Undeniably His: Bliss Series, Book Five

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Undeniably His: Bliss Series, Book Five Page 14

by Hall, Deanndra

  “Gold. Three feet tall. Today’s date. That’s M-e-l-i-n-a V-e-r-o-n-i-q-u-e R-o-b-e-r-t-s.”

  “Veronique?” he asks with a grin.

  “Yeah. What my parents lacked in discipline and good judgment, they made up for in sophistication. Or some shit like that,” I say as he laughs.

  “Melina Veronique Roberts. I like it!”

  “Your middle name?”


  “Boone Thomas Lawson.”



  He nods. “My mother’s family name. All four of us have that as our middle name. My cousins are the same way―they all carry their mother’s family name as their middle name. My dad’s name is Brannon, so all of us have ‘b’ names. I’ve got an uncle named Dallas, so all his boys have ‘d’ names, and their mother’s family name is Bristol, so all of them have Bristol as their middle names. And on like that. I mean, we’re a southern family. We have traditions.”

  “That’s really cool. The only tradition my family had was Dad getting drunk while we were putting up the Christmas tree and him and two of my brothers getting into a fight over who ate the last piece of pie. Fun family.” It makes me sad to think of all the fun Boone and his family have had and how I had none of that.

  “You’re becoming one of us. When that happens, it’ll all be your history too.”

  “What does it take for me to become one of you?” I ask, and I’m not being a smartass at all. I really want to know.

  “First, I have to be in love with you. Guess you’ve got that one nailed,” he says with a wink and I giggle. “Then my dad will want to talk to you. While that’s taking place, my mom will be talking to me, and then she’ll come into the conversation with you and Dad and they’ll both talk to you. If you make it past them, you’ll be free to come into the family group. If you treat my brothers the same way you treat me, you’ll have no trouble at all, I promise. Honestly, I don’t see you having any trouble with my parents either.”

  “What about Marie?”

  “They tried to tell me that it wouldn’t work, that I wouldn’t like not being able to live the lifestyle the way all the rest of the family did, but I loved her and I was positive it wouldn’t matter. And I was wrong. On the day our divorce was final, I decided that if my parents ever told me that again, I’d better listen.”

  “So they could ruin this between us,” I say, and I feel defeated already. I’m a former porn star. Who in their right mind would want their kid involved with me?

  “No. That’s not going to happen. If they know you make me happy, unless they find something really, really wrong with you, they’re not going to say anything that would make me unhappy.”

  I can feel tears pooling in my lower lids. “Something really, really wrong with me. Like I used to basically be a prostitute? Taking money for letting guys fuck me? Nothing wrong with that, huh?”

  “Stop it. If it doesn’t bother me, it shouldn’t bother them. Your sexual history should only concern them as it relates to me, and I know enough about the industry and the club scene to know that you’ve been tested until you could probably run the damn tests yourself. My health is in no danger with you, so there’s really no other reason for them to thumbs-down you unless you’re a real bitch. And we both know that’s not the case.” I’ve turned to stare out the window because I don’t want him to see the tears that are trying to roll down my cheeks. “Melina? Look at me, babe.”

  I can’t help the sobs that escape my lips. “Boone, I―”

  “Would you please stop it? There’s nothing wrong with you! Look at you! You’re beautiful, smart, funny, sweet, sexy as fuck, and one of the most loving, giving people I’ve ever met. Hell, you just sucked me off here in this parking lot. You think Marie would’ve done that? Nope. Might’ve messed up her lipstick or something. And you didn’t do it because you’re some kind of horny whore―you did it because you love me and you want to make me happy. I don’t think you understand how thankful I am that I found you, babe. If I lost you, I’d figure I was supposed to be alone for the rest of my life. I’m convinced you were made especially for me. Somebody upstairs is trying to tell me I’ve done something right by putting you in my life, Melina. Do not freak out on me now. I’ve already talked to Brock and Blake, and they’re excited about you being part of the family. You’ll see. Everything will become crystal clear. Until then, just trust me.”

  “I do trust you, Boone. More than anything, I trust you,” I sniffle.

  “Then it’ll be okay. I wouldn’t bring you into a situation where I knew you were going to crash and burn, sweetie.” He takes my chin in his hand and kisses my lips lightly, then gives them another kiss that he deepens until my toes curl. When he breaks it, he points down at his limp willy. “Now look at that. You broke it with all your cryin’, so you’ve got to stop that.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  “Yes. You can. Look, part of my job is to protect you,” he tells me as he stuffs his wilted appendage back through his fly and wiggles around to zip up. “I would never take you into a situation where I knew you’d get hurt. I’m going to be your biggest cheerleader. I’ll wear the little skimpy skirt and belly shirt and carry the pompoms and put my hair up in pigtails and all that shit,” he says, and I start to laugh. “Well, I will! You’ll see. I draw the line at blue eye shadow, but everything else, yeah. Not a problem. Now let’s go see if all your stuff is at the house.” When I reach for his fly, he grabs my hand. “Nuh-uh-uh. That cop’s already circled the block three times. If he comes back around and he can’t see you in the truck, he’s gonna stop and we’re both gonna be in trouble.”

  “Go a block down,” I tell him and stroke up his fly.

  “No. Home. It’ll keep, I promise.”

  “You could get a sudden onset of erectile dysfunction.”

  He rolls his eyes as he starts the Rover. “I highly doubt that. The only problem I’ve ever had that might’ve been mistaken for that was when I was drinking heavily. As a result, I don’t drink heavily. I mean, the alcohol isn’t that important to me, but rising to the occasion? Definitely important.” I watch his profile as he pulls the SUV onto the street and think about how gorgeous and sexy he really is. God, he’s incredible. I don’t deserve him.

  Or maybe I do. Am I really all the things he says I am? Really? I’d like to think so. I mean, I don’t know for sure, but it would be nice if it were true. He’s in my corner. He wants me to fit in. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me when I blurt out, “Do you want to marry me?”

  I’m happy as hell that I’m wearing a seatbelt when he slams on the brakes in the middle of the street, and there’s a sound of tires squealing and horns honking behind us as his head swivels and his mouth drops open. My hands come up and cover my mouth like I’ve just called the pope a cunt. The look on his face tells me I may have really messed up until he says, “Really, Melina? You think I’d bring you into the family if you were just a passing fancy? Seriously? Girl, you’ll get your ass whupped tonight, I can promise you. And here I thought I’d about gotten through to you. Lawd, woman, you’re hard-headed as they come.” And then he tromps down on the gas and takes off. But I hear him snicker a little before he says, “Well, there’s one thing for sure. I don’t have to worry about you being deceitful or a liar. You pretty well say whatever’s on your mind, don’t you, darlin’?”

  My face is still burning. “Yeah. I guess so. I’m sorry.”

  He turns his head just enough to look at me out the corner of his eye and smiles. “Kinda refreshing, actually. Just one more thing for me to love about you.”

  “I love you, Boone,” I whisper. I’ll keep going until I mess this up. I already know that. But until then, at least I can be near him.

  “I love you too, Melina.” Reaching across the seat, he takes my hand. “Forever.”

  Chapter Eight

  “OH MY GOD! LEECHES!” I can’t help it. I keep screaming, “LEECHES!”

p; “Melina, there are no leeches in the lake. Really. Stop it,” he says and pretends to be pissed off, but he’s also struggling to keep from laughing. Which I appreciate, seeing as how I’m terrified already and I don’t need to be pissed off on top of it.

  “THERE ARE LEECHES IN THE WATER!” I scream again. I saw The African Queen. I know this shit.

  “Babe, that’s mostly in tropical waters. We don’t have leeches here. Stop screaming and just walk to the bank. How the hell did you turn that thing over to start with?” he asks as he’s paddling his kayak.

  “I don’t know! If I knew that, I wouldn’t have done it!” My hair’s dripping, my clothes are soaked, and I think I lost my paddle. Nope―there it is. “OH! SHIT! WHAT WAS THAT? SOMETHING TOUCHED MY LEG!”

  “Well, it for damn sure wasn’t a fish. You’ve scared off every one of those in every direction for fifteen miles,” he says, losing his fight with the laughter.

  “It was something! OH MY GOD, THERE IT IS AGAIN!” I scream. “IT’S AN ALLIGATOR!”

  “We don’t have alligators up here. Good lord, sweetheart, calm down!” I’m slogging toward the shore and he’s laughing. “It’s all okay, but I still don’t understand how you turned that thing over. These recreational kayaks are almost impossible to capsize.”

  “That’s me. Doing the impossible accidentally. Are you sure there aren’t any leeches in here? Because I’m sure I felt―”

  “There are no leeches, Melina. Of that I’m sure. There are also no alligators, no fish, no turtles, no waterfowl, no bears, and no mountain lions because you’ve scared them all away with your shrieking. Come on. Let’s get you dried off.” By the time I finish wading to shore, he’s standing there, a hand outstretched, waiting for me. I’m sure I look like a drowned cat.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.” Now I’m shivering because I’m soaked.

  “I don’t know what happened either, but I should’ve taken time to teach you a little more. We’ll do it again and you’ll―”

  “Do we have to? I mean, leeches and―”

  “Submissive, for the last time, there are no leeches,” he growls. “Just stop it. And yes, you have to do it again. Not today, but soon. All that falling off a horse shit and getting back on business. Right now, you need a hot shower and dry clothes. Come on.”

  “But shouldn’t we put away all our―”

  “Maurice will take care of it.” Ahhh. So Maurice is more than just a driver. I didn’t realize that. “Millie should be working on dinner.”

  “Good. I’m starving, especially since I’ve lost blood because of―” He gives me this look that stops me in my tracks. “No leeches. Yes, sir. I remember.”

  “Thank god.” We go into the house through the downstairs garage and he stops me at the bottom of the stairs. “Strip.”

  “Whaaaa …”

  “Strip.” I start shucking wet clothes and turn to find him with a huge beach towel. “This will keep you warm while you get inside. I’m getting in my shower too, so we’ll both be squeaky clean for dinner, got it?” I nod. “Okay, scoot.” With that, he gives me a whack on the backside and I squeal and jump a little. “And that’s just a taste of what you’re going to get for some of that shit you were whining about earlier.” Oh, yeah. I forgot about that, but he obviously hasn’t. Lucky me.

  The hot water feels good, and true to his word, everything I have at home I now have in my bathroom here. When I step into the bedroom he’s already there, toweling his hair and naked as the day he was born. God, the man is fine. I drop my towel and start rifling through my things until I find some panties, then go to the closet to pull out a little sundress. That will be good enough for dinner.

  And what a dinner! Ribs, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, green beans, broccoli and cheddar casserole, and biscuits, the best biscuits I’ve ever eaten. If I hang around here, I’ll weigh five hundred pounds before long. After dinner I do two enemas, and after that we watch a show about serial killers before bedtime.

  Bedtime. Yeah, he spanks my ass, but after that we make love all night. I’ve never been with a lover who was more attentive and more in tune with my body. Boone’s all over me, touching me, tasting me, stroking me and filling me, making me glad to be there, to be in his arms, to be his lover. When he drives into the depths of my darkest place, I cry out with joy. He has me―every inch of me, everything a man can take from me, and I want to give him more. I’ll give him everything, anything.

  While he’s gone to the store on Friday, I wander the grounds of the house, looking at birds and butterflies and at the sculptures, sitting on a bench by the pond and watching the fish, and just generally relaxing. There’s a little nook with a swing and when I find it hidden in a thicket of big pink roses, I march back to the house, grab a book, and go back to it. I’ve gotten almost to the good part of the book―the part where he manhandles her into a car, drives away, and keeps her as his love slave for months―and I hear someone calling my name. Yes, I’ve read this book before, like maybe six times, but I love it because he really does love her and it a role he’s playing because that’s what she wants. “Melina?”

  “Out here,” I call back.

  “Well, look at you!” His smile is dazzling as he steps into the little clearing. “This does my heart good.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I work and work to have nice things, but I haven’t had anybody to enjoy them until now.”

  I can feel my brow furrow. “Marie?”

  He steps up to the swing and I scrunch up my legs so he can sit down. I plan to keep them that way, but he reaches over, grabs my feet, and stretches my legs out across his lap. “Yeah, she enjoyed my bank account. In some ways, she still does. I’m still paying―for her car, for her house, for all that shit. But she’s only got six more months on that little arrangement and she’s on her own.”

  “Does she work at the hospital or something?” I ask. He’s never said.

  “Yeah. Nurse. Hence the shift work. Oh, yeah, I paid for that too. Her education. She started that before Baker was born and then when she filed for divorce, finishing that degree was one of the things she asked for, and she’s my son’s mother, so naturally I want her to be able to take care of herself. I don’t hate her, but I hate the way she’s treated me and my family.”

  The pain in his face makes me wince. “I’m sorry. Wish there was something I could do to make it better.”

  There’s that smile again. “You can. Dinner and then the club?”

  “Sure!” Exciting for sure, scening with him at the club. “What’s on the menu for tonight?”


  “No―at the club.”

  Now there’s an evil glint in those beautiful eyes. “A surprise. You’ll have to wait to find out. Actually, you won’t know much about it until it’s over.”

  Now I’m curious, but I know better than to wheedle. Not a good idea for a submissive to do that. “Yes, sir. I’m glad to serve however you’d like.”

  “That’s one of the things I love about you, beautiful. You live to serve.”

  “I do, sir,” I say and lower my eyes appropriately. Then I remember his instructions to watch him at all times, so I look straight into his face and watch him smile.

  “Climb on over here and straddle me. I think I have something for you that you’ll like.” Before I can get to my feet, he’s got his fly open and there it is, the beast that’s second in line for my affections. I’ve got on another sundress, so I just climb on. “No panties?” My sexiest smile breaks across my face. “I like it. Yessss.” His head drops backward onto the swing’s back and his eyes close. That’s what I want―my Master satisfied. I know if I meet his needs, he has no reason to look elsewhere to have them met. Not that I think he would. He says he loves me, and I believe him.

  It’s sweet and slow and I think about how happy I am while I ride him, working to keep him going without letting him come. We’re not far into it when he unties the top o
f my sundress and drops it so the cool breeze flows across my nipples, pebbling them instantly. That sensation is replaced by the warmth of his lips, every suck sending little lightning bolts of white-hot want to my sex. We’re the only two people in the world, rocking together in that swing, his lips latched onto my nipple, my hands in his hair as I kiss the top of his head and take in the scent of his shampoo. “I love you so much, Boone,” I whisper into the rose-scented air around us, the huge pink blooms surrounding the clearing obscuring the view of us from the house.

  He nuzzles the valley between my breasts before he smiles up at me. “I love you too, Melina. You’re a goddess, baby. I can’t believe you’re mine.”

  “All yours,” I answer and press my lips to his, then tense every muscle below my waist and listen to him moan into my mouth. No mercy now―he’ll come in three more strokes or I’m not doing my job.

  And he does. I can feel his stickiness mixing with mine and I love it, that heat and wetness. “Ahhh. Yeah. First time in years I’ve been excited to come home after work. You just made my day.” There’s a smile a mile wide across his face mixed with a look of complete contentment.

  I just curl up, his hardness softening inside me, and press myself into his chest as his arms wind around me. “I could stay here forever.”

  “I know. But if we’re going to the club tonight, we need to eat and get going. Come on. I’m sure Millie has dinner ready.” With a kiss, he helps me up and we stroll back to the house. Yes, his pearly release is escaping from my slit, and I don’t care. It’s like a badge of honor for me. But I don’t want to leave any of it on the dining room chair, so I remind myself to clean up a little.

  In two hours we’re dressed and ready to go. On the way we chat about the disaster at the lake and how he’s going to do a better job of teaching me how kayaking is done, and we laugh about the whole fiasco. Much as I love Dave and Brian, Boone’s got to be easier to talk to than anybody I’ve ever known.


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