Three Rings of Chaos: An Abigail Everlaine Mystery

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Three Rings of Chaos: An Abigail Everlaine Mystery Page 1

by Candra Kylar

  The Three Rings

  of Chaos

  An Abigail Everlaine Mystery

  By Candra Kylar

  First published by Candra Kylar, United States, April 2021

  Published April 2021 by Candra Kylar

  Copyright © 2021 Candra Kylar

  Adult Paranormal Mystery

  The right of Candra Kylar to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.


  This book is written in U.S. English by personal preference of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  ISBN: 9798731295383


  This one is for Crystal and Sabine – two friends of mine who were lifelong fans that encouraged me to shine.

  They may not be with us anymore, but their inspirational confidence in my writing will always be with me. Thank you for the love during life, ladies, and I hope this book makes you both proud.






















  Want to get lost in the world of Iverli?

  Follow Candra!


  My birthday was officially cursed the day I was killed outside of that bar. That was twenty-three for you, lying in a pool of blood, looking up to the fading sky as the poison ran through me. I was saved by a miracle. An act of kindness. Delivered from the spirit world who had all sorts of hopes and goals for an Everlaine among them. My family’s reputation was known in every corner of Iverli, something I couldn’t escape, something that not even time could change. I had changed, though. I told myself that as the music boomed behind me at Elizar’s new club. I made a wish as I blew out the candle on a red velvet cupcake he brought to my private table. Twenty-four would be different. I had come a long way since the night of my siring, made friends that helped me grow. As I looked at Elizar, sophisticated sexiness in a sleek suit, I realized something else was growing within me. I distracted myself with the usual banter.

  “No magic to light the candle?”, I mused aloud.

  Elizar flashed me that cocky grin, “Some things need to be done traditionally. You make me rethink some of my past habits.”

  “I guess we can all grow in a year.”

  He slid next to me, “No one more than you. A private investigator who tackled two major cases that could’ve lead to all out war. Dealing with the aftermath of your father in the Council. Should I keep going?”

  “I should go home and do a spell just in case life has any more surprises for me”, I groaned, “I don’t want to die again.”

  “You’ve got a warlock watching your back, baby. Nothing will break you so long as I’m around to do something about it.”

  His words hit that chord that had been reverberating through my body during the past few months. My relationship with Braeden had taught me to be cautious about who I let into my life romantically. When it came to the good looking Elizar Andros, I never knew what to expect. He kept me turning with his words and frustrated with his actions. I couldn’t make sense of why he kept such a vested interest in my well being. We hadn’t slept together – a favorite hobby of his – and sex was generally his biggest motivator. Sex and money. He had used his profit margin from his bourbon distillery to open this gleaming club close to downtown Crestwood. The small town wasn’t used to this kind of night life but they came in throngs. Haze was the place to be. With bouncers aplenty watching for consent and making sure nothing nefarious lurked in the corners, it was a great place to unwind. It had been my favorite place as both of my jobs hit a slump.

  Enchanting used to be good business. Cecilia, my rival since transformation, had scooped up a lot of my former clients under the presumption that my side gig as an investigator wouldn’t leave me much time for proper magic. She was wrong. I kept bringing my clients back. There just wasn’t enough need for enchanting outside of the city. As for Azuris, two particular people kept me out of the big city. One was a father who may kill me if I stepped out of line. The other was my newly discovered sister, formerly my brother, who practiced necromancy like it was knitting. She could weave herself into the spirit world without a care of the repercussions. Amaris Bledwell was ruthless in her pursuit of otherworldly knowledge. Ian, my guardian spirit, had even taken a liking to her. I hadn’t seen him in a week.

  “Will Braeden be coming to celebrate your birthday tonight?”, Elizar asked, hiding the emotion in his voice.

  “Probably not. He doesn’t leave territory much. I think he’s working with Ethan on the whole veterinary health thing”, I shrugged.

  Elizar scooped some icing from the cupcake and held it to my lips, “Then it’s just the two of us.”

  I swiped the icing with my own finger and brushed it across his mouth playfully, “For now. I’m sure you have many admirers out there wanting to flaunt themselves over your new success in the entertainment industry.”

  “I only have eyes for one caster.”

  There were those words again. His quick promise that, out of every option both male and female he could have, Elizar kept his sights set on me. I couldn’t figure out why. I wanted to call Dimples and distract myself before anything awkward came out of my mouth. Whatever I could say in response just wouldn’t measure up. Elizar would study me with his dazzling blue eyes and smirk at the small victory he made. Another chip away at the wall I had put around my heart since Braeden broke up with me. We had a solid friendship and still did our semi-regular runs in the forest in our wolf forms, but it hadn’t been the same since the breakup. He didn’t really call to hear my voice or come over just to watch a movie with me. We did things separately. I thumbed through my phone and hit Dimples number. I needed a distraction.

  “I’m making you uncomfortable”, Elizar stated.

  My eyes widened, “Not at all. I’m just trying to figure out where Dimples has been. She’s been acting strange lately and it isn’t like her to miss my birthday. Or anything social now that she’s out and proud in Crestwood.”

  “Should I send someone to her house to check?”

  I rose from my seat, “I can do it. I should get going anyway. Twenty-four and I’m already getting sleepy after my second glass of champagne.”

  Elizar rose and brushed his fingers along my wrist, “One more thing before you go. A birthday present.”

  I wanted to protest but he had slipped the bracelet on my wrist before I could say anything. A small silver cord attached to a heart made out of a shimmering piece of ruby. It was understated and elegant, everything I could want in a piece of jewelry. I lifted it towards the ceiling lights and marveled at how flawlessly cut the gem was. Elizar lifted his chin in pride as I stud
ied it. He thought of everything. I couldn’t hide the flush that had come over my cheeks but, in three inch heels, I moved past him. Distraction. Keep up a distraction. I mumbled my thanks and tried desperately not to make eye contact. I had known him for a year now and couldn’t afford to lose him like I had lost Braeden in some ways. Not Elizar.

  “Keep your eye out for any vampires on your way towards the exit”, he purred at my side, “they’ve been up to something at Haze and I think it’s a new synthetic drug.”

  I stopped, “You don’t mean Portal Dust?”

  He nodded his head, “Found traces of it in the men’s bathroom. It’s vamp manufactured and Lysander has already been combing through his own circles to see where it started. Neither of us can use a drug like that in our maintained world.”

  Since our confrontation with the Court of Roses, which ended rather violently, Elizar and Lysander had become good friends. They had always held a steady business together when it came to the Bottom Run’s famous bourbon, but betrayal at a masquerade had shattered that trust. Forgiveness came when a predatory vampire threatened Iverli with a magical ink that could have shifted the delicate balance vampires held. Lysander ran the Court of Amethyst and had seen many centuries pass by. He came with an ancient knowledge that was lost even to the most studious caster. This was enough of a treasure trove for the two men to become allies again. Put together the same kind of fashion taste, which involved black leather and rebellious sophistication, and they made a real pair. I once joked to Elizar that perhaps Lysander would go to bed with him. Shopping and sex could be a good way to unwind. Then he would say those words, the ones that painted me as his only focus, and the jest would be ruined.

  “You forget that I know my own vampire”, I pointed to Livia as she relaxed by the bar, “and she can help us. She’s been very good since joining the local court. Ethan told me that she keeps to herself in school and hasn’t been in any fights.”

  “Ethan has a way of being too optimistic.”

  “We could all use that these days”, I rubbed my arms.

  Elizar shed his jacket and draped it over my shoulders, “I could turn up the heat in here if you wish. Forget the whole drug thing. It’s my problem anyway and I don’t want to drag you into anything that could be dangerous.”

  “It’s not like I have clients beating down my office door. My last case was a pair of drag queen sylphs who came out of the water to enchant rich men out of money. I hated turning them in. Some of their marks were governmental and definitely had it coming.”

  Elizar brought me closer to him, “You’ll have cases again. I told you that I own that building outright so you don’t have to worry about rent or utility costs.”

  “I like to stand on my own two feet, El”, I reminded him.

  He arched a brow, “So I see. I also notice your pal Livia dipping with one of our suspects into the ladies’ room. Care to reapply your lipstick and eavesdrop?”

  “My lipstick isn’t smeared.”

  He leaned down, mere inches from my lips, “I could fix that for you.”

  I rolled my eyes and headed for the bathroom. Distractions. I passed Liam who gave me a curt nod. He had developed some muscle over the past few months and was working doubles to save up money. He claimed it was because he wanted his own apartment with Ethan so he wouldn’t have to sneak through the window every night. With his red hair cut short to his head and a bit of stubble, I could tell he was growing into his wolf hood as a force to be reckoned with. Rough around the edges, he had his pride and often clashed with Braeden about pack ideals. Elizar had hired Liam for a few night shifts as a bouncer at the club. I knew for a fact that he paid him very well and did his own small part to help the two young lovers get by. Ethan didn’t make a lot at the vet clinic and they would need the money. I wished I had my family’s fortune so I could buy a place for them on wolf territory.

  My father now sat on the Council and had amassed his own fortune by shading business dealings. When my sister reached out to me, which was rare because we had trouble getting along, it was to inform me of leads she had followed to blackmail him. She was out for his blood all of a sudden and I could only blame my mother for it. When reuniting her two daughters, Holly Everlaine had made a pact to bring her ex-husband down. Amaris agreed while I stayed silent. I was terrified of my father. No matter how many times Elizar had challenged him and Dimples had promised to protect me, I just shrank into that scared little girl weathering his berated blows. I couldn’t break the cycle.

  My mother had went back to the family house now that my father was living in Azuris. She had started to collect her things and sell old furniture that she didn’t need. When they had married, my own mother came with her own collection of antiques. I knew selling it must have been difficult for her. Out of the public eye now that she wasn’t presumed dead, she had gotten to work on straightening out the legalities of a divorce. I kept my distance and refrained from asking any personal questions. We still weren’t on the best of terms. I dialed Dimples again and got her voicemail. It was very unlike her to outright ignore my calls. Usually, she would pick up and have a quick conversation before telling me she had secrets to unravel. That generally meant she had picked up one of her favorite Meredith Marble mystery novels to revel over. Lately, it had taken a different turn. A more solemn one. She was hiding something from me.

  Inside the bathroom, Livia and some nameless vamp were leaning against the sink and muttering to each other over a small bag of something purple. Portal Dust. I read enough online to identify it. I didn’t want to think that the teenage vampire I had saved from death would be openly dealing drugs in the new nightclub. This was personal. Quick with my wrist, I summoned a gust and brought the bag over to me. Livia’s friend bared her fangs and I stood my ground. After the ink fiasco, the local vamps knew better than to challenge me. Livia smoothed things over and held out her hand expectantly. Still so very much a child.

  “Give it back. You aren’t the drug dealing type or the snitch”, she said in boredom.

  “And you are way out of your element, young lady. Selling Portal Dust at Elizar’s club? Do you know the kind of trouble he’ll get into with trafficking like this going on behind the scenes?”, I waved the baggie.

  Livia’s friend snapped in irritation, “Mind your own, witch. Why don’t you go investigate a missing newspaper route or something.”

  “I wonder what Lysander would think if he heard two of his own were dealing this trash.”

  Livia wasn’t phased, “I’m not part of his duty old court anymore. I have a new circle and we’re all looking a bit younger.”

  Her friend giggled, “And hotter. Did you see what Talan was wearing today? I swear he’d look good in anything fishnet and latex.”

  “The dust”, Livia demanded, “or I’ll make a scene. Wouldn’t want that in your boyfriend’s precious new club now, would you?”

  There went the calm girl that Ethan had reported about. The one who kept to herself and had started a new life in a healthy vampire court. Livia was being downright unreasonable. She had went back to her same dry, sarcastic ways, that her new friends were totally invested in. I wouldn’t let some teenager back talk me like that. With another flick of my wrist, the baggie holding the Portal Dust exploded in a puff of dust. It vanished before the remnants could hit the floor. Dimples had taught me that spell. Livia’s friend lunged to attack but held back, thinking better of it. This witch had a wolf inside of her and I was pretty handy in a fight these days. It came with the whole independent paranormal investigator deal. Livia clenched her teeth and forced an insincere smile.

  “You’ll be sorry you did that once my court finds out”, Livia promised as she swiped past me with her friend, “just stick to your own business.”

  “You can thank me when you’re not a mindless husk being passed around by junked out teen fangs!”

  My comeback came a fraction of a second too late and the music had drowned it out. Anyone else in the bathr
oom went back to their own affairs. Twenty-four and I was making enemies again. My birthday was cursed. I thought about not celebrating it in the future but then there was the beautiful little ruby heart on my wrist. Elizar had taken the time to make tonight special for me and I needed to give him a proper thank you. One that involved my dress still on and his mouth off of mine for the time being. I couldn’t handle feelings when my father could swipe down to kill me at any moment. My mother and sister were stirring up a pot that would eventually lead right back to me. Everything came back to me.

  Liam had stopped Livia as she left the bathroom and was questioning her. She looked angry but I had confidence that Liam could hold his own against her if it came down to it. Werewolves generally had more muscle than vampires. He showed his own teeth and that flicker of gold hit his eyes. She was striking a nerve in him. Before she could get kicked out of her prime selling ground, another bouncer came up and escorted her away. Elizar would no doubt have a few questions. I passed Cecilia on my way to Liam. She gave me a glare and her eyes went straight to my wrist. Ouch, her ex-boyfriend bought me jewelry for my birthday. She would definitely have more points on her list against me. We would never get back what we had.

  Where she was blonde and immaculate without effort, I had to struggle with makeup and constant wardrobe updates to feel on her level. I didn’t know how she did it. Her own family didn’t have much to do with her and she wasn’t rich. Still, she always looked prepared for every situation. In a dress that was tighter than mine with legs that were longer, she strode by as the clear victor. Why wasn’t Elizar still falling all over her? I looked for my warlock friend and he was nowhere in sight. No doubt he was dealing with Livia. I had solid proof that she and her pals were dealing Portal Dust. Whether they manufactured it in Crestwood or had an outside distributor, no one knew. It was a lead to follow. Liam broke my investigator’s mind from going to work.


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