Undeniably His: Bliss Series, Book Five

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Undeniably His: Bliss Series, Book Five Page 19

by Hall, Deanndra

  “Oh, yeah. Sounds good! What have you guys been doing so far?” I really don’t know what else to say. I’m feeling a little awkward in a group of people who know each other intimately and don’t know me at all.

  “We just got unpacked,” Kara says.

  “Yeah, with no help from them,” Misti grouses.

  Brock chuckles, and he sounds exactly like Boone. “I’m no help at home, so what made you think I’d be help here?”

  “Well, you got that right,” Kara play-grouses and I laugh to myself. They sound like just your average, everyday couples, doing what couples do. Bitching about each other. How hopelessly … normal. And just as that thought is floating though my head, I hear the sound I’ve been dreading.

  “We’re here!”

  It’s a big, booming male voice, and I know what that means. Everybody in the room except me makes a mass exit toward the sound and in seconds there’s a lot of squealing and laughing and back-slapping going on. There’s a tiny window of opportunity here for me to sneak out the back door and be gone before anybody even realizes it. I don’t realize just how tiny it is until it’s over. “There she is!” that same voice calls out and I look up, only to have my jaw drop.

  Well, he’s obviously Blake’s father. They look so much alike it’s scary. The man is not quite as tall as Blake, but he’s every bit as gorgeous. His long, dark hair is peppered with white, and his skin is a rich, mellow bronze. All I can get to come out of my mouth is a squeaky little, “Hi.”

  I don’t get a chance to say anything else before he grabs me and hugs me. “Melina! Honey! Boone’s told us all about you! It’s great to finally meet you! Darlin’, come here and meet this sweet girl!”

  His arms turn loose and I look to my left to find a woman whose face is nothing short of angelic. Her features are round and soft, her eyes a beautiful golden hazel, and her hair steel gray and glittering white. Did I mention there’s no doubt whose mom she is? Boone and Brock look remarkably like her. “Hello, Melina! Brannon’s right. Boone’s told us so much about you. It’s great to finally meet you!” With that, she gives me a hug and I hug her back. Oddly, it’s like I’ve hugged her before, like I know her even though I’ve never met her. “I’m so sorry we didn’t meet you on the computer, but Brannon doesn’t like all that electronic stuff. Oh, wait―I’m Gertie.” Pushing back, she looks into my face and lifts a strand of my hair back over my ear. “Come sit down, dear. You’re looking a little peaked.” I guess I’m kinda pale. This is overwhelmingly terrifying to me, and I don’t know how to convey that without sounding like a complete asshole. “Boone, honey, could you get her some water, please?” It’s not until I take a step that I realize I’m sort of wobbly.

  Once I’m on the sofa, Boone appears right beside me with a glass of ice water in his hand. “Here, baby. Take a couple of sips and a deep breath, okay? I think you’re just having a little anxiety, that’s all. I know―we’re kinda rambunctious and overwhelming, but it’ll be okay. You’ll get used to it.” It doesn’t occur to me that I haven’t spoken until he says, “Angel? You okay? Talk to me.”

  “Yeah, um, yeah, I’m fine.” Inside my head there’s a voice screaming, RUN! There’s no way I can do that. If I want to be with him, I have to go through this, and I want to be with him. That train of thought needs to leave the station and disappear into the night.

  “How close is dinner to being ready?” Brannon asks.

  “Thought we’d all go out. I really didn’t give Millie enough of a heads up,” Boone says, and I catch the apology in his voice.

  But Brannon just chuckles. “Yeah, we’re a handful. Okay. Out it is. But I want to talk to Melina first. Young ‘un,” he says and reaches out a hand to me, “come with me. This’ll only take a few minutes.”

  I glance at Boone but he says, “Go on, baby. It’ll be okay.” I let him help me stand and take Brannon’s hand. It’s soft and warm like Boone’s, and I feel a little better.

  He ushers me into Boone’s home office, a comfy, cozy space that’s bigger than my living room and filled with overstuffed furniture. It even has a fireplace. “Have a seat, sweetheart,” Brannon says and points to a chair. When I sit, he takes the sofa adjacent to it and smiles. “It’s good to finally meet you. Boone’s told us a lot about you. I understand you used to be in the adult film industry?”

  “Yes, sir. I was, for a lot of years.”

  “What are you doing now?”

  “I work at Frills ‘n Thrills. It’s an adult store here in town. We sell all kinds of adult products. I’m a long-time customer so I approached the owner and she hired me on the spot.”

  “I see. Sounds like an interesting job.” I don’t know how to respond to that. I don’t think he’s being a smartass, but I’m not sure. He dashes that suspicion immediately. “Before I go any farther, you need to know that what you used to do doesn’t matter to us. It wouldn’t matter to us if you were still doing it, as long as it was okay with Boone and you were taking proper precautions.”

  “Oh, yes, sir. I always have. Continuous testing, spermicides, all that stuff. Very careful, sir.”

  “And I’m not worried about the club scene. Everybody in those clubs has to keep their testing up, so I know that’s not a concern.”

  “Yes, sir. Plus the owner and the former dungeon master are friends of mine, they and their families, so they can vouch for me.”

  He gives me a knowing look before he says, “They already have.”

  Holy shit. They’ve been checking me out. That kinda stings. “I see.”

  “Brian and Dave had nothing but good things to say about you, and I can tell they value your friendship. So let me ask you this: What attracted you to the lifestyle to start with?”

  Now that’s a question nobody’s ever asked me. “I think it was the idea of having somebody with whom I was bonded. Not somebody who just wanted to use me, but somebody I could really count on.”

  “And you’ve never managed that,” he says, to my humiliation.

  “No, sir.”

  “Lots of Dominants using you, but none collaring you. Any idea why?”

  Now I know I’m beet red, and my face is burning like it’s on fire. “I guess they thought they could because of what I did for a living.”

  “You couldn’t tell they weren’t taking it seriously?”

  “No. They treated me well while I was with them, then just kinda walked away.” Tears are welling in my eyes. “If you’re wondering if I know how to love somebody and how to make them happy, I can assure you I―”

  “Oh, no, honey. It’s not that at all. I’m just wondering how you knew Boone was different, that’s all.”

  “Oh! Well, maybe because I straight out asked him?” I answer, wondering what he’ll say.

  Out rips a huge belly laugh. “A woman who’s direct and to the point! I like it! Communication is foundational in any relationship, and it seems you’ve mastered that. That’s rare.”

  “I’m just tired of men wasting my time and treating me like nothing. I’ve had enough of that.”

  “Hmmm. Yes, Boone’s told me about your family, or lack thereof. That’s why I was asking. Right now, I’d like to assure you of where you stand with all of us.” I nod, anxious to hear what he’s going to say. “Boone has made it clear he wants a permanent relationship with you. Made no bones about it. We wanted to meet you and make sure you’re coming along for the right reasons. Darlin’ and I―that’s my name for her―have been in the lifestyle all our married lives. My parents were also, and her parents too. This is a longstanding tradition in our families. Kara’s parents were in the lifestyle. Misti’s weren’t, but she adapted like a duck to water. She confided in her brother only to find out he’s a well-respected Dominant in the area where she grew up. So she’s got that in her background too. Do you want to know how this works?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I will always treat you like anybody else would treat their daughter-in-law except that, since you’re a su
bmissive, I expect an extra layer of respect from you as the patriarch of this family unit.” That makes sense to me. “Blake and Brock will expect to grow close to you individually, but I think Boone already told you that.” I nod. “Your time with them will be like a date. Nothing more. You are free to call them if you have any kind of problem they can help with. That’s what this is about. You also will not be scening with either of them. That takes place between you and your Dominant, not with his brothers.”

  “But Boone said―”

  “I know what Boone told you about scening with Misti back before neither he nor Brock were married. If I’d known about that, I would’ve cracked some heads. It was wrong for Blake to ask her to do that, and it was wrong of them to have been involved in scening with her. No, there was no sex, but that’s not the point. Blake and Misti’s relationship was young. That was their time to become Dominant and submissive, as well as husband and wife. That would’ve been a great way to destroy their relationship.”

  “Yes, sir. I don’t think Boone would ever ask me to do that with one of his brothers, and I don’t think he’s interested in Misti or Kara.”

  “If I had any inkling any of those things might be on the table, I wouldn’t be in this room with you, having this discussion.” He’s not irritated, just making a statement, and I feel good about the conversation so far. “Now, I have a few questions for you. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “If your Dominant directed you to, would you spend your days naked in your home, allowing him to take you as he sees fit?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And if directed to by your Dominant, would you engage in a sexual act for his gratification, even if it didn’t include him?”

  “You mean like masturbating? Or like having sex with another person?”


  “Yes. I would, if that’s what he wanted.”

  “Will you have trouble taking direction from him?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Will you have trouble giving him children, if that’s what he wants?”

  Uh-oh. I’m going to have to be honest. “Sir, honestly, I’m not sure I can. I mean, I’ve been on the pill for a long, long time, and when I was a lot younger I had a couple of abortions. I’m just not sure I can have kids.”

  “But if you could, would you, if that’s what he wanted?”

  I nod vehemently. “Yes, sir. I definitely would.”

  “Does your Dominant satisfy you sexually?”

  “Yes, sir. He does.”

  “Are you willing to give yourself to him for the rest of your days, to be in his service and to service him, and to help him in any way he needs you to, so long as you know he will do the same for you?”

  A big tear rolls down my cheek. What he’s just described? It’s what I’ve wanted my entire life, somebody I could count on, somebody who needs me. “Yes, sir. Most definitely.”

  “Melina, you need to know that when a Lawson man makes a promise to a woman, he’s expected to keep that promise. If Boone collars you, or if he marries you and pledges those vows, he’s expected to keep them. Boone didn’t let Marie down. Marie left him. If you do that, if that happens, he has no responsibility to you. But otherwise, he’s yours for life. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes, sir. I’d like nothing better than to be his partner forever. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner, a Dominant, a … a husband. Everything.”

  “Okay then,” he says and rises, so I do too. His hand reaches out, and I take it to shake it, then smile as he engulfs me in a bear hug. “Honey, welcome to the family.”

  And I begin to sob. I can’t help it. There’s a sense of relief that floods my soul like the tide at dusk. “Thank you, sir. I promise I’ll never disappoint you, sir, not on purpose. And I’ll try not to accidentally.”

  There’s that laugh again. “We all make mistakes, honey, but if you do anything to Boone, I’ll have to believe it’s a mistake. I’ve sat here and looked into your eyes, and you’re probably the most guileless person I think I’ve ever seen. I don’t think you have a mean bone in your body.”

  “I do when I’m scrubbing the bathroom. I hate mildew,” I say, then start to giggle when I realize what I’ve said.

  “That’s a good thing by me! Let me get Darlin’ in here and she can talk to you too. Hang on.” He leaves the room and I grab a tissue to try to straighten myself up. I must look a sight.

  “Hey, honey! I just finished talking to Boone,” she says as she enters, Brannon right behind her. “May I?” she asks and points to the sofa adjacent to my chair.

  “Of course.” Brannon sits down beside her and I steel myself. Sometimes the moms are the worst, I’ve heard.

  “I just wanted to touch base with you. You need to understand that the Lawson men are sexually voracious. When Master and I first met, I was required to wear nothing but a dress in the house. Nothing under it. It wasn’t uncommon for him to bend me over the arm of the sofa two or three times a day and take me. Sometimes it was hard to get dinner cooked or laundry done because of his demands, but I tried hard to meet them. When the boys started coming along, he helped out because he knew if I wasn’t the only one meeting their needs, I’d have more energy for him. But there were days that it was grueling. One day in particular, I had a lot of laundry to get done and I needed to go to the grocery. Every time I walked past him, he grabbed me, pushed me up against the wall or over the table or down in the floor and took me. I counted. Fourteen times that day. Of course, we were a lot younger back then. He’s still got plenty of lead in his pencil. It just takes him a little longer to sharpen it these days.”

  “Watch out, submissive, or I’ll give our young lady here a display of my sexual prowess,” Brannon says with a grin and a wink at me. Oh, lord. I really don’t want to see that.

  “Oh, Master, let’s not and say we did, shall we?” Gertie says and laughs. “Honestly, that was one of Marie’s biggest complaints―Boone’s sexual appetite. She’d say, ‘Good grief, he wants me to have sex with him four or five times a week.’ I didn’t have the heart to tell her that even now, we have sex at least two or three times a day, maybe more, after all these years. That would’ve sent her packing a lot sooner, I’m afraid. I guess my question is, will you be able to handle that?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I like sex. It’s not a problem for me. I’m accustomed to submitting in the club, and I’m also accustomed to performing in front of people, so I’m not shy at all.”

  “So you’re saying if you walked out of here and into the den and he told you to bend over the arm of the sofa so he could take you in front of the whole group, you’d do it?”

  Brain hiccup, I tell myself, since I don’t quite know what to say. Would he do that? I suppose he might. “Ma’am, if he told me to lift my dress and bend over so he could fuck me in front of all of you, I’d do it, if that was what he wanted. I live to serve him however he needs me to.”

  “That won’t be necessary, but I did want to know how you’d handle it. If it’s any consolation to you, Kara or Misti would do that, and I would as well, although I think it would be totally tasteless of Master to ask me to do that in front of my sons,” she says with a snort.

  “Uh, yeah, no. Not happening,” Brannon says with a playful shake of his head.

  “Good. So are you hungry? Because we’re starved.” Gerties stands. “Welcome to the family, sweetheart.”

  There’s no stopping me―I leap to my feet and hug her, and when she hugs me back, I finally feel whole. I belong somewhere. I know that now. It’s exciting and scary and I can’t wait to see where this goes. I’m a Lawson.

  Maybe soon I’ll be one for real.

  * * *

  Boone insists we go to the roadhouse. When we get there and get seated, he tells everyone that this is where we had our first date. I know he’s sweet and tender, but I didn’t realize he’s such a romantic.

  “So you’ve met Baker?” Misti asks.

>   “Yes! What a doll!”

  “Tell them what you got him, Melina. Y’all will love this,” Boone tells them. I launch into the explanation, telling them all about his Gadget. When I finish, Boone says, “And she helped him get it all set up and everything. When we get back, go in his room and ask it a question.”

  “What did he name it?” Kara asks.

  “Doodle,” I answer.

  “Doodle? What’s that about?” she asks.

  I just shrug. “Dang if I know. That’s just what he wanted to call it.”

  “Tell them what his name for you is,” Boone says, laughing.

  “He asked me if he can call me Poopsie Chucklebutt.” The whole table bursts into laughter.

  “I suppose you told him yes?” Blake asks and I nod. “Where does that kid come up with that stuff?”

  It’s Boone’s turn to shrug. “I have no idea. He’s just very creative. He told her his name for his friend Homer is Honker Speedy … Melina, what is it?”

  “Homer Sparklepants,” I say, and they all laugh again. “He said when he likes somebody, he gives them a special name that’s just theirs with him.”

  “I think you need to come up with one for him,” Gertie says.

  “I did.” They all sit there, waiting, and finally I say, “Hooter McGee.”

  “Okay, that’s the funniest damn thing I’ve ever heard,” Brannon says, laughing.

  “I take it you get along?” Gertie asks, a twinkle in her eyes.

  “He told me he loves me. So in a month’s time, I’ve fallen in love twice,” I say, and I hear all the womenfolk moan, Awwwww! The guys, however, give me pretend scowls and make comments about “sappy” and “goofy” and “sugary-sweet.” And I think they’re jealous. At least that’s what I’m going to tell myself.

  When dinner’s over, the guys all ride back in Boone’s Rover and all of us girls take the SUV Blake and Misti rented. We’ve been on the road for a couple of minutes when Kara says, “So, are you excited about getting to know our guys?”


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