One Night with a Marine

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One Night with a Marine Page 3

by Makenna Jameison

  She rolled her eyes before stuffing her phone back into her purse.

  Couldn’t Melissa figure out how to open the cupboard and look for a fresh can? Honestly. And did she really expect Amy to answer her while in the midst of teaching a class full of preschoolers? Although her friend might be killing it as a realtor, she didn’t have the first clue about caring for children.

  She probably should’ve texted her ex back, too, but there was no rush for that either.

  Her friend Carrie poked her head in the classroom door. “Knock, knock! How’s it going?” she asked, walking over to Amy.

  “Good,” Amy said, eyeing the stack of papers she was carrying. “What’s that?”

  “For the parents,” Carrie explained. “These are reminders about the bake sale next week.”

  “Fantastic,” Amy said, taking hers from the pile. “I’ve got a hot date with my kitchen this weekend—pun intended.”

  “Ha ha. You looked ready to throttle your purse a minute ago,” Carrie said with a chuckle.

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” Amy said with a sigh. “Just too much going on at the moment to respond to everyone. My ex texted me, and a friend of mine stayed over last night because she was upset about a breakup. It’s just been one thing after another today.”

  “I hear ya,” Carrie said, eyeing the classful of kids.

  “Miss Amy!” several little voices began to call out, and she said goodbye to her coworker and turned her attention back to her students as her friend moved on to the next class.

  There was little else that she loved more than being in the classroom, and the kids deserved her full attention. Melissa and her ex and everyone else trying to get a hold of her this morning would just have to wait until later.


  Jason pulled up to the gates at Quantico, flashing his military ID. The guards glanced at his credentials and waved him through, and he drove onto base.

  God, some of these kids looked young, he thought. He’d undoubtedly looked the same way when he’d joined the Marines at eighteen, but man, if it didn’t make him feel old to see these fresh-faced guys around base.

  He could keep up with the best of them, but while their priorities each weekend were hitting the bars with their buddies and looking for the nearest pretty girl, Jason had other responsibilities now.

  And if he met the right woman someday?

  He wouldn’t be opposed to doing it all over again.

  He flew out to California as often as he could to see Brian now that he was back stateside, but if that constant travel alongside his long work hours didn’t make finding and maintaining a relationship difficult, if not damn near impossible, he wasn’t sure what did. He’d barely had time to see his neighbors, let alone get out much with any of the guys on base or meet any new friends since moving here over the summer. Hopefully once the new custody arrangement was settled, he’d get to see more of Brian. He wasn’t holding his breath though. Although things with Kristin were surprisingly civil, his military status and constant deployments made it easy to see why the judge had granted sole custody to her.

  Now that Brian was a little older and Jason was stationed in Virginia, he was hoping they could work out a new agreement. Anything that would let him see his son more and avoid the constant cross-country flights was bound to be better for him.

  He just hoped it would also be better for Brian. A boy needed his father, and he would do his damned best to make sure he was there for him. Hell, Jason’s parents had been married forty years. It was hard not to want the same thing for himself now that he was older.

  “Jason, wait up, man!”

  He glanced behind him to see Tyler jogging down the hall to catch up with him.

  “Running late this morning?” Jason asked, raising his eyebrows.

  Tyler fell in step beside him as they walked down the hall toward their offices, and Jason chuckled as he saw the shit-eating grin on his face.

  “I might have had something keeping me occupied. Someone, anyway.”

  “I take it last night went well? The blonde from the bar?”

  “Fucking spectacular. She was a tiger in bed,” he added with a chuckle. “I’m talking blindfolds, handcuffs, the whole nine yards.”

  “She have a name?” Jason asked.

  “Blondie. Betty. The hell if I know. I left her naked in my bed, completely satisfied. I’m pretty sure I’ll be seeing her again.”

  “You left her alone in your apartment?”

  Tyler shrugged. “She’s in her senior year of college—no classes today. I gave her a few screaming orgasms before I left. Hope she didn’t wake up the neighbors.”

  “She’ll eventually notice if you don’t know her name,” Jason pointed out.

  “Touché. I told her to leave her number for me. Hopefully she signs it with her name and not a kiss in red lipstick.”

  “Planning ahead, huh?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely. I’m headed down for a briefing. Catch up with you later, all right?”

  “Have a good one.”

  Tyler hurried down the hall, and Jason entered his own area of offices, the scent of coffee accosting him as he chuckled.

  Hell. He’d been like that once, too. Chasing after all the pretty girls at the bar. Taking one home for the night before dashing off to base in the morning.

  That was a hell of a long time ago though.

  “Morning, Sir,” one of the young Marines said as Jason walked in, immediately snapping to attention.

  His gaze swept to the lower ranking Marine. “Morning, Smith. Do you have those briefs ready for me?”

  “Yes, Sir,” he replied, handing Jason the thick stack of files. “They’re all there. The ones you indicated were a priority are at the top.”

  Jason eyed the pile with disdain. “Excellent. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the amount of paperwork at a desk job,” he added with a chuckle. “Have you deployed much?”

  “Two tours of duty in Afghanistan, Sir.”

  Jason nodded. “I’ll be in my office. See you in the meeting at ten hundred.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll be there.”

  “Excellent. Dismissed.”

  The young Marine saluted and walked away as Jason carried the files to his office. Dropping them to his desk and eyeing the huge stack, he let out a groan. He’d be reading through the materials all day. First things first though—he really needed a strong cup of coffee.

  Chapter 5

  “Unbelievable,” Amy muttered to herself that afternoon, heaving Ben’s skiing equipment up the stairs from her basement. She nearly tripped over the gear, and grasped it more tightly so she didn’t scrape the paint on her walls.

  Ben wanted to stop by with his new girlfriend? On their way to the airport?

  She didn’t think so.

  She’d told him she’d leave everything on the front porch. No way was she waiting around for them to come by together on their way to a romantic ski retreat.

  No way.

  She could just imagine them holed up in some ski resort in Colorado. Snuggling in front of the fire—no, making love in front of the fire, in the privacy of their own suite. Why bother bringing skis at all? Would they even leave their room? Ha.

  As if she needed to start her weekend this way. Friday afternoons were supposed to be relaxing. Instead of going on a run, she’d rushed home to gather his things. And now she had to leave. It wasn’t like she was going to sit around waiting for him.


  Amy dropped the gear on the front porch, watching as one of the ski poles clattered to the ground. She could leave it there, but then Ben would probably think she’d thrown it down on purpose.

  Amy sighed as she shoved the ski pole back into the bag. She had broken up with Ben. It was her fault they weren’t still together. But somewhere in the back of her mind she’d always thought they’d work things out.

  She never considered that he’d move on so quickly with someone else.

  That he’d be gettin
g married when she hadn’t had so much as a date in months.

  Where would she meet someone anyway, working at a preschool?

  The other teachers were all women. Most of the parents were married, and it wasn’t like she planned to chase after a single dad.

  Walking back inside, she hurried upstairs to change. She pulled on her black running tights, a snug tee shirt, and lightweight fleece zip-up. Pulling her hair up into a ponytail, she thought she heard a car door slam outside.

  Damn it.

  She’d been hoping she’d be long gone by the time Ben arrived. She quickly decided that she’d head out the back and cut through her neighbor’s yard, jogging down the street before circling back to her own street later on. She was not in the mood for a friendly chat with Ben and certainly not in the mood for Ben plus one.

  Quietly sliding open the glass door leading to her deck, she smiled as she adjusted her ponytail. Her car was in the driveway, so he knew that she was at home. He also knew she ran every afternoon, so there was no reason to stick around and make small talk.

  If anyone asked, she was long gone before he even arrived, thank you very much.

  Thankful that her neighbors weren’t there to see her jogging through their backyard, Amy came out on the street just behind hers. It ran parallel to her own, and she’d jog down it to the main road leading toward the trails she usually ran on. She’d have to make do with a shorter workout today, but she could already begin to feel the tension leaving her body and her head beginning to clear as her feet pounded on the pavement.

  After a week of teaching preschoolers and dealing with the problems of seemingly everyone else in her life, she was finally, blissfully alone.


  Jason squinted at the sight of someone coming toward him in the distance later that afternoon. The sun was starting to set, but as it went down, it was practically blinding him as he jogged up the street toward his neighborhood.

  Still, the person running toward him almost looked like his neighbor Amy. At that moment she veered left, turning onto their street, and as he glanced away from the direction of the sun to catch sight of her profile, he was certain. He’d recognize that silky brown hair (now pulled back in a high ponytail that bounced up and down as she ran) and those luscious curves anywhere.

  He felt a tightening in his groin as he realized her ponytail wasn’t the only thing bouncing as she moved. Her tight tee shirt was stretched across her breasts, and although he was sure she had a sports bra or something similar, there was no doubt she was all woman underneath her running attire.

  Although the rest of her body was tight and toned, those breasts could be described as nothing other than voluptuous. In a flash he imagined her wet, naked in the shower after her run. Water dripping over her, his name on her lips.

  He chuffed out a laugh—he would be in need of a majorly cold shower if he kept up this line of thinking.

  Swiping his forearm across his brow, he watched her jogging down their street ahead of him.

  Football. A game was on later tonight. He’d think about football.

  And his trip out to California next weekend. His son.

  His body began to relax ever-so-slightly, and he mentally made a list of all the things he’d need to pack.

  He was gaining on her as he jogged along the road, his long strides making it easy. He decided to pick up the pace.


  Thank God Ben’s car was gone, Amy thought as she slowed her pace to jog down her own street. She knew he wouldn’t stick around. After all, she’d left his things on the front porch exactly as promised.

  But her leaving his things out front sent a clear message—get lost.

  Her short run had cleared her head though. The crisp autumn air filled her lungs, blood pumped through her body, and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so alive. All in all, the weekend was now off to a great start. She had plans to kick back and relax at home tonight, but tomorrow she and Melissa were going out with a group of their girlfriends. Drinks and dinner sounded like an awesome way to catch up and spend a Saturday night.

  Frowning, Amy realized that she heard footsteps pounding the pavement behind her. Footsteps that were ever so steadily getting closer.

  It was just another jogger, she reassured herself.

  She glanced back over her shoulder and was startled to see her neighbor Jason. Six-foot-two and the very definition of tall, dark, and handsome, she found herself slightly startled that she’d never noticed just how handsome before.

  Sure, with his chiseled features, dark, shortly cropped hair and piercing blue eyes, she’d always thought he was attractive. But what drew her attention now were his broad shoulders and bulging biceps, his muscular chest that narrowed down to a slim waistline.

  She felt a slight stirring inside her that she certainly hadn’t felt with anyone since Ben. Jason was definitely as good looking as Melissa had said. How was it that she hadn’t exactly noticed him before?

  “Amy, right?” he asked, his deep voice rugged and sexy. Or maybe he was just slightly out of breath from his run. “We met over the summer.”

  “Yes,” she replied, hoping she wouldn’t sound as flustered as she felt. “And you’re Jason?”

  He easily caught up to her and slowed his pace to match hers. “Guilty as charged. I hope I didn’t scare you coming up behind you like that. I was just finishing up my run.”

  “Oh, you’re fine. I was concerned for a second when I heard you coming, but then I recognized you.”

  “I don’t usually run around here. I’m on a different schedule this week, but I prefer to run on base.”

  “Yeah, I wondered—I’ve never seen you out before. I prefer the trails myself.”

  “Oh yeah? I’ll have to check those out sometime.”

  They slowed down as they approached their own houses. “Yeah, it’s gorgeous on the trails this time of year with the leaves changing color. Not quite as nice in the winter though.” They both came to a stop and Amy stretched for a moment, turning left and right as Jason glanced over to her front porch.

  “Expecting a delivery?”

  “No,” she said looking over to where his gaze fell. A huge cardboard box was sitting on her doormat, blocking the front door. “Unbelievable,” she muttered, shaking her head.

  “Something wrong?” he asked, meeting her gaze with his striking blue eyes.

  “My ex must have dropped it off earlier. I left some things of his on the porch for him to pick up. Some skis. We broke up this summer. That must be my TV.”

  Jason looked slightly amused as she rambled on. “I’m sorry, it’s not your problem. I just can’t believe he’d leave a TV on my front porch. I told him just to keep it anyway. I mean how am I supposed to even move that thing?”

  “I’ll help you get it inside,” Jason offered.

  “Oh, you don’t have to,” Amy said, waving him off. “I’ll just push it in the front door or something. Maybe take a sledgehammer to it.”

  Jason’s lips quirked up. “That only works if you’re destroying your ex’s things.”

  “Yeah, probably so. And then I’d have to clean up the mess.”

  “I’ll carry it in for you. Come on,” he said, gesturing for her to follow him. “You probably don’t want it just sitting in your foyer.”

  She followed him up her own driveway and couldn’t help but stare at his ass as he moved. She bit her lip, trying to keep from laughing. He probably wasn’t expecting to be ogled when he’d offered his assistance. But the man was certainly in shape. Broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and corded forearms. He could probably bench press that gigantic box if he wanted. As it were, he bent down and heaved the box containing her TV up in his arms as she watched, slightly dumbfounded.

  “Okay, um, just hang on a sec.” She turned her back to Jason and reached down into her shirt to retrieve her key from her sports bra.

  Note to self: find new place to store house key. Like in her sock. Or a hidden rock. O
r anywhere but her cleavage.

  Jason smiled as she turned back around. Maybe he was too polite to say anything, but she was certain he knew she’d just been tugging her key from her shirt. Cheeks flaming, she struggled with putting the key into the lock. Now he’d think she was an idiot who couldn’t even open up her front door.

  Relief flooded through her as she finally turned the key and pushed the door open. At least, if nothing else, her home was clean and presentable. It wasn’t like she’d been expecting to invite a hot Marine over for the afternoon. While still wearing sweaty jogging clothes, she thought with a cringe.

  “So, where do you want this?” he asked, seeing a small flat screen TV already set up in her living room.

  “Um, maybe the basement?” she said, gesturing toward the stairs. “Here, let me help you,” she said, walking over to assist.

  “I got it; no problem.” Jason said, easily carrying the box downstairs. Her basement was finished, but aside from wall-to-wall carpeting and paint on the drywall, it was completely empty.

  “Anywhere is fine. I wasn’t really planning to have an extra TV down here.”

  “Well, someday you’ll have kids.”


  “Sure, you’ll want a spare TV then. You’ll watch your show; they’ll watch theirs.”

  “Right,” she said uneasily. What did he know about children? As far as she knew, he lived completely alone. Maybe he had some nieces and nephews or something.

  Jason carefully set the box down against the far wall. “Is this all right?” he asked, glancing over to her as he stood. “I can move it somewhere else; I just figured this was out of the way.”

  “Yeah, that’s perfect. I haven’t decided what to do with the basement anyway, as you can tell. Thanks again for hauling it down here. I probably wouldn’t have wanted to be tripping over it in the foyer every day.”

  “It’s no trouble. It’s pretty heavy, so let me know if you need help setting it up sometime. I’d be happy to move it for you again.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it, but you’ve done more than enough as it is. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten that thing inside.”


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