Right Kiss Wrong Guy (Offsides Book 2)

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Right Kiss Wrong Guy (Offsides Book 2) Page 12

by Natalie Decker

  “Wait, the mall? I’m confused. You said it was one of my friends, but Jared doesn’t go to the mall.”

  I swipe away the rush of tears falling. “He is today!”

  “What did he do?”

  “Tyler, I want my sister. Please.”

  “Okay. We’re coming to you stay there. Layla, babe, we gotta go. No. It’s Juliet.”

  “Juliet,” Layla says. “What’s wrong?”

  “God. Why can’t we have programmable hearts, so you can shut off all feelings to them?” I blubber into the phone.

  “Ty says we’ll be there in ten minutes. Do not even think about driving.”

  I snort. “How else will me and my Jeep get home?”

  “I’m driving you home,” Layla says.

  That sobers me right up. “Over my dead body! I know how many things you’ve wrecked into Layla. The parking meter. The parked car at this mall. The dumpster. Oh, my God, do I need to mention Mrs. Steuben’s mailbox? You don’t even know how to drive a manual!”

  “Holy shit, babe. I knew you were a terrible driver but damn. I didn’t know you hit all that shit,” I hear Tyler say.

  “Omigod! Do you have me on speaker phone?” I yell.

  “I’m not that bad and yes, I do. Sorry, I can’t turn it off right now. I can’t believe you brought up that old hags mailbox. I mean seriously it was the ugliest thing ever. I did the neighborhood a favor.”

  “You can’t drive a stick,” I remind her again.

  “Fine. Tyler can drive. I’ll drive his Cherokee.”

  “Uh …” Tyler says.

  “What?” she asks. “Do you not trust me with your baby now?”

  I can’t listen to this bickering anymore and hang up. I start up my Jeep and whip it out of the parking lot. Tyler’s words slowly settle in Jared doesn’t go to the mall. Why would he automatically assume I was talking about Jared? Did he know something? I feel like such an idiot.

  I drive straight to Chase’s work.

  I storm into the Bromwell Gallery as if I own the place. The bell on the door dings indicating a customer has entered. Chase startles as soon as he makes eye contact with me. “It’s just Juliet, Dad,” he says. “What are you doing?” he asks me.

  “Thanks, son. Tell me when the Tippman’s arrive.”

  Chase has worked for his dad since he was thirteen. I could never work with my mom. Believe me, she tried recruiting me and my sister, but I wouldn’t have any parts of that annoyance. Layla tried it for maybe a week and mom decided she was better off not having us in her office.

  “Will do,” Chase says to his dad. Chase looks me over than pats a seat next to his behind the large glass case of photo’s serving as display and his desk.

  “I think … no … I know I have feelings for Jared Black. Chase this is a complete disaster. How do I stop it?”

  Chase rolls his eyes. “Why do you want to stop it?”

  “He absolutely loathes me.”

  “Jared Black?” He chuckles as if something in this conversation is amusing. “You really are oblivious. Jared Black doesn’t hate you. In fact, if you told him you liked him I bet the dude would turn the whole thing into a Broadway musical ending. Probably shower you with flower petals and have the entire football team do a can-can act.”

  “Liar. He seriously hates me. After he swapped our tests, he told me he is requesting new partners. I don’t understand how or why this happened. He acts as if I’m a plague.”

  Chase grabs up a few envelopes from the counter and slips them into some shelf on the wall. “Are you sure you want him?”

  “I don’t know. I mean I think I do,” I answer.

  “Juliet, you have to be sure. Feet in all the way.”

  I nod.

  Chase groans. “I’ll help you figure this all out then.”

  I wrap my arms around him and breathe. “Thank you.”

  “You thank me now, but you’ll hate me in a few minutes.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The next few days are hard like I’d rather be running a bunch of laps with no breaks or water. I have to keep this up though. Even if a big part of me feels more miserable than ever.

  As I’m digging into my locker I feel an instant blast of pain to the back of my head. I whip around, and Tyler is giving me a look. “What?” I ask.

  “You’re being a total idiot! Why do you keep giving her a death stare?”

  “Stay out of it Tyler. She made it clear how she felt from the beginning I was just too blind to see it at the time. This is me moving on.”

  “Really? Moving along? You know she was crying when she called her sister a few days ago because of some bonehead move you pulled at the mall. I pretty sure when a girl cries it isn’t an indication of her not having feelings it’s because she does dumbass.”

  I shove him. “I swear I will punch you if you keep running your mouth!”

  “Go ahead! I’m going to beat your ass if it knocks some sense into you!”

  Tyler doesn’t get it. It kills me that she thinks everything I send her is from Mark. It kills me that she’ll never get over her prejudice on football players because of douchewad Mark. What tears me up the most is staying away from her because I will never have her.

  “Let it go, man.”

  Tyler shakes his head. “You’re making a mistake.”

  “And it’s mine to make,” I say. Never said it was a smart decision.

  “Hi, Jared!” one of Selena’s friend say. I smile.


  “It’s Kimber. We had lunch with you guys the other day.”

  Tyler makes a noise. “I’m out.”

  “Later,” I say to him.

  He shakes his head and walks away. Kimber remains, smiling and twirling a strand of her honey-colored hair around her finger. “So, I was wondering if you maybe wanna walk me to class?”

  “Uh,” I say as I rub the back of my neck. “I …” Juliet passes by with Adaline next to her. Juliet flicks her attention to me then at Kimber. She latches onto Adaline’s arm and yanks her down the hall at a fast pace.

  “Jared?” Kimber’s voice pulls me out of my lost thought.

  I blink. “Um. Sure. Where are we going?”

  “Science. Mr. Campbell’s class.”

  I nod. We head down the hall together. As we turn the corner, my shoulder collides with another. “Oh, man. S-s-sorry. Black?” Chase says.

  I give him a slight nod. He looks over at Kimber then glares at me. What is his freaking problem? He was the one who told me to stay away from Juliet. He should be happy. Not giving me a WTF glare.

  I proceed down the hall with Kimber who now has her arm wrapped around mine. Which is kind of bothering me, but then we pass Juliet and the look on her face is priceless. Her cheeks match the colors of cherries. Her eyes narrow and her mouth hangs open. Adaline turns her head in order to stop staring at us. This should make me feel like an absolute King because finally, Juliet notices me, but I feel like dog shit. I mean it literally took another girl giving me attention for her to see me?

  Call me nuts, but I don’t want a girl to notice me like that. After I walk Kimber to her class I head to Chem. As I enter the room, the air feels different, stifling. I’m not sure why. Might have something to do with the haughty glare coming from Juliet. I slide into my seat and now my new lab partner Felicity seems to have it in her head that I’m helpless.

  “Let me grab your bag for you,” she says in a bubbly tone. I look around then make direct eye contact with Felicity.

  “I’m good.”

  She rolls her brown eyes and laughs as if that’s somehow what I said was the most amusing thing ever. When really it wasn’t funny at all. I’m instantly regretting this whole exchanging of partners. “I know, you silly thing. But we can’t have our all-star quarterback injuring himself on the offseason.”

  It’s one of my top ten worst nightmares. A girl obsessed with me because of football. I wish everyone here could see fo
otball and life will still go on with or without me playing. It’s not everything. Felicity bats her eyes and has a syrupy smile and I can’t wait for the freaking bell to ring.

  “I’m so happy we’re partners. I promise to be the best partner you’ve ever had.” She tosses a glance over at Juliet, and I swear I spot Juliet’s eyes narrow.

  “Um, okay.”

  Felicity returns her gaze at me and says, “God, you are so much hotter and buff this close.”

  “Uh … right.”

  She smiles. “I’m gonna get our supplies.” She gives me a once over then walks away.

  Shit! What did I get myself into?

  I avert my stare across the table. Juliet throws her hands up in the air and then shoves her books into her bookbag. Dave Linch who’s her new partner shouts, “Go take a ride on your broom!”

  Juliet pushes her seat back and screams, “I will not do this assignment by myself and let you take credit for the work. I’ve had my fill with lazy people like you!”

  I’m out of my chair and marching over to Dave. Do I know why I’m doing this? No. Not a damn clue because this is going against the very thing I said I wasn’t going to do. I snatch him up by the back of his shirt. “Apologize to her.”

  “Go to hell, Black! I’m not saying sorry to her. What are you going to do about it? Beat me up?”

  “I swear Linch you better say you’re sorry or so help me I’ll make you sorry.”

  “Knock it off,” Juliet cries. “I don’t need your pity. I don’t need you to stick up for me. I can fight my own battles. I’ve been doing it my whole life, long before you even noticed me!” She glares at Dave. “I wouldn’t help you pass a class even if my entire body was submerged in flames and you had a cure to save me.”

  She whips away from us and slams right into our teacher. “Oh, sorry Mr. Samson, I didn’t see you there,” she mumbles.

  “Exactly, Miss Valentine. You were too busy yelling at your new lab partner. Mr. Black why on earth are you out of your seat? Let go of Mr. Linch right this second. You three are staying after class to explain yourselves.”

  “I want to work by myself,” Juliet states.

  “Absolutely not. Miss Valentine, this is a group assignment. Find some common ground or do as my mother always said, ‘Keep your head down, do your work, and keep your trap shut.’ I promise it will go along much smoother than you think. Now, if we’re done here, we have an assignment to finish, am I right?”

  We all nod. “Great. Let’s get back to work, shall we?” Mr. Samson says.

  I don’t move toward my desk and neither does Juliet. We stand awkwardly staring at each other. Finally, I clear my throat. “I’m sorry for um … all of that.” I motion to the scene around me.

  “You should be sorry. You’re the one who got us in a load of trouble. I never asked you to switch that test but you’re taking it out on me. Why?”

  I swallow hard. “It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry. I won’t interfere again.”

  She nods. “Thank you though.”

  Before I can respond fingers smooth over my arm and then nails dig into my skin. “Owww.” I turn my head and Felicity’s eyes widen then she glances over at our table. I really wish I didn’t switch partners. I thought it would be the best for Juliet and me. What a freaking mistake.

  “Come on, partner.” She winks at me and tries to drag me back to our table. She glances over her shoulder and makes a face at Juliet. Juliet rolls her green eyes and matches Felicity’s dirty look. Yep, if I ever had a snowball’s chance in hell I don’t now.

  I’m not going to say a word. I just return to my seat and start working through the problems. As I’m finishing problem three, I glance up at Felicity and she says, “Got a date to the dance yet?”


  “Were you looking for a date?” She bats her lashes.

  I’m about to answer her but I glance down at the mixture in the beaker. “Uh, is it supposed to be red?”

  “Hum? Oh, oh no. Shoot.” She shuts off the burner and starts crying.

  Great. Just effing great.

  One girl is totally pissed at me. Another is crying. I can’t win.

  I reach across the table. “It’s going to be okay,” I say.

  Felicity waves her hands and knocks the beaker off the burner. The red liquid splashes all over my hand. A stinging, hot pain radiates across my knuckles. I hiss and jerk my hand back.

  “Oh my gosh,” Felicity squeals. “I’m so sorry. Is that your throwing hand?”

  Does that really matter? It hurts like hell.

  Mr. Samson is instantly at our table. “Mr. Black, what happened over here?”

  “It was an accident; I swear,” Felicity wails. “I think it was his throwing hand.”

  “Go to the nurse’s station. Let me get you a hall pass.”

  Well, one good thing came out of this, I get to escape class.

  The nurse’s office reminds me of a small closet. Almost as if the school thought, oh crap we need a nurse’s office in case someone gets hurt. Where should we put it though? Oh, how about we convert this hall closet into a small station?

  Between the claustrophobic space, to the throbbing pain I can’t take much more.

  “What did you do?” my father bellows as he enters the office.

  “Chem accident.”

  “I thought the Valentine girl was your partner? Isn’t she supposed to be top of your class?”

  “She’s not my partner anymore.”

  He raises a brow. “Do I have to have a chat with Steve Samson about this? I can’t have you all banged and bandaged up before the season starts.”

  Yeah, we can’t have that, can we?

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Well, I’m sure he hates me now,” I say to Chase as he slides into the seat next to me before our Advanced English Composition class starts.

  He scoffs at me. “I’m sure he doesn’t. Why would you say that?”

  I shrug. “I have a new lab partner, David Linch. Listen before you start asking questions and rambling on how much you dislike the guy.” I am pretty sure everyone does. He’s such an ass.

  Chase rambles off his questions before I can finish. “How did that happen and how is that idiot is still in advanced anything? And what’s this have to do with Jared hating you?”

  “I may have yelled at Jared after he defended me. He shouldn’t be trying to make me like him. He’s the one who requested new partners. Now he’s working with Felicity Trent and I’m stuck with Dave. I knew liking someone like Jared was a terrible idea.” I frown. “It’s like I’m being tossed aside all over again because I’m plain.”

  “Stop. Jared requested to have a new partner?”

  I am growing frustrated. “Yes.”


  “I don’t know.”

  Chase scratches his head. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  I remain silent. It doesn’t matter. The deed is done. It’s times like this I wish I was more like Layla than like how I am. I don’t wear makeup. I don’t dress like my twin. We certainly don’t act the same. Layla’s all bubbly and happy to get to know people. Me? I’m happiest when I’m immersed in pages of a book. But these are all the things normal girls don’t do. They’re all the things that people like Mark and Selena find odd.

  I shrug. “I don’t know anymore. Just forget I said anything.”

  “All right, but I want you to know I think he’s being an idiot.”

  I smile. “Thanks, Chase. You’re really awesome, you know that?”

  He leans back in his seat. “I really am, aren’t I? For real though, don’t let this type of stuff change you. I don’t want to see you go back to the dark place you were in over winter break.”

  I cringe. That was a really bad side of me. I honestly don’t want to end up like that ever again. And this is why I need to stop thinking about boys like Jared Black.

  Just as we end our conversation the tardy bell chimes
. “Class today we are going to go over your papers on Romeo and Juliet. So please pull them out.”

  I slide mine out of my binder and take in the rest of the room. Most of my classmates are digging out their papers. Some are talking among each other. My eyes land on the empty seat where usually a tall dark haired muscled boy sits. I swear though as soon as I wonder how his hand is he strolls into the room.

  “Mr. Black,” she says as he walks over and hands over a yellow slip. His left hand is all bandaged up.

  “What happened? Did you burn him?” Chase whispers

  I scowl. “No. I didn’t do that. He has a new partner.”


  “Yeah, so forget about what I said the other day.”

  Chase frowns. “If that’s what you want.”

  I shrug. “Doesn’t really matter. I told you he hates me.”

  He doesn’t say anything. Mrs. Griffen comes around the room and collects our papers. My mood seems to worsen with each passing second. I shouldn’t care that his lab partner is some supermodel type girl. I shouldn’t care that he burnt his hand either. And I really shouldn’t care that he won’t even glance over at me. But I do. It’s like the more he seems to push me away, my heart aches and I don’t know why.

  “Juliet?” Chase asks again in a softer tone.

  There is a prickly sensation in my eyes as tears well up and threaten to spill. I sniffle. “Yeah, I’m better off without him.” The lies that keep coming out of me astound me.

  “Okay.” Chase knows. That tone of firmness means he can see past the BS I’m trying to feed him. His plan to help me win Jared over is invalid. What was I even thinking liking someone like him? Just another Mark in the making, different skin, same kind of person.

  After school, I head up to the indoor track where my soccer team is conditioning today. There are three routes to take to reach the indoor track. I take the one leading me past the weight room. I’m a glutton for punishment apparently.

  As I’m passing the room, Jared Black is heading toward me. “Hey,” he says.


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