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Jasper: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 1)

Page 9

by M. Merin

  Grasping her shoulders, I push her up from my chest. “This, Emma, this is who we are. I’m claiming you in front of my Brothers tonight; but once your divorce is final, I want you as my wife. Agreed?”

  She slides her knees up along my ribs and sits up on my stomach. “You ever hurt me, Jasper; you cheat or you lift a hand…”

  “Fuck no, Emma. You will always be safe as my Ol’ Lady. I will protect you and our family with everything I have.” I pledge, leaning up to wrap my arms around her. She holds herself back from me, appraising me, before cupping the side of my face.

  “I wish you could have met my sister.” She gives me her little smile as she pulls me close again.

  “And I wish you could have met my brother. He’d have liked you.” I grin at her, sitting up with her in my lap, her legs wrapped around my waist. “Guess we know what to name our children, then don’t we Emma?”

  Tears burst from her eyes but she nods her head quickly while holding me close. “How are you this wonderful? I can’t believe you found me, Jasper!”

  “Shush. And don’t repeat that in front of anyone!” I smile down at her. “I am a hardened killer, after all. Now, we still have to decide on what to name the rest of the passel!”

  “Shush yourself! Let’s slow it down! We’ll talk numbers after the first two, though do we really want to be outnumbered?” She laughs up at me through her tears.

  I know she’s decided to ignore the part where I mention the fact that I have killed men, but really all I want right now is to claim her. To let my Brothers know their President found his Ol’ Lady. Lifting her out of the bed, I walk us into the shower. Ignoring the nagging worry that other MCs will know I have an Ol’ Lady now too.

  A weak spot.

  Forty minutes later, I’ve finger fucked my woman again, before thoroughly cleaning every inch of her and washing her beautiful curls. After drying us off, she shoves me out of the bathroom so she can dry her hair and do whatever else she needs to.

  I’m sitting on the old couch, trying to remember why I haven’t gotten the floors sanded when she walks out.

  She’s in this amazing long sleeved, vneck, black dress. Her hair, as always, is amazing as the curls float around her head. I stand before her speechless.

  “Is this alright, Jas?” She looks at me expectantly.

  “No. Did I buy that for you?”

  “No?!” Her jaw drops and I think about how those lips felt wrapped around my cock.

  “Emma, you’re beautiful. There’ll be a fucking riot over you.” I say, as I gather her in my arms.

  Sucking in a deep breath she smacks me just below my ribs. “You ass,” She laughs. “I’m nervous enough, I thought you didn’t like how I…”

  “Are you insane?” I interrupt. “You’re a stone cold fox, Emma. You’re my Ol’ Lady. You gotta understand though, I’m not letting you outta my fucking sight.” I growl out.

  I drag her out to my bike and we’re off to the clubhouse. The last time I brought Emma there, she was bruised and in casual clothes. Tonight, she’ll walk in looking like my goddess.

  The ride feels so different with her wrapped around me.


  It is a beautiful night but more than that, I feel electrified. Even knowing I was overmedicated by my ex during our courtship, I know I never felt anywhere close to what I feel when Jasper looks at me, let alone touches me.

  Pulling up, then around the clubhouse; Jasper helps me off his bike.

  “Come on, I want to show you around before we hang out.” Jasper says as he opens the back door and leads me upstairs. “We’re just going into the room I have here. They’re all pretty similar although most have a shared bathroom between the rooms.” He says, stopping at the first door at the top of the stairs. “Vice, Gunner, Flint, and I have our own bathrooms.”

  “I’m guessing I shouldn’t go poking around on this floor!” I throw a smile over at him as I try not to be too nosy in his room.

  “It’s their home, Darlin’; they’ll tone down the more open sex acts when Ol’ Ladies are around, but…” He shrugs and I try not to picture him up here with any other women. “I’m gonna start moving more of my things to my house, well, it’s “our” house now. Will keep the room for when I have shit going on, but will always let you know, alright?”

  “Can I stay here with you, if you do?” I hesitantly ask.

  “I guess I didn’t think you’d want to.” He pulls me back into his arms. “You’re always welcome wherever I am.”

  I lean in to kiss him, groaning when he breaks it off too soon. “Come on, Darlin’. Tour just started.”

  Next we head down and he shows me the game and movie room, he opens the door to their meeting room – which he calls Church, before we peek into the overflowing kitchen. Then he pulls me into his office.

  “Next door, there’s a security room. We have perimeter cameras and some in the public areas as well. Wrench and I are the only ones who can see the feeds on the internal cameras as we don’t want Brother’s escapades used as porn. We keep those in storage for a year, just to cover ourselves if any outsiders have an unpleasant experience during an open function.”

  “I guess I never thought about the liability side of a group like this. And the ledgers behind your desk? Those are all for the businesses the MC has invested in?”

  “Yeah, personnel files in the cabinets. We run checks on everyone when they join, or the women who start to hang around frequently.” He shrugs like this is no big deal.

  “Do I have a file?” I look at him, raising my eyebrows.

  “You know I had Wrench look into your situation, Emma. I’m sure he has an e-file somewhere. If you want to see it, we will another day.” He says, surprising me at his willingness to show me.

  “You know what I want, Jasper?” I smile over at him as I move to sit on the corner of his desk and beckoning him with my finger.

  “Naughty girl…” He grins at me as he approaches, deftly sliding fingers into my panties.

  “It just you, Jas. I want you again.” I move to open his belt and zipper. “Please tell me you have a condom here somewhere?”

  “So demanding!” He says, as he nibbles my neck. Reaching into his back pocket, he fishes out a rubber and quickly releases his hard on from his jeans before rolling it on.

  Without removing my panties, he slides them aside and thrusts into me without another word. We both yell out in pleasure and he sets a steady rhythm. “You’re mine now, Emma. No one else’s, just mine.”

  His words an erotic promise to me, bringing me closer and closer to my orgasm. “Harder, yes, more.” Is all I’m capable of stringing together as my inner walls clench together around his cock. I’m so close to coming; Jasper gives a loud grunt then thrusts into me for all he’s worth, throwing his head back he shouts out his release.

  Looking down at me and realizing I hadn’t made it there myself, he quickly pulls his condom off and kneels in front of me; placing my heels on his shoulders he dives into my soaking cunt spearing it with his tongue, his arms around my thighs as he works my clit.

  Leaning back onto my elbows, I pinch my nipples into hardened points. Seconds from coming, the door to the office pops open and I’m staring straight at Gunner.

  Chapter 14


  “Fuck!” Gunner bellows, I get a glimpse of a woman’s hair behind him as he quickly pushes her away from the door; his cigarette dropping from his mouth.

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” Roars Jasper, as I clamp my legs together like they’re spring-loaded. “Close the fucking door, you asshole!” He yells trying to extricate his head from between my thighs and keep me covered at the same time.

  The unseen woman who was with Gunner starts yelling at him about pushing her, turning to glower at her he finally closes the door. I pull my legs up and curl into a ball on top of Jasper’s papers. I will never be able to face anyone here again.

  “Darlin’?” Jasper rubs my back as I squeeze my eyes shut eve
n tighter. “It’s okay, he really just saw my head and ass.”

  I open one eye to glare at him and apparently he thinks something’s funny because he’s trying damn hard not to laugh as he pulls up and fastens his pants and belt. “I’m not going out there, Jasper.” I firmly say before closing my eye again. “Ever.”

  “Well, that won’t do, Emma. What if you’re pregnant?” The last word comes out as a laugh and I kick my foot out at him. “Come on, Darlin’,” He says, deftly grabbing my ankle, “it’ll be forgotten in no time.”

  “He. Saw. My. Vagina, Jasper!” I’m blushing and cringing all at once. Before this year, I was a virgin so this is a bit much for me.

  “Emma, take a deep breath ‘cause we’re going out there in three minutes.” He firmly states while he reaches under my dress to smooth my panties back into place.

  Groaning, I open my eyes to see his clothes back together also. As I sit up, he cups my face and presses his forehead to mine. “He won’t say anything, that’s not his way. Deb may, but I don’t think she saw anything.” He mutters something about her under his breath and slowly pulls me off his desk.


  After a lot of tugging, and some pleading, I manage to get Emma out of my office. I’ll be making this up to her for days to come, but no complaints about that.

  Heading to the front room, we head over to Wrench and Amy who are at the bar. Introducing the women and getting the conversation rolling, I look around the room. I want to make sure there’s a quorum of Brother’s here when I make my announcement. Most of the guys I’m closest to are around, I send a quick text to Gunner and Vice to get them back in the room.

  Rejoining the conversation, I get more and more fidgety so I weave my hand into Em’s hair and let that sooth me while I wait on the others. Vice comes in via the front door and looks around, nodding when he sees me. By the time he gets over to me, Gunner and Deb reappear from the hallway.

  “Brothers!” I call out, waiting a moment for the noise to taper off and nodding at Probie when he kills the music without being asked.

  “This is Emma Jones, unless anyone objects, I’m claiming her.” I yell out louder than necessary before pulling her to me and leaning down to kiss her. She wraps her arms around me tightly and melts into my kiss, all hints of shyness gone. Cheers and catcalls go up around the room; Vice and Wrench are pounding me on my back, yelling for shots.

  Breaking the kiss and leaning over to her ear, I whisper what I’ve felt since I first held her. “Just you and me now, Darlin’. I love you, Emma.” Pressing my forehead back to hers, I smile as her eyes get misty and she mouths, “Me too.”

  As I’m pulled away for drinks, I look to see the other Ol’ Ladies have come to form a semi-circle around her; all introducing themselves. Roy approaches her, his eyes on me in question; I nod my agreement to his silent request.

  He takes her hand to kiss it and leans to whisper in her ear. She quickly looks to me, all smiles, before turning back and answering him.

  A few shots later, I’ve made sure the Probie knows he’s driving us home and after making out with my Ol’ Lady in between banter with my Brothers, I join Gunner at the end of the bar.

  “Congrats, Man.” He says slugging me in the side and blowing smoke above our heads. “Didn’t think she was ready for me to join you over there…” He grins at me.

  “Good call,” I allow myself a big grin, since I’m facing away from her. “Deb’ll keep her mouth shut?”

  “Fuck, its Deb, who the hell knows?” He shrugs, smirking at me. “I told her she’d better not say shit, but she’s just guessing at what was going down…namely, you going down…since I blocked her view.”

  “Man, you aren’t really thinking of claiming her are you?” I ask, finally try to confirm the rumor that’s been out there for the last month.

  After choking on his drink, I get a solid, “What the fuck are you talking about?!”

  “Deb’s been spreading that to the other Girlies, Brother. If you aren’t, you gotta lock that shit down before she does something you can’t take back.”

  “Fuck, Jas. No fucking way did I say or think anything like that. I kick her ass out of my room whenever she tries to stay.” A shiver literally rolls through his body. “She knows how to use what she’s got, but fuck, Man; she ain’t right in head.”

  Clapping him on the shoulder, “Glad I mentioned it, try to ignore the gossip that floats around here, but… You are my Brother in all ways but blood, still don’t know if I would have approved that claim, Gunner.”

  “No need to worry about it, I’ll keep away from her.” He lights his next cigarette from the current one, and gives me side eye. “Shit, wish you’d said something a while ago.”

  “Frank’s always had a thing for her, surprised he didn’t give you shit about it.” I smirk at him. Frank is the same generation as Flint and Roy but a slimy fucker, probably has more than thirty years on Deb.

  “Ha! If he moves to claim her, you should approve it just to fuck with him!” Gunner laughs before heading towards the kitchen. “Good luck, Brother. We’ll get her situation sorted out soon.”

  Turning around, I head back to my Ol’ Lady. I love thinking of her that way, but I know we still have some things to face before I can put a ring on her finger.

  “Jasper,” Roy calls out before I make it back to her side. “You hold on tight to that woman, now; you hear me?”

  He shoves a shot of whiskey at me before downing his own. “I intend to, Old Man.” I throw back my shot. “What was that you said to her earlier?”

  “I asked if I could walk her down the aisle, when it was time.” Although he grins at me, his eyes hold regrets. “I never had a daughter, and I care something fierce for your woman.” He shrugs, “She seemed pleased.”

  “She likes you a lot also, Roy. I appreciate you thinking of that.” I pat him on the shoulder before turning away. “Let’s take care of the other matter then we can get her up the aisle, huh?”


  After more drinks than I’m used to and meeting a handful of Ol’ Ladies; I look around to see Jas and Gunner deep in discussion at the end of the bar. Flushing scarlet, I tune back into the conversation around me. Anne had stepped away but is coming back with a scantily dressed blonde woman in tow.

  “Emma, this is Betsy. She’s a Girlie and keeps the clubhouse running.” Betsy gives me a timid smile that’s at conflict with her make-up and outfit; she seems pretty shy.

  “Congrats, Emma!” She starts. “Do you want to sit down tomorrow and we can go over the schedule and other things around here?”

  Amy quickly jumps in, “Betsy, Anne, I don’t think Emma’s aware of all that yet?” She quickly smiles at me. “Em, Betsy runs the kitchen and organizes the cleaning and bar staff schedule. Also, any parties that’ll be held here go through Betsy so she can see to things. Since none of the MC Officers have had an Ol’ Lady in recent years, Anne and I have worked with Betsy on these things and budgeting. Technically that falls to you now, but we can give you some time to get used to all this.”

  “Wow, um, sure, any help would be great. Sorry, Betsy, this is all new to me.” I wonder what else Jas forgot to mention, then groan to myself; thinking that he and Betsy have likely fucked before.

  His familiar arms circle my waist as Jas cuts in, “Sorry Ladies, gonna steal my Ol’ Lady away now.” He says before scooping me up.

  We head out into a rainstorm, to the cheers of those around us. Probie has a truck pulled up and Jas ducks into the backseat with me. We spend the trip home making out like teenagers, I keep steady track of Jasper’s hands as they tend to keep slipping south. Being exposed to Gunner tonight was bad enough; I’m not going to let the Probie get a glimpse of anything.

  Getting home, Jasper carries me through the door, bridal style. “Did you have fun tonight, Darlin’?”

  “I did. I really like Amy and I hope I can remember all the other names.” I start, wondering how to bring up the Girlies. “Um,
what did you and Gunner talk about? It looked serious.”

  “Oh, one of the Girlies is trying to pin him down, Gunner being Gunner, he was oblivious to it.” He says before putting me down in front of our bed.

  “Betsy seemed nice,” I fish.

  “Yeah, she’s had it bad for Vice for a while; can’t see him settling down anytime soon though and she’s finally getting the message on that. But it was Deb who’s been after Gunner; she half convinced the MC he was going to make her an Ol’ Lady.” He smiles at me like he knows I’m fishing. “She’s a snake. I’ll be straight with you, I got with her once when she first wandered in but she just never seemed right to me. She holds down a job, follows the work roster Betsy sets up at the clubhouse, will do anything the guys want her to; she hasn’t given me a reason to boot her. Well, I think if she’d landed Gunner, she wouldn’t be happy unless he was made President two minutes later; you know the type, right?”

  “But Gunner didn’t know?”

  “Nah, he’s a solid guy, don’t get me wrong; but if a girl is rubbing up on him, he’s not going to say No.” Jasper shrugs. “He’s older than I am, seen more of the world, but…hey why the hell are we talking about Gunner when I owe you one from earlier?”

  I laugh loudly when he changes the topic as he tugs his boots off. “Um, I was actually trying to find out about you and Betsy; but you started talking about Gunner.”

  “We hooked up a handful of times, Darlin’; but it’s been a while. It’s just that she keeps the place running smoothly; and her doing that well was more important to me than fucking her. That shit just gets in the way and we never had any sparks.”

  He finishes stripping out of his clothes. “Now, sparks. Em, when I touch you, fucking Christ; I just want all of you. I have since you first looked up at me that night, don’t ever doubt that.”

  “And giving up the plethora of other women?”

  “What I’m getting is so much better, Emma.” His mouth lands on mine, “Now can we focus on this sweet, wet pussy?”


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