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Undeniably His: Bliss Series, Book Five

Page 18

by Hall, Deanndra

  “I’m sure I’ll love whatever you come up with,” I assure him.

  “Daddy?” When Boone turns and smiles at him, Baker grins. “She’s pretty. I like her. Thanks for letting her come over.”

  “You’re welcome, son. Done with your ice cream?”

  “Yep. Can I go look for the frog?”

  “Go ahead.” We watch as he scampers across the yard toward the fish pond. “He’s a busy little guy.”

  “Looks like he feels pretty good.”

  “He does―today. Tomorrow might be a different story. I never know. But it’s Sunday, so he doesn’t have dialysis today, and that makes it a good day for him. I guess you’re staying for dinner, right?”

  “No. I can’t. I’m working tonight. Nobody wants to work on Sunday evenings, so I told Frieda I’d take them. Makes for a long Monday, seeing as how I’ll close tonight and be back tomorrow morning, but it lets everyone else be off with their kids. I think I’m the only one there who doesn’t have kids, except for Frieda, of course.”

  “What time do you have to leave?”

  “I have to be there by five, but I don’t have to change or anything, so I can stay for an hour or so.” I did this intentionally so I’d have an excuse to leave if everything went to shit, but now I really don’t want to go.

  He looks very disappointed. “So what do you think? You like him?”

  “How could I not, baby? I mean, he’s adorable! And so sweet and funny. He’s a great little boy. What’s not to like?”

  “Could you see yourself helping me raise him?”

  I’m floored. Nothing he’s said could’ve prepared me for that question. “Boone, are you sure about that? I mean, it’s not like he’s here all the time, and―”

  “I told you this was for the long haul when you asked me the other day if I wanted to marry you,” he says, his voice deepening.

  “I shouldn’t have asked you that. It was wrong of me. It just came out, and I, my filter, sometimes I speak without―”

  “Melina.” The tone of his voice stops me dead. “I gave you a contract. You read it thoroughly, did you not?”


  “Then you should know where I want this to go.” I just nod. “So I’m going to ask you again―could you see yourself helping me raise him?”

  “How’s his mother going to feel about that?”

  He puffs up right in front of my eyes. “You let me worry about that and only worry about you and me and that little boy. Answer my question, Melina.”

  “Even though I don’t know anything about kids?”

  “None of us do when we have the first one. We learn as we go along. Yeah, you’d be behind the learning curve, but trust me, if there was ever a kid who’d be easy to learn from, it’s Baker. So? Answer?”

  “Yes. I didn’t think I’d ever have any kids, so yes, that would be wonderful.” And I mean that. The idea of helping mother that little boy makes everything inside my chest warm. Baker’s stepmother. Stepmom. Boone’s wife.

  Boone’s wife.

  Holy shit. Is this really my future? Is it even possible? I guess my eyes are glazing over because I hear Boone say, “Melina? You okay?”

  “Yeah, um, yeah. I’m okay. I just … Yeah. I’m okay.”

  “I know it’s a lot to digest. And I’m sorry. I guess I’m kind of overwhelming you, but damn, babe, I’ve waited a long time for you. You have to understand―I live in a world where someone I love might not be here in twenty-four hours. Yeah, I know, accidents happen so it’s that way for everyone, but with a child who has a chronic illness, time is precious. I know we’ve moved kinda fast, but for me, that’s how things have to be. I don’t have a second to waste. And when I know I want something, I want it. That goes for relationships. And I know I want you.”

  Deep inside, I’m both terrified and thrilled. It’s happened so fast, but I’m so, so sure of this. “I want you too.” My eyes glance around. “I love it here. This feels like home. I can see how it would be a great place to have a family, to be together with family.”

  Pushing his chair back, he slaps the tops of his thighs. “Come here.” When I’ve gotten up and then sat back down on his lap, he wraps his arms around my waist as mine encircle his neck. “I want you here. I watched you Thursday and Friday, and you looked happy here.”

  “I was. I am.”

  “Good. Then stay. Make this your home. There’s a man here who loves you, and a little boy who’s more than willing to love you. There’s a place for you here, Melina. All you have to do is say the word.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “I think that should wait until I’ve met your brothers and parents.”

  “Hmmm.” I watch the gears turning. “Yeah. Maybe you’re right. I should move up their visit.”

  I give him a playful slap on the chest. “No! Don’t do that! Let it happen, Boone. Don’t force it.”

  “No. I want to move it up. I want them to weigh in on this relationship so we can move forward. Is there a reason why they shouldn’t?”

  All I can do is shrug. “I guess not.”

  “Good. I’ll make it happen if they can. As soon as possible. So it looks like Thursdays and Fridays are always going to be your days off, right?” I nod. “Okay. Makin’ plans. If I can plan it for week after next, they’ll be here for your days off and then during the weekend when Baker’s here. That would be ideal. Does that work for you?”


  “Good.” I see him glance over at the wall. “Oh. You’re gonna have to leave in a few minutes. Want to say goodbye to Baker?”

  “Of course! I’ll take the bowls and glasses to the kitchen if you’ll collect him,” I tell him as I pick up everything, and I watch him head out toward the pond.

  By the time I've gotten everything in the sink, I hear the two of them coming in the patio door, laughing and cutting up. “Hey, Baker, I need to go. I’ve got to go to work.”

  “Where do you work?” He asks.

  “At a store where we sell things for ladies and gentlemen,” I say, not knowing any other way to explain it. When I glance at Boone, I can tell he approves of that answer.

  “When I get to be a gentleman, I’ll come and shop there so I can see you! Are you coming back?” he asks, his little face staring up at me, eyes smiling.

  “Yes. I’m coming back. I don’t know when it will be because I have to work again tomorrow too, but I’m coming back.”

  “Yay! You can help me fix my Gadget. Can she help me fix my Gadget, Daddy?”

  “Sure! I think Melina would be glad to, wouldn’t you, babe?”

  “I will,” I say with a nod. “But now I have to go.”

  “Okay. Can you come for dinner tomorrow night?” he asks in his innocent way.

  Boone chuckles. “I’d like that too.”

  “Okay. I’ll come. I’ll just call when I leave work, okay?”

  “Yay! I’m glad! Okay, so I’ll get my homework done so I don’t have any when you get here and we can play. And work on my Gadget.” Then he motions for me to lean down to his level. “And I got a name for you.”

  “Yeah? What is it?”

  He whispers, “It’s Poopsie Chucklebutt.” I start to laugh aloud and he does too. “Poopsie Chucklebutt!” he repeats loudly, and I can hear Boone laughing behind me. “I’m gonna call you Poopsie Chucklebutt!” he bellows and dances around. “Poopsie Chucklebutt! Poopsie Chucklebutt! Do you like it?” he’s singing as he’s dancing.

  “No. I don’t like it. I love it. I’m Poopsie Chucklebutt!” I sing back and he laughs and laughs. Then I lean down and, for reasons I don’t understand, I open up my arms and he runs right into them. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Bye, Poopsie Chucklebutt. I love you,” he whispers in my ear.

  “I love you too, Baker. I’m so glad I got to meet you.” With a kiss on top of his head, I turn him loose and spin to find Boone there, smiling at me. So overcom
e with emotion that I can’t even speak, I just mouth, I love you.

  His arms close around me, warm and strong, and he whispers in my ear, “I love you too, Poopsie Chucklebutt. I’ll be counting the minutes until you’re back here.”

  At ten o’clock that evening, as I’m closing up the store, I can still hear that laughter in my head. A little boy laughed with me. He danced around and gave me a special name. He asked me to come back.

  For the second time in less than two weeks, I’ve fallen in love.

  * * *

  “Okay―Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, then off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Then Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, then off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then start all over again. Did I get it right?”

  “Yep. You got Marie’s schedule right,” Boone tells me after dinner on Monday. “So if my brothers and their wives can come next week, we’ll have Thursday and Friday with them, and then Baker will get here on Saturday morning so he can spend the weekend with the family. I’m calling Blake and Brock tonight, and I’ll call Mom and Dad tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Sure this isn’t too soon?”

  “Nah. The sooner the better. I think it’ll all be fine.”

  I hope he’s right.

  Chapter Ten

  The following Saturday is sweet. Baker’s with his mom and I’m off work, so we spend the entire day in bed. God, he’s amazing. I’ve never felt this connected to anybody.

  But his brothers will be here on Wednesday. He wants me to come to dinner after work that evening and just stay. And I’m scared shitless. Thank god he can almost read my mind.

  “We should probably talk about what my family will expect.”

  “Yes. Please.”

  “My dad will want to talk to you. The one thing he’s going to want to hear is that you want to be part of the family, not just part of my life. That’s important to him. My mother’s going to be grilling me at the same time, asking me about our sex life, our roles in our D/s relationship, our roles at the club and in the kink community here. It’ll be a very pointed conversation, like do you satisfy me sexually and am I sure this is what I want. That’s also her way of making sure I know what my role as a Dominant is and that I can take care of you. Eventually they’ll put us both together and talk to us that way. So be prepared.”

  “Got it. And I do want to be part of the family, Boone. I need that. I don’t have it and I need it. And you need to understand that I need you to be part of the family with Brian and Cirilla and Dave and Olivia and Clint and Trish and Steffen and Sheila and all their kids. And Marta and Angela.”

  “Who are Marta and Angela?”

  “Clint’s mom and her wife. Actually, Dave’s not really Clint’s father. He’s Clint’s stepfather, but he raised Clint from the time he was seven, so Dave’s the only father he’s ever known.”

  “That’s not a problem. With my family living away, yeah, I’d welcome a family here. That would be great, not just for me, but for Baker too.”

  “Good. Because I’d like for all of us to get together soon so he can meet the other kids.”

  “I like it. By the way, getting to go to the club with you three nights in a row … Damn, girl, you’re really something, you know that?” he says and nuzzles my left nipple. When he grabs it with his teeth and pulls, I can’t help but hiss and moan. “Yeah. I love that. I know the shibari was hard on you.”

  “Yeah. Especially with the implants. It feels weird when my breasts are bound at their bases.” There’s no way to explain it. It’s just … weird.

  “Have you ever thought about having those removed?” In that instant, I remember Brian telling me, Boone strikes me as the type who might ask you to have those removed sometime down the line. And here it is.

  “How would you feel about that?”

  He shrugs. “I’ve seen you stretching your neck side to side. I know they’re heavy. Honestly, if they bother you, the weight and all, it wouldn’t make any difference to me. How big were they before you had them done?”

  “A ‘C’ cup.”

  “That’s plenty big on your frame. If you ever decide to do it, I’ll pay for it. No problem,” he announces, and that makes me smile. Over the years I’ve been with at least four guys who’ve tried to talk me into bigger implants. Listen to this one. He really does love me.

  “I’ll remember that. Anything in particular I should know about your brothers and their wives?”

  He shrugs. “Nah. I guess just that they’re as overt with their relationships as we are with ours. Even a totally vanilla person could tell there’s something different going on there. And when the three of us are together, we talk about BDSM and sex and all that stuff. Sometimes we talk about stuff we’ve done with our submissives, and sometimes we talk about things we want to do.”

  “And you? What do you like that we haven’t done?”

  “Me? Hmmm.” I can tell he’s really having to think about it.


  “Nah. I’m not much on having my ass fucked, but I don’t mind the prostate stimulation while I’m being sucked. Kinda like it, actually. I do like sex outdoors. Hell, I like just about anything outdoors.”

  “Millie or Maurice would see us,” I point out.

  “So? They work for me. Besides, they’re busy with each other.” I guess my mouth falling open and my eyes widening are enough of a hint for him. “What? You didn’t realize they’re together?”

  “Millie’s got to be in her sixties, isn’t she?”

  “Yeah, and Maurice is in his early fifties. So what? They’re crazy about each other. Maurice is a man of few words, but Millie’s pretty free with her speech. She’s told me he’s really good in bed.”

  That brings up a question I’d been wanting to ask him but couldn’t remember to. “Who’d you lose your virginity to?”

  “Me? I was fifteen, she was sixteen. I played football and she was a junior varsity cheerleader. We were ‘going together’ and one night, her parents were out of town and she invited me over. That was the first time. We fucked like rabbits until she left for college. I thought we’d stay together, but two weeks after she left, she wasn’t even talking to me and was sending pictures of her and her new boyfriend to her parents. They were sorry to see me go, but that’s just how it is. Then I went off to college the next year and sowed my own wild oats.”

  “And Brock?”

  “About the same story. Although we shared a girl in college for a couple of semesters. That was fun.”

  “No shit. Individually or at the same time?”

  “Both. He was dating her when she said she’d always wanted to do twins. We’d never been in a position where we could have sex with the same girl in a ménage situation, but we decided what the hell, we’d try it. It was pretty great.”

  “I guess so.”

  “First couple of times, one of us fucked her while the other face fucked her. Then we managed to figure out how to do a double penetration and tried that. It was a hit, at least for us. She hated it, but we loved it.”

  “She hated it?”

  “She said she did, but for somebody who hated it, she sure got off on it. Two weeks later, I wound up in the hospital.”

  “What?” That makes no sense.

  “Yeah. Some of the guys in our dorm figured out what we were doing, and one of them asked us if we just fucked her or if we fucked each other too. The fight that followed that question, oh, god, it was epic. I had a concussion and Brock had two black eyes, a broken nose, and a boxer’s fracture in his left hand. You don’t want to know about the guys we fought. They were in worse shape than we were. And nobody ever asked us that question again―nobody―ever.” I’m laughing my ass off. “Well, they didn’t! I couldn’t believe they had in the first place! After that, they called us the fucktastic Lawson twins. Jealous assholes,” he mutters, and I’m still laughing.

  I’m about to meet the other half of the fucktastic Lawson twins. This should be fucktastic.

/>   * * *

  God, I’m so freakin’ nervous! They’ll all be in this afternoon and I’m still at work. At three, I get a text from Boone: Brock and Kara just landed. They’ll be here in about forty-five minutes. At four fifteen, I get another one: Blake and Misti just got to town. They’ll be here in a few. Everybody’s dying to meet you. I’m terrified at this point.

  I leave work and drive straight there. There’s one rental car in the drive, and I’m guessing one couple rented a car and Boone picked up the other. The front door opens to laughter coming from the den, and through the wide doorway I see Boone in his socks sans shoes, running around and trying to get everyone settled. I haven’t even had a chance to say hello to him when I hear, “Hey! You’re here!” I turn and just about die.

  Blake’s standing there. It’s the first time I’ve seen him in person and, oh my god, he’s breathtaking. At least four inches taller than Boone, he’s got the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen and this thick, dark hair that’s almost black and long enough that it’s pulled back in a stubby ponytail. “It’s so good to meet you!” he sings out and grabs me, hugging me tight, and I hug him back. He releases me with a kiss on the cheek. “Hey, guys, Melina’s here!”

  “Melina! So good to meet you!” Kara yells as she comes running into the foyer. “Misti, look who’s here!”

  “Oh my god! Melina! Finally!” They’re both hugging me and laughing, and I can’t help but smile. Having this many people glad to see me is a new thing, and I kinda like it.

  “There she is,” another voice says and I think it’s Boone until I get a good look. He’s a perfect carbon copy of Boone, but I can tell the difference. He’s about ten pounds heavier and his skin isn’t quite as golden. “Oh, god, girl, good to meet you,” he says and hugs me tight. I’m startled at how much he feels like Boone. It’s weird and wonderful at the same time. “Boone, your woman is here!”

  “Hey, babe,” he says and sweeps me into his arms as he steps into the foyer. “I see you’ve met everybody. Want a drink? Millie made a pitcher of sangria.”


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