Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1)

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Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1) Page 2

by M. Merin


  The next couple hours go by in relative silence, broken occasionally by Gunner’s farts. The big guy’s been popping Imodium every hour since he bought it, so I can just imagine how he feels.

  Our probation periods into the MC overlapped a bit and one thing I always appreciated was him not turning into a dick the minute he got patched. Frank and some of the other older guys could find some really creative ways to put us ‘probies’ through the wringer and encouraged Gunner to do so when he patched in ahead of Connal, Pocket – who later became Vice, and I.

  Gunner wouldn’t interfere with what they did, that wasn’t his place, but he wouldn’t give in to them egging him on either. His example stuck with us and while probies get some shitty assignments, the four of us have stayed away from adding to that.

  Emma’s sleep has become more and more restless the closer we get to home. She’s making a bit of noise back there but neither of us move to wake her, there’s no way to fight her demons until we stop.

  Going first to the clubhouse, I tell Gunner to send our medic, Roy, out to my house.

  “You sure?” He asks, looking back at her. I only nod. “You have any furniture there yet?”

  “I got a mattress for the bed you built, then there’s that couch that was left behind.” I had purchased an old house and a few acres about a year ago and I was slowly working on restoring it. Slow being the operative word.

  Gunner and Vice were good for specialty work but it would take a while before the house became something to be proud of. I have my room at the clubhouse and that’s been good enough in the meanwhile.

  “Hey! If Roy is half in the bag, tell him to come out at first light, ok?” I call out as he walks away, from the sounds of things inside, it’s a possibility.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he’ll appreciate that.” Gunner deadpans as he lights a cigarette and swings his duffle over his shoulder before heading into the main entrance.

  Pulling back on the road, I head to my place; cursing myself as I go. I know I don’t have any food there so will have to take care of that after I get her settled. Not even sure if I have toilet paper; and women tend to be particular about that.

  I pick up my phone and dial the oldest probie. “Yeah,” He screams after picking up. “Oh, Pres, what can I do?”

  “You sober?” I bark.

  “Yeah, Rod said I couldn’t drink this week.”

  “Good. Get a pen and paper, go someplace you can hear me.” After the background noise dies down, I rattle off a grocery list and directions back to my house.

  “Um, Pres, I hate to ask, but I’m a little short right now?” He mumbles, clearly embarrassed.

  After confirming that Vice is there, I tell him to get the money from him; next I text Vice to approve it. Knowing it’ll take Probie a good hour to get to the twenty-four hour mart and back out to my place, I concentrate on the best way to proceed with my unexpected and, somewhat, unwilling houseguest.

  Starting with our bags and the purchased items from the gas station, I make a trip inside the house. Turning on what lights there are, I do a quick walkthrough making sure there are no surprises. Back outside, I work to slowly slide her out of the back seat and into my arms. She barely stirs and unfortunately, her skin feels hot to my touch.

  Halfway through the doorway, Emma screams and lurches away from me. Nearly dropping her, I make sure her legs are down and hold her under her arms, hoping I’m not aggravating her cuts. “It’s alright Emma. You’re safe here.” Her eyes are wild with terror and fever but she finally makes eye contact with me, gripping my arms she nods her head; all while trying to control her breathing.

  “I don’t feel good, Jasper. I should go.” She says so softly I can barely make out the words.

  “You’re safe here, Emma. Do you understand?” She nods slowly, looking around.

  “It’s not a murder house, is it, Jasper?” She whispers back to me.

  “WHAT?!” I bark out.

  “It’s empty and there’s a tarp on the floor over there!”

  I have to laugh, she has a point. Fever or not, she’s pretty funny. “Laughing doesn’t inspire confidence right now, Jasper.” She says while basically swaying on her feet.

  I try to stop laughing, but the little frown she gives me does me in. She tries to slip past me, back out the door.

  “No, no, Darlin’!” I gasp, still chuckling. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you actually look like a murder victim right now.” Her blue eyes widen, standing there in my flannel shirt that dwarfs her body she stares at me. Half of her face swollen and bruised, her unruly hair covered in mud, and skin pale from the fever her body is fighting.

  “It isn’t fair you’re so beautiful,” Emma says right before she faints. Catching her before she hits the floor, I carry her through the house to my bed.

  Easing her down, I remove her shoes and her leggings. I’m sure there will be hell to pay for that later, but I’m desperate to see if there are any signs she suffered further abuse. Leaving her panties in place, I see nothing other than more bruising similar to the belt marks on her back. As she said, there doesn’t seem to be any broken skin and her white cotton panties seem clean. And sexy as fuck, over her firm ass.

  Shifting her to her side and placing a pillow behind her back; I go and get a cool cloth for her forehead, plus aspirin and water for when she wakes again. I leave the bathroom light on and take another look at her in my bed before I go to wait for my Brothers.

  Chapter 3


  I had demolished the kitchen cabinets a couple weeks back but still have the old appliances in place; enough to get our meals cooked while she heals. Looking up at the sound of a bike outside, I cross to open the door. Roy is approaching carrying the old fashioned doctor’s bag Flint had given him as a joke.

  “Gunner filled me in, thought I’d come by now.” He says before I can greet him.

  “She’s running a fever, fainted on me a minute ago.” I nod, appreciating his effort.

  “We can wake her or I can wait. What do you think?” Unsure but knowing I have to wait up for Probie to arrive with the supplies I point to the couch, and go to find the whiskey I left here.

  “Join me?” Not waiting for his agreement, I grab a couple solo cups and pour a healthy amount for both of us. Roy catches me up on the week’s news, including a girl throwing Jake over for a trucker.

  Two of our Brothers’ Jake and Connal survived some serious shit together in the military. Connal was patched in around the same time I was and Jake came out a few years later. The two seemed to enjoy sharing a Girlie or the various honey holes and Jake’s so fucking stoic, I can’t even picture him trying to pursue a relationship.

  Hearing a car pull into the driveway, I move to open the door. Probie has a trunk full that he starts unloading about the same time Emma calls, “Where are my pants?” As she walks into the room still wearing my flannel.

  Not sure who of the four of us looks more surprised, I jump in before she panics again.

  Pointing at Probie, “You! Finish unloading then wait to see if Roy needs anything. Roy, come with me. Darlin’, back to bed, this is our medic. He’s just going to check you out.”

  I take her hand and tug it gently. “You are safe here, Emma; let him just make sure you’re ok?”

  Walking close to my side, she softly whispers, “You’ll stay with me, won’t you? I don’t want to be alone with him.”

  “Absolutely, Darlin’, you’re not alone anymore.” I hadn’t realized how tense I had been since getting here. Not until she placed her trust in me.

  Stopping us before the bedroom, Roy suggests she take a quick shower to get the rest of the dirt off before he checks her, staying behind as I lead her into the master bath. The one room in the house that is completely remodeled and finished. Her jaw drops and she glances sideways at me.

  “Your murder house has a really nice bathroom, Jasper!”

  “Remember that, do you?” I smile back
at her. “Let me take the bandages off your back, ok?” Her shoulders tense up but she nods and turns her back to me. A scream quickly escapes her battered lips.

  “Jasper! I…I didn’t know.” Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Emma gingerly touches the worst of dark bruises, sliding her hand back to her dirty hair.

  There’s a brief knock at the door and Roy calls out to check on us. “She’s fine. Give us ten minutes,” I holler back.

  She unbuttons the flannel she’s wearing, sliding it down her back and around to keep her breasts covered. Taking in her narrow frame, gently curved ass, and long, well-toned legs, I look back up at her in the mirror. “I think you’re beautiful too, Darlin’,” I say, returning her earlier comment and start striping off the bandages.

  “You get started, let me go see if Probie picked up the shampoo. There’s soap in there…go ahead now.” I say, indicating my short hair as the reason for no shampoo.

  Heading back out, Roy and Probie stop talking at my arrival.

  “She alright in there?” Roy asks.

  “Yeah, she hadn’t seen a mirror yet.” I grimace, angry all over again at her abuser.

  “Gunner said she was in bad shape, but I wasn’t expecting that Jasper. Someone’s gotta pay for that,” Roy, like me, has zero tolerance for abuse.

  “She isn’t talking yet,” I say, looking through the bags for shampoo and toilet paper. “Let me convince her not to run before you push too much, understand?”

  Not waiting for a reply, I head back to the bathroom. “Darlin’, it’s just me,” I let her know after a quick knock. She has her back to me as she showers and the clear glass perfectly displaying her backside, especially as she has raised her arms to shield her breasts. Delivering the shampoo plus toilet paper and a pile of my clothes; I sneak one more look before I go to sit on the bed, ignoring my growing erection.

  One day I will stay and watch her shower. One day when she is whole and happy.


  I keep telling myself he’s already seen most of me, trying desperately to be nonchalant about this. Before tonight only one man had seen me naked, and the suffering I endured at his hands is written all over my body.

  While my parents discouraged such talk, Ruth and I were always told we were pretty. When I was at my most vulnerable time, the man my father had been grooming to take over his church would whisper how he wanted to worship my ‘beautiful body’, that once we were married he would show me every day.

  That sick. Fucking. Bastard. I slap the light green tile wall and instantly regret it. My body is too sore to handle any jolts right now.

  After the shampoo is rinsed out, I turn off the water and gently towel myself off. Pulling on Jasper’s boxers and putting on the new flannel shirt and huge socks he left for me, I peek out to the bedroom. Jasper nods at me and indicates the bed, he crosses to the door and calls for Roy before coming back to hold my hand.

  I’m not sure what I was expecting from the older biker, but it wasn’t the kindness that he shows. Putting down his bag, he starts chatting away as he takes my temperature and gently probes my face. I have a fever and after checking my eyes, he suspects a mild concussion also.

  “I don’t want to upset you, Miss, but I do want to see your back and check your ribs.” He smiles down at me through his scraggly, grey-streaked beard. “Shall I turn, and maybe you uncover your back and lie belly-down on the bed?”

  I nod, hesitantly looking at Jasper. “He’ll turn also.” Roy says firmly, getting such a dirty look from Jasper that I nearly giggle.

  “I don’t have any broken ribs this time,” I try to assure them, but seem to upset Jasper who quickly turns back to me. I squeak and sink my naked breasts into his sheets as fast as I can.

  “This time?!” He yells. “How long, Emma, how fucking long did that…”

  Roy puts a hand on his shoulder, “Calm down, Pres. Miss Emma, Pres, you both just stay calm.”

  Jasper spreads a hand through my wet hair and starts rubbing my scalp as Roy probes my cuts and gently asks me questions. Deciding that my fever is due to the wounds not being treated and from when I collapsed after I crashed the car; he indicates the aspirin bottle that Jasper seems to be using as a stress ball.

  Instructing Jasper to wake me up every few hours and to keep my cuts clean, Roy pulls a blanket over me, gently tucking me in, and repeats what Jasper had been saying. “You’re safe here, Miss Emma,” Before quietly excusing himself.

  “Give me a minute, Emma,” Jasper says, heading up front.

  I barely have time to put his shirt back on before he returns. He starts fastening the buttons himself and I just stare at this beautiful man, feeling sad he’ll never see me without these marks. “I’ve always wanted to see the coast, Jasper. If I may stay the night, I’ll leave tomorrow.”

  “I’ll take you to the coast sometime, Emma. For a vacation.” I roll my eyes at his statement.

  “I’m not interested in you, Jasper.” I say, trying to maintain eye contact.

  Finishing with the buttons, he places a finger lightly under my chin. “Liar,” He says sweetly. “You think I’m beautiful.”

  “That was my fever speaking.”

  “Darlin’,” He laughs. “Get some rest; I’ll work to convince you of my beauty tomorrow.”

  Exasperated, I turn to lie on my stomach, feeling his hand in my hair again. “You have beautiful hair, Emma,” He says softly before leaving the room.

  Even with Jasper waking me every so often, it was the best sleep I’ve had in four months.

  Chapter 4


  I finally rouse myself when I smell bacon. Bacon and coffee. I’m suddenly aware of how hungry I am and realize it’s been a day since I’ve eaten. Forgoing another horrifying look in the mirror, I get moving, following my nose.

  “Good Morning, Emma,” Jasper smiles at my appearance. “Actually, Good Afternoon, but it was a late night for you.”

  Trying to smooth my hair, I eagerly reach for the coffee he offers me. “Thank you. I’m sorry to put you out, I am starving though!”

  “No worries. Go sit on the couch, there’s nowhere else as you can see, I’ll be right there.”

  “Your ‘murder house’ looks like quite the project?” I say, trying for an easy topic. It’s apparently the right one; I’m done with breakfast before he finishes telling me his plans. Taking the paper plate from me when I finish eating, he sticks it in an empty grocery bag.

  “I have some work I need to get to; I would move it if I could.” Jasper says, shrugging. “But you need to stay here. The Probie who was here last night will be outside if you need anything.”

  “You have no right to keep me here,” I stand, fists at my side, furious at the turn his actions have taken. I storm towards my duffle bag, beside the door, wanting my own clothes on so I can leave.

  “Emma, you need a place to heal. You’ve found it. I need to know you’re not going to try to leave, take today and rest; we’ll talk tonight.” Jasper reaches out for my arm as I walk by him to change in the bedroom, and I swing my bag out to keep him away.

  “No!” I close the door to his room and lean against it, wondering what the hell I’ve gotten myself into now.

  “Darlin’, it’ll all be alright. Just stay inside and rest.” He says through the closed door, sounding every bit as frustrated as I am, but I soon hear the front door close.

  Quickly changing out of his clothes and into my own, I wander up to the front to look out the window. The young guy from the night before is leaning against a truck smoking, he waves at me. I turn and go in search of a back exit. Off a back room, there are what seem to have been French doors that have been removed and boarded up; so that leaves one of the windows.

  Tossing my bag out first, I painfully lower myself out and head to the tree line, moving slow and trying to keep the house in between me and the guy Jasper left outside I make it to the trees undetected. Staying just inside the tree line I follow the curve, hoping to get
out to a road of some sort.

  After twenty minutes or so, I hear a buzzing noise similar to the saw my father had in his workshop. Deciding to follow that I move deeper into the woods; relieved when I see a building with a truck parked outside. Success!

  “Hello?” I call out from the doorway. The buzzing sound had stopped as I approached what looked like an old barn, sticking my head in I see the saw mounted on a long workbench, but no one around. “I’m sorry to intrude, but I need directions!”

  Looking around I see I’ve stumbled into a carpenter’s workshop. There are some amazing pieces of furniture, doors, and precut crown molding in addition to salvaged pieces and uncut wood.

  “You know, Baby? Probie might not get patched in now. What, with you being here, and him supposedly looking out for you back at Jaspers’?” I squeal as Gunner speaks from directly behind me.

  I swing around to face him. “Royce isn’t a bad kid, not really, aside from his big mouth. What do you say we do him a little favor and get you back over to where you’re supposed to be?” Gunner is smirking down at me. “Then we’ll just not tell Jasper about you stretching your legs this afternoon?”

  Gunner continues to look at me, tattooed arms crossed against his massive chest as he stands between me and the door.

  “This is kidnapping, you know.” I try standing up to him, but am so tired from the walk over here I can barely stand without swaying.

  “Come on, Baby, I was just about to head out anyway. Handy my shop is so close to Jasper’s place, isn’t it?”

  My knees buckle and he reaches out and easily picks me up. “Now, Emma, I ain’t ever seen Jasper get jealous over a woman, but just in case? Let’s not tell him I’ve had you in my arms.”

  “Can’t you just take me to a bus stop? Please? I’ll be out of your hair?” I ask as he leans me against his truck before helping me in.


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