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Summer of Awakenings

Page 16

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Keegan handed them to Devin and he flipped through them.

  Devin snorted. “You can’t be serious! All these guys are rookies! Andrei would be probably die by their own hands!” Part of him also couldn’t help but notice that many of the men Andrei would be spending LOTS of time with were also damn good looking.

  James shrugged. “Well, if I can’t convince you to do it, that’s what I have to work with.” James stood up. “I’ll just call them in for a meeting.”

  Devin threw the folders on James’ desk.

  “Don’t bother. I’ll take it. Just send me the information and I’m on a plane out ASAP.”

  Devin walked out the door.

  Keegan walked to the door and shut it. “Nice work, James. Funny how Devin didn’t ask about any of the other guys on the team pulling security.”

  “They can’t anyway, everyone is otherwise engaged.” James studied Keegan’s face. “So you agree with my choice?”

  “One hundred percent. I’ve spent a lot of time with Devin and if there’s one thing I know, he wants Andrei Panchenko dead, but he wants it done his way.”

  “Nikolai seems to think Devin’s obsession with his father is not only about killing him.”

  Keegan nodded. “I agree with that statement, too. I’ve seen the way Devin used to look at the pictures of Andrei. He always said it was his way of studying the enemy, but I think it’s something more.”

  “Do you know why he’s got it so bad for Andrei?”

  Keegan shook his head. “I’ve tried to get it out of him, but Devin is fiercely protective of his past. I know he lost his memory when he was twenty. A bad car accident wiped his mind clean. All we know of him is from the age of twenty on.” Keegan furrowed his brows. “Something must have happened between the time he lost his memory and when he first started researching Andrei Panchenko. You haven’t been able to pull anything up either? I mean, shit, you’re James Bond.”

  James grinned. “As much power as I have, if it’s not on paper or video, it makes it harder to research. There’s a whole section of time where Devin was undercover and no one knows what happened then. He sent in reports of the goings on, but never reported anything else.”

  Keegan nodded. “The Russian human trafficking ring. I remember that one. He went in as a guard, right?”

  James nodded. “Yes, he speaks perfect Russian and it was run mostly by the old heads of the families. Borkosky had his hands in everything back then, which is why the other families wanted him out. Too many people were dying. When the complex blew up with everyone inside, I think something snapped in Devin.”

  “Borkosky knew he was going down and blew the whole building.” Keegan shook his head sadly. “Andrei had nothing to do with that, though.”

  “No, he didn’t. He was in his early twenties then and being groomed to take over. When the opportunity presented itself, Andrei killed Borkosky. Then his son, Yuri, made a play for the throne years later and kidnapped Nikolai to try and force Andrei out. We know how that turned out.”

  Keegan nodded. “Vince and Andrei found Yuri.”

  “And they let Nikolai handle his own affairs.” James sat back in his chair, threading his fingers together behind his head. “I chose Devin for more than one reason. Whatever reason he has for wanting Andrei dead, I think the truth will come to light. And we’ll have another piece of the Devin Lyons puzzle. ”

  “If they don’t kill each other first.” Keegan raised his brows.

  James sat forward, looking at Keegan. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”


  Andrei’s nose twitched. His head was pounding and something was vibrating nearby. He groaned, moving his head to the side the noise was coming from. Cracking his eyes open, they widened as they focused on the noisemaker. A large dildo sat on his bed, the head rotating in a slow circle. Andrei groaned and shoved his head under the pillow.

  “Where are you, Christophe?” he muffled. Years ago, when Damon Youngblood’s biological father began making trouble for Damon, Andrei was asked to join forces with other family heads to take the man out. Andrei had formed a tight bond with Christophe Voronova at their first meeting; they were close friends and Chris always lifted his mood.

  Chris popped his head out of the closet.

  “You so need more jeans. You’ve got to show off that mouthwatering ass, Andrei.”

  Chris made his way to the bed and picked up the still rotating vibrator.

  “I was in bed with you, but you’re not a cuddler.” He frowned at Andrei, and then turned his attention back to the dildo in his hand, fascinated by the rotating mushroom cap. “This thing is so cool and it feels amazing.”

  Andrei sat up. “You used it?”

  “Yes, Andrei. I slipped a condom on it and rode it all the way over here on the plane.” Chris smacked Andrei’s arm. “No, I didn’t use this particular one, I have my own.” Chris waggled his eyebrows.

  Andrei fell back on the bed and pulled the duvet over his head. “Why are you here?”

  Chris crawled under the blanket and straddled his best friend. “Viktor called me.” Chris frowned as Andrei sighed sadly. “It wasn’t your fault; you know that, Andrei.”

  “Leonid has children; now they are left without a father.”

  “You had no idea the limo would blow up. The only person to blame for this is the asshole who set the bomb. I’m so glad you’re okay.” Chris leaned over, taking Andrei in his arms. “What would I do without you?”


  Chris snickered. “I do my husband all the time.”

  “He is very…understanding of your behavior.”

  Chris smiled wide. “That’s because he knows he’s the hottest fucking man on the planet. I would never cheat on him.”

  Andrei had to smile. Dimitri Voronova was an assassin sent on a job to kill a very well-known doctor who was friends with the Santorno family. Dimitri’s mission went to shit when his childhood friend, Roman Trevino, was the doctor’s bodyguard. Dimitri had been poisoned by his employer and was taken by the Santornos to Italy to recover. He met Chris - who was hired as a Russian interpreter - at the mansion where he recovered. Christophe was Christophe and kept hitting on Dimitri, who pretended not to be gay. After playing with Chris’ head for weeks, Dimitri finally came clean to Chris - who took revenge in his own way. Sexually. They’d almost been over before they even started because Chris didn’t think he could deal with Dimitri’s job, but the love they had for one another won in the end. They’d had a child together as well. Evan Voronova was the spitting image of his father, Christophe. They also shared the same sense of humor and behavior.

  “Where is your sexy husband?” Andrei tried to push Chris off of him.

  Chris inhaled Andrei’s hair. “You smell like cigarettes, booze and fear. Were you at a straight club? Dimitri is on a mission with Lorenzo. He sends his love, though.”

  “I went out, yes, but to a gay club.”

  “They have those in Russia?” Chris’ eyes widened comically.

  “Yes, you should know; you dragged me there once.” Andrei finally got free from Chris and rolled over on his side. “I am happy in bed; I do not wish to work.”

  “Well,” Chris stretched out on his side and regarded Andrei. “Ivan said James Jacobs is sending you the best bodyguard he has.”

  Andrei groaned and hid under the covers again. “I do not need protection!”

  “Bullshit.” Chris yanked the duvet off of Andrei. “Someone tried to kill you. Now, if James says this guy’s the best, I believe him.”

  Andrei couldn’t argue with that. James Jacobs held many government jobs; one of them was running the Skull Blaster unit. With Damon Santorno signed on to work with them, their combined teams had obliterated almost every human trafficking ring and drug cartel, not to mention the kind of men who made decent men’s skin crawl. It was still a mystery as to how much power James Jacobs had, but it seemed to be a hell of a lot.

  “When is this
‘man’ coming?”

  Chris looked at his watch. “Today.”

  Andrei sighed. “I am not happy, Christophe.”

  “You need to have sex.” Chris smiled as Andrei raised his brows. “Oh come on! You and I both know you need a good slammin’.”

  Andrei closed his eyes thinking about sex, being kissed and held. A face popped into his mind and Andrei quickly opened his eyes. Lord, when did Devin Lyons become a fixture in his mind when it came to sex?

  Chris tilted his head.

  “Spill it, Panchenko.”

  “Spill what?” Andrei looked around. “I do not have anything to spill.”

  Chris sprawled back on the bed. “I’ve taught you all of the American phrases, stop playing stupid.”

  “Fine, I have been thinking about a man.”

  “Is he hot?”

  Andrei thought of Special Agent Devin Lyons. “Yes, he is.” Andrei gritted his teeth. It hurt to admit it.

  “Yeah?” Chris waggled his eyebrows. “What does he think of you?”

  “He wants me dead.” Andrei rolled out of bed and headed for the shower.

  Chris bounced off the bed and grabbed Andrei’s hand.

  “The FBI guy?”

  Andrei sighed in frustration.

  “Yes, the FBI guy.”

  Chris leaned against the bathroom door and looked Andrei over. “What is it about this guy that revs your engines?”

  Andrei ran a hand through his hair. “He is not intimidated by me at all. Last night at the club I was dancing with a man and it felt wonderful to have a man touch me, hold me close. I have missed that.”

  “So what happened? Why isn’t that man here riding you into oblivion?”

  “Because I am Andrei Panchenko. That is why.” Andrei turned the water on in the shower.

  “You need a guy like the FBI dude, then,” Chris leaned against the wall watching his best friend undress. Andrei was built; he had the most spectacular ass. Chris grinned as Andrei eyed him. “What?”

  “Are you going to shower with me as well?”

  “Can I?” Chris batted his eyelashes.

  Andrei laughed, throwing his pants at Chris.

  “Get out!”

  ~~Chapter Three~~

  Devin relaxed in the seat of Riley’s private plane and listened to the music from his headphones as they came in for a landing. Opening his eyes, he watched the Russian landscape get closer and closer.

  He hated Russia.

  Devin balled his fists and took a deep breath. This was a job, plain and simple: Keep Andrei Panchenko alive. The plane touched down and Devin glanced out the small window to see Andrei’s personal security team waiting for him.

  Grabbing his carry-on, Devin made his way down the aisle and waited for the door to open. A blast of cold Russian air hit him instantly. As he walked down the stairs, he could tell that James had not told Ivan or Viktor who he was sending to protect their boss. They looked ready to explode.

  “Is James Jacobs insane?” Ivan shouted.

  Devin grinned, dropping his bag. Putting his hand out, he looked over Ivan and Viktor.

  “Good to see you, Ivan.”

  A movement in his peripheral vision alerted him to Viktor’s hand movements. In a split second, Devin’s gun was out of the waistband of his pants and in Viktor’s mouth. Devin cocked the gun.

  “Do it, asshole,” Devin growled. “James didn’t send me because I’m slow and useless. That’s your fucking job.”

  “Agent Lyons.” Ivan said slowly. “Please remove your firearm from my associate’s mouth.”

  Devin smiled. “Are you going to behave, Viktor?”

  Viktor growled and nodded his head.

  “Good,” Devin removed his gun. “Now, I understand that James didn’t tell you he was sending me, but I think you both have to admit I’m the best man for the job.”

  “Says who?” Viktor growled.

  “You want to go another round with me old man?” Devin leaned into Viktor’s face.

  Ivan pushed the men away from each other. “I do not care as long as Andrei is protected. We will work together Agent Lyons, there is no negotiating. If I feel Andrei is in danger from you I will not hesitate to kill you myself.”

  Devin leaned his head to the side and eyed Ivan from head to toe. Ivan had to be well into his fifties, but the man had some gold balls.

  “I like you; you have spunk.” Devin crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll do my job. If I feel someone needs to stop breathing air, I don’t want any comments from you two. Understood? I want files on everyone who works at the mansion, everyone in your employ, anyone Andrei has had dealings with, people he’s killed. I need access to every little detail.”

  “You will need to speak to Andrei then,” Ivan said.

  “Well then, let’s go.”


  Andrei looked over the newspaper as he drank his coffee. His headache was finally subsiding. Chris was shoveling pancakes into his mouth as he looked over the entertainment section of the paper. Andrei looked at the time and frowned. Ivan and Viktor should have been back by now. After what had happened, they were calling a meeting of the families. He didn’t know if he could sit through another one knowing that Leonid was dead. One of Leonid’s sons was attending the meeting as well.

  He needed to take his mind off of things.

  “How is Evan?” Andrei sipped his coffee.

  “He’s good; he and Ryan are exploring Italy.” Chris waggled his eyebrows.

  Andrei grinned.

  “Those two were inseparable as babies.” Ryan Cannon was the son of Andrei’s ex-boyfriend Alex and his husband, Dylan. Evan had grown up with Ryan and they had finally come clean to each other in high school about their feelings. Neither one thought the other was gay.

  “How’s Nikolai?” Chris raised his brows as Andrei grinned. “Oh come on! Spit it out!”

  “Nikolai has feelings for Colin Greystone.”

  Chris smacked the table. “I knew it! I watched those two as kids! They had an epic love at two years old!”

  Andrei chuckled. “Yes, but they were separated for quite some time when Vince and I came back to Russia. I think even then Colin’s feelings were overwhelming him. He is keeping his distance from Nikolai now.”

  “Why?” Chris furrowed his brows.

  “Nikolai is…” Andrei tilted his head in thought. “Very enthusiastic about sex.”

  Chris snorted. “Like father, like son.”

  Andrei hit Christophe in the head with his paper.

  “Stop that.”

  Andrei groaned as the front door of the mansion slammed and voices carried throughout the house. Someone was not happy. Viktor came into the kitchen and sat down in the chair across from him.

  “What is wrong, Viktor?” Andrei smiled at his guard.

  “Your bodyguard is here.” Viktor muttered through clenched teeth, his hands clasped together. “I truly think James Jacobs has lost his mind.”

  Andrei could hear arguing drifting down the hall and then another door slammed. He eyed Chris sideways. Chris lifted his hands in an “I have no idea” gesture. Andrei stood up and grabbed his coffee.

  “I will go find out what is going on.”

  Andrei left the kitchen with Christophe right on his heels. He followed the voices until he reached his office. Raising an eyebrow at Christophe, Andrei pushed the door open and then dropped his coffee as he realized who was sitting behind his desk. The cup hit the floor and splashed coffee up the wall.

  "Oh.My.God." Andrei hissed.

  “Well now,” Devin grinned. “Good morning, Panchenko.”

  “Into the Lyons Den” Coming in March.

  Start the ride from the beginning with: A Marked Man, Alaska with Love, By the light of the moon, Half moon rising, Best Laid Plans, For the love of Caden, The General’s lover, Russian Prey, An Ignited Passion, Reflash, The Red Zone, Irish Wishes, Pleading the fifth and Betrayed.

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