. What are you, fucking deaf?"

  I pause, my heart pounding in my chest. "What do you mean?" I ask.

  "I mean he's here. In the truck. Down on the seats. It's him".

  I close my eyes for a moment. "How is he?"


  Opening my eyes, I see that Joe hasn't moved. He's still just standing there, staring into the truck as if he can't quite believe what he's seeing. "Joe?" I call out. He still doesn't reply, and I start walking over to join him.

  "Don't come any closer!" Joe calls out to me.

  I stop in my tracks. "What do you see?" I ask, even though I'm pretty sure I can guess. It takes a lot to make Joe go so quiet, and right now there's only one thing that could do the job.

  "He's in there," he replies."He's, kind of, slumped over, and he's..." He pauses for a moment. "The sickness," he continues after a moment. "How's that look again?"

  I take a deep breath. "Like, kind of, yellow and gray skin," I tell him. "And I think... like, a swollen belly sometimes, stuff like that. And blood and pus, coughed up and..." I pause, thinking back to how Lydia looked when I found her body, and how my mother looked when I found her sitting in the kitchen yesterday morning, and the cop. A shiver passes through my body as I realize that already, in just a week, I've seen three dead people. I really don't wanna add a fourth to that list.

  "Seems about right," Joe says.

  "Is that what he looks like?"

  He nods.

  I pause for a moment, as this sensation of dread starts to creep through my body. "Is he..." I pause again, feeling stupid for even asking the question. "Is he... I mean, does he look like he's moving at all?"

  Joe turns to me with a scowl on his face. "Moving?"

  "Like..." I take a deep breath. "Forget it".

  "He's dead," he replies. "So, no. He's not moving".

  We all stand in silence for a moment, as if none of us has any idea what to do. Joe seems to be just staring through the window of the truck, transfixed by the sight of our father's dead body; although there's a part of me that wants to go over and join him, and look inside to see how things ended up, I can't bring myself to take the handful of steps that would be necessary. I feel like I'm rooted to the spot, struggling to come to terms with the fact that both our parents are now dead. Strangely, after a moment, I start wondering whether this means Joe and I are orphans now. I mean, is there a cut-off point where you're too old to be considered an orphan? For some reason, it's this bizarre procedural question that preoccupies me, as if this is a way to avoid having a more emotional response.

  "Let's do this," Joe says suddenly, walking around to the back of the truck.

  "Do what?" I ask, shocked by his sudden burst of movement.

  "This," he says, grabbing a couple of cans of gasoline. Before I can say anything, he's already opened one of the cans, and he's started dousing the truck. I watch in stunned silence as he covers the entire vehicle, and then he walks over to the side of the parking lot and grabs a small rock.

  "Joe?" I ask, as he heads back to the truck.

  "Busy," he replies, before using the rock to smash the side window. "J
esus!" he shouts, stepping back.


  "Fucking stinks," he says, before opening the other gasoline can and pouring its contents through the broken window.

  "Joe -" I start to say.

  "You got matches?" he asks.

  "No, but do you think -"

  "We need to burn this fucker," he continues, ignoring me. "We need to fucking incinerate the whole damn thing until it's just a pile of ash".

  "I have this," Clyde says, pulling a small cigarette lighter from his pocket. "It's not much, but it -"

  "It'll do," Joe says, holding out a hand. "Send it over here".

  Clyde throws the lighter, and we watch as Joe flicks it open and gets a small flame burning. He takes off his jacket and then removes his shirt, which he lights and holds close to the truck. "Anyone got anything they wanna say?" he asks. "Thought not". With that, he throws the shirt through the window and steps back as gasoline immediately ignites, quickly covering the entire truck with flames.

  "Like a Viking burial," Clyde says, as the heat from the fire reaches us.

  "Like a what?" I ask, turning to him.

  "Like a Viking burial," he continues. "This is what the Vikings did".

  I stare at him for a moment. "The Vikings burned people in trucks in parking lots?"

  "No," he says, "but they put their dead on rafts and sent them out to sea, with fires burning so that eventually the raft would burn up and sink".

  "That's nothing like this," Joe says, sound a little contemptuous of the whole idea. "Come on," he adds, "we should get going. There might be a load of gas in the tank. It'd be a fucking stupid way to die if the thing explodes and takes us out".

  Turning and walking away, we get as far as the street corner before there's a huge explosion behind us. Turning, I see that the truck has been completely destroyed, and all that's left now is a roaring fire that's sending thick black smoke up into the sky. It's hard to believe that our father's dead body is in there, and that we've now burned both our parents in the space of little more than twenty-four hours.


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